Dorms must accept emotional support dogs

But the problem is, and I have seen it first hand, people claim their animals are support animals to get out of paying the surcharge and the dogs have fleas, the cats spray (Males, not fixed), and let them crap anywhere they want.

Yet, as a business owner, I have no options available to me. I can't even ask to see the paperwork saying that the animal is a service pet. That not only can get me sued by the customer, but by the Government also.

Whether a support dog or not is can have fleas, void anywhere etc that is the responsibility of the owner, agency who issues the dog or the caretaker of the animal.

And as the business owner, I am stuck with the expense of taking care of the flea problem after they leave and it is illegal, per the ADA, for me to go after them for the charges.

You assert that people claim these are support animals. My position is it does not matter whether they are or not support animals they may have fleas etc. As far as voiding I am unaware of any law which would allow for these people to let their animals "go" duty free, without an administrative and /or criminal penalty.
I have a real hard-on for the ADA.

The past 6 years the business I work at has spent over $28,000 to keep up with ADA requirements.

We will never recoup that money. $10k of that was on a piece of equipment that has to sit out in the elements year around and has yet to be used even once .
Whether a support dog or not is can have fleas, void anywhere etc that is the responsibility of the owner, agency who issues the dog or the caretaker of the animal.

And as the business owner, I am stuck with the expense of taking care of the flea problem after they leave and it is illegal, per the ADA, for me to go after them for the charges.

You assert that people claim these are support animals. My position is it does not matter whether they are or not support animals they may have fleas etc. As far as voiding I am unaware of any law which would allow for these people to let their animals "go" duty free, without an administrative and /or criminal penalty.

Commonly Asked Questions About Service Animals in Places of Business
And as the business owner, I am stuck with the expense of taking care of the flea problem after they leave and it is illegal, per the ADA, for me to go after them for the charges.

You assert that people claim these are support animals. My position is it does not matter whether they are or not support animals they may have fleas etc. As far as voiding I am unaware of any law which would allow for these people to let their animals "go" duty free, without an administrative and /or criminal penalty.

Commonly Asked Questions About Service Animals in Places of Business

From your link...."However, a public accommodation may charge its customers with disabilities if a service animal causes damage so long as it is the regular practice of the entity to charge non-disabled customers for the same types of damages."
You know it wont be long till students start arguing for service weed plants. I personally feel that my workplace should allow my service Budweiser.
Personally, I think it should be up to the store owner on rather animals can come in or not. I used to live down the street of a used bookstore. The bookstore had a couple of the owners cats sleeping on the bookshelves. I loved it. Great ambiance.
You assert that people claim these are support animals. My position is it does not matter whether they are or not support animals they may have fleas etc. As far as voiding I am unaware of any law which would allow for these people to let their animals "go" duty free, without an administrative and /or criminal penalty.

Commonly Asked Questions About Service Animals in Places of Business

From your link...."However, a public accommodation may charge its customers with disabilities if a service animal causes damage so long as it is the regular practice of the entity to charge non-disabled customers for the same types of damages."

Tried that once.

Got a letter back from the lawyers demanding proof her dogs had fleas when they checked in.

How do you do that?

You can't.

Only if they actually destroy property in the room can you charge them.

From your link...."However, a public accommodation may charge its customers with disabilities if a service animal causes damage so long as it is the regular practice of the entity to charge non-disabled customers for the same types of damages."

Tried that once.

Got a letter back from the lawyers demanding proof her dogs had fleas when they checked in.

How do you do that?

You can't.

Only if they actually destroy property in the room can you charge them.

When I travel with a dog, some places I stay at require a pet deposit which presumably covers the cost. Other places have rooms set aside for people with pets which presumably get fumigated periodically. Can't be any worse than having to put up with smokers.

From your link...."However, a public accommodation may charge its customers with disabilities if a service animal causes damage so long as it is the regular practice of the entity to charge non-disabled customers for the same types of damages."

