Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery'

I like Dr Carson and respect his career. But when he panders so blatantly to the rightwing extreme he sounds like a fucking retard

I imagine he realizes just what he is doing and using this nonsensical rhetoric to suck up to the Hannity/Rush crowd and pull in the cash. But this bullshit makes him appear to be anything but presidential

R'winger is right.
And all of those who are true conservatives should be just as critical of his statement.
I have high hopes that Dr. Carson is the next President. I hope...hope...that he is an honest man who will not only stand up to his opposition, but more importantly stand up to the crony faux conservatism that we see out of Washington everyday.
I hope that this man can do something about Washington corruption. He is making a BIG mistake pandering like this and overstating his meaning. He doesn't need the extremes to elect him - he needs the moderates and even some on the left to elect him.
He is an extremely respectable individual whose life is an inspiration to us all. He doesn;t nee to provide ammunition to those who seek to change that.

You may be correct, but when people like RW, who would be the first in line to scream "Repubs are terrorists and enemies of this nation!", he has no credibilty when criticizing Dr. Carson's statement........
I like Dr Carson and respect his career. But when he panders so blatantly to the rightwing extreme he sounds like a fucking retard

I imagine he realizes just what he is doing and using this nonsensical rhetoric to suck up to the Hannity/Rush crowd and pull in the cash. But this bullshit makes him appear to be anything but presidential

R'winger is right.
And all of those who are true conservatives should be just as critical of his statement.
I have high hopes that Dr. Carson is the next President. I hope...hope...that he is an honest man who will not only stand up to his opposition, but more importantly stand up to the crony faux conservatism that we see out of Washington everyday.
I hope that this man can do something about Washington corruption. He is making a BIG mistake pandering like this and overstating his meaning. He doesn't need the extremes to elect him - he needs the moderates and even some on the left to elect him.
He is an extremely respectable individual whose life is an inspiration to us all. He doesn;t nee to provide ammunition to those who seek to change that.

When I first saw an interview with Dr Carson, I was impressed. He seemed intellectual and even minded. Someone who could chart a new direction for American Conservatism
Since then I have seen him compare gay marriage to bestiality and Obamacare to slavery
Rather than lead conservatives to sensibility, they seem to have converted him
If Obamacare ranks as the worst thing that's happened in America since slavery, he must be a crappy doctor because his judgement ain't worth a damn. And if his judgement is truly that bad, I sure as hell wouldn't want him making a decision as to whether or not I needed surgery let alone actually performing that operation.

So now he's a lousy surgeon because he doesn't agree with your Marxist views? :cuckoo: This man ACTUALLY helps people and ACTUALLY saves lives. Unlike assholes like you and Obama who claim to care and claim to help people just so you can sit on your phony, self righteous high horse.......... :thup:

this their standard, attack the person for his thinking...how dare he
Dr. Carson has done more for people in his life than Obama ever will in his pathetic life
how hard is it to be a community agitator
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I have no idea what kind of a doctor he is. That's my point. However, if I hear any person, especially a doctor who literally holds peoples lives in his hands, say something so patently absurd, I wouldn't let him treat me because his judgment is obviously suspect.

Most of America thinks this is a lousy law and as the low information Obama voters find out more about this law, the less they will like it as well, but Dr. Carson's judgment is obviously suspect.........:lol:

Your mistake is in thinking that everyone shares your opinion. They certainly don't. Most of what constitutes the ACA has yet to go into full force, but much of what has already taken effect has been popular.

At worst, the jury's still out on the ACA which is not surprising since people have been getting conflicting claims about it. God only knows that there's been a lot of fear generated as to what's going to happen when it goes into full effect, and I can understand the trepidation that naturally follows such fear tactics. But universal healthcare (which this is not) has not destroyed other industrialized nations like we're supposed to think will happen to us. In fact, it's lowered their overall healthcare costs, covered millions more people because it covers a greater percentage of the population, and their statistical healthcare outcome results are better than ours are. So, when you insure more people at lower overall costs and the healthcare results improve, what's the downside to offset all that?

The simple fact of the matter is that our current healthcare system has been a hodgepodge of patched together rules and favoritism toward healthcare companies that put the insured at the bottom of the equation and has resulted in medical bankruptcies for thousands of people who actually were insured. So, one can only imagine the nightmares for anyone who couldn't get coverage for a whole host of reasons.

My persona opinion is that the law should be allowed to take effect. If it doesn't work, our elected officials should try to fix it. If it can't be fixed and it's the nightmare you believe it will be, the public will clamor for its repeal, and the GOP can crow that they were right all along. Of course, I don't think the GOP is afraid it will fail. They're afraid it will succeed which puts egg all over their faces.

