DOW down nearly 1000 points

No, I am a military veteran who served this country to prevent shitheads like Bernie from every taking this country down a socialist shithole. I saw what it did to the Soviet Union, Cuba, South and Middle America, but those sorry ass moderates just had to vote in the brown turd, who took over GM and Chrysler, enacted the Cash for Clunkers debacle, took away healthcare from 10s of millions to provide health care for 100s of thousands of liberal do nothings. I lived back then, I remember, I know what was happening while Oblummer was in office and knew the American populace would wake the fuck up. Now we have 4 successful years of a business man running this country like a business, and the leftwing nutters keep showing US their incompetence and immorality. So "liberal" to ashamed to admit you are a liberal, are you going to continue this move to keeping America great, or go for the toilet drain once again by voting for some Commie bastard?

If you were honest and truthful what you saw in the Soviet Union and Cuba, plus a few banana republics which were of short duration; each were totalitarian, not socialistic, for the leaders in those nations profited for themselves and their cronies and persecuted anyone who dissented.

Maybe you ought to compare Trumpism with these nations you so abhor.,

You can't have actual Socialism without the totalitarianism - ( I know that you don't believe that - and that's okay, I don't consider you to be very bright)
President Trump is the absolute anthesis of totalitarian.
He is the people - the people are him.
Billie, Trump is the people who agree with him. All others Trump wants to fire/censor/insult and call liars.

Did you see that he wants Ginsberg and Sotomayer to recuse themselves on anything involving Trump?

LoL!! :lol:

It makes sense, yes?

I guess if Bart O'Kavanaugh Gorsuch recuse, then it might be fair for Sotomayer and Ginsberg to do the same.

No, it makes NO sense.

What you people seem to want is NOBODY in the executive, legislative or judicial branches who doesn't kiss Dear Leader's ass.

Move to Russia
The left knows the only possible way their comrade Bernie Bolshevic can win, is for the economy to tank horribly.

Dimms are so unhinged and desperate that they are rooting for a potential pandemic in their attempts to beat Trump.
We aren't "rooting" for it. It's on its way.
●“Ultimately, we expect we will see community spread in the United States,” Nancy Messonnier, a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters. “It’s not a question of if this will happen but when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses.”

If it decimates NYC, Chicago, LA, and San Fran. it wouldn't be the worst thing.

Yep, not only confused but a fucking idiot. ;)

I did forget Miami.
If you were honest and truthful what you saw in the Soviet Union and Cuba, plus a few banana republics which were of short duration; each were totalitarian, not socialistic, for the leaders in those nations profited for themselves and their cronies and persecuted anyone who dissented.

Maybe you ought to compare Trumpism with these nations you so abhor.,

You can't have actual Socialism without the totalitarianism - ( I know that you don't believe that - and that's okay, I don't consider you to be very bright)
President Trump is the absolute anthesis of totalitarian.
He is the people - the people are him.
Billie, Trump is the people who agree with him. All others Trump wants to fire/censor/insult and call liars.

Did you see that he wants Ginsberg and Sotomayer to recuse themselves on anything involving Trump?

LoL!! :lol:

It makes sense, yes?

I guess if Bart O'Kavanaugh Gorsuch recuse, then it might be fair for Sotomayer and Ginsberg to do the same.

No, it makes NO sense.

What you people seem to want is NOBODY in the executive, legislative or judicial branches who doesn't kiss Dear Leader's ass.

Move to Russia

I shall not.
Dimms are so unhinged and desperate that they are rooting for a potential pandemic in their attempts to beat Trump.
They learned from you...
And the Dow has begun a descent today (-200+ pts.). Didn't take long for petro prices to drag on it.
"Vote Obama 2012: Instability and Uncertainty"

Wasn't due to a potential pandemic.
Big difference, sleazeball!

Yeah, as if you weren't so unhinged and desperate when you prayed for economic collapse in order to defeat Obama.

The left knows the only possible way their comrade Bernie Bolshevic can win, is for the economy to tank horribly.

Dimms are so unhinged and desperate that they are rooting for a potential pandemic in their attempts to beat Trump.
We aren't "rooting" for it. It's on its way.
●“Ultimately, we expect we will see community spread in the United States,” Nancy Messonnier, a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters. “It’s not a question of if this will happen but when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses.”

