Douglas Murray: America Now Has All The Bases Set For Civil War

Douglas Murray is one of Western Conservatives best Intellectuals, he is usually correct about things and sadly for America I think he is also correct about this. James Delingpole is a long standing writer for the ONLY print magazine I STILL subscribe to and get sent to me, The Spectator, the video to the discussion between Douglas Murray and James Delingpole is within the below link, there are two videos one the duration is 6 minutes and 9 seconds and the second the duration is 3 minutes and 14 seconds:

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Sad, but true.

I NEVER thought this would happen to America EVER, I think it's the most SHOCKING and ALARMINGLY thing to be witnessing that I can THINK of in my lifetime and I know so far my lifetime has only been 30 years, but the DELIBERATE ATTEMPT to DESTROY America is so SHOCKING to me I can barely find the words to describe it.

To be honest it's VERY VERY upsetting to say the least. The Western World CANNOT allow this to happen, IF the SHTF Western Patriots MUST be prepared to go to America to assist American Patriots, I think Western Civilisation might EVEN depend on everyone joining forces that way and Defending America TOGETHER, we can later deal with WHATEVER differences we might have on OTHER issues.

IF America falls to the Neo-Marxists then The West is literally fucked because the Neo-Marxists plus Communist China will then wage War on ALL Western Nations in an attempt to FORCE everyone to submit to Marxism or ELSE.
Douglas Murray is one of Western Conservatives best Intellectuals, he is usually correct about things and sadly for America I think he is also correct about this. James Delingpole is a long standing writer for the ONLY print magazine I STILL subscribe to and get sent to me, The Spectator, the video to the discussion between Douglas Murray and James Delingpole is within the below link, there are two videos one the duration is 6 minutes and 9 seconds and the second the duration is 3 minutes and 14 seconds:

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Sad, but true.

I NEVER thought this would happen to America EVER, I think it's the most SHOCKING and ALARMINGLY thing to be witnessing that I can THINK of in my lifetime and I know so far my lifetime has only been 30 years, but the DELIBERATE ATTEMPT to DESTROY America is so SHOCKING to me I can barely find the words to describe it.

To be honest it's VERY VERY upsetting to say the least. The Western World CANNOT allow this to happen, IF the SHTF Western Patriots MUST be prepared to go to America to assist American Patriots, I think Western Civilisation might EVEN depend on everyone joining forces that way and Defending America TOGETHER, we can later deal with WHATEVER differences we might have on OTHER issues.

IF America falls to the Neo-Marxists then The West is literally fucked because the Neo-Marxists plus Communist China will then wage War on ALL Western Nations in an attempt to FORCE everyone to submit to Marxism or ELSE.

We fight China AND the democrat insurgents. This is a war on two fronts. Both must be defeated if America is to survive.
Douglas Murray is one of Western Conservatives best Intellectuals, he is usually correct about things and sadly for America I think he is also correct about this. James Delingpole is a long standing writer for the ONLY print magazine I STILL subscribe to and get sent to me, The Spectator, the video to the discussion between Douglas Murray and James Delingpole is within the below link, there are two videos one the duration is 6 minutes and 9 seconds and the second the duration is 3 minutes and 14 seconds:

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View attachment 388720

Sad, but true.

I NEVER thought this would happen to America EVER, I think it's the most SHOCKING and ALARMINGLY thing to be witnessing that I can THINK of in my lifetime and I know so far my lifetime has only been 30 years, but the DELIBERATE ATTEMPT to DESTROY America is so SHOCKING to me I can barely find the words to describe it.

To be honest it's VERY VERY upsetting to say the least. The Western World CANNOT allow this to happen, IF the SHTF Western Patriots MUST be prepared to go to America to assist American Patriots, I think Western Civilisation might EVEN depend on everyone joining forces that way and Defending America TOGETHER, we can later deal with WHATEVER differences we might have on OTHER issues.

IF America falls to the Neo-Marxists then The West is literally fucked because the Neo-Marxists plus Communist China will then wage War on ALL Western Nations in an attempt to FORCE everyone to submit to Marxism or ELSE.

We fight China AND the democrat insurgents. This is a war on two fronts. Both must be defeated if America is to survive.

I now have what I could call a Base in America, having nearly two weeks ago now bought a very nice house in America and so IF the SHTF then you know you can count on someone like me a Western Patriot to do what I can to assist American Patriots AGAINST the TRAITORS who HATE America and want to DESTROY it. I have been given the opportunity to be an Attache at one of our Consulate General's for a 6 month period this beginning in late December this year and I think I should accept this position, it would put me in America until at LEAST June 2021 and during these 6 months in my opinion THIS is when the SHTF. I am well in friends wise also with several Patriotic Militia who will NOT hesitate to DEFEND America IF they have to.