Tried that once.

Got a letter back from the lawyers demanding proof her dogs had fleas when they checked in.

How do you do that?

You can't.

Only if they actually destroy property in the room can you charge them.

Because you could not prove your case does not mean that you cannot recoup costs for damages that you can prove.
From your link...."However, a public accommodation may charge its customers with disabilities if a service animal causes damage so long as it is the regular practice of the entity to charge non-disabled customers for the same types of damages."

Tried that once.

Got a letter back from the lawyers demanding proof her dogs had fleas when they checked in.

How do you do that?

You can't.

Only if they actually destroy property in the room can you charge them.

Because you could not prove your case does not mean that you cannot recoup costs for damages that you can prove.

Please explain, in detail, EXACTLY how he can prove that the flea infestation came from a "service" dog. Be specific.
Tried that once.

Got a letter back from the lawyers demanding proof her dogs had fleas when they checked in.

How do you do that?

You can't.

Only if they actually destroy property in the room can you charge them.

Because you could not prove your case does not mean that you cannot recoup costs for damages that you can prove.

Please explain, in detail, EXACTLY how he can prove that the flea infestation came from a "service" dog. Be specific.


I can prove that furniture was broken or chewed up, but I can't prove bugs.
From your link...."However, a public accommodation may charge its customers with disabilities if a service animal causes damage so long as it is the regular practice of the entity to charge non-disabled customers for the same types of damages."

Tried that once.

Got a letter back from the lawyers demanding proof her dogs had fleas when they checked in.

How do you do that?

You can't.

Only if they actually destroy property in the room can you charge them.

When I travel with a dog, some places I stay at require a pet deposit which presumably covers the cost. Other places have rooms set aside for people with pets which presumably get fumigated periodically. Can't be any worse than having to put up with smokers.

No smoking in dorms.

Fleas are almost impossible to get rid of if you don't do the entire building, and then do it again some weeks later.
So you just have to charge the pet owners more because there are more costs associated with the animals.

I'm sure that is illegal, too.

You're screwed.
I hate to even think of it but how long will it be before the nurturing Obama administration allows recruits to bring dogs to Military boot camp for emotional support? Maybe Mommy can come along too.
what saddens me about this is, true canine helper dogs are truly helpers and some people cannot live without them. they are professionally trained dogs, undergoing rigorous tests to be allowed to be a canine companion.

now...i am skeptical of emotional companion pets...that said, what if these actually companions help people like non emotional companion pets, usually dogs do?

the problem i see is that it opens the door to virtually any pet for any reason. if you are blind, can't walk etc...that is objective and an easily verified reason. however, emotional reasons? such as what? freshmanitis?

i can see it now...well, i need an "pet" alligator" to keep me calm and friendly and not scared of social interaction. EXTRA: "pet" alligator kills freshman.....

can we agree that a line must be drawn?
I hate to even think of it but how long will it be before the nurturing Obama administration allows recruits to bring dogs to Military boot camp for emotional support? Maybe Mommy can come along too.

First they have to make marrying their mommies legal.
Tried that once.

Got a letter back from the lawyers demanding proof her dogs had fleas when they checked in.

How do you do that?

You can't.

Only if they actually destroy property in the room can you charge them.

When I travel with a dog, some places I stay at require a pet deposit which presumably covers the cost. Other places have rooms set aside for people with pets which presumably get fumigated periodically. Can't be any worse than having to put up with smokers.

No smoking in dorms.

Fleas are almost impossible to get rid of if you don't do the entire building, and then do it again some weeks later.

I was speaking generically - not thinking of dorms in particular. Actually - students+dogs+dorms is not a good combo. Many times students are not that mature or responsible (especially freshmen) - dogs do damage - get neglected - and cause problems.
I'm thinking along the same lines. Kids who need emotional support dogs are probably disabled or have enough issues that they would probably be housed in their own private digs anyway, one way or another.

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