If it decimates NYC, Chicago, LA, and San Fran. it wouldn't be the worst thing.
Well, that makes me feel a lot better. I was feeling somewhat guilty for seeing the bright side of a slowed economy, especially if it is because of a deadly virus. But since you're cheering for deaths, I guess I don't feel so bad.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

You can’t pin this one on the blob. Sorry

Figure we could stuff the Orange Lardass into this cannon? Dunno, gonna be a fight fit! :D


His tweet not withstanding, you can’t blame the collapse on the blob
I know we couldn't get your fat ass into that thing. The only thing big enough for you smelly ass is a black hole.
actually the reverse is true instead of stuffing the homos ass into the cannon...... the cannon would easily feat inside his gaping torn asshole !
The left knows the only possible way their comrade Bernie Bolshevic can win, is for the economy to tank horribly.

Dimms are so unhinged and desperate that they are rooting for a potential pandemic in their attempts to beat Trump.
We aren't "rooting" for it. It's on its way.
●“Ultimately, we expect we will see community spread in the United States,” Nancy Messonnier, a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters. “It’s not a question of if this will happen but when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses.”

If it decimates NYC, Chicago, LA, and San Fran. it wouldn't be the worst thing.
Well, that makes me feel a lot better. I was feeling somewhat guilty for seeing the bright side of a slowed economy, especially if it is because of a deadly virus. But since you're cheering for deaths, I guess I don't feel so bad.

I'm here for ya.
Dimms are so unhinged and desperate that they are rooting for a potential pandemic in their attempts to beat Trump.
They learned from you...
And the Dow has begun a descent today (-200+ pts.). Didn't take long for petro prices to drag on it.
"Vote Obama 2012: Instability and Uncertainty"

Wasn't due to a potential pandemic.
Big difference, sleazeball!

Yeah, as if you weren't so unhinged and desperate when you prayed for economic collapse in order to defeat Obama.


Obama's goal was economic collapse.
Dimms are so unhinged and desperate that they are rooting for a potential pandemic in their attempts to beat Trump.
They learned from you...
And the Dow has begun a descent today (-200+ pts.). Didn't take long for petro prices to drag on it.
"Vote Obama 2012: Instability and Uncertainty"

Wasn't due to a potential pandemic.
Big difference, sleazeball!

Yeah, as if you weren't so unhinged and desperate when you prayed for economiView attachment 308792 c collapse in order to defeat Obama.


Obama's goal was economic collapse.
If that was true, he failed.

No, I am a military veteran who served this country to prevent shitheads like Bernie from every taking this country down a socialist shithole. I saw what it did to the Soviet Union, Cuba, South and Middle America, but those sorry ass moderates just had to vote in the brown turd, who took over GM and Chrysler, enacted the Cash for Clunkers debacle, took away healthcare from 10s of millions to provide health care for 100s of thousands of liberal do nothings. I lived back then, I remember, I know what was happening while Oblummer was in office and knew the American populace would wake the fuck up. Now we have 4 successful years of a business man running this country like a business, and the leftwing nutters keep showing US their incompetence and immorality. So "liberal" to ashamed to admit you are a liberal, are you going to continue this move to keeping America great, or go for the toilet drain once again by voting for some Commie bastard?

If you were honest and truthful what you saw in the Soviet Union and Cuba, plus a few banana republics which were of short duration; each were totalitarian, not socialistic, for the leaders in those nations profited for themselves and their cronies and persecuted anyone who dissented.

Maybe you ought to compare Trumpism with these nations you so abhor.,

You can't have actual Socialism without the totalitarianism - ( I know that you don't believe that - and that's okay, I don't consider you to be very bright)
President Trump is the absolute anthesis of totalitarian.
He is the people - the people are him.

You are very confused :cuckoo:

I am not.

You ARE confused actually. Totalitarianism has nothing to do with socialism unless you are talking about corporate/ top 1% oligarchy socialism. You might be happier living in NoKo, Russia, Turkey or the Philippines.
Theoretical socialism is totalitarian. I think what keeps making it so brutal is that the "haves" are not about to give up what they've got, and they fight to keep it. That's why it becomes so bloody and squelches so many human rights. People are motivated by greed.