It "succeeding" will be wide open to interpretation, which blind zombie liberals can stretch to the limits of the imagination. Case in point, in these early stages, the cost is already how much more than the original projection? .... :eusa_whistle: This banana republic law has been lied about by the people who wanted it passed since day one. I'll give Pelosi a tiny bit of credit for being honest about it for 5 seconds though.......:cool:
When did giving ones opinion become pandering? Everything he said is true. His analogy to slavery may be extreme but sometimes extreme analogies are needed to make a point.

But continue to hate and demonize successful conservative black people, prove your racism on a daily basis, we know who and what you libtards are.

If he wants to compare Obamacare to Social Security or Medicare......go with it

But when he says Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery, his judgement comes into question

I don't think he is really that stupid but knows where his payday comes from

Funny, i never hear you question the judgment of the democrat party when they use terms like "terrorist", "held hostage", "bomb throwers" and "arsonists" when describing republicans, and that includes your dear leader. Yet incidents like Fort Hood shooting, which is real terrorism, they use language like "work place violence". That shows very lousy judgment, but instead of condemning it, moonbats like you celebrate it..... :cuckoo:

So are you just a hack or do you just know where your payday comes from? :eusa_whistle:

hey a deflection.....says the argument is weak and therefore needs to move to something else.
I like Dr Carson and respect his career. But when he panders so blatantly to the rightwing extreme he sounds like a fucking retard

I imagine he realizes just what he is doing and using this nonsensical rhetoric to suck up to the Hannity/Rush crowd and pull in the cash. But this bullshit makes him appear to be anything but presidential

R'winger is right.
And all of those who are true conservatives should be just as critical of his statement.
I have high hopes that Dr. Carson is the next President. I hope...hope...that he is an honest man who will not only stand up to his opposition, but more importantly stand up to the crony faux conservatism that we see out of Washington everyday.
I hope that this man can do something about Washington corruption. He is making a BIG mistake pandering like this and overstating his meaning. He doesn't need the extremes to elect him - he needs the moderates and even some on the left to elect him.
He is an extremely respectable individual whose life is an inspiration to us all. He doesn;t nee to provide ammunition to those who seek to change that.

When I first saw an interview with Dr Carson, I was impressed. He seemed intellectual and even minded. Someone who could chart a new direction for American Conservatism
Since then I have seen him compare gay marriage to bestiality and Obamacare to slavery
Rather than lead conservatives to sensibility, they seem to have converted him

Well let's hope not.
I believe it is likely what he is doing is raising money for his running for President. And unfortunately to do so means to suck up to some groups to get that financing. A national campaign takes $100's millions. And he will need every penny of it.
This is what I believe he is doing, trouble is this is the technology age - and everything you say anywhere can be broadcasted globally with a few clicks of the mouse.
I believe he is an honest man....and God do we need an honest man in Washington!!!
Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery'

And it’s this type of ignorant, moronic hyperbole and demagoguery that renders Carson and other rightists who agree with him completely devoid of credibility.
If he wants to compare Obamacare to Social Security or Medicare......go with it

But when he says Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery, his judgement comes into question

I don't think he is really that stupid but knows where his payday comes from

Funny, i never hear you question the judgment of the democrat party when they use terms like "terrorist", "held hostage", "bomb throwers" and "arsonists" when describing republicans, and that includes your dear leader. Yet incidents like Fort Hood shooting, which is real terrorism, they use language like "work place violence". That shows very lousy judgment, but instead of condemning it, moonbats like you celebrate it..... :cuckoo:

So are you just a hack or do you just know where your payday comes from? :eusa_whistle:

hey a deflection.....says the argument is weak and therefore needs to move to something else.

Pointing out blatant hyprocisy is now deflection, please keep that in mind when posting and be sure to tell all your friends!...... :thup:
Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare 'Worst Thing That's Happened in America Since Slavery'

And it’s this type of ignorant, moronic hyperbole and demagoguery that renders Carson and other rightists who agree with him completely devoid of credibility.

Why are you moonbats worried about Dr. Carson spewing hyperbole? He's just another terrorist, arsonist, bomb throwing right wing teabagger anyway right?.........:eusa_whistle:
If Obamacare ranks as the worst thing that's happened in America since slavery, he must be a crappy doctor because his judgement ain't worth a damn. And if his judgement is truly that bad, I sure as hell wouldn't want him making a decision as to whether or not I needed surgery let alone actually performing that operation.

But you do want the federal government forbidding you to make your own decisions regarding your medical and health care needs?


"The mere chilling of a Constitutional right by a penalty on its exercise is patently unconstitutional." Shapiro v. Thompson, 394 U.S. 618.