HOPEFULLY it will NOT come to THIS, but I FEAR that sadly it WILL come to THIS :(
Douglas Murray is one of Western Conservatives best Intellectuals, he is usually correct about things and sadly for America I think he is also correct about this. James Delingpole is a long standing writer for the ONLY print magazine I STILL subscribe to and get sent to me, The Spectator, the video to the discussion between Douglas Murray and James Delingpole is within the below link, there are two videos one the duration is 6 minutes and 9 seconds and the second the duration is 3 minutes and 14 seconds:

View attachment 388718

View attachment 388719
View attachment 388720

Sad, but true.

I NEVER thought this would happen to America EVER, I think it's the most SHOCKING and ALARMINGLY thing to be witnessing that I can THINK of in my lifetime and I know so far my lifetime has only been 30 years, but the DELIBERATE ATTEMPT to DESTROY America is so SHOCKING to me I can barely find the words to describe it.

To be honest it's VERY VERY upsetting to say the least. The Western World CANNOT allow this to happen, IF the SHTF Western Patriots MUST be prepared to go to America to assist American Patriots, I think Western Civilisation might EVEN depend on everyone joining forces that way and Defending America TOGETHER, we can later deal with WHATEVER differences we might have on OTHER issues.

IF America falls to the Neo-Marxists then The West is literally fucked because the Neo-Marxists plus Communist China will then wage War on ALL Western Nations in an attempt to FORCE everyone to submit to Marxism or ELSE.

We fight China AND the democrat insurgents. This is a war on two fronts. Both must be defeated if America is to survive.

I'm NOT American BUT I would help DEFEND America from these POS like the MOST Patriotic American would do.
Our would-be revolutionaries have no clue of the hell that will be visited upon them should they continue on their current path.
No one is gonna do anything. Americans have seen abuse after abuse after abuse heaped on them and they sit there and watch. We have a senile fool running for president with a known civil rights abuser and crime instigator as his running mate. The media perpetrates fraud after fraud on a daily basis and no one does anything. We got daily felonies committed in our streets and democrats release them from jail so they can do it again. Children are murdered along with the elderly daily and where are the heroes? Most of them are standing down because they are told to. We Americans see this and say, "Well, it's just about time to act...". No one is gonna do shit. The next horrible atrocity that occurs will illicit the same response that it has been since the beginning of all this: "I wish that pos had attacked me like that!"

No one's gonna do shit.

Time will tell.
The whole premise IS HILARIOUS. Only a bunch of wackos want something as stupid as a civil war. 99.9 percent of the country wants nothing of the sort.
I'm not all that afraid of the Chinese in America and consider them allies just as much as I consider the American-Japanese allies. If there were a Chinese invasion of the west coast I am sure that there would be genocide and racial segregation but even then, my people wouldn't need to fear except for the lowest of them. I am confident that in the hypothetical scenario of an Asian takeover my people would be integrated into the Asian society ruling us while other races may perish and some in the most horrible way.

Some Chinese will be patriots, but a lot will back Xi and his proxy army, the democrats.
If/when this blows up, it's going to be a mess - which is the intent of the democrats. They don't need to take territory, only to thwart organized resistance to the Chinese invasion.

My best guess is that Biden loses BADLY in November, but refuses to concede. Court battles ensue and continue until the inauguration. This will be a period of legal battles, but the democrat terrorist troops of ANTIFA and the BLM Klan will actually stand down.

The courts will split along partisan lines, with legitimate courts backing the outcome, but Obama judges shitting all over the law each time a ruling it made. Finally, the SCOTUS will step in and rule 5 to 4 in favor of the election results, making Trump president again. The democrat terror squads will IMMEDIATELY be mobilized and will be far more violent than they are today. The democrat terrorists will attack the suburbs, where they will be slaughtered. democrat governors will activate the national guard and order them to attack the suburbs, Trump will mobilize the army to protect the suburbs from the democrats and in case the guard would actually attack civilians.

And at that moment, China will invade.
The whole premise IS HILARIOUS. Only a bunch of wackos want something as stupid as a civil war. 99.9 percent of the country wants nothing of the sort.

