Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery'

Redfish, the conservatives resisted the Big Three and cannot prevent it.

They cannot prevent ACA either.

Some did, but those were all passed on bi-partisan votes after a lot of discussion and amendments. If ACA had been processed that way, it might be a decent law. But dems were determined to ram it home, and we now have their mess to deal with. Lenin would be pleased.

There's nothing in the US Constitution about political parties. That means your argument is silly...not to mention unconstitutional. Ponder that for a while.

Rightwingers have a habit of blaming the system, or the process, when things don't go their way.

It comes from their belief that it's not their ideas that lose, it's a game that's stacked against them that cheats them out of winning.

In short it's victimology.
Some did, but those were all passed on bi-partisan votes after a lot of discussion and amendments. If ACA had been processed that way, it might be a decent law. But dems were determined to ram it home, and we now have their mess to deal with. Lenin would be pleased.

There's nothing in the US Constitution about political parties. That means your argument is silly...not to mention unconstitutional. Ponder that for a while.

Rightwingers have a habit of blaming the system, or the process, when things don't go their way.

It comes from their belief that it's not their ideas that lose, it's a game that's stacked against them that cheats them out of winning.

In short it's victimology.

A little LSD and a little indoctrination and this is what you get.... :thup:
R'winger is right.
And all of those who are true conservatives should be just as critical of his statement.
I have high hopes that Dr. Carson is the next President. I hope...hope...that he is an honest man who will not only stand up to his opposition, but more importantly stand up to the crony faux conservatism that we see out of Washington everyday.
I hope that this man can do something about Washington corruption. He is making a BIG mistake pandering like this and overstating his meaning. He doesn't need the extremes to elect him - he needs the moderates and even some on the left to elect him.
He is an extremely respectable individual whose life is an inspiration to us all. He doesn;t nee to provide ammunition to those who seek to change that.

When I first saw an interview with Dr Carson, I was impressed. He seemed intellectual and even minded. Someone who could chart a new direction for American Conservatism
Since then I have seen him compare gay marriage to bestiality and Obamacare to slavery
Rather than lead conservatives to sensibility, they seem to have converted him


Which raises the question as to whether or not conservatives can indeed be returned to sensibility, where conservative dogma has been so poisoned and corrupted by far right extremism that it’s beyond redemption.

That is bullshit criticism since there is no difference between republicans and democrats.

Republicans also supported the Social Security Act .

Signed Into Law

On August 14, 1935 President Roosevelt signed the bill into law at a ceremony in the White House Cabinet Room.

Wow, you partisan hacks really have like four brain cells, dontcha?

First off, the Doctor copied this talking point. It's been going on for a good week now. Rush said it.

So whoever thought the dickhead had any integrity? He's now confirmed towing a sycophant narrative.

Secondly, how dare you all say this is the worst thing since slavery? How intellectualy braindead are you though, really?

WWII? Pearl Harbor? 9/11? Women not voting? Segregation? Salem? Great Depression? Great recession? VIETNAM? Iraq/Afghanistan/NOW?

Seriously, what kind of cereal do you all eat out of the same fucking fruit loops box? You're DUMB. Flat out just DUMB.
seriously, get the fuck off my internet and go build yer 'lil bunkers until you die off into obscurity. I hope my kid never has to come across a mouth breathing drooling loser assed partisan hack such as Dr. Carson or any one of yourselves. Disgusting.

Our Country can come together once you two love-birds stop playing "my side is great your side is evil" clap trap bullshit. You're all to blame.

and get the fuck off my internet.
seriously, get the fuck off my internet and go build yer 'lil bunkers until you die off into obscurity. I hope my kid never has to come across a mouth breathing drooling loser assed partisan hack such as Dr. Carson or any one of yourselves. Disgusting.

Our Country can come together once you two love-birds stop playing "my side is great your side is evil" clap trap bullshit. You're all to blame.

and get the fuck off my internet.

one of those days huh...I should know
Wow, you partisan hacks really have like four brain cells, dontcha?

First off, the Doctor copied this talking point. It's been going on for a good week now. Rush said it.

So whoever thought the dickhead had any integrity? He's now confirmed towing a sycophant narrative.

Secondly, how dare you all say this is the worst thing since slavery? How intellectualy braindead are you though, really?

WWII? Pearl Harbor? 9/11? Women not voting? Segregation? Salem? Great Depression? Great recession? VIETNAM? Iraq/Afghanistan/NOW?

