Dossier Update

The latest update on the is still just a


It is? Are you sure you don't mean the Nunes memo because the Steele Field Notes are anything but a "nothing burger".

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

The latest update on the is still just a


Actually.....that's a lie.

Here are 17 'somethings.'

And every one is a fact, a nail in your coffin.

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier: they used law firm Perkins Coie to funnel money to GPS Fusion and Christopher Steele

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s laptop….so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBI….but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the election….an ‘insurance policy’

9. Loretta Lynch with Comey’s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillary’s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTW…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. The FBI offered to pay Christopher Steele if he could corroborate the dossier….so he told Yahoo New’s Michael Isikoff about the dossier, had him print the information….then told the FBI that Isikoff independently discovered the “facts”…

Steele admitted, in a British court, that he leaked the material to Yahoo. September 23 Yahoo ran the story.

The FBI took the Isikoff Yahoo story to the FISA court to get the warrant….then fired Steele for sharing it with news outlets.:

13. After the FBI fired Steele, he continued to confer with Bruce Ohr and the DoJ…and Rod Rosestein and Sally Yates.

In September of 2016, this was Steele’s statement to Bruce Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

14. Fired by the FBI as untrustworthy, Steele is maintained by the DoJ as a contact, and all the while, Bruce Ohr’s wife is drawing a salary from the group Hillary hired to produce the dossier….GPS Fusion.

Bruce Ohr’s wife’s connections to Hillary’s paid dossier-producers, GPS Fusion, was never disclosed to the FISA court.

15. Not Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, nor the DNC, nor Christopher Steel, nor Fusion GPS, nor Bruce Ohr’s wife, the roles of none of these participants in the creation of the dossier….not a one was revealed to the FISA court.

16. Let’s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given above…..

…and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlin….

…completely different treatment.

17. And all of the players in on the fix were demanding the Memo not be released….and lied about why it should not be released.
The latest update on the is still just a


It is? Are you sure you don't mean the Nunes memo because the Steele Field Notes are anything but a "nothing burger".

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Here are 17 'somethings.'

And every one is a fact, a nail in your coffin.

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier: they used law firm Perkins Coie to funnel money to GPS Fusion and Christopher Steele

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s laptop….so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBI….but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the election….an ‘insurance policy’

9. Loretta Lynch with Comey’s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillary’s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTW…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. The FBI offered to pay Christopher Steele if he could corroborate the dossier….so he told Yahoo New’s Michael Isikoff about the dossier, had him print the information….then told the FBI that Isikoff independently discovered the “facts”…

Steele admitted, in a British court, that he leaked the material to Yahoo. September 23 Yahoo ran the story.

The FBI took the Isikoff Yahoo story to the FISA court to get the warrant….then fired Steele for sharing it with news outlets.:

13. After the FBI fired Steele, he continued to confer with Bruce Ohr and the DoJ…and Rod Rosestein and Sally Yates.

In September of 2016, this was Steele’s statement to Bruce Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

14. Fired by the FBI as untrustworthy, Steele is maintained by the DoJ as a contact, and all the while, Bruce Ohr’s wife is drawing a salary from the group Hillary hired to produce the dossier….GPS Fusion.

Bruce Ohr’s wife’s connections to Hillary’s paid dossier-producers, GPS Fusion, was never disclosed to the FISA court.

15. Not Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, nor the DNC, nor Christopher Steel, nor Fusion GPS, nor Bruce Ohr’s wife, the roles of none of these participants in the creation of the dossier….not a one was revealed to the FISA court.

16. Let’s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given above…..

…and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlin….

…completely different treatment.

17. And all of the players in on the fix were demanding the Memo not be released….and lied about why it should not be released.
Might I suggest you finish your GED and take a language arts course in the process. In that you might learn the difference between "fact" and "opinion".
Might I suggest you finish your GED and take a language arts course in the process. In that you might learn the difference between "fact" and "opinion".

1. "I suggest you finish your GED..."
Any time you're ready to compare educational resumes, step right up.

You won't be pleased.

2."....difference between "fact" and "opinion"..."

And, your lack of ability to dispute any of these?

Marks you as either a liar or a dunce. Which is it?

