Don't you dare tell me the right is patriotic!

Does OP think it's patriotic to destroy someones else's property?

Actually it's criminal....hence why they were charged and facing prison time
Yeah. Well, OP calls it dissent and pretends it's Constitutionally protected, so there! You dirty conservative!

I just asked our seven year old daughter what would happen if she was mad she didn't get her way and she broke something because of it, she told me she would get a time out. See a seven year old gets it
I wouldn't want to jail Trump protesters.
I would however love to chain them together and drag them behind a train.

Just think of all those libs, and all those railroad ties!!

"Clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunck, clunk, clunk............."
I wouldn't want to jail Trump protesters.
I would however love to chain them together and drag them behind a train.

Just think of all those libs, and all those railroad ties!!

"Clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunck, clunk, clunk............."
May your camel have saggy humps.
I just asked our seven year old daughter what would happen if she was mad she didn't get her way and she broke something because of it, she told me she would get a time out. See a seven year old gets it

Why on Gods green earth would you expect butthurt snowflakes to be as mature as a 7yo girl?
80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.
There is a big difference between free speech, decent and rioting, looting and burning shit to the ground.
80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.
Rioting and destruction of property is not a form of free speech.
Their ideas of what free speech is needs is wrong.

Blocking streets, smashing windows, torching cars, looting, arson, and beating people up are not examples of free speech.
They call it dissent. But had conservatives done that at Obama rallys, they would call for them to be locked up immediately and use them as examples of how "conservatives" behave as a whole.
The ever growing police state, dude.....under the Bushpuppet we had "free speech zones". We have been doing the "totalitarian tip toe" since the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933. Look at what has been done to the Bundy family and the others that were standing up for the Hammond family. Slowly but surely, America is turning into what the U.S.S.R was.
Al Bundy's family?

In all seriousness dude, I agree with you.
They destroyed property when that happened they crossed a line. Say what you want...but in a peaceful manner
Does that deserve 80 years in prison?

How about the Oath Keepers? Or the 3-percenters? Or the Proud Boys? Should they go to prison for 80 years?

Should you go to prison for 80 years over what you did at Berkley?
They destroyed property when that happened they crossed a line. Say what you want...but in a peaceful manner
Does that deserve 80 years in prison?

How about the Oath Keepers? Or the 3-percenters? Or the Proud Boys? Should they go to prison for 80 years?

Should you go to prison for 80 years over what you did at Berkley?

I've never been to Berkley you unsufferable loon. Nobody is going to get 80 years, they'll plea and get at most a year if that. But that felony conviction is a burn
It states they could be facing decades in prison not that they will be get back to us if someone is actually sentenced to decades in prison over this. In the meantime you might consider dialing the theatrics down from 10 to 2.
Who says?
Says the lawsuit against the MPD.

Protesters File Lawsuit Against D.C. Police After Inauguration Day Arrests

The lawsuit stems from arrests that occurred at 12th and L Street NW, where officers "kettled" a group of protesters, a crowd control tactic in which officers surround people and prevent or curtail their exit around 10:30 a.m.

The lawsuit alleges that police then "indiscriminately and repeatedly" used chemical irritants, batons, and flash-bang grenades against the people inside the kettle, which included "members of the media, attorneys, legal observers, and medics," as well as protesters who did not destroy any private property.


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