Seriously, what kind of cereal do you all eat out of the same fucking fruit loops box? You're DUMB. Flat out just DUMB.

And another one that hides or cheers when budget talks are compared to terrorism by his beloved democrat party, now shows up to show his outrage over this........ :lol:
Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery'

Secondly, how dare you all say this is the worst thing since slavery? How intellectualy braindead are you though, really?


noun \ˈslā-v(ə-)rē\

: the state of being a slave

: the practice of owning slaves
Full Definition of SLAVERY
: drudgery, toil
: submission to a dominating influence
a : the state of a person who is a chattel of another
b : the practice of slaveholding
See slavery defined for English-language learners »
See slavery defined for kids »

seriously, get the fuck off my internet and go build yer 'lil bunkers until you die off into obscurity. I hope my kid never has to come across a mouth breathing drooling loser assed partisan hack such as Dr. Carson or any one of yourselves. Disgusting.

Our Country can come together once you two love-birds stop playing "my side is great your side is evil" clap trap bullshit. You're all to blame.

and get the fuck off my internet.

one of those days huh...I should know

Actually, it's sunny, I got my car ready for sale and had a great AFternoon with my baybay & wife, and THEN

Stopped by to see people actually agreeing with this tidbit of turd. How absurd, bruv. How absurd.
Wow, you partisan hacks really have like four brain cells, dontcha?

First off, the Doctor copied this talking point. It's been going on for a good week now. Rush said it.

So whoever thought the dickhead had any integrity? He's now confirmed towing a sycophant narrative.

Secondly, how dare you all say this is the worst thing since slavery? How intellectualy braindead are you though, really?

WWII? Pearl Harbor? 9/11? Women not voting? Segregation? Salem? Great Depression? Great recession? VIETNAM? Iraq/Afghanistan/NOW?

Seriously, what kind of cereal do you all eat out of the same fucking fruit loops box? You're DUMB. Flat out just DUMB.

And another one that hides or cheers when budget talks are compared to terrorism by his beloved democrat party, now shows up to show his outrage over this........ :lol:

I hid and cheered, eh?

Are we neighbors, or something?
Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery'

Secondly, how dare you all say this is the worst thing since slavery? How intellectualy braindead are you though, really?


noun \ˈslā-v(ə-)rē\

: the state of being a slave

: the practice of owning slaves
Full Definition of SLAVERY
: drudgery, toil
: submission to a dominating influence
a : the state of a person who is a chattel of another
b : the practice of slaveholding
See slavery defined for English-language learners »
See slavery defined for kids »


Your posts are meaningless to me.

And that's being nice, to save you some time. So take that into consideration when you respond to berate me sentence after sentence just for saying so.

I don't consider your posts.
seriously, get the fuck off my internet and go build yer 'lil bunkers until you die off into obscurity. I hope my kid never has to come across a mouth breathing drooling loser assed partisan hack such as Dr. Carson or any one of yourselves. Disgusting.

Our Country can come together once you two love-birds stop playing "my side is great your side is evil" clap trap bullshit. You're all to blame.

and get the fuck off my internet.

one of those days huh...I should know

Actually, it's sunny, I got my car ready for sale and had a great AFternoon with my baybay & wife, and THEN

Stopped by to see people actually agreeing with this tidbit of turd. How absurd, bruv. How absurd.

those are good things. I just mean't dealing with them.
one of those days huh...I should know

Actually, it's sunny, I got my car ready for sale and had a great AFternoon with my baybay & wife, and THEN

Stopped by to see people actually agreeing with this tidbit of turd. How absurd, bruv. How absurd.

those are good things. I just mean't dealing with them.

It's just so bizarre to my brain that people can be this dumb - that my brain sometimes simply can't accept it as reality.

I don't understand how they put their shoes on the right feet in the morning without Glenn Beck drawing them a "how to" on a chalk-board......................but then...

shoelaces were secretly made so ppl could hang themselves - he'd eventually conclude.
Actually, it's sunny, I got my car ready for sale and had a great AFternoon with my baybay & wife, and THEN

Stopped by to see people actually agreeing with this tidbit of turd. How absurd, bruv. How absurd.

those are good things. I just mean't dealing with them.

It's just so bizarre to my brain that people can be this dumb - that my brain sometimes simply can't accept it as reality.

