Don’t stab me Bro

Not really applicable in this case. Most states that don't have property protection laws allow you to use deadly force if you believe that you (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. Even if this joker is jumping over the counter screaming "I'm not going to hurt you, I just wanna steal some shit" are you going to believe him?

The clerk had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. His actions were justified by law.
Remember the bodega employee in New York City who was attacked by a black man because he refused to give his girlfriend a bag of chips. He was arrested for murder because he used a knife to kill the black guy who was attacking him . Fortunately that miscarriage of justice was quickly corrected.

Apparently much depends on where you live today. In many big blue cities it seems the law is more on the side of the bad guys and not the good guys.

In New York City it is hard to get a carry permit unless you are connected or rich.The SCOTUS ruling may make it a little easier but it will still likely be too expensive for the average bodega owner.

In Florida gun store owners and employees open carry and I remember a newspaper and magazine store where the owner carried a S&W Model 642 snub nosed .38 revolver in a belt holster.
Like I've said a billion times in other posts on guns..........

Take away the guns, people just gonna find another weapon of choice!!!

I prefer knives anyway.......silent and deadly, and readily concealable.
The Brits already DID find other ways...and they are better at it than anyone...yet keep demonizing Americans in the media.

I'll be never forget my Peruvian wife's accounts of two trips she took to Spain back in the '90s. Hanging out in the tourist areas and on the beaches, she noticed that the British tourists were the most psycho nutjobs of any stock by volume. No ethnicity would completely trash hotel rooms and beaches and try to start fights then people of British descent and leave a wake of terror behind them... Without a bullet being fired. Personally I am many of my fellow Americans carry our guns to vacation spots all the time and 99% of the time there are no fights and nobody gets shot. That's because an armed society is a polite society.
The game plan is to get rid of cops and people with guns. That makes us all victims. When that happens we will have big crime. And how do we fight big crime? The same way we fought big tobacco, big corporations, big pharma, and that's with a bigger government
That’s why I fully believe in non-compliance with a broad selection of gun laws. It’s also why I believe in learning multiple alternate forms of self-defense and martial arts.
Very true.

The bigger issue is that the leftists will never allow others to do it for themselves either. Not only do they want to be made themselves into easy victims; they want to make everyone else into easy marks as well.
I'm not too interested in what leftists will "allow" me to do.
Vegas is a Democrat City, but not today's brand of Dimm's, legal eagle wise.
Our D.A., Steve Wolfson, whom I worked with in the past and know, still believes in self-defense.
From the vigilante movies, I see that's how it needs to be done ---- fast, over and over. You can't just stab somebody once and then rear back! Need to keep fast stabbing so it slows them down.

And stops them.

Can you say human pin cushion? :laughing0301:
Remember the bodega employee in New York City who was attacked by a black man because he refused to give his girlfriend a bag of chips. He was arrested for murder because he used a knife to kill the black guy who was attacking him . Fortunately that miscarriage of justice was quickly corrected.

Apparently much depends on where you live today. In many big blue cities it seems the law is more on the side of the bad guys and not the good guys.

In New York City it is hard to get a carry permit unless you are connected or rich.The SCOTUS ruling may make it a little easier but it will still likely be too expensive for the average bodega owner.

In Florida gun store owners and employees open carry and I remember a newspaper and magazine store where the owner carried a S&W Model 642 snub nosed .38 revolver in a belt holster.
If Someone Sets His Pit Bulls Loose on the Neighborhood, Do You Blame the Pit Bulls?

Americans will continue to live in fear until thug-hugging lawmakers live in fear.
Vegas is a Democrat City, but not today's brand of Dimm's, legal eagle wise.
Our D.A., Steve Wolfson, whom I worked with in the past and know, still believes in self-defense.
The Casinos aren't going to allow anything that reduces their business. They aren't as powerful as when the mob owned and ran them, but they still have a lot of power in Vegas.
The obnoxious homeless don't approach me anymore outside when I go get in my car. Last time they tried that shit with "gimme some money, old woman", I smiled and reached into my purse. I think the smile is what made them run off. Good thing they didn't stick around to see what I was pulling out of my purse. I'll use hesitation.
You mean you didn't pull out your phone and call 911 and wait for the cops to arrive to give those thugs 'a good talking to?' LOL

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