Now what the Democrats suggest that the Right keeps calling "socialism" or "communism" isn't really. It is socialist programs that benefit everyone without turning it into a deadly dictatorship. The people still have to vote in the majority to put the representatives in Congress who will enact that legislation and a President who won't veto it.
So the vapors that the conservatives are having here are silly ass posturing. I hope they're not convincing anyone but their equally stupid buddies who believe it anyway.
The left knows the only possible way their comrade Bernie Bolshevic can win, is for the economy to tank horribly.

Dimms are so unhinged and desperate that they are rooting for a potential pandemic in their attempts to beat Trump.
We aren't "rooting" for it. It's on its way.
●“Ultimately, we expect we will see community spread in the United States,” Nancy Messonnier, a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters. “It’s not a question of if this will happen but when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses.”

If it decimates NYC, Chicago, LA, and San Fran. it wouldn't be the worst thing.

Yep, not only confused but a fucking idiot. ;)

I did forget Miami.

Why not wish death on Portland and Seattle too? How murderous authoritarian of you! :rolleyes:
As a moderate, that is someone who is too ashamed to admit they are liberals..

Not true.

Now once again, those who want to protect and serve this country from being a Socialist Shithole, you have an issue with? Really?

No. You are just parroting winger shit you hear from right wing news. Peddling fear that entitlements programs=socialist shit hole. You seem to run on talking points with absolutely no substance underneath. America will never adapt a socialist government. I see absolutely no truth in what you are saying, it's never been true in the entire history of this nation, and it won't be true even if Sanders wins. I think his policies are too expensive and I don't see a clear path to how they will be sustainable in the future, but that's another argument altogether. If he becomes president, you'll witness a ton of broken promises, just like with every previous president, including the present.

Do you really think men with tits are normal? That a man puts his penis in another mans ass is normal?

I'm a heterosexual, so none of that is my cup of tea. But neither of these preferences affect me personally, so I have no reason to be outraged about them. I mind my own fucking business.

Oh yeah, it was the "moderates" that gave us 8 years of the brown turd Oblummer.

And you bozos gave us the human shaped orange sack of meat currently shitting all over the WH, so I guess we're even.
No, I am a military veteran who served this country to prevent shitheads like Bernie from every taking this country down a socialist shithole. I saw what it did to the Soviet Union, Cuba, South and Middle America, but those sorry ass moderates just had to vote in the brown turd, who took over GM and Chrysler, enacted the Cash for Clunkers debacle, took away healthcare from 10s of millions to provide health care for 100s of thousands of liberal do nothings. I lived back then, I remember, I know what was happening while Oblummer was in office and knew the American populace would wake the fuck up. Now we have 4 successful years of a business man running this country like a business, and the leftwing nutters keep showing US their incompetence and immorality. So "liberal" to ashamed to admit you are a liberal, are you going to continue this move to keeping America great, or go for the toilet drain once again by voting for some Commie bastard?

If you were honest and truthful what you saw in the Soviet Union and Cuba, plus a few banana republics which were of short duration; each were totalitarian, not socialistic, for the leaders in those nations profited for themselves and their cronies and persecuted anyone who dissented.

Maybe you ought to compare Trumpism with these nations you so abhor.,

You can't have actual Socialism without the totalitarianism - ( I know that you don't believe that - and that's okay, I don't consider you to be very bright)
President Trump is the absolute anthesis of totalitarian.
He is the people - the people are him.
I disagree. Socialism and Capitalism both exist in every country on Earth to some degree. All of Northern Europe are social welfare states, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Finland, and Ireland. Almost all of the remainder of Europe has some type socialize healthcare, as well as employment safety nets. Canada and Great Britain have strong social welfare programs and the US is not too far behind. None of these countries are totalitarian states.

Socialism carried to the extreme will become a totalitarian state. Capitalism carried to the extreme will result in a corporatocracy. Neither is desirable. A balance between socialism and capitalism is most desirable. Capitalism provides the incentive to produce and socialism provides the safety nets for those who can not.
The cdc says it coming prepare for disruption ...I'd hit a Costco and stock up for the hell of it

Super giant toilet paper and water are good things

The death rate ain't all that impressive
Dimms are so unhinged and desperate that they are rooting for a potential pandemic in their attempts to beat Trump.
They learned from you...
And the Dow has begun a descent today (-200+ pts.). Didn't take long for petro prices to drag on it.
"Vote Obama 2012: Instability and Uncertainty"

Wasn't due to a potential pandemic.
Big difference, sleazeball!

