Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery'


Obamacare is the worst thing that’s happened in this nation since slavery. And, it is slavery in a way because it’s making us subservient to the government. And, it was never about health care; it’s about control.”

Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery' | MRCTV

So, since the majority of people will remain on their employees sponsored program, who are they subservient to??

Someone should revoke this doctor's license to practice. Pretty scary to think of an innocent person under his care.
Every law is like that. "I'm forced to drive the speed limit, therefore speed limits are slavery!"

You're not screaming every law is "slavery". Just this one. How do you justify such an obvious and wildly hyocritical double standard?

No double standard at all because no one is forcing millions to get a drivers license, buy a car or drive in order to have the opportunity to break any speed limit laws, nice try though..... :thup:

Obamacare is the worst thing that’s happened in this nation since slavery. And, it is slavery in a way because it’s making us subservient to the government. And, it was never about health care; it’s about control.”

Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery' | MRCTV

So, since the majority of people will remain on their employees sponsored program, who are they subservient to??

Someone should revoke this doctor's license to practice. Pretty scary to think of an innocent person under his care.

Well, you get to tell that lie only for another year since Obama broke his own law and made big businesses exempt for one year........
Everything mentioned by wrongwinger for comparison was bad, but Obamacare likely is worse than all due to the effect of it's longevity. We recovered from the others, but it's questionable that we can recover from Obamacare.
R'winger is right.
And all of those who are true conservatives should be just as critical of his statement.
I have high hopes that Dr. Carson is the next President. I hope...hope...that he is an honest man who will not only stand up to his opposition, but more importantly stand up to the crony faux conservatism that we see out of Washington everyday.
I hope that this man can do something about Washington corruption. He is making a BIG mistake pandering like this and overstating his meaning. He doesn't need the extremes to elect him - he needs the moderates and even some on the left to elect him.
He is an extremely respectable individual whose life is an inspiration to us all. He doesn;t nee to provide ammunition to those who seek to change that.

When I first saw an interview with Dr Carson, I was impressed. He seemed intellectual and even minded. Someone who could chart a new direction for American Conservatism
Since then I have seen him compare gay marriage to bestiality and Obamacare to slavery
Rather than lead conservatives to sensibility, they seem to have converted him

Well let's hope not.
I believe it is likely what he is doing is raising money for his running for President. And unfortunately to do so means to suck up to some groups to get that financing. A national campaign takes $100's millions. And he will need every penny of it.
This is what I believe he is doing, trouble is this is the technology age - and everything you say anywhere can be broadcasted globally with a few clicks of the mouse.
I believe he is an honest man....and God do we need an honest man in Washington!!!

Dr Carson seems to be staking out a place in the GOP Clown Car. He will get to appear in the debates and guest spots on Fox but legitimate candidates for president know better than to spout the rhetoric that he does
Every law is like that. "I'm forced to drive the speed limit, therefore speed limits are slavery!"

You're not screaming every law is "slavery". Just this one. How do you justify such an obvious and wildly hypocritical double standard?

And remember, you're not talking to your fellow conservative shriekers. That means your evasions and emotionalism won't work. You're talking to the reality-based community, so you'll need to use reason, and to provide facts and evidence.

The speed limit is turnpike tyranny.

The RW in this country has increasingly tried to make a connection between every law they don't like to some kind of violation of the US Constitution.

So, how long will it be before some conservative (probably Ted Nugent) shows up in court with a speeding ticket for driving 90 mph in a 65 mph zone only to claim that he was striking a blow for freedom and the US Constitution?
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Carson aspires to be nothing more than a rightwing celebrity and he's doing a good job of learning the lines.

Carson aspires to be nothing more than a rightwing celebrity and he's doing a good job of learning the lines.

Exactly . So much for his Presidential run , Mr Faux mouth piece.
You brain dead liberal idiots have no comprehension of HISTORY! Socialism fails REPEATEDLY and you idiots still dream of it succeeding under Obama's care. What a bunch of fucking idiots!

Obama is a goddamned Marxist! You that do not see this are blinded by your idiotic dreams of utopia. It will NEVER occur! Only the ruling elite will prosper...and you ain't among them!
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Everything mentioned by wrongwinger for comparison was bad, but Obamacare likely is worse than all due to the effect of it's longevity. We recovered from the others, but it's questionable that we can recover from Obamacare.

People are more likely to recover from an increase in medical care than from a lack of it.
Carson aspires to be nothing more than a rightwing celebrity and he's doing a good job of learning the lines.

Carson aspires to be nothing more than a rightwing celebrity and he's doing a good job of learning the lines.

Exactly . So much for his Presidential run , Mr Faux mouth piece.
You brain dead liberal idiots have no comprehension of HISTORY! Socialism fails REPEATEDLY and you idiots still dream of it succeeding under Obama's care. What a bunch of fucking idiots!

Obama is a goddamned Marxist! You that do not see this are blinded by your idiot dreams of utopia. It will NEVER occur!
They see it, and they LIKE it.
So Obamacare, according to conservatives, is worse than Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid,

the big 3 satanic components of the evil welfare state?

That's very interesting.

those were all passed on bi-partisan votes after a lot of discussion and debate.

Do you understand the difference between that and how obozocare was rammed through?

There is no difference. Sometimes you just lose the vote and there's nothing you can do about it.

Obamacare is the worst thing that’s happened in this nation since slavery. And, it is slavery in a way because it’s making us subservient to the government. And, it was never about health care; it’s about control.”

Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery' | MRCTV

"Why do the Blacks always have to bring up slavery?" , I hear and see this question asked with such incredulity in this and other forums, but when it fits some of the very same people's agenda, it's suddenly ok and embraced. Too funny!

