DOW breaks the 30K mark! Congratulations President Trump!

If the market had been down today, it would have been because Biden's transition is starting and we're going commie.

Fewer things are dumber or more transparent than partisans pretending that half-day movements in the stock market prove that they're "right" about something.

Too funny.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)
Yeah, you run with that one, skippy.
If Trump had done nothing and let the market do what it would do, you would be on to something.
The fact that Trump got rid of Obama's EO's regarding businesses and the economy, well, that negates
what you're trying to lie about.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

New York (CNN Business)Dow 30,000 is a milestone nearly 125 years in the making.
The average began tracking the most powerful corporate stocks in 1896, and it has served as a broad measure of the market's health through 22 presidents, 24 recessions, a Great Depression and two global pandemics. Along the way, it also weathered at least two stock market crashes and innumerable rallies, corrections, bull and bear markets.
The blue chip index took just over 120 years to crack the 20,000 mark for the first time in early 2017, just after President Donald Trump took office. It needed just less than a year after that to reach the 25,000 mark on January 4, 2018.

By God, Trump did it! Chinese virus and all!
Green Energy is doing awesome, Wallstreet loves this Transition news. :dance: :dance: :rofl:
Green Energy is doing awesome, Wallstreet loves this Transition news. :dance: :dance: :rofl:
Green energy, yet another libber myth that all the lemmings are sucking up.
You can't congratulate Trump for a great stock market while out of the other side of your face dismiss the surging companies contributing to it. That's just Cult-shit...I don't do Cult shit.
Green Energy is doing awesome, Wallstreet loves this Transition news. :dance: :dance: :rofl:
Green energy, yet another libber myth that all the lemmings are sucking up.
More stupidity from the right.
More idiotic treehugging expressions from the left.
Thank you for proving my point. And quickly.
Awwww its okay maybe a Midol for those libber cramps....
Green Energy is doing awesome, Wallstreet loves this Transition news. :dance: :dance: :rofl:
Green energy, yet another libber myth that all the lemmings are sucking up.
More stupidity from the right.
More idiotic treehugging expressions from the left.
Thank you for proving my point. And quickly.
Awwww its okay maybe a Midol for those libber cramps....
And you just continue to prove my point.
Green Energy is doing awesome, Wallstreet loves this Transition news. :dance: :dance: :rofl:
Green energy, yet another libber myth that all the lemmings are sucking up.
More stupidity from the right.
More idiotic treehugging expressions from the left.
Thank you for proving my point. And quickly.
Awwww its okay maybe a Midol for those libber cramps....
And you just continue to prove my point.
Or maybe a tissue? Your incessant whining is possibly the leftyflu have you been tested???
Green Energy is doing awesome, Wallstreet loves this Transition news. :dance: :dance: :rofl:
Green energy, yet another libber myth that all the lemmings are sucking up.
More stupidity from the right.
More idiotic treehugging expressions from the left.
Thank you for proving my point. And quickly.
Awwww its okay maybe a Midol for those libber cramps....
And you just continue to prove my point.
Or maybe a tissue? Your incessant whining is possibly the leftyflu have you been tested???
You Trumpers are the ones bawling. I am happy.

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