Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery'

Staying with the OP....saying the aca is the worst thing since slavery is like saying the ny giants are great this year or that tim tebow in a dope NFL quarterback
Obamacare is the worst thing since the crucifixion of Christ
obamacare ate my dinosaur who ate my dog who ate my cat who ate my gerbil who ate my mortgage payment.

later pickett fences and naked neighbors : (

fukkin dinosaur
yes he is...

Obama's and his parties goal is to make US all slaves to this government and what they want

the unaffordable care act is their first step in this

If this didn't give you a CLUE AND send chills up your spine nothing will

Obama's 'Julia' Cradle-to-Grave - YouTube

lol, a person who has to work 2 jobs to survive is worrying about the government making her a slave.


Obama's Americas, subservient to all powerful federal government. Soon they'll be deciding who lives or dies. People with connections to the politicians and the government will receive the best care, the rest of us ...not so much:(

slave (noun).... one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence
republicans are so smaaawt they think 2, 000 pages is a laaaawt too many to govern a system with 300million+ registrants
I think I figured out why Dr Carson said those things about comparing the ACA to slavery. He probably told a couple of his friends that he could say something to make those white Baptists get up and dance, and they didn't believe him.

And a friendly wager was the result.
If Carson thinks Obamacare is worse than slavery, I suggest he do a comparative analysis...

...spend 12 hours a day for a week on a plantation picking cotton,

then spend a week on an insurance policy he bought through an insurance exchange,

and then let us know which is worse.
Here's a narrative about true slavery, how does "Obamacare" allegedly even come close to being "slavery" as accurately described in the work below?
Frederick Douglass, 1818-1895. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Written by Himself. His Early Life as a Slave, His Escape from Bondage, and His Complete History to the Present Time, Including His Connection with the Anti-slavery Movement; His La

Carson is an intelligent man with many accomplishments, I truly don't know why he would assert something so stupid. From west, peterson, cain, e.w. jackson, carson, and some others I am sure; I don't know why these dolts have to keep on going into the "slavery" narrative. Does any rational person think that these "black conservatives" are the ones who can make "in-roads" with intelligent, self-respecting, and industrious Black people with all of the huckstering these guys are doing? Their little "acts" along with the "acts" of the people who embrace them, may turn other people who are sitting on the fence away from he republican party.
More control by the Federal government brings us all closer to slavery. It was a good analogy.
Carson is the latest........Look, we got black people too and he hates Obama

No Republican would actually vote for him
Redfish, the conservatives resisted the Big Three and cannot prevent it.

They cannot prevent ACA either.

Some did, but those were all passed on bi-partisan votes after a lot of discussion and amendments. If ACA had been processed that way, it might be a decent law. But dems were determined to ram it home, and we now have their mess to deal with. Lenin would be pleased.

No, it would not, because the reactionaries refuse to understand the black man won and had a majority in House and Senate, and a SCOTUS that opined it constitutional.

So its all about race with you? typical libtard :cuckoo:
Carson is the latest........Look, we got black people too and he hates Obama

No Republican would actually vote for him

You show yourself to be more of a racist idiot every day. What is it about people like Carson and Herman Cain that scare you libs to badly? Is it that a black man has dared to leave the democrat plantation?
Carson is the latest........Look, we got black people too and he hates Obama

No Republican would actually vote for him

You show yourself to be more of a racist idiot every day. What is it about people like Carson and Herman Cain that scare you libs to badly? Is it that a black man has dared to leave the democrat plantation?

Show me

Simple request.......show me

Show where Republicans have ever supported black candidates at any level. In the last 70 years, Republicans have elected just six blacks to Congrssman, Senator, Governor or President. Six in 70 years

You say Republicans would vote for Ben Carson? I say Bullshit
The ACA is not slavery, Carson is a loon not a prophet, and millions on millions of Americans are going to get health care insurance.

Hundreds of million already have it

Isn't it funny how Jakie always sounds like a progressive liberal?...so now the Dr.Carson is loon but Obama is a "visionary" who has made the people SLAVES to this government with that fascist program of his...

Revision of standard definitions reveal the paucity of thought from the far right.

Visionary can included Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, and so forth.

When the far right reactionaries' words are parsed, one realizes truly how unaware they remain
Some did, but those were all passed on bi-partisan votes after a lot of discussion and amendments. If ACA had been processed that way, it might be a decent law. But dems were determined to ram it home, and we now have their mess to deal with. Lenin would be pleased.

No, it would not, because the reactionaries refuse to understand the black man won and had a majority in House and Senate, and a SCOTUS that opined it constitutional.

So its all about race with you? typical libtard :cuckoo:

No, race is what drives some far right reactionaries like you.

Get over it. Obama won. You lost. You don't get to revisit ACA again. That's completed.

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