Dr. Drew says what all physicians think about Obamacare

My wife's doctor told us yesterday that his family's health insurance is going up to $3,000 a month next month, so he's going to have to drop it. Can't afford it.

Good job, Democrats! "If you like your present plan, you can keep it."

What are you crying about?:lol:
Good job Democrats. Poverty and government dependence screaming out of control.

You can thank Reagan for the poverty part. It is the right that destroyed the middle class.
How many factories were closed during the last republican President?

What was the poverty rate in 1988?

The unemployment rate?

The percent of people on food assistance?

How many factories closed during the 80's and 90's thanks to Reagan economics?
I remember the 80's, I lived in a town that depended on union jobs at the paper mill. We moved, because of the terrible economy.
The US has been on a slow decline since Reagan was President, we were able to bounce back in the 90's. Now, thanks to Bush and corporate lobbyist we will no longer have a middle class.
Did Sarah Palin re-brand 26 year olds as "children" so they could take a free ride on their parents' health insurance?

Actually, yes:

Candidates who don’t support “repeal and replace” don’t deserve your support. No amount of money spent on Washington’s “government-wide apolitical public information campaign” (otherwise known as “propaganda”) will convince Americans that this awful legislation is anything other than a debt-driven big government train wreck. We need to repeal and replace it, and that can only happen if we elect a new Congress that will make scrapping Obamacare one of its top priorities. We can replace it with pro-private sector, patient-oriented reform that the GOP has proposed.​

The GOP's repeal-and-replace bill has the same provision.
Ah, another care4all disciple. Stand on enough necks in healthcare and make them work for less and you will get the gifts you want.
Did Sarah Palin re-brand 26 year olds as "children" so they could take a free ride on their parents' health insurance?

Actually, yes:

Candidates who don’t support “repeal and replace” don’t deserve your support. No amount of money spent on Washington’s “government-wide apolitical public information campaign” (otherwise known as “propaganda”) will convince Americans that this awful legislation is anything other than a debt-driven big government train wreck. We need to repeal and replace it, and that can only happen if we elect a new Congress that will make scrapping Obamacare one of its top priorities. We can replace it with pro-private sector, patient-oriented reform that the GOP has proposed.​

The repeal-and-replace bill has the same provision.


Source where Sarah Palin specifically endorsed 26 year olds considered dependents for the purpose of health care.

Your bullshit doesn't work with me. Is that starting to occur to you?
Greenbeard's sorry game is to make you think you can eat the whole pile of shit if you're forced to take one bite.
Source where Sarah Palin specifically endorsed 26 year olds considered dependents for the purpose of health care.?

She's explicitly calling for the passage of legislation that does exactly that. You're asking me to believe now that she supports the legislation, just not that provision? Based on what?
No, you're making that up. Nobody has such a bill and if they do, Sarah Palin sure as hell did not write it.
I love how these rightys wallow around like hogs in manure pudding over Obama care. The Party No and do whatever it takes is still blowing shit out their ass as time marches on.
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I love how these rightys wallow around like hogs in manure pudding over Obama care. The Party No and do whatever it takes is still blowing shit out their ass as time marches on.

You and Greenbeard and care4all need to take your Vaseline into the hottub so they can tell you you'll get all the healthcare you're owed and you'll believe it.
I like when Greenbeard bloviates about all this crap that's not in Obamacare, based on a bill nobody read and nobody has written the tens of thousands of pages of administrative rules for yet.

But he has a replacement bill the GOP is ready to pass and Sarah Palin endorses that says exactly what he says is in it.
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No, you're making that up. Nobody has such a bill and if they do, Sarah Palin sure as hell did not write it.

You're a bit dim aren't you? The repeal-and-replace isn't an abstraction, it exists: H.R. 5424, the Reform Americans Can Afford Act of 2010, the purpose of which is "To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and enact the Common Sense Health Care Reform and Affordability Act. "

It repeals the ACA and enacts H.R. 4038, Common Sense Health Care Reform and Affordability Act (aka the Republican substitute amendment to the House health care bill). Section 211 of which just happens to add the following section to ERISA:


`(a) In General- In the case of a group health plan, or health insurance coverage offered in connection with a group health plan, that treats as a beneficiary under the plan an individual who is a dependent child of a participant or beneficiary under the plan, the plan or coverage shall continue to treat the individual as a dependent child without regard to the individual's age through at least the end of the plan year in which the individual turns an age specified in the plan, but not less than 25 years of age.
`(b) Construction- Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring a group health plan to provide benefits for dependent children as beneficiaries under the plan or to require a participant to elect coverage of dependent children.'.