Any person who can't get health insurance either because of a preexisting condition, or because they're priced out of the market, or for any one of a host of other reasons that have existed for years, doesn't really get to make decisions regarding their medical and health care needs unless it's when to go to the emergency room because their problem has become either chronic or critical. Then they can decide whether or not to declare bankruptcy even as they can't get treatment other than to stabilize their vital signs so they can go home and wait to die, thereby leaving their families in poverty and probably seeking gov't assistance which is what conservatives claim they don't want happening.
Funny, i never hear you question the judgment of the democrat party when they use terms like "terrorist", "held hostage", "bomb throwers" and "arsonists" when describing republicans, and that includes your dear leader. Yet incidents like Fort Hood shooting, which is real terrorism, they use language like "work place violence". That shows very lousy judgment, but instead of condemning it, moonbats like you celebrate it..... :cuckoo:

So are you just a hack or do you just know where your payday comes from? :eusa_whistle:

hey a deflection.....says the argument is weak and therefore needs to move to something else.

Pointing out blatant hyprocisy is now deflection, please keep that in mind when posting and be sure to tell all your friends!...... :thup:

we arent talking about dems, we are talking about Ben.
yes he is...

Obama's and his parties goal is to make US all slaves to this government and what they want

the unaffordable care act is their first step in this

If this didn't give you a CLUE AND send chills up your spine nothing will

Obama's 'Julia' Cradle-to-Grave - YouTube
A program to curb the skyrocketing cost of medical care that makes medical insurance available to millions of Americans who previously could not afford it while forcing people who are trying to game the system to act responsibly, sounds terrible. Perhaps we should look more closely at the republican plan to help Americans.
Oh, right, the republicans have no plan other than to let the insurance companies run wild without any rules or regulation and be damned to the 30 million Americans who will not be able to pay their medical premiums.
All the republicans have is "NO" to Obamacare, a program very similar to what the Heritage Foundation, a respected republican think tank, called for. All the republicans have is "NO" and one lie after another to try to discredit ACA. Death panels anyone? Obamacare is going to make us slaves. Obamacare wants to kill granny. Obamacare is a socialist plot to take over America.
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The ACA is not slavery, Carson is a loon not a prophet, and millions on millions of Americans are going to get health care insurance.
Any person who can't get health insurance either because of a preexisting condition, or because they're priced out of the market, or for any one of a host of other reasons that have existed for years, doesn't really get to make decisions regarding their medical and health care needs unless it's when to go to the emergency room because their problem has become either chronic or critical. Then they can decide whether or not to declare bankruptcy even as they can't get treatment other than to stabilize their vital signs so they can go home and wait to die, thereby leaving their families in poverty and probably seeking gov't assistance which is what conservatives claim they don't want happening.

Nice deflection. Now how about enlightening us to why Obamacare does not impinge upon a woman’s right to make her own medical and health care decisions. Are we to simply ignore that it is settle law that a legislative act “… that impinges upon a fundamental right explicitly or implicitly secured by the Constitution is presumptively unconstitutional”? See Shapiro v. Thompson, 394 U.S. 618, 634 , 638; id., at 642-644 (concurring opinion)

Are you suggesting a woman does not have a fundamental right to make her own medical and health care decisions?

Instead of posting nonsense, why not tell us how the Obamacare decision is within the legislative intent of our Constitution, and how it does not impinge upon a woman’s fundamental right to make her own medical and health care decisions?


"The mere chilling of a Constitutional right by a penalty on its exercise is patently unconstitutional."
Shapiro v. Thompson, 394 U.S. 618.
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The ACA is not slavery, Carson is a loon not a prophet, and millions on millions of Americans are going to get health care insurance.

As dictated by the federal slave master!


They are not “liberals”. They are conniving Marxist parasites who use the cloak of government force to steal the wealth which wage earners, business and investors have worked to create

hey a deflection.....says the argument is weak and therefore needs to move to something else.

Pointing out blatant hyprocisy is now deflection, please keep that in mind when posting and be sure to tell all your friends!...... :thup:

we arent talking about dems, we are talking about Ben.

I was talking about RW's hypocisy, but as soon as you see anything remotely regarding your precious dems, you start foaming at the mouth. You'll be ok, just go watch MSNBC until the foaming subsides..... :thup:
The ACA is not slavery, Carson is a loon not a prophet, and millions on millions of Americans are going to get health care insurance.

You're getting health insurance whether you want it or not, or else you'll be punished. The slaves were forced to pick cotton whether they wanted to or not, or else they'd be punished.... :thup:

For millions both laws force you to do something you don't want to, which was Dr. Carson's point basically. Somehow all the genius liberals (including you) in this thread aren't sharp enough to see that. Are they just dumb or disingenuous?......... :eusa_whistle:
Every law is like that. "I'm forced to drive the speed limit, therefore speed limits are slavery!"

You're not screaming every law is "slavery". Just this one. How do you justify such an obvious and wildly hypocritical double standard?

And remember, you're not talking to your fellow conservative shriekers. That means your evasions and emotionalism won't work. You're talking to the reality-based community, so you'll need to use reason, and to provide facts and evidence.
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