Yeah, as if you weren't so unhinged and desperate when you prayed for economiView attachment 308792 c collapse in order to defeat Obama.


Obama's goal was economic collapse.
If that was true, he failed.

View attachment 308793

He was a fucking quota hire - they are usually not successful.
As a moderate, that is someone who is too ashamed to admit they are liberals..

Not true.

Now once again, those who want to protect and serve this country from being a Socialist Shithole, you have an issue with? Really?

No. You are just parroting winger shit you hear from right wing news. Peddling fear that entitlements programs=socialist shit hole. You seem to run on talking points with absolutely no substance underneath. America will never adapt a socialist government. I see absolutely no truth in what you are saying, it's never been true in the entire history of this nation, and it won't be true even if Sanders wins. I think his policies are too expensive and I don't see a clear path to how they will be sustainable in the future, but that's another argument altogether. If he becomes president, you'll witness a ton of broken promises, just like with every previous president, including the present.

Do you really think men with tits are normal? That a man puts his penis in another mans ass is normal?

I'm a heterosexual, so none of that is my cup of tea. But neither of these preferences affect me personally, so I have no reason to be outraged about them. I mind my own fucking business.

Oh yeah, it was the "moderates" that gave us 8 years of the brown turd Oblummer.

And you bozos gave us the human shaped orange sack of meat currently shitting all over the WH, so I guess we're even.
No, I am a military veteran who served this country to prevent shitheads like Bernie from every taking this country down a socialist shithole. I saw what it did to the Soviet Union, Cuba, South and Middle America, but those sorry ass moderates just had to vote in the brown turd, who took over GM and Chrysler, enacted the Cash for Clunkers debacle, took away healthcare from 10s of millions to provide health care for 100s of thousands of liberal do nothings. I lived back then, I remember, I know what was happening while Oblummer was in office and knew the American populace would wake the fuck up. Now we have 4 successful years of a business man running this country like a business, and the leftwing nutters keep showing US their incompetence and immorality. So "liberal" to ashamed to admit you are a liberal, are you going to continue this move to keeping America great, or go for the toilet drain once again by voting for some Commie bastard?

If you were honest and truthful what you saw in the Soviet Union and Cuba, plus a few banana republics which were of short duration; each were totalitarian, not socialistic, for the leaders in those nations profited for themselves and their cronies and persecuted anyone who dissented.

Maybe you ought to compare Trumpism with these nations you so abhor.,

You can't have actual Socialism without the totalitarianism - ( I know that you don't believe that - and that's okay, I don't consider you to be very bright)
President Trump is the absolute anthesis of totalitarian.
He is the people - the people are him.
I disagree. Socialism and Capitalism both exist in every country on Earth to some degree. All of Northern Europe are social welfare states, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Finland, and Ireland. Almost all of the remainder of Europe has some type socialize healthcare, as well as employment safety nets. Canada and Great Britain have strong social welfare programs and the US is not too far behind. None of these countries are totalitarian states.

Socialism carried to the extreme will become a totalitarian state. Capitalism carried to the extreme will result in a corporatocracy. Neither is desirable. A balance between socialism and capitalism is most desirable. Capitalism provides the incentive to produce and socialism provides the safety nets for those who can not.

"and socialism provides the safety nets for those who can not".[/QUOTE]

If you were honest and truthful what you saw in the Soviet Union and Cuba, plus a few banana republics which were of short duration; each were totalitarian, not socialistic, for the leaders in those nations profited for themselves and their cronies and persecuted anyone who dissented.

Maybe you ought to compare Trumpism with these nations you so abhor.,

You can't have actual Socialism without the totalitarianism - ( I know that you don't believe that - and that's okay, I don't consider you to be very bright)
President Trump is the absolute anthesis of totalitarian.
He is the people - the people are him.

You are very confused :cuckoo:

I am not.

You ARE confused actually. Totalitarianism has nothing to do with socialism unless you are talking about corporate/ top 1% oligarchy socialism. You might be happier living in NoKo, Russia, Turkey or the Philippines.
Theoretical socialism is totalitarian. I think what keeps making it so brutal is that the "haves" are not about to give up what they've got, and they fight to keep it. That's why it becomes so bloody and squelches so many human rights. People are motivated by greed.

