DOW down nearly 1000 points


28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

Days like this are buying opportunities. I bought another $4,000 worth of stock this morning, adding to my holdings.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

Days like this are buying opportunities. I bought another $4,000 worth of stock this morning, adding to my holdings.
You're probably gonna wish you'd held off for a while.
View attachment 308853

You’re not an experienced investor, are you
I told everyone right here on the USMB to get out of the market. Was I right?
A real one percenter wouldn't get out of the market, a one percenter would be holding their position knowing the economy is still good.
A stupid pretend one percenter would tell people to sell their positions and pay the capital gains tax.
Time has a magnificent way of smoothing out price swings in stock prices.

I've profited tremendously over the years by simply doing nothing.

Time in the market is far better than timing the market.

I don't allow "fear", especially the irrational type, to guide my investment philosophy.

Hang in their BABY (oh, and SNAG them "bargains") :D

27,081.36 −879.44 (3.15%)
Feb 25, 4:20 PM EST

Pullbacks (drops of 5.0% to 9.9%) last just three months including recovery on average. Since stocks usually recover faster than your emotions, ignoring the headlines and staying focused on your long-term strategy is most often the best move.
Right now our main concern is person to person transmission through the air. However, we do not know to what degree it is spread by contact of objects that are handled by people that are infected. Hundreds of billions of dollars in goods being imported from China require extensive handling by workers in China this could be a healthcare and financial risk to the US. In major retail outlets like Walmart and Target, a lot of the products are handled by workers in China before being shipped. The question researchers need to answer is how long does the virus survive outside of a host and how do environmental conditions effect the virus.

My friend, you're too smart, logical and level headed for this hellhole. ;)
Unfortunately, many people on this forum lack the ability to discuss political issues because they can't consider ideas and opinions that differ from their own. They typically read only enough of a post to categorize the poster and reply with a cut and paste diatribe. The fact is both conservatives and liberals have good points.

I don't see many smart, fiscal cons with good points on this board. What I see mostly bagmen for the Dumpster who will repeat (ad nauseam) endlessly each and every one of Dear Leader's 17,000 lies.

But hey, hope springs eternal for intellectual conservatism. IMHO it died with Trump.
Keep in mind that forums such as these attract conservative and liberal ideologues, not free thinkers. Most people would not be able to debate both sides of a political issue because they only want to consider one side. If you put yourself in the other person's shoes, then the issues are not so clear and clarity is what people want.

Agree, but the question remains - WTF happened to intellectual conservatism? WF Buckley spins in his grave!
Aside from the election of Donald Trump, the GOP has been framing all intellectuals as liberals for years. For the first time, a majority of Republicans think that colleges and universities have a negative impact on the country. The last thing the GOP wants is educated thinking voters.
My friend, you're too smart, logical and level headed for this hellhole. ;)
Unfortunately, many people on this forum lack the ability to discuss political issues because they can't consider ideas and opinions that differ from their own. They typically read only enough of a post to categorize the poster and reply with a cut and paste diatribe. The fact is both conservatives and liberals have good points.

I don't see many smart, fiscal cons with good points on this board. What I see mostly bagmen for the Dumpster who will repeat (ad nauseam) endlessly each and every one of Dear Leader's 17,000 lies.

But hey, hope springs eternal for intellectual conservatism. IMHO it died with Trump.
Keep in mind that forums such as these attract conservative and liberal ideologues, not free thinkers. Most people would not be able to debate both sides of a political issue because they only want to consider one side. If you put yourself in the other person's shoes, then the issues are not so clear and clarity is what people want.

Agree, but the question remains - WTF happened to intellectual conservatism? WF Buckley spins in his grave!
Aside from election of Donald Trump, the GOP has been framing all intellectuals as liberals for years. For the first time, a majority of Republicans think that colleges and universities have a negative impact on the country. The last thing the GOP wants is educated thinking voters.
Obviously you haven't seen many man on the street type interviews with today's college product
What you people seem to want is NOBODY in the executive, legislative or judicial branches who doesn't kiss Dear Leader's ass.

Move to Russia

Not at all my far-left good friend.

