Dossier, Dossier, Dossier

The Steele Dossier claims Putin has compromising information on Trump

Seems right to me
...and still no Russian connection

What? How about that rusisian meeting . You know “about adoption”.
The Clintons were in bed with the Russians from the start...
Quit falling down the well

You avoided my question about that Russian meeting .

Did it not happen? Was it about “adoption” as team trump claimed?
The Steele Dossier claims Putin has compromising information on Trump

Seems right to me
i'll wait for proof. speculation is fine and all but not when you then move your "speculation" to fact and make judgements around it.

How else can one explain Trump refusing to criticize Putin and cowering before him in Helsinki ?
How do you explain his defending Putin’s claims over our own intelligence?
How is it that Trump can ravage our allies while he has nothing but praise for Putin

It appears the Steele Dossier is spot on
The Steele Dossier claims Putin has compromising information on Trump

Seems right to me
...and still no Russian connection

What? How about that rusisian meeting . You know “about adoption”.
The Clintons were in bed with the Russians from the start...
Quit falling down the well

You avoided my question about that Russian meeting .

Did it not happen? Was it about “adoption” as team trump claimed?
Manafort will tell us what was really said
The Steele Dossier claims Putin has compromising information on Trump

Seems right to me
...and still no Russian connection

What? How about that rusisian meeting . You know “about adoption”.
The Clintons were in bed with the Russians from the start...
Quit falling down the well

You avoided my question about that Russian meeting .

Did it not happen? Was it about “adoption” as team trump claimed?
A nothing burger
The Steele Dossier claims Putin has compromising information on Trump

Seems right to me
...and still no Russian connection

What? How about that rusisian meeting . You know “about adoption”.
The Clintons were in bed with the Russians from the start...
Quit falling down the well

You avoided my question about that Russian meeting .

Did it not happen? Was it about “adoption” as team trump claimed?
A nothing burger

Still avoiding the question .

If it’s “nothing “ why did the Trumps continue to lie and change the story ?

Let me guess : “fake news”.
The FISA warrant consisted of more evidence than the dossier .

Have Trump release the whole thing if it’s all just lies !

Was there any FISA warrant without the dossier?



Quit bitching about the fisa process that conservatives have defended/ expanded since 911.

Y’all didn’t mind the rubber stamp warrants when it was targeting brown people .

Got you to change the subject that fast.....'ve never been much of a challenge.
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A. We know that the Carter Page wasn't the basis of the FISA warrant. Parts of it were merely supporting evidence.

B. The investigation began well fore this NOT because of anything in the Dossier

C. Claiming that Putin favors Clinton is just batshit crazy. He HATES Clinton and has stated his support and preference for Trump.

D. Investigating something does not in any way mean you are in collusion with that thing. Was the FBI in collusion with Gotti when they used informants in their investigation to bring him down? That's fucking stupid

Gads, you're a moron.

"After 18 months of steely-eyed investigation, the only parts of the dossier that have been "confirmed" are bland factual statements -- Moscow is a city in Russia -- while the untrue parts are anything having to do with Trump or his associates.

As New York Times national security reporter Matthew Rosenberg explained to MSNBC's easily excited Chris Hayes last March:

"Both journalists and others who had copies of it for a long time have not been able to report much of it out. We've heard that, you know, the FBI and the Intelligence Community believe about 30 percent of it may be accurate, but most of that 30 percent, if not all, has been non-Trump stuff."
February 7, 2018 - CARTER PAGE: AGENT 000
A. We know that the Carter Page wasn't the basis of the FISA warrant. Parts of it were merely supporting evidence.

B. The investigation began well fore this NOT because of anything in the Dossier

C. Claiming that Putin favors Clinton is just batshit crazy. He HATES Clinton and has stated his support and preference for Trump.

D. Investigating something does not in any way mean you are in collusion with that thing. Was the FBI in collusion with Gotti when they used informants in their investigation to bring him down? That's fucking stupid

"Investigating something does not in any way mean you are in collusion with that thing. Was the FBI in collusion with Gotti when they used informants in their investigation to bring him down? That's fucking stupid"

Which Of These Is Your Favorite FBI Moment?

a. Shooting dead a dog, a 14-year-old boy, and a woman holding her baby at Ruby Ridge?

b. Incinerating more than eighty men, women and children to death in Waco, Texas?

c. Blowing off a Phoenix agent’s warning about a lot of Muslims taking flight lessons two months before the 9/11 attacks?

d. Announcing that Hillary had done nothing wrong, before completing the investigation?

e. Clearing terrorist Omar Mateen shortly before he slaughtered fifty people at an Orlando nightclub?

f. Refusing to follow up on repeated warning about Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz?

