Dr. Falsey has not gotten the vaccine. But he demands that you do get the vaccine

Covid is mutating which will make the vaccine USELESS
Did they tell you that?
Why do always pop off with whatever comes into your head without thinking? Do you really know that this new fast-spreading Covid mutation will make the vaccine “USELESS”? And if this were true — God forbid — what would that mean? The truth is it is always possible a Covid virus could mutate into a much more fatal disease. Fortunately that seems not to have been the case here. Do you know anything at all about how easy it might be to tweak existing vaccines to better prevent a virus mutation like this one? These are serious questions scientists like Dr. Fauci and so many others are always monitoring and concerned about ... while you just slander them all.
Yea I do, the EU just banned all travel from the UK

EU cuts links to Britain, raising fears of supply disruptions - The Washington Post

I would love to have the ability to be wrong, as correct all the time is a curse
He said so...............

You have any extra meth for sale?

He also said that he will get vaccinated when it is available to him.
Well if it was on TV it's real right?

People like you are comical

What is comical is the fact that you quote his words as evidence, and then claim his other words are part of a vast conspiracy theory.
The only conspiracy is spread by people like you that believe what they see on TV and the internet, instead of thinking for themselves.

No vaccine is needed for an imaginary pandemic. 500,000 Americans died of tobacco issues this year, because there is no vaccine for stupid


I personally know people who died from covid-19. If you want to pretend you know better than the countless scientists, doctors and nurses fighting this pandemic, suit yourself. I'm calling bullshit.
You know no one who died of covid 19, though you may know people who died with it.

You also know people who died of tobacco related cancer, and you know a lot more of them, but for some reason you do not give a shit about them.

So what do you smoke simpleton, I can tell from looking at your mugshot that you are a smoker? 500,000 Americans died from smoking in 2020, are you next

Cigarettes and Death
Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year.1,6 Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause the following:1
  • More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 278,544 deaths annually among men (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 201,773 deaths annually among women (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
Cigarette smoking causes premature death:
  • Life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter than for nonsmokers.1,2
  • Quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from smoking-related disease by about 90%.2
Secondhand Smoke and Death
Exposure to secondhand smoke causes an estimated 41,000 deaths each year among adults in the United States:1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 7,333 annual deaths from lung cancer.1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 33,951 annual deaths from heart disease.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Men
  • Men who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 17 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 23 times.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged men by almost four times.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Women
  • Women who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 12 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 12 times.1
  • Between 1960 and 1990, deaths from lung cancer among women increased by more than 500%.7
  • In 1987, lung cancer surpassed breast cancer to become the leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women.8
  • In 2000, 67,600 women died from lung cancer.8
  • During 2010–2014, almost 282,000 women (56,359 women each year) will die from lung cancer.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged women by almost five times.1

Oh, so now you claim to know who I know and how they died?

The CDC said that only 10,000 people died of covid, the rest died with it. Argue with the CDC not me fool.

What the fools like you miss are the millions of people not wearing mask that are healthier than those who do, so there is no evidence that mask wearing is helping anyone.

But you saw it on TV and you believe like the zombie smoker and nicotine addict that you are

98 Lingering Symptoms Of Covid-19 #HumbleHolisticsDoc - YouTube

And because of that you insist you know the people I know did not die of covid.

Respiratory therapist at Tuscaloosa hospital dies from COVID-19 complications | CBS 42

He was 53 years old and had no underlying conditions. So fuck you and the horse your road in on.

He could have easily had other issues that no one knew about or weren't talking about.

According to his wife and his co-workers at the hospital he had no other issues. If you want to stretch for "maybes", that is up to you. There is absolutely no evidence to support it.
Whose stretching anything?

People drop dead...I mean literally drop dead for no apparent reason...even young people do this at times.....hence the term undiagnosed conditions. DUH!!

But secondly-----------covid has become a propaganda and political tool----people have their own agendas and LIE which means
that perhaps the hospital and wife have an agenda and want to scare people into wearing masks so they chose not to disclose what they know
that COVID is profitable as frick for hospitals so hospitals manipulate and play up COVID so there is motive to claim that this guy died of covid but lie about other conditions.
that people lie about people's medical pre-existing all the time anyway for a variety of reasons
that the wife is probably better off saying that the husband died of covid for life insurance reasons.

And people make up bullshit about people and situation they know nothing about. You seem to have that covered.
We want you to get vaccinated, are you on line now or full of shit?