Just as we frequently keep a nearly extinct animal in a zoo in order to breed and keep them around. We want to keep a few far-left Progressives, I guess we can call them Socialists now, around so we never forget who they are and that they don't have the skills to run the country.
Dimms are so unhinged and desperate that they are rooting for a potential pandemic in their attempts to beat Trump.
They learned from you...
And the Dow has begun a descent today (-200+ pts.). Didn't take long for petro prices to drag on it.
"Vote Obama 2012: Instability and Uncertainty"

Wasn't due to a potential pandemic.
Big difference, sleazeball!

Yeah, as if you weren't so unhinged and desperate when you prayed for economiView attachment 308792 c collapse in order to defeat Obama.


Obama's goal was economic collapse.
If that was true, he failed.

View attachment 308793

The slowest recovery since the Great Depression. Just as FDRs actions extended the Great Depression by seven years, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama extended our mortgage/housing/financial meltdown by, at least five or six years.


28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

Days like this are buying opportunities. I bought another $4,000 worth of stock this morning, adding to my holdings.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

Days like this are buying opportunities. I bought another $4,000 worth of stock this morning, adding to my holdings.
You're probably gonna wish you'd held off for a while.
View attachment 308853

You’re not an experienced investor, are you
You have absolutely no sense of humor, do you.
As the economy unravels over the next few weeks, it is going to be fun to read all of the Trumpettes explaining to us:
1. A crashing stock market is GOOD for us!
2. Obama is to blame
3. China is to blame
4. Bernie is to blame
5. the virus is an evil communist plot
6. The media is to blame.
They learned from you...

Wasn't due to a potential pandemic.
Big difference, sleazeball!

Yeah, as if you weren't so unhinged and desperate when you prayed for economiView attachment 308792 c collapse in order to defeat Obama.


Obama's goal was economic collapse.
If that was true, he failed.

View attachment 308793

The slowest recovery since the Great Depression. Just as FDRs actions extended the Great Depression by seven years, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama extended our mortgage/housing/financial meltdown by, at least five or six years.

Your own link shows it was also the deepest recession.


Yeah, as if you weren't so unhinged and desperate when you prayed for economiView attachment 308792 c collapse in order to defeat Obama.


Obama's goal was economic collapse.
If that was true, he failed.

View attachment 308793

He was a fucking quota hire - they are usually not successful.
Oh? What's the quota?

The quota was "black"
They filled the hire with a "half Black"

Did you somehow miss all of that?

The con perspective is noted, laughed at and summarily discard.
Uh huh, that's why the DJIA went from 7,900 to 17,000 under Obama. Must also why our auto industry has been revitalized and why the fiscal deficit was cut by more than half (since blown to hell by an Orange Incompetent)

As you know, the auto industry wasn't revitalized, the AUTO UNIONS were rescued.

The banks, bailed out by former President George Bush paid back their loans early with interest. Chrysler is no longer an American automaker but now is an Italian automaker.

The automakers/unions with GM left the taxpayer holding the bag for $11.2 BILLION.

APRIL 30, 2014 / 11:03 AM / 6 YEARS AGO
U.S. government says it lost $11.2 billion on GM bailout
Eric Beech
U.S. government says it lost $11.2 billion on GM bailout
Trump has to be defeated. The Dems have had a less than impressive response. Sometimes help comes in funny packages. A tiny virus may do the trick, if it really does throw ice water on the economy.

I rest my case.
and she or he remember its a dem .........isnt the only evil vile leftist hoping the virus spreads and kills and tanks the economy ....democrats are evil .
Trump has to be defeated. The Dems have had a less than impressive response. Sometimes help comes in funny packages. A tiny virus may do the trick, if it really does throw ice water on the economy.
help ?? funny packages ?? is that what you call a deadly outbreak ! sick evil ! and i see that you are admitting that the virus may be the only way and your only hope to slow the economy [not policy by the administration] and working people ! dems are scum .
Last edited:
If Coronavirus spread can’t be stopped and has anywhere near the 5% mortality rate it has shown so far, all markets are going to crash.

Reagan got us in the world market. Yet another Republican disaster.
I agree, the old GOP was way too “free trade” happy. President Trump is the first to come along to try to change that.
Trade deficit is up, manufacturing is down, Farm income projected to be down 9%

Yep that Trump figured it out.

You people are this fucking stupid. Do you think other administrations looked at sanctions and a trade war as pathway towards better trade and it was rejected because of the repercussions.

But hey, Trump is the smartest person ever. Hew is sooooo smart he knows more than our generals, pandemic experts, trade experts, scientists, etc.

He sits in the residence on his fat ass watching Fox News.