(2) CLERICAL AMENDMENT- The table of contents of such Act is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 714 the following new item:
`Sec. 715. Extending coverage of dependents through plan year that includes 25th birthday.'.​

Plans must cover dependents through the plan year that includes the 25th birthday. Depending on the plan year that may not take you all the way to your 26th birthday but it'll get you pretty close.

And if you somehow think this is a lie and that when Palin says "We can replace it with pro-private sector, patient-oriented reform that the GOP has proposed" she's referring to something else, feel free to wander over to check out the GOP's proposed solutions on health care: Health Care - GOP Solutions for America - GOP.gov. The first thing you'll notice is that it's this bill. But if instead of looking at their actual legislation you choose to go with their bullet point summary, you'll see:

Allowing dependents to remain on their parents’ policies. The GOP plan encourages coverage of young adults on their parents’ insurance through age 25.​

Get a fucking clue, chief. Palin's onboard and I'm sure as soon as the RNC's directives find their way into your RSS feed you will be, too.
No, you're making that up. Nobody has such a bill and if they do, Sarah Palin sure as hell did not write it.

You're a bit dim aren't you? The repeal-and-replace isn't an abstraction, it exists: H.R. 5424, the Reform Americans Can Afford Act of 2010, the purpose of which is "To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and enact the Common Sense Health Care Reform and Affordability Act. "

It repeals the ACA and enacts H.R. 4038, Common Sense Health Care Reform and Affordability Act (aka the Republican substitute amendment to the House health care bill). Section 211 of which just happens to add the following section to ERISA:


`(a) In General- In the case of a group health plan, or health insurance coverage offered in connection with a group health plan, that treats as a beneficiary under the plan an individual who is a dependent child of a participant or beneficiary under the plan, the plan or coverage shall continue to treat the individual as a dependent child without regard to the individual's age through at least the end of the plan year in which the individual turns an age specified in the plan, but not less than 25 years of age.
`(b) Construction- Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring a group health plan to provide benefits for dependent children as beneficiaries under the plan or to require a participant to elect coverage of dependent children.'.

(2) CLERICAL AMENDMENT- The table of contents of such Act is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 714 the following new item:
`Sec. 715. Extending coverage of dependents through plan year that includes 25th birthday.'.​

Plans must cover dependents through the plan year that includes the 25th birthday. Depending on the plan year that may not take you all the way to your 26th birthday but it'll get you pretty close.

And if you somehow think this is a lie and that when Palin says "We can replace it with pro-private sector, patient-oriented reform that the GOP has proposed" she's referring to something else, feel free to wander over to check out the GOP's proposed solutions on health care: Health Care - GOP Solutions for America - GOP.gov. The first thing you'll notice is that it's this bill. But if instead of looking at their actual legislation you choose to go with their bullet point summary, you'll see:

Allowing dependents to remain on their parents’ policies. The GOP plan encourages coverage of young adults on their parents’ insurance through age 25.​

Get a fucking clue, chief. Palin's onboard and I'm sure as soon as the RNC's directives find their way into your RSS feed you will be, too.

Encourage is not mandate. Get a fucking clue yourself.

This shit needs to be put up for an up and down vote on repeal every week. Democrats can't defend this unpopular garbage and they know it.
Damned fool thinks SS is a savings plan.

That's how it was sold to Americans, shit for brains.

Everyone puts something into it. Everyone can take something out of it.

Not a means tested entitlement, you lying sack of shit.
Here, Bozo:

`(b) Construction- Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring a group health plan to provide benefits for dependent children as beneficiaries under the plan or to require a participant to elect coverage of dependent children.'.
Encourage is not mandate. Get a fucking clue yourself.

In the case of a group health plan, or health insurance coverage offered in connection with a group health plan, that treats as a beneficiary under the plan an individual who is a dependent child of a participant or beneficiary under the plan, the plan or coverage shall continue to treat the individual as a dependent child without regard to the individual's age through at least the end of the plan year in which the individual turns an age specified in the plan, but not less than 25 years of age.

Do you need some help with this?
All the government hands around the throats of carriers, providers, plan sponsors and beneficiaries....GONE!

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