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier: they used law firm Perkins Coie to funnel money to GPS Fusion and Christopher Steele

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s laptop….so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBI….but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the election….an ‘insurance policy’

9. Loretta Lynch with Comey’s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillary’s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTW…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. The FBI offered to pay Christopher Steele if he could corroborate the dossier….so he told Yahoo New’s Michael Isikoff about the dossier, had him print the information….then told the FBI that Isikoff independently discovered the “facts”…

Steele admitted, in a British court, that he leaked the material to Yahoo. September 23 Yahoo ran the story.

The FBI took the Isikoff Yahoo story to the FISA court to get the warrant….then fired Steele for sharing it with news outlets.:

13. After the FBI fired Steele, he continued to confer with Bruce Ohr and the DoJ…and Rod Rosestein and Sally Yates.

In September of 2016, this was Steele’s statement to Bruce Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trumpnot get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

14. Fired by the FBI as untrustworthy, Steele is maintained by the DoJ as a contact, and all the while, Bruce Ohr’s wife is drawing a salary from the group Hillary hired to produce the dossier….GPS Fusion.

Bruce Ohr’s wife’s connections to Hillary’s paid dossier-producers, GPS Fusion, was never disclosed to the FISA court.

15. Not Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, nor the DNC, nor Christopher Steel, nor Fusion GPS, nor Bruce Ohr’s wife, the roles of none of these participants in the creation of the dossier….not a one was revealed to the FISA court.

16. Let’s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given above…..

…and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlin….

…completely different treatment.

17. And all of the players in on the fix were demanding the Memo not be released….and lied about why it should not be released.
Might I suggest you finish your GED and take a language arts course in the process. In that you might learn the difference between "fact" and "opinion".

1. "I suggest you finish your GED..."
Any time you're ready to compare educational resumes, step right up.

You won't be pleased.

I am ready, lets do this thing!

Since you threw down the challenge, you get to go first!
Might I suggest you finish your GED and take a language arts course in the process. In that you might learn the difference between "fact" and "opinion".

1. "I suggest you finish your GED..."
Any time you're ready to compare educational resumes, step right up.

You won't be pleased.

I am ready, lets do this thing!

Since you threw down the challenge, you get to go first!

Ivy league grad, post degree from NYU, and, I'm bettin' only one of us has valedictorian in their resume.

Did you get a diploma or a big red nose from the Barnum & Bailey Clown College.

Back to the issue?

Third chance:

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier: they used law firm Perkins Coie to funnel money to GPS Fusion and Christopher Steele

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s laptop….so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBI….but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the election….an ‘insurance policy’

9. Loretta Lynch with Comey’s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillary’s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTW…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. The FBI offered to pay Christopher Steele if he could corroborate the dossier….so he told Yahoo New’s Michael Isikoff about the dossier, had him print the information….then told the FBI that Isikoff independently discovered the “facts”…

Steele admitted, in a British court, that he leaked the material to Yahoo. September 23 Yahoo ran the story.

The FBI took the Isikoff Yahoo story to the FISA court to get the warrant….then fired Steele for sharing it with news outlets.:

13. After the FBI fired Steele, he continued to confer with Bruce Ohr and the DoJ…and Rod Rosestein and Sally Yates.

In September of 2016, this was Steele’s statement to Bruce Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

14. Fired by the FBI as untrustworthy, Steele is maintained by the DoJ as a contact, and all the while, Bruce Ohr’s wife is drawing a salary from the group Hillary hired to produce the dossier….GPS Fusion.

Bruce Ohr’s wife’s connections to Hillary’s paid dossier-producers, GPS Fusion, was never disclosed to the FISA court.

15. Not Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, nor the DNC, nor Christopher Steel, nor Fusion GPS, nor Bruce Ohr’s wife, the roles of none of these participants in the creation of the dossier….not a one was revealed to the FISA court.

16. Let’s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given above…..

…and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlin….

…completely different treatment.

17. And all of the players in on the fix were demanding the Memo not be released….and lied about why it should not be released.
Ivy league grad, post degree from NYU, and, I'm bettin' only one of us has valedictorian in their resume.

You can offer some proof of this then, I assume? Or am I just supposed to take the word of somebody that might be a 30 year old living in their mommy's basement eating hot pockets.
Ivy league grad, post degree from NYU, and, I'm bettin' only one of us has valedictorian in their resume.

