Dorian Johnson Recants? Says that Brown Attacked Officer Wilson?

If this is true, how does Officer Wilson get his reputation back now that he has been Zimmermanned?

How does he get protection from leftwing liars that want him to be guilty so badly that they will pursue this man and harass him now till the day he dies?

Well his career as a cop is over. He'll never be able to patrol a street again.

Meaning.......unjust media defamation has caused him harm in his ability to earn a living. Textbook definition of the civil suit wording.

This man will go on speaking tours for all the rationale, calm conservative networks who have been fair to him. He'll sue the living shit out of media who smeared him. He'll get a book deal.

This heroic police officer will be a millionaire in 4 years. Meanwhile the racist looters will still be committing crimes.
Why do you simply assume a warm environment instead of a cold one? White skin allows for the sun to warm the person more efficiently in a cold environment, while a warm environment needs to shed warmth. Along with white skin also comes a higher fat retention to make whites more survivable in cold environs.

So why are you such a racist? Unless you can rid the planet of cold regions we will never see an end to 'white' people.

Isn't racism. It's fact. Google 'Americans in 50 years' I dare you. I triple dog dare you. :) That's just 50 years from now, projected a few centuries, bye-bye whitey.
Hands up dont shoot!!

They all kept their hands up....until it was time to loot the liquor store.

"Hands....full of stolen liquor, dont shoot!"
Isn't racism. It's fact. Google 'Americans in 50 years' I dare you. I triple dog dare you. :) That's just 50 years from now, projected a few centuries, bye-bye whitey.

Lol, I have studied demographics for yeas, and all those 'facts' you think you've got are merely static projections that assume nothing changes in projection.

Also, they assume that somehow Hispanics stopped being white because they speak Spanish, but no one has every explained how that works to me.

And even if all whites disappeared from the planet over night, within a few thousand years they would be back as simple genetic variation, like red hair. Red hair is not going to disappear either, dude.
There is no evidence of that.
The "hiccup" you refer to accomplished more in the past couple hundred years than all the world combined throughout time.
.whites are more advanced and therefore superior negroes..See what I did there?

Yeah, you took the bait and got into a pointless racial pissing contest with a self hating white.

Wow, that sure accomplished a lot.

Well, the people who made it a public account in the first place need to also publicize his recanting, IF he actually has recanted.

All said and done, I think this whole mess has shown who presumes what about who.

I have a scary confession; I actually caught myself saying that the press needs to be 'forced' to fix the shit they caused, then I slapped myself... I do, however, hope that the press reconsiders their morals a bit :/
Look at any iq test or test at all like the ACT. You will find Negro's always on the bottom....

This is something you can't disprove.
Just heard it on the radio now, not confirmed yet but Fox News states the source is "very reliable"....the officer was "severely beaten" and only semi-conscious when taken to the E.R.

There is no evidence of that.

The "hiccup" you refer to accomplished more in the past couple hundred years than all the world combined throughout time.

whites are more advanced and therefore superior negroes..See what I did there?
OMG..does this new format have an ignore function?
Humans started off black
Prove can't, of one can..but have your fantasy.

and despite the hiccup of white poeple in the middle of our evolution we'll all be black eventually.

That "hiccup" advanced civilization more in the past couple of hundred years than the combined efforts of the entire world previously.

Black skin is more UV resistant thus superior to pale skin.
False conclusion.

As ethnicities intermarry and have kids, the fact that most of the world is non-white will ensure whites go extinct.
It hasn't happened in the last 10,000 won't happen in the next 10,000.
White people are just as proud of their accomplishments, culture and people as every other race...The race that discovered electricity, invented the automobile, airplane, computer (and just about everything you can see in your house and in your city), went to the moon will be just fine.
Eventually aware whites will self segregate and partition an area (and enforce it) to get away from jealous, violent, envious minorities so we can live and raise our families in peace.

And good riddance.

I sincerely, deeply, hope you get a chance to experience some "diversity" and "multiculturalism" up close and personal sometime soon in your life...Like ..say..Channon Christian and her boyfriend did...

The "protected class" won't care when you say "I'm not a racist!" "I voted for obama" and "WHYYYYY?"as you're on your knees pleading for your life before they slit your throat.
Be very careful what you wish for..
Just heard it on the radio now, not confirmed yet but Fox News states the source is "very reliable"....the officer was "severely beaten" and only semi-conscious when taken to the E.R.