g. The FBI bogus investigation and indictment of Republican Senator Ted Stevens, costing him the election….charges then thrown out because the FBI agents conspired to withhold and conceal evidence that could have resulted in a verdict of "not guilty.

h. The anthrax case, where the FBI obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill, hounding him for six years, finding zero evidence. “Mueller made his position known, saying, “I do not apologize for any aspect of this investigation,” and stated that the FBI had made no mistakes.” Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

Clean up your language....try to sound like an adult.
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This is the bottom line:
If Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

This is what Trump did:

bombed Russians in Syria killing hundreds
enforced the red line in Syria
Signed $700 billion in DoD funding to rebuild our military in 2018, the largest amount in history.
increased US cyber and space capabilities
NATO Member Poland Agrees to Buy and Deploy the U.S. Patriot Missile Defense System
Called out the Russian government for its malicious cyber activity targeting U.S. critical infrastructure, including failed attempts on the energy sector.
Proposed Patriot Act change that prohibits Latvia’s ABLV bank, which launders illicit Russian funds, from opening or maintaining accounts in the US.
Announced Russia Magnitsky Sanctions and Global Magnitsky Sanctions respectively.
Imposed export controls against two Russian companies that were helping Russia to develop missiles that violate the INF Treaty.
In response to Russia’s occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine, the Trump Administration sanctioned 100 targets
Continues to take a direct approach to confront Russia where it threatens our institutions, our interests, or our allies.
Imposed sanctions against 16 Russian entities and individuals that were previously indicted for their roles in Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Imposed sanctions against two Russian intelligence agencies and six senior Russian intelligence officials for their significant efforts to undermine U.S. cyber security.
New National Security Strategy makes clear that Russian actions threaten the security of the US and our allies, and outlines steps to stop Russia’s malign interference.
Increased funding for the European Deterrence Initiative, billions to increase U.S. troop readiness in Europe, deter Russian aggression, and help defend our NATO allies.
Enhanced its support for Ukraine’s Armed Forces to help Ukraine improve its ability to defend itself.
Working to pressure Russia back into compliance with the INF Treaty to ensure that Russia does not gain strategic advantage from its treaty violations.
Announced the closure of a Russian consulate and two diplomatic annexes in response to Russia’s cutting of the number of U.S. diplomatic personnel in Russia.
Attributed the worldwide NotPetya cyber-attack to the Russian military.
Banned the use of Kaspersky Labs software on U.S. government computers due to Kaspersky ties to Russian intelligence.
Charged three Russians, including two officers of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), with criminal charges for the 2014 Yahoo hack.
Maintained the closure of two Russian compounds and the expulsion of 35 diplomats in response to Russian interference in the 2016 election.

This is what the dems and Hillary did:
Created the Trump dossier to defeat Trump, and paid Russians millions. That has to be called conspiracy & collusion, if not treason.
Sold Russia 20% of US uranium via the UraniumOne scam, Hillary pocketed $145,000,000 in her foundation for that treason
Let Russia have Crimea
Let Russia invade and keep eastern Ukraine
Let Russia keep Syria, while targeting the civilian population creating a migrant crisis in the EU
Let Russia make new gas pipeline to Germany while the US pays to protect Germany from Russia????
Used the intel agencies spy on the Trump campaign, setup the Russia collusion witchhunt, AND the special counsel to create havoc in the US
Let the US defenses deteriorate due to lack of adequate funding

That "Putin supported Trump instead of Hillary" is blatant bullsh!t.
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...and still no Russian connection

What? How about that rusisian meeting . You know “about adoption”.
The Clintons were in bed with the Russians from the start...
Quit falling down the well

You avoided my question about that Russian meeting .

Did it not happen? Was it about “adoption” as team trump claimed?
A nothing burger

Still avoiding the question .

If it’s “nothing “ why did the Trumps continue to lie and change the story ?

Let me guess : “fake news”.

Can you find any connection to Hillary's defeat?


Crooked Hillary prepared all her life to be president. Trump didnt prepare for 1 second. and yet they accuse him of masterminding such a thing
If there is nothing to the claims against Trump

Why won’t he testify under oath?
Trump doens't need to testify. He's innocent until PROVEN guilty. Look what Flynn and Papadopulus got for testifying. Perjury traps.

A better question is why didn't the FBI make Hillary testify for her illegal server, her destroying evidence, her paying for the Trump dossier, and the UraniumOne scam?
Trump = Roadrunner
Dems = Coyote

Does any one on the right understand how an investigation works?

If something can already be proven it doesn't need to be investigated.

