DOW Tanks 400 Pts. on Biden's 1.9T Stimulus Plan

Unfortunately we're seeing a second straight Democratic Party President having to spend a shitload of money to get us out of a fucking mess left behind by a Republican President.

The Trumpsters will blame Biden for that, of course, because they are conditioned to.

Ah, the excuses already. Don't worry, you have a little bit more time to get your excuses in order. I've got news for you, if Trump would have won the election, our economy would have absolutely taken flight. With Biden, we will be lucky not to completely tank, but hey, who am I to know? I am just one of those guys who made a lot of money during Trump's tenure due to sound investment decisions. Like I mentioned before, your best bet would be to put your client's money into EV stocks and brush up on your shorting skills. The overall economy will tank under Biden due to horrifically uninformed and utopian policy decisions, but as always there will be money to be made in the stock market.
I'm not talking about the stock market, Trumpster.

You're free to make whatever paranoid decisions you like, I don't care.
Joe Biden says sky high tax increases and costly jobs killing regulations are great for the economy.
The proof is in the pudding. These morons will have their hands full trying to explain away all the criminal acts that have occurred in addition to all of those they will have added during the next two years of democrat control.
The Greedy Corrupt Democrats have bankrupt IL, CA and NY and now the other 47 states are being forced bailing them out.
Who says that Crime doesn't pay?
They are well on the way to bankrupting the entire country. They increased the debt by 25% last year and Biden is adding another $1.9T right off the bat. Leftist media outlet, HuffPost is advocating for guaranteed income for all. Who's going to work when you get Money for Nothing and the chicks are free.
Cry harder, con. :laugh:
You have a purty mouth honey, you should put some wood in it.
The Greedy Corrupt Democrats have bankrupt IL, CA and NY and now the other 47 states are being forced bailing them out.
Who says that Crime doesn't pay?
They are well on the way to bankrupting the entire country. They increased the debt by 25% last year and Biden is adding another $1.9T right off the bat. Leftist media outlet, HuffPost is advocating for guaranteed income for all. Who's going to work when you get Money for Nothing and the chicks are free.
Cry harder, con. :laugh:
You have a purty mouth honey, you should put some wood in it.
Go back to Grindr
We've been on the tail end of the biggest bubble in the history of man for some time now. And it's global.

Pretty sure they're gonna purposefully poke it with a pin here soon , if the move toward digital currencies and full spectrum economic dominance (basically monitoring, controlling and reporting every single transaction one makes) is of any significance. And it is. Clearly. I believe they've alread ystrted that trial run in Australia. The Bank of International settlements has been crystal clear on their intention. Pretty much all physical mediums of exchange are on the chopping block. And that's stright from the horses own mouth.

We'll likely see a large scale trend in asset seizure over the next year or two in the mean time, as people fall behind on their financial obligations as a consequence of governments all over the world shutting down business and jobs.


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