Douche Bank Threads Need to Go To Conspiracy Theory Forum.

Pretty much anything posted by Deanturd, Natturd, Lakoturd, or just about any other occutard of the moonbat sock drawer might as well be sent immediately to the rubber room.

We may as well have a Bovine Scat Compost Heap Section for anything that uses MSLSD as a link.

Perhaps a Soft Fresh Steaming Pile, a Crusty Old Mushroom Sprouting Pile...

That was a good read! I give it 4.5 Trumps out of 5! LMAO
And freed of the yoke of the Mueller investigation, Trump returns to his master.

Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia
More like The Yolks on you because Mueller turned out to be a Miserable Messiah for y'all.

And freed of the yoke of the Mueller investigation, Trump returns to his master.

Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia
More like The Yolks on you because Mueller turned out to be a Miserable Messiah for y'all.
You may want to check with a coworker, but many womens rooms have tampons
How would you know that? I wouldn't. I have an XY Chromosome and know what bathroom to use.
when Trump isnt crying about how the world is out to get him, he's patting himself on is fat ass ...

Trump Declares This 'The Age Of Trump.' Twitter Users Offer Some Other Names.

this is the age of Horseshit n' Hillbillies
He was chosen by The People to drive Trolls like you Bananas. And you are totally unhinged nuts, so we did an awesome job getting him elected as President, and sending Hillary Clinton back to her Booze and Ben Gay.

Getting you back to the looney bin after you escaped is another issue.
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when Trump isnt crying about how the world is out to get him, he's patting himself on is fat ass ...

Trump Declares This 'The Age Of Trump.' Twitter Users Offer Some Other Names.

this is the age of Horseshit n' Hillbillies
He was chosen by The People to drive Trolls like you Bananas. And you are totally unhinged nuts, so we did an awesome job getting him elected as President, and sending Hillary Clinton back to her Booze and Ben Gay.

Getting you back to the looney bin after you escaped is another issue.

BenDog is actually sane compared to most moonbats. I get the impression he's not all that consumed with political bullshit, he just gets a laugh out of some of this shit.

I could be wrong, he could be an ANTIFA-Tard wearing a mask in front of the computer swabbing the barrel of an AK-47.

when Trump isnt crying about how the world is out to get him, he's patting himself on is fat ass ...

Trump Declares This 'The Age Of Trump.' Twitter Users Offer Some Other Names.

this is the age of Horseshit n' Hillbillies
He was chosen by The People to drive Trolls like you Bananas. And you are totally unhinged nuts, so we did an awesome job getting him elected as President, and sending Hillary Clinton back to her Booze and Ben Gay.

Getting you back to the looney bin after you escaped is another issue.

BenDog is actually sane compared to most moonbats. I get the impression he's not all that consumed with political bullshit, he just gets a laugh out of some of this shit.

I could be wrong, he could be an ANTIFA-Tard wearing a mask in front of the computer swabbing the barrel of an AK-47.

Ben Dog if I am honest is one of the few, almost sane lefties. I said, ALMOST SANE!

He still has TDS
Douchebag Democrat Party is still at it, prying in to The President's Private Life and his Underwear Drawer.

I believe Ronald McDonald of MSNBC knew the story was false. It has been proven to be false since 2016 and it was broadcast on MSNBC to try to generate support in The Public to further pry in to The Private Finances of The President's Businesses and Family Members.

I expect The DemNazis to take another run at this, and they had their Chief Clown try to provide political cover for them to make another attempt at it.

Lawrence: I was “wrong” to report story on Trump's Deutsche Bank loans

"Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president's finances that didn't go through our rigorous verification and standards," O'Donnell said in a tweet Wednesday afternoon. "I shouldn't have reported it and it was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight."

The House Financial Services Committee and Intelligence Committee issued subpoenas to Deutsche Bank and Capital One earlier this year. The panels requested a cache of financial records related to Trump's family and his businesses, which they argued they need to examine the "potential use of the U.S. financial system for illicit purposes," including the president's financial relationships with foreign powers, such as Russia.
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I completely disagree with the title / OP. Since O'Donnell admitted it was a lie it is NOT even a 'conspiracy theory' Call it what it is - another Trump-hating seditious attempt to undermine the President of the United States.

After this O'Donnell should not be believed if he yelled 'Fire' ... even is he was on fire.

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