Because to our racist black leadership getting whitey and rubbing our noses in shit is more important. Justice doesn't matter to them.
There is no evidence of that.
The "hiccup" you refer to accomplished more in the past couple hundred years than all the world combined throughout time.
.whites are more advanced and therefore superior negroes..See what I did there?

Yeah, you took the bait and got into a pointless racial pissing contest with a self hating white.

Wow, that sure accomplished a lot.

I accidentally posted before I was finished editing...get over yourself, son.
There is no evidence of that.

The "hiccup" you refer to accomplished more in the past couple hundred years than all the world combined throughout time.

whites are more advanced and therefore superior negroes..See what I did there?
OMG..does this new format have an ignore function?

"OMG"..what an intelligent, incisive and well thought out reply....:rolleyes:

I hope you're able to figure it out, since you apparently don't have anything to say anyway.
If in fact this ends up being true, that the officer was severely beaten by Brown and therefore shots were fired in self defense as Brown turned to charge at him after beating him once already -- will this change the lefts mind whatsoever? Will blacks recant their violence and assumed guilt of officer??

If in fact this ends up being true, that the officer was severely beaten by Brown and therefore shots were fired in self defense as Brown turned to charge at him after beating him once already -- will this change the lefts mind whatsoever? Will blacks recant their violence and assumed guilt of officer??


They don't believe in civilization if this is the case. You can't justify such destruction of businesses and lies from the media. You're going to end up destroying civilization doing that.
If this is true, how does Officer Wilson get his reputation back now that he has been Zimmermanned?

How does he get protection from leftwing liars that want him to be guilty so badly that they will pursue this man and harass him now till the day he dies?

Is some stuff online about text messages between the officer and nurse friend where the nurse says of the officer, " would have better if they [the police] had more training in non-lethal weapons. He could have just tasered Brown, he'd have gotten six months and gotten his act together and they'd both go on with their lives. But now both their lives are over." Paraphrasing but it's pretty close.
Is some stuff online about text messages between the officer and nurse friend where the nurse says of the officer, " would have better if they [the police] had more training in non-lethal weapons. He could have just tasered Brown, he'd have gotten six months and gotten his act together and they'd both go on with their lives. But now both their lives are over." Paraphrasing but it's pretty close.

That'd be an interesting twist, though honestly I don't particularly see anyone who got their face beat in then got charged by the same person would be saying they wish they'd had a taser instead...

IF that isn't a flat out hoax though, the media will jump all over that shit because it'll forward their attempts to deflect the case from it's original 'racism' focus to the new focus of 'militarization of the police' and drag the story on even if Brown's guilty of rushing Wilson.
The damage this is causing race relations in our country will last for generations and that is the worst long term damage here.

That's the goal, Jim.

The deeper the damage, the better the political advantage.



Funny, I thought what was causing damage was shooting young, unarmed black men in the street with no consequences.

that's what I thought was causing damage.
If in fact this ends up being true, that the officer was severely beaten by Brown and therefore shots were fired in self defense as Brown turned to charge at him after beating him once already -- will this change the lefts mind whatsoever? Will blacks recant their violence and assumed guilt of officer??

Is some stuff online about text messages between the officer and nurse friend where the nurse says of the officer, " would have better if they [the police] had more training in non-lethal weapons. He could have just tasered Brown, he'd have gotten six months and gotten his act together and they'd both go on with their lives. But now both their lives are over." Paraphrasing but it's pretty close.

That'd be an interesting twist, though honestly I don't particularly see anyone who got their face beat in then got charged by the same person would be saying they wish they'd had a taser instead...

No shit....a 300 lb. man who just beat me up. I am semi-conscious, and he charges at me...let's see, gun or taser...gun or...
I doubted the "he had his hands up" and "he was shot in the back" stories from the get go.

An eye witness does not have to tell the truth. Once the "hands up" story was germinated, it was likely parroted by other "eye witnesses" with no ethical inclination to tell the truth and a racial reason to lie.

Birds of a feather!

..and that stupid Governor! How inept can a man be? A man who was State Attorney General for years, finally made it to the Governor's chair...and he can't promote a fair and thorough investigation before pronouncing what the grand jury should say?

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