I don't understand how they put their shoes on the right feet in the morning without Glenn Beck drawing them a "how to" on a chalk-board......................but then...

shoelaces were secretly made so ppl could hang themselves - he'd eventually conclude.

its not totally their fault. Its the sensationalist mentality in today's culture.
So a normal story gets dolled up to be a story with a headline that says : shocking. When in reality its quite normal.

Which raises the question as to whether or not conservatives can indeed be returned to sensibility, where conservative dogma has been so poisoned and corrupted by far right extremism that it’s beyond redemption.

The same can be said for the left.
Reid and Pelosi, two loony leftist who sincerely believe that government is the alpha and the omega - have completely taken over the left, thus Washington is almost incapable of getting anything done as both sides are so far dug into their own idealism they can't possibly see another point of view...sort of like this website.
Last edited:

Which raises the question as to whether or not conservatives can indeed be returned to sensibility, where conservative dogma has been so poisoned and corrupted by far right extremism that it’s beyond redemption.

The same can be said for the left.
Reid and Pelosi, two loony leftist who sincerely believe that government is the alpha and the omega - have completely taken over the left, thus Washington is almost incapable of getting anything done as both sides are so far dug into their own idealism they can't possible see another point of view

Reid and Pelosi have taken over the left?

seriously, get the fuck off my internet and go build yer 'lil bunkers until you die off into obscurity. I hope my kid never has to come across a mouth breathing drooling loser assed partisan hack such as Dr. Carson or any one of yourselves. Disgusting.

Our Country can come together once you two love-birds stop playing "my side is great your side is evil" clap trap bullshit. You're all to blame.

and get the fuck off my internet.

Ben Carson Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography.com

Carson returned to Johns Hopkins in 1984 and, by 1985, he became director of pediatric neurosurgery at the young age of 33. In 1987, Carson attracted international attention by performing a surgery to separate two 7-month-old craniopagus twins from Germany. Patrick and Benjamin Binder were born joined at the head. Their parents contacted Carson, who went to Germany to consult with the parents and the boys' doctors. Because the boys were joined at the back of the head, and because they had separate brains, he felt the operation could be performed successfully.

On September 4, 1987, Carson and a team of 70 doctors, nurses, and support staff joined forces for what would be a 22-hour surgery. Part of the challenge in radical neurosurgery is to prevent severe bleeding and trauma to the patients. In this operation, Carson had applied a technique used in cardiac surgery called hypothermic arrest.

The boys' bodies were cooled down so the blood flowed slower and bleeding was less severe. This allowed the surgeons to perform the delicate task of untangling, dividing and repairing shared blood vessels. Although the twins did have some brain damage, both survived the separation, making Carson's surgery the first of its kind.

Separating Conjoined Twins

In 1994, Carson and his team went to South Africa to separate the Makwaeba twins. The operation was unsuccessful, as both girls died from complications of the surgery. Carson was devastated, but vowed to press on, as he knew such procedures could be successful. In 1997, Carson and his team went to Zambia in South Central Africa to separate infant boys Luka and Joseph Banda. This operation was especially difficult because the boys were joined at the tops of their heads, making this the first time a surgery of this type had been performed. After a 28-hour operation, both boys survived and neither suffered brain damage.

So while you're jizz mopping at the local peep show, Dr. Carson is accomplishing these amazing medical feats. But he's the mouth breather? Your ignorance is top notch, keep up the bad work...... :thup:
Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery'

Secondly, how dare you all say this is the worst thing since slavery? How intellectualy braindead are you though, really?


noun \ˈslā-v(ə-)rē\

: the state of being a slave

: the practice of owning slaves
Full Definition of SLAVERY
: drudgery, toil
: submission to a dominating influence
a : the state of a person who is a chattel of another
b : the practice of slaveholding
See slavery defined for English-language learners »
See slavery defined for kids »


Your posts are meaningless to me.

And that's being nice, to save you some time. So take that into consideration when you respond to berate me sentence after sentence just for saying so.

I don't consider your posts.

Which is another way of saying :

that the facts are irrelevant - nothing will detract you from adhering to parasitism.


Again driveby, we neighbors?

Dr. Carson is intellectually retarded, which doesnt exclude a proficience in a profession. Its either that or hes a ahill and has no integrity. Sort of like you......trying to diss me.....for not speaking out when the left used the "terrorist" analogy...while YOURE CONVENIENTLY IN A THREAD NOT SAYING DICK ABOUT CARSONS POOR CRITICAL THINKING.

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