Also... the Mueller investigation is not exclusively about collusion. The main focus is on Russian interference in the election. If collusion is a part of that, then it will be investigated.

so, Woodward is simultaneously a slanderous liar and a reliable source at the same time? Woodward wasnt in a position to see that.
Woodward isn't a prosecutor, and doesn't have subpoena power, search warrants, or the ability to extract plea deals.

legal insurrection is far right with mixed record on factual reporting.
Manafort is going to squeal.
same question is for you against woodward.
The Trump Dossier:

1. One of TWO reports submitted to the FBI by Hillary Clinton / Hillary Clinton donors/supporters. (The 2nd was SO UNBELIEVABLE that the FBI reportedly rejected it completely.)

2. An UN-verified authored by Russians and obtained from a foreign spy - Steele - through a company working for the Russians at which the wife of a key player, DOJ employee Oher, worked.

- Author of the Dossier: Believed to be a Russian Oligarch, a friend of Robert Mueller

- Foreign Spy: Steele. It was revealed that Steele was working with the FBI. When 'outed' the FBI 'Fired' Steele publicly but continued to work with him privately through a 'middleman'.

- DOJ Employee Oher: The 'middleman'. His explosive testimony under oath before Congress revealed he and Steele had been communicating with Mueller IN EARLY 2016, before Mueller had even been appointed Special Counsel.

- Oher's Wife: A 'Russian Specialist' working for Fusion GPS who was working for the Russians. (The Russians were a client.)

3. The Dossier was the basis for the Intel Community Report (ICR) and Intel Community Assessment (ICA), 2 documents who were the products of a collaboration between CIA Director John Brennan, NIA Director James Clapper, and notoriously disgraced FBI agent Strzok.

Evidence revealed shows Strzok, who seems to be at the center of every questionable / criminal conspiratorial act, worked with Brennan to author the ICR based off of the Dossier. The ICR was then sent to Clapper who sent it out (deceitfully as LEGITIMATE INTEL instead of the un-verified Russian-authored propaganda that it was) to a very few controlled number of hand-picked Intel Agency reps in order to control the narrative and get the exact response they wanted. Once they got that response back, Strzok then authored the ICA - based on the Dossier and the 'fixed' response they got back. Brennan, official records show, then briefed the ICA - again, based on the Dossier - to members of Congress (once again) as Legitimate Intel (instead of the un-verified Russian-authored propaganda that it was) in order to convince / trick Congress into appointing a Special Counsel...which would eventually be Mueller, who was sitting back waiting to be appointed while already working with the foreign spy / FBI (Steele) & the DOJ (Oher) on the Dossier.

*** Brennan would later be caught committing Felony Perjury - AGAIN - by lying to Congress under oath, claiming he knew nothing about the Dossier. He was presented with the evidence he was lying. (The DOJ (Rosenstein), of course, has REFUSED to INDICT Brenna for Perjury. The DOJ (Rosenstein), of course, has still REFUSED to indict former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for his crimes the US IG uncovered and submitted in their report. (Had the US IG prosecutorial powers, McCabe would already be in jail.)

4. Conspiracy Proven / Confirmed: Hillary Clinton, as evidence shows, reached out to - colluded with and paid - foreign spies and Russians for help to won the 2016 election in the form of an un-verified / debunked Russian-authored report, and this report was ILLEGALLY used by no less than 3 of President Barak Obama's Cabinet Members / Top Agencies.

The DOJ (Deputy DOJ Director Rosenstein) and the FBI (FBI Director Comey, Deputy FBI Director McCabe, and FBI Agent / Counter-Intelligence Specialist Peter Strzok) colluded together and intentionally acted to deceive the FISA Court by using the Dossier as legitimate evidence while hiding key pieces of information from the FISA Court Judges in order to illegally obtain warrants to spy on GOP Presidential candidate Trump and his team.
*** It is documented History that former FBI Director / Special Counsel Mueller withheld key information proving a defendant he was attempting to convict on terrorism charges that proved his innocence. The man was found guilty and went to jail for years before evidence came to light of his innocence, and he was released. What Mueller did was made public, and even after it was revealed that Mueller viciously, unethically, and immorally - if nor criminally - wrongly sent this man to jail for years when it was evident he was innocent, Mueller arrogantly and falsely still declared the man COULD have been involved when he damn-well knew the man was innocent. Withholding key information to illegally get what they want seems to be a standard operating procedure for Mueller and his pupil Comey.

The CIA, NIA, and FBI - as evidence shows - all worked together using the Dossier as the basis for both the ICR and the ICA that were the linchpin of the entire case for getting the warrants to illegally spy on Trump and his team but also to get their hand-picked political assassin Mueller appointed as Special Counsel!

ALL of it was based on the Dossier they all worked together to craft and 'sell' as Legitimate Intel, which they knew it was NOT!

Illegally obtaining a warrant
Violations of both Constitution and Law for illegally spying on US citizens

Supported by actual evidence
Contempt of Court (or worse) for lying to the FISA Courts

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