Don’t stab me Bro

It's hilarious that So. Cali perps come here, commit a violent crime, then squeal like piglets when most have to meet bail to get out of jail when busted.
From the vigilante movies, I see that's how it needs to be done ---- fast, over and over. You can't just stab somebody once and then rear back! Need to keep fast stabbing so it slows them down.

And stops them.

Reminded me of the scenes in Breaking Bad where the motorcycle gang took out all
of Mike Ermantraut's guys in prison in 5 minutes.
If you don't want to get stabbed or shot, simply don't rob people.
It's hard to hate a guy who @ least tells the truth once in awhile

Now the dimrats are trying to ditch him... probably because he tells the truth once in awhile, truths they don't want out there...

Thanks for re-posting this.. lol
Yeah, it seriously slowed that guy down
Honestly, the point of self-defense with a knife is generally to injure your assailant so much that they have to go to the hospital. Hospitals are required to report such injuries to the police, who can then come arrest the stupid pin cushion and charge him with his crimes.
I'm expecting the family of the perp to file a law suite against the employee.
Their son was just out doing some reimagined shopping.

That would be even funnier, Meister, if there wasn't a large grain of probable truth in what you said!

I can see the lawsuit now: "Store Owner guilty of attempted homicide because he could have fled the scene just allowing the robbery or only stabbed 1-2 times instead of 6!"
Honestly, the point of self-defense with a knife is generally to injure your assailant so much that they have to go to the hospital.

Gee, I always thought the point to defending yourself with a knife was to stop your attacker to save your life any way you can and screw what happens to the perp!

You don't see cops shooting perps just enough to injure them that they need to go to the hospital do you? No, they'll likely aim for your head and chest and empty the whole gun into you.
I'd rather have to shoot someone than use a knife..

in any case, criminals apparnetly don't get it that even though prosecuters are not prosecuting them much anymore... uh... some ordinary citizens have their own version of Prosecution
I feel that the owner may have lost his cool because he was tired of perps thinking that Asians are easy targets.

Presumably those two nitwits will tell their friends not to assume that an Asian target will be a pushover.

Since the two perps were Caucasians, the media will not be very interested in the matter.

But if the two perps had been you-know-whom, the owner would be in big trouble! There would now be protests outside the business and a call for a boycott.
Gee, I always thought the point to defending yourself with a knife was to stop your attacker to save your life any way you can and screw what happens to the perp!
It depends. Knife wounds are not fatal in many cases. They’re less lethal than GSWa. Obviously your survival is a primary concern but if lethal force isn’t appropriate you need to at least make sure the perp faces the courts.
I feel that the owner may have lost his cool because he was tired of perps thinking that Asians are easy targets.

Presumably those two nitwits will tell their friends not to assume that an Asian target will be a pushover.

Since the two perps were Caucasians, the media will not be very interested in the matter.

But if the two perps had been you-know-whom, the owner would be in big trouble! There would now be protests outside the business and a call for a boycott.

In most cases you are correct, but in NYC with that bodega worker, it was the protests that got him out of being charged with murder. The people there are sick of being victims all the time and it's damn near impossible to get or use a gun in that commie state. So they held some small rallies for him to be released from prison.
I'd rather have to shoot someone than use a knife..

in any case, criminals apparnetly don't get it that even though prosecuters are not prosecuting them much anymore... uh... some ordinary citizens have their own version of Prosecution

Here there but not everywhere. Tucker was doing a report on Soros and stated he's responsible for about 75 prosecutors across the country getting their jobs, which means he's also responsible for God knows how many hundreds of American deaths. He should be ran out of the country.
Here there but not everywhere. Tucker was doing a report on Soros and stated he's responsible for about 75 prosecutors across the country getting their jobs, which means he's also responsible for God knows how many hundreds of American deaths. He should be ran out of the country.
Dimrats never have to be run out of anywhere. It's to the point of absolute absurdity... the lack of accountability

and no wonder the damn *&^$s are taking over. We could become communist if nothing is done.. (I mean More communist)
That’s why I fully believe in non-compliance with a broad selection of gun laws. It’s also why I believe in learning multiple alternate forms of self-defense and martial arts.

Agreed. When I was younger I studied martial arts for about five years. I made it to black belt and stopped after that. My teacher told me that if I get into a fight, don't even think of moves or anything like that, just fight like you always have and it will come out of you without thinking. By the time you hit black belt, you know about five ways to kill a person in under four moves, so I asked him what if one of those moves comes out of me? He said you tell the police you were attacked, you stopped your attacker, and went no further. This was before we adopted our CCW and they made laws more favorable for the victim.
Dimrats never have to be run out of anywhere. It's to the point of absolute absurdity... the lack of accountability

and no wonder the damn *&^$s are taking over. We could become communist if nothing is done.. (I mean More communist)

Under their leadership we already are. People often challenge me on that, but I tell people to go to the US Communist party website, and read their agenda. With a few exceptions, it sounds like the Democrat platforms. You'd think you're on an AOC website or something. In fact because I've been challenged so many times, I kept one of their links. When you have about five minutes to kill, read what the US Communist party is about and see how many differences you find between them and the Democrat party.


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