That said, I'm not in favor of Obamacare , but I certainly don't think that it's "the worst thing since slavery" that's happened in Our country. Does he not think that Jim Crow and relegation to less than second class citizenship by local and state governments is not worse than Obamacare. In fact most of the citizens of this country was in pretty good shape during slavery, it was primarily "the Blacks" who were suffering during slavery. Maybe he should have went with the Great Depression instead because it adversely affect more of our citizens than slavery did.

So what's his true intention of bringing "slavery" into it? Why are these other notable black guys who are embrace by many conservative republicans frequently bringing slavery terms into our current political discussion? Why do they feel the need to insult the majority of the Black voting population by stating that "they are slaves on the democrat plantation", or that they are "brainwashed", or that "all Blacks need to be bought back to the plantation and put to work, so they learn the value of working.", or make a video called "Runaway Slave"? Do they REALLY think that those insults will win admirers and converts from the Black voting public or are they solely doing it to pander to some of the conservative republicans who like to use them as their proxies to insult "the Blacks"?
Pointing out blatant hyprocisy is now deflection, please keep that in mind when posting and be sure to tell all your friends!...... :thup:

we arent talking about dems, we are talking about Ben.

I was talking about RW's hypocisy, but as soon as you see anything remotely regarding your precious dems, you start foaming at the mouth. You'll be ok, just go watch MSNBC until the foaming subsides..... :thup:

sure :cuckoo:
Redfish, the conservatives resisted the Big Three and cannot prevent it.

They cannot prevent ACA either.

Some did, but those were all passed on bi-partisan votes after a lot of discussion and amendments. If ACA had been processed that way, it might be a decent law. But dems were determined to ram it home, and we now have their mess to deal with. Lenin would be pleased.

There's nothing in the US Constitution about political parties. That means your argument is silly...not to mention unconstitutional. Ponder that for a while.

Obamacare is the worst thing that’s happened in this nation since slavery. And, it is slavery in a way because it’s making us subservient to the government. And, it was never about health care; it’s about control.”

Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery' | MRCTV

So, since the majority of people will remain on their employees sponsored program, who are they subservient to??

Someone should revoke this doctor's license to practice. Pretty scary to think of an innocent person under his care.

Once again proving your complete and utter ignorance.

The Employer Mandate has only been pushed out a year. Just wait until HHS gets to tell employers what their health care plans have to cover. Then, watch many employers cancel their health care coverage and dump people onto the ObamaCare exchanges.

That's the plan. And then see how you like it.
Where were you when you heard about Pearl Harbor?
Where were you when you heard about 9-11?
Where were you when Obamacare passed?

Nice work Dr Carson

We get it RW, the left is determined to demonize all conservative black people----you racist bastards.

Carson is a brilliant successful black man, just the kind that you libs are programmed to hate.

Your token is nothing more than a token used by racist to imply that they are not racist because they found a token. The only ones fooled are the idiots that think it works. When you live under rocks it isn't hard to find other creatures that live under rocks.
Everything mentioned by wrongwinger for comparison was bad, but Obamacare likely is worse than all due to the effect of it's longevity. We recovered from the others, but it's questionable that we can recover from Obamacare.

People are more likely to recover from an increase in medical care than from a lack of it.
The stupid bastard, Obama could have paid for health insurance for all of the uninsured with the funds he's spent on vacations for his family and friends.
Every law is like that. "I'm forced to drive the speed limit, therefore speed limits are slavery!"

You're not screaming every law is "slavery". Just this one. How do you justify such an obvious and wildly hypocritical double standard?

And remember, you're not talking to your fellow conservative shriekers. That means your evasions and emotionalism won't work. You're talking to the reality-based community, so you'll need to use reason, and to provide facts and evidence.

The speed limit is turnpike tyranny.

The RW in this country has increasingly tried to make a connection between every law they don't like to some kinf of violation of the US Constitution.

So, how long will it be before some conservative (probably Ted Nugent) shows up in court with a speeding ticket for driving 90 mph in a 65 mph zone only to claim that he was striking a blow for freedom and the US Constitution?

The RW, sure.......:cuckoo:

BTW, you missed the post where i debunked that strawman in about 10 seconds........
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I like Dr Carson and respect his career. But when he panders so blatantly to the rightwing extreme he sounds like a fucking retard

I imagine he realizes just what he is doing and using this nonsensical rhetoric to suck up to the Hannity/Rush crowd and pull in the cash. But this bullshit makes him appear to be anything but presidential

R'winger is right.
And all of those who are true conservatives should be just as critical of his statement.
I have high hopes that Dr. Carson is the next President. I hope...hope...that he is an honest man who will not only stand up to his opposition, but more importantly stand up to the crony faux conservatism that we see out of Washington everyday.
I hope that this man can do something about Washington corruption. He is making a BIG mistake pandering like this and overstating his meaning. He doesn't need the extremes to elect him - he needs the moderates and even some on the left to elect him.
He is an extremely respectable individual whose life is an inspiration to us all. He doesn;t nee to provide ammunition to those who seek to change that.

When I first saw an interview with Dr Carson, I was impressed. He seemed intellectual and even minded. Someone who could chart a new direction for American Conservatism
Since then I have seen him compare gay marriage to bestiality and Obamacare to slavery
Rather than lead conservatives to sensibility, they seem to have converted him


Which raises the question as to whether or not conservatives can indeed be returned to sensibility, where conservative dogma has been so poisoned and corrupted by far right extremism that it’s beyond redemption.

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