You can offer some proof of this then, I assume? Or am I just supposed to take the word of somebody that might be a 30 year old living in their mommy's basement eating hot pockets.

And so ends another chapter of "Democrats go with truth the way red wine goes with oysters….."

1. I'm copacetic with leaving that up to our readers.

2. You didn't keep your word about 'going second'...never mind, I have no interest in the mutterings of liar...

3. No more chances on the 17 facts I provided.

4. Exposing the asininity of posters is one of my guilty pleasures.....but it would be redundant in your case.

Get lost.
The facts are there.

People need to go to jail or America as we Know it is OVER!

Pessimist that I am....I fear it's the latter.
We're basking in the afterglow of a once great nation. The evil have their teeth too far sunk in...

Here, from the former CIA Moscow Station head...

1. ".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

2. The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster. ....CIA leadership famously stood up to the Nixon administration when asked to domestically spy on Justice during Watergate, for example.

3. It seems that today we lack the character and the competence to ensure that the intelligence community honors the trust of the American people."
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

Hussein Obama was the coup de grace for America.
Sessions is going to appoint a special counsel to look into the leaked Flynn wiretap right after Republicans balance the federal budget
All roads from Russia lead directly to the Dumbocrats...
Of note, Jones currently runs the Penn Quarter Group, a "research and invesigative advisory" firm whose website was registered in April of 2016, days before Steele delivered his first in a series of Trump-Russia memos. Jones began tweeting out articles suggesting illicit ties between the Trump campaign and Russia as early as 2017.
The Russia witch-hunt has backfired on the left. They were desperate to remove President Trump from office and all they’ve done isn’t expose the corruption within their own party.

Leaked Texts Suggest Former Feinstein Staffer Part Of Ongoing Scramble To Verify Dossier
News alerts… after another…..hard to keep up with which side is in the lead….
And it is important….to all Americans.

Why? Because we are hearing the term 'watergate' tossed around.
Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?
Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Let’s bring it what we know up to date:

1. “[In] the last few weeks, Congressional and Senate Republicans, few of whom seem particularly enamored of Trump himself, are starting to push back, signaling their willingness to enforce established laws that prohibit activities like leaking intelligence intercepts for domestic partisan political purposes and lying to Congress.

2. …New York Times reporter Mark Mazzetti. In April 2017, his byline appeared on a story reporting that the starting point for the FBI probe into Donald Trump’s supposed collusion with Russia was a trip that a fringe Trump adviser named Carter Page made to Moscow in July 2016. Yet a few weeks ago, Mazzetti was bylined on another story that effectively retracts the earlier one. The FBI investigation didn’t begin with this Trump campaign hanger-on—oh, no. Rather, it started with a different Trump campaign hanger-on.

3. …the Times, which rejected the dossier before embracing it, is now backing off the dossier again. For all of the newsprint and air-time used to push the dossier for 14 months, nothing that hadn’t already been publicly reported prior to the 2016 campaign has panned out, nor have any of the accusations regarding Trump. There is also the fact dossier may have been used to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Trump’s associates, and therefore on the candidate himself, which would be a political scandal of a magnitude likely to transcend partisan divides.

4. …if the FBI and Department of Justice used a piece of opposition research paid for by a political campaign as evidence for a warrant to intercept the communications of a rival campaign—and the questions asked by congressional investigators suggest they did—then we are now living in a very different America than the one that generations of civil libertarians and small-government conservatives alike desired to maintain,…

5. The DOJ, the FBI and perhaps the CIA … embroiled in a scandal likely to have long-lasting and sweeping consequences …. the increasing likelihood that the Steele dossier was used as a platform for a Russian information operation, which successfully managed to leverage nearly the entire American press corps and sections of the security bureaucracy toward the goal of encouraging Americans to rip their own country apart.”
Did Russia Use Fusion GPS to Target Donald Trump?

What is surprising is the degradation to which so many Democrat supporters on this board have sunk to, simply shrugging off the implications of spying on innocent Americans, and using corrupt methods to do so.

There are two groups that refer to themselves as Liberals.....but one is more correctly an iteration of the Stasi.


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