Now what the Democrats suggest that the Right keeps calling "socialism" or "communism" isn't really. It is socialist programs that benefit everyone without turning it into a deadly dictatorship. The people still have to vote in the majority to put the representatives in Congress who will enact that legislation and a President who won't veto it.
So the vapors that the conservatives are having here are silly ass posturing. I hope they're not convincing anyone but their equally stupid buddies who believe it anyway.

What you are describing is Conservatism.
The cdc says it coming prepare for disruption ...I'd hit a Costco and stock up for the hell of it

Super giant toilet paper and water are good things

The death rate ain't all that impressive
The way this thing is spreading, you really WILL need to live in your underground bunker for months to avoid it, too. It is managing to get everywhere and just like the HIV virus, you can be infected for days or weeks before you test positive.
They learned from you...

Wasn't due to a potential pandemic.
Big difference, sleazeball!

Yeah, as if you weren't so unhinged and desperate when you prayed for economiView attachment 308792 c collapse in order to defeat Obama.


Obama's goal was economic collapse.
If that was true, he failed.

View attachment 308793

He was a fucking quota hire - they are usually not successful.
Oh? What's the quota?
You can't have actual Socialism without the totalitarianism - ( I know that you don't believe that - and that's okay, I don't consider you to be very bright)
President Trump is the absolute anthesis of totalitarian.
He is the people - the people are him.

You are very confused :cuckoo:

I am not.

You ARE confused actually. Totalitarianism has nothing to do with socialism unless you are talking about corporate/ top 1% oligarchy socialism. You might be happier living in NoKo, Russia, Turkey or the Philippines.
Theoretical socialism is totalitarian. I think what keeps making it so brutal is that the "haves" are not about to give up what they've got, and they fight to keep it. That's why it becomes so bloody and squelches so many human rights. People are motivated by greed.

Now what the Democrats suggest that the Right keeps calling "socialism" or "communism" isn't really. It is socialist programs that benefit everyone without turning it into a deadly dictatorship. The people still have to vote in the majority to put the representatives in Congress who will enact that legislation and a President who won't veto it.
So the vapors that the conservatives are having here are silly ass posturing. I hope they're not convincing anyone but their equally stupid buddies who believe it anyway.

What you are describing is Conservatism.
Then why does the Right need smelling salts over it?
If you were honest and truthful what you saw in the Soviet Union and Cuba, plus a few banana republics which were of short duration; each were totalitarian, not socialistic, for the leaders in those nations profited for themselves and their cronies and persecuted anyone who dissented.

Maybe you ought to compare Trumpism with these nations you so abhor.,

You can't have actual Socialism without the totalitarianism - ( I know that you don't believe that - and that's okay, I don't consider you to be very bright)
President Trump is the absolute anthesis of totalitarian.
He is the people - the people are him.

You are very confused :cuckoo:

I am not.

You ARE confused actually. Totalitarianism has nothing to do with socialism unless you are talking about corporate/ top 1% oligarchy socialism. You might be happier living in NoKo, Russia, Turkey or the Philippines.
Theoretical socialism is totalitarian. I think what keeps making it so brutal is that the "haves" are not about to give up what they've got, and they fight to keep it. That's why it becomes so bloody and squelches so many human rights. People are motivated by greed.

Now what the Democrats suggest that the Right keeps calling "socialism" or "communism" isn't really. It is socialist programs that benefit everyone without turning it into a deadly dictatorship. The people still have to vote in the majority to put the representatives in Congress who will enact that legislation and a President who won't veto it.
So the vapors that the conservatives are having here are silly ass posturing. I hope they're not convincing anyone but their equally stupid buddies who believe it anyway.

Dunno about you OL, but I'm sick to death of labels. And these are labels that Russian Trolls are pumping out by 10,000 memes on a daily basis. Divide and conquer. IOW, Donald's strategery.

The news cycle we live in right now makes me sad. I'm afraid if we go with Bernie we will lose. Not because I don't like Bernie personally because I kinda do. But jus sayin'.

Still waiting for those slightly older than me to renounce their horribly wicked socialist-icky Medicare and Social Security. Hell, I bet a good % of Trumptardians are on Medicaid (thanks to Obamacare) and SNAP.

I fear for our (small d) democracy ...

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