No one WANTS civil war, but the 120 night Kristalnacht that democrat terrorists makes it clear that we are in a civil war already. That only the democrats are violent doesn't change anything.
Our would-be revolutionaries have no clue of the hell that will be visited upon them should they continue on their current path.
No one is gonna do anything. Americans have seen abuse after abuse after abuse heaped on them and they sit there and watch. We have a senile fool running for president with a known civil rights abuser and crime instigator as his running mate. The media perpetrates fraud after fraud on a daily basis and no one does anything. We got daily felonies committed in our streets and democrats release them from jail so they can do it again. Children are murdered along with the elderly daily and where are the heroes? Most of them are standing down because they are told to. We Americans see this and say, "Well, it's just about time to act...". No one is gonna do shit. The next horrible atrocity that occurs will illicit the same response that it has been since the beginning of all this: "I wish that pos had attacked me like that!"

No one's gonna do shit.

Time will tell.

I THINK IF and WHEN NORMAL Americans see MASSIVE amounts of the feral Mob of Antifa and BLM charging into the street where they live, I think then those NORMAL Americans will get out there and DEFEND their territory with their guns and ammo, it will NOT be pretty BUT it WILL be necessary.
Here we go again.

Civil War porn for the Trumpsters.

This is a serious problem with the internet. As much as we all love the internet, it's facilitated these small groups of fringe people to find each other and get a sense that they're much more common or powerful than they actually are.
Our would-be revolutionaries have no clue of the hell that will be visited upon them should they continue on their current path.
No one is gonna do anything. Americans have seen abuse after abuse after abuse heaped on them and they sit there and watch. We have a senile fool running for president with a known civil rights abuser and crime instigator as his running mate. The media perpetrates fraud after fraud on a daily basis and no one does anything. We got daily felonies committed in our streets and democrats release them from jail so they can do it again. Children are murdered along with the elderly daily and where are the heroes? Most of them are standing down because they are told to. We Americans see this and say, "Well, it's just about time to act...". No one is gonna do shit. The next horrible atrocity that occurs will illicit the same response that it has been since the beginning of all this: "I wish that pos had attacked me like that!"

No one's gonna do shit.

Time will tell.

I THINK IF and WHEN NORMAL Americans see MASSIVE amounts of the feral Mob of Antifa and BLM charging into the street where they live, I think then those NORMAL Americans will get out there and DEFEND their territory with their guns and ammo, it will NOT be pretty BUT it WILL be necessary.

Relax Francis. It's pretty transparent that you're hoping for this to happen. It won't, but it's weird that you want to see this kind of violence.
Our would-be revolutionaries have no clue of the hell that will be visited upon them should they continue on their current path.

So many of them THINK this is a joke, they THINK this is funny, when it's NOT it could NOT be further than funny.

EVERY nation has had it's not so brilliant moments in history BUT that is NOT an EXCUSE to literally DESTROY a nation and America is no different, America is NOT perfect as NO nation IS perfect and the situation is IF you are born in a nation and you HATE it THAT MUCH you WANT it destroyed then you literally should LEAVE it and GTFO and go somewhere else.

The election in November now is not even about POLITICS, it's about do you WANT America to continue to EXIST as America OR do you WANT to DESTROY America and subject it to Cancel Culture.

I guess I'm at a loss taking away from your post. What do you think is going to happen?
From the link;

“It appears we will be required to ignite the midnight petroleum, sir.” – ST: TNG


It’s all fun and games until it hits midnight. And we’re getting pretty close.

  1. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology. Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  2. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  3. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Open War.
We are at step 9. Step 9. is, of course, two minutes to midnight on the clock. Violence continues to be commonly justified by local and state authorities.

In this issue: Front Matter – What Is A Civil War? – Violence And Censorship Update – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – 56 Days Until The Last Election – Links

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report. These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month. I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues. Also, feel free to subscribe and you’ll get every post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30 Eastern.

What Is A Civil War?

Multiple comments that I’ve had, both in the comment section at the blog, as well as in email and even text message asked the question – what happens to the index this month. The answer is that we’re still at a 9 out of 10. The only thing remaining to take us to a 10 is a body count. That’s because I’m using this (admittedly academic definition by Doyle and Sambanis in 2000) as my definition for the existence of a civil war:

  1. The war has caused more than 1,000 battle deaths. This war hasn’t yet done so. Is 1,000 an aribitrary number? This is the only criteria not yet met.
  2. The war represents a challenge to the sovereignty of an internationally recognized state. I think it’s clear that Antifa® and BLM™ want nothing less than the dismantling of the existing state and construction of a Marxist Utopia©. The fact that they are aided and abetted by fellow travelers in district attorney offices, mayoral offices, and congressional offices doesn’t mean that they aren’t communist revolutionaries fighting against freedom from the inside.
  3. The war occurs within the recognized boundary of that state. This is an easy one.
  4. The war involves the state as one of the principal combatants. One of. Not the only one. Ask a policeman in Portland if they feel that they’re in control.
  5. The rebels are able to mount an organized military opposition to the state and to inflict significant casualties on the state. It states casualties, not deaths. And that also makes this an easy one to check off. Organization discussion is directly below in the Violence And Censorship Update.

