Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery'

Leaving aside he didnt even qualify it. Lol. Driveby is dumb as cheese. Im about to serve this fool some honey glazed swine
Riiiight...laws are not legislation.

Jim crow
Women cant vote.

Naw...not legislation. Smoke and mirrors.


Thanks for the abbreviated history of the democrat party....

You can go back to your game of puff puff give now..... :thup:
Leaving aside he didnt even qualify it. Lol. Driveby is dumb as cheese. Im about to serve this fool some honey glazed swine

Only thing you're serving is cosmopolitans at the blue oyster bar..... :thup:
Obfuscation doesnt make his point any less pin headed, no matter how mid 1980's t.v. your boring assed jokes are, s0n.

I bet you smell like mothballs and use a wooden spoon to stir your shitty can made chilli.
Driveby has a lil 7" telly in his kitchen and he gets all in a tiff watching fox news while he's dicing celery for a giant stew of disgustingness. He gets so heated he wears finger condoms and you know this is one of those guys that shits up the back of his toilet. You just know. Driveby lives on a compound. Of course, its called shady acres trailer lot.
He spiddles on his bib if he hears any "fraudulant" facts and data on that pesky lollllbral cnn.
He keeps his duct tape next to his dusty assed revolver and his vintage smut collection
Driveby has a lil 7" telly in his kitchen and he gets all in a tiff watching fox news while he's dicing celery for a giant stew of disgustingness. He gets so heated he wears finger condoms and you know this is one of those guys that shits up the back of his toilet. You just know. Driveby lives on a compound. Of course, its called shady acres trailer lot.

Ok, don't take my advice, I tried to help ya.....:cool:
Dont be mad cuz on tuesdays u either smell like fleischmanns or goldschlagger and pick yer crusty assed toe nails while ya watch greta interview uber witty republican senators......son has "the 5" on d.v.r. cuz hes still at the steel mill at five
No double standard at all because no one is forcing millions to get a drivers license, buy a car or drive in order to have the opportunity to break any speed limit laws, nice try though..... :thup:

Didn't I just tell you that your evasions and emotionalism won't work on rational people? Yes, I did. So why did you insist on using them?

You make a nutty claim that one mandatory law you don't like is "slavery", while all the thousands of other mandatory laws are "not slavery". You don't even try to justify the double standard, being it's impossible to justify hypocrisy on that sort of scale.
The ACA is as bad as Jim Crow laws sort of like a pair of pimples are nicer than GIANT FUCKING TITTIES. IN CAPS.
The ACA is the worst thing since slavery sort of like john bobbits last blowjob was the worst thing since his "beheading."
The ACA is the WORST THING TO HAPPEN TO AMERICA SINCE SLAVERY sort of like Americans are world leaders in Hockey and Russian judges have clear 20/20 objectivity. Its like slavery sort of like Muslims enjoy pig roasts on a beach in hawaii, and like sarah palin is an intellectual genius.
Its the worst thing since slavery like my knee surgery was the worst thing since cock cheneys heart surgery.
The aca is the worst thing since slavery much like obama is an uber secret kenyan muslim who practiced in a racist catholic church for 20yrs to hide his muslimness from the duped masses
Dr carson is a genius sort of like the guy who said the other day that 300000000 divided by 60000000 was 20000000

Lol wait was that driveby? Dont make me dig that up.
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And the far right is running around blubbering because they can't take what they dish.

Let's stay with the OP, folks.
The ACA is not slavery, Carson is a loon not a prophet, and millions on millions of Americans are going to get health care insurance.

Hundreds of million already have it

Isn't it funny how Jakie always sounds like a progressive liberal?...so now the Dr.Carson is loon but Obama is a "visionary" who has made the people SLAVES to this government with that fascist program of his...

Obama is a visionary just like Hitler was and a lot of people in this country will follow him no matter what he does to them

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