Jesus fuck, people
Quote me shithead. You can't. All I suggested was that if this baby gets worse, it WILL affect Dear Leader's reelection chances. Also that his response has been woefully inadequate - 2 billion to come up with a vaccine to fight a worldwide pandemic? Gimme a fuckin break.

Meanwhile, a 16% cut to CDC? GREAT idea! :icon_rolleyes:

You and the other never Trumpers have been 100% wrong about Donald Trump since before the election. What makes you think anything has changed?
You have been a duped, stupid ignorant person.

Trump has been wrong about everything.
So 1900 points down on the Dow in two days. Okay, nobody jump in to buy yet --- we have at least two more waves coming. Stocks may plunge again on awful news from Europe, first. Two luxury hotels have now been locked down -- no one in no one out -- in Europe, as well as the very impressive and fast spread of COVID-19 in Lombardy, Italy. Ten people dead in three days in northern Italy?? That was fast!

After the effects of the scare of out-of-the-U.S. spread, maybe there will be another one if our soldiers in some of these infection zones get caught in it. Correction time, 10% off the high.

Then when it gets here spreading in the U.S. and there are quarantines and lockdowns? You think maybe that might have an effect on the Dow? Count on it. Possible bear market, 20% off the high.

Wait till the spread here is abating (hopefully in warm weather!!) and then buy, buy, buy those cheap stocks.
move to russia
If you were honest and truthful what you saw in the Soviet Union and Cuba, plus a few banana republics which were of short duration; each were totalitarian, not socialistic, for the leaders in those nations profited for themselves and their cronies and persecuted anyone who dissented.

Maybe you ought to compare Trumpism with these nations you so abhor.,

You can't have actual Socialism without the totalitarianism - ( I know that you don't believe that - and that's okay, I don't consider you to be very bright)
President Trump is the absolute anthesis of totalitarian.
He is the people - the people are him.
Billie, Trump is the people who agree with him. All others Trump wants to fire/censor/insult and call liars.

Did you see that he wants Ginsberg and Sotomayer to recuse themselves on anything involving Trump?

LoL!! :lol:

It makes sense, yes?

I guess if Bart O'Kavanaugh Gorsuch recuse, then it might be fair for Sotomayer and Ginsberg to do the same.

No, it makes NO sense.

What you people seem to want is NOBODY in the executive, legislative or judicial branches who doesn't kiss Dear Leader's ass.

Move to Russia
If you were honest and truthful what you saw in the Soviet Union and Cuba, plus a few banana republics which were of short duration; each were totalitarian, not socialistic, for the leaders in those nations profited for themselves and their cronies and persecuted anyone who dissented.

Maybe you ought to compare Trumpism with these nations you so abhor.,

You can't have actual Socialism without the totalitarianism - ( I know that you don't believe that - and that's okay, I don't consider you to be very bright)
President Trump is the absolute anthesis of totalitarian.
He is the people - the people are him.

You are very confused :cuckoo:

I am not.

You ARE confused actually. Totalitarianism has nothing to do with socialism unless you are talking about corporate/ top 1% oligarchy socialism. You might be happier living in NoKo, Russia, Turkey or the Philippines.
Theoretical socialism is totalitarian. I think what keeps making it so brutal is that the "haves" are not about to give up what they've got, and they fight to keep it. That's why it becomes so bloody and squelches so many human rights. People are motivated by greed.

Now what the Democrats suggest that the Right keeps calling "socialism" or "communism" isn't really. It is socialist programs that benefit everyone without turning it into a deadly dictatorship. The people still have to vote in the majority to put the representatives in Congress who will enact that legislation and a President who won't veto it.
So the vapors that the conservatives are having here are silly ass posturing. I hope they're not convincing anyone but their equally stupid buddies who believe it anyway.
hugo chavez was elected.
Quote me shithead. You can't. All I suggested was that if this baby gets worse, it WILL affect Dear Leader's reelection chances. Also that his response has been woefully inadequate - 2 billion to come up with a vaccine to fight a worldwide pandemic? Gimme a fuckin break.

Meanwhile, a 16% cut to CDC? GREAT idea! :icon_rolleyes:

You and the other never Trumpers have been 100% wrong about Donald Trump since before the election. What makes you think anything has changed?
You have been a duped, stupid ignorant person.

Trump has been wrong about everything.
he wasnt wrong about 2016 .

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