I list all of the five criteria for a simple reason – to show that the only thing between us right now and a full blown, internationally recognized definition of civil war is the number of body bags we have yet to fill. When I started this update last year, I was expecting things to move faster than you expected. I did not expect things to move faster than I expected.

They have."
Our would-be revolutionaries have no clue of the hell that will be visited upon them should they continue on their current path.

So many of them THINK this is a joke, they THINK this is funny, when it's NOT it could NOT be further than funny.

EVERY nation has had it's not so brilliant moments in history BUT that is NOT an EXCUSE to literally DESTROY a nation and America is no different, America is NOT perfect as NO nation IS perfect and the situation is IF you are born in a nation and you HATE it THAT MUCH you WANT it destroyed then you literally should LEAVE it and GTFO and go somewhere else.

The election in November now is not even about POLITICS, it's about do you WANT America to continue to EXIST as America OR do you WANT to DESTROY America and subject it to Cancel Culture.

I guess I'm at a loss taking away from your post. What do you think is going to happen?

Well I HOPE that NOTHING happens and that America continues EXACTLY has it has continued, all the feral mob on America's streets rioting and looting and destroying things HAS to stop and America has to continue and that INCLUDES the things like the Flag and it's National Anthem and the Cancel Culture has to STOP and all the Woke shit has to STOP.
Our would-be revolutionaries have no clue of the hell that will be visited upon them should they continue on their current path.
No one is gonna do anything. Americans have seen abuse after abuse after abuse heaped on them and they sit there and watch. We have a senile fool running for president with a known civil rights abuser and crime instigator as his running mate. The media perpetrates fraud after fraud on a daily basis and no one does anything. We got daily felonies committed in our streets and democrats release them from jail so they can do it again. Children are murdered along with the elderly daily and where are the heroes? Most of them are standing down because they are told to. We Americans see this and say, "Well, it's just about time to act...". No one is gonna do shit. The next horrible atrocity that occurs will illicit the same response that it has been since the beginning of all this: "I wish that pos had attacked me like that!"

No one's gonna do shit.

Time will tell.

I THINK IF and WHEN NORMAL Americans see MASSIVE amounts of the feral Mob of Antifa and BLM charging into the street where they live, I think then those NORMAL Americans will get out there and DEFEND their territory with their guns and ammo, it will NOT be pretty BUT it WILL be necessary.

Relax Francis. It's pretty transparent that you're hoping for this to happen. It won't, but it's weird that you want to see this kind of violence.

Who is Francis? No I want the opposite to happen BUT I think the feral mob want to START a Civil War, they are acting as if they WANT that.
Our would-be revolutionaries have no clue of the hell that will be visited upon them should they continue on their current path.
No one is gonna do anything. Americans have seen abuse after abuse after abuse heaped on them and they sit there and watch. We have a senile fool running for president with a known civil rights abuser and crime instigator as his running mate. The media perpetrates fraud after fraud on a daily basis and no one does anything. We got daily felonies committed in our streets and democrats release them from jail so they can do it again. Children are murdered along with the elderly daily and where are the heroes? Most of them are standing down because they are told to. We Americans see this and say, "Well, it's just about time to act...". No one is gonna do shit. The next horrible atrocity that occurs will illicit the same response that it has been since the beginning of all this: "I wish that pos had attacked me like that!"

No one's gonna do shit.

Time will tell.

I THINK IF and WHEN NORMAL Americans see MASSIVE amounts of the feral Mob of Antifa and BLM charging into the street where they live, I think then those NORMAL Americans will get out there and DEFEND their territory with their guns and ammo, it will NOT be pretty BUT it WILL be necessary.

Relax Francis. It's pretty transparent that you're hoping for this to happen. It won't, but it's weird that you want to see this kind of violence.
That's not what is happening.
What is really going on is the mob and the folks directing the mobs, are relying on the overwhelming reluctance of their opposition to use violence, and are pushing as far as they can, as fast as they can, before someone gets over it and starts dropping bodies in the streets.

You know they don't actually want to, because otherwise, no one would taunt, attack, and throw shit at armed men. If you really thought they wanted to shoot, you'd stay far the fuck away from them.
Our would-be revolutionaries have no clue of the hell that will be visited upon them should they continue on their current path.

Nah, just like the last generation of radicals, they'll burn and loot for a while, then their leadership will sell out and become college professors, council members and low level politicians.


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