What you want is of no relevance. The vaccines are going out to those who need them most. I am not one of those.

So have you figured out why you claimed my death is imminent? Or is that just more bullshit?
Again I do support your right to wear three masks and get vaccinated.

Why does this bother you?


First you claimed I didn't know anyone who died of covid.
Then you claimed I smoke.
Then you claimed my death is imminent.
Then you claimed I am bothered by you supporting my wearing 3 masks and getting the vaccine.

And when challenged, you have absolutely no reason for any of those claims. Were you just trolling? Yeah, I can see why you want to ignore me. lol
Again I fully support your right to wear multiple masks and be first on line to get vaccinated.

However are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

So Stanford University says that mask wearing can damage the lungs. However I can not stop you from doing so, the decision is up to you.

Continued dodging of questions.
Are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

I do not want your life threatened, but I can not stop you from doing so as Stanford warned

Are you aware that you have made bogus claims and then refused to answer any questions about them?
Severe Allergy Sufferers Should Not Get Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Yet | PEOPLE.com

LOL so I will never be required to take the phony vaccine because I have severe hayfever


Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine

Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine (nbcnews.com)
The key word here is yet. In the mean time, ass holes like you believe you have the right and freedom to infect and kill others, just to satisfy your own skewed view of the world.

Funny isn't it, how we have laws in this country about people driving drunk, because they are a danger to other drivers and the drunk driver. And yet, no one talks about losing their "freedoms or rights" by making it a law with that kind of activity. Lol! Republicans and their total lack of cognitive abilities has been a blight on this country, and a national security threat. All because of their convenient "freedoms and rights" that are more important than the health and security of others. And to that I say, screw your "freedoms and rights." Those are "freedoms and rights" designed to endanger me and my family.
I wonder if your opinion will change if the vaccine causes you pain and suffering like it did to Hanna Polling

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award - CBS News

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.
In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
"You wonder?" :auiqs.jpg: This coming from the expert void of any real forensic information. Only his own failed off ramp argument concerning an autism vaccine that has zero to do with a coronavirus vaccine. Dude, you are pitiful. You draw your conclusions based on nothing.
Just pointing out that vaccines are actually so lethal that there is an entire court designed to hide their lethality and there is nothing you can do to hide the vaccine court

Federal Vaccine Court Quietly Pays Out Billions - FairWarning

But there was little fanfare when, about the same time, an obscure federal program that compensates victims of vaccine injuries passed a milestone. Payouts by the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP, have now topped $4 billion.
So, the coronavirus vaccine is lethal? Who knew?

You pointed out nothing against the coronavirus vaccine, while being based in nothing. Lol! You are joke.
LOL they have just begun issuing this vaccine and already there are people in the hospital from the VACCINE

I have read of 3 who had allergic reactions. Were there others who were hospitalized?
40 percent of the USA has allergies, so did they test this vaccine properly?

Nope because if they did this would already be known, but hey now we are using live people as lab rats.

Hurry, get your shot

More testing would not have shown that an individual is allergic to what is in the covid vaccine. Other than pure water, every substance on earth can cause an allergic reaction in someone.
I bet you just can't wait to do your lab rat service to the nation.

Your choice, enjoy

Indeed it is my choice to get the vaccine. Enjoy your next case of covid-19. I hope it is as mild as your previous case.
Tell us more about how anaphylactic shock is normal? Do people die from normal situations?

Please point out where I said anaphylactic shock is normal.

I said that it is normal for an allergic reaction. Every person who carries an epi pen because of an allergy to bees, peanuts, or whatever, would go into anaphylactic shock if exposed to the allergen.
Here you go pop, you said that shock is normal.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.

Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote


Reading is not your strong suit, is it?

I said " Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction". Yes, anaphylactic shock is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. In fact, that is exactly what anaphylactic shock means.

Anaphylactic reaction | definition of anaphylactic reaction by Medical dictionary (thefreedictionary.com)
"anaphylactic shock a serious and profound state of shock brought about by hypersensitivity (anaphylaxis) to an allergen such as a drug, foreign protein, or toxin. Sometimes it occurs upon second injection of a patient with a previously injected serum or protein."
You said that what she experienced is perfectly normal.

I have had vaccines and never went into shock, if I did it would not be normal. So in your opinion shock is normal when getting a vaccine.


You even quoted what I said and still do not understand. I said what she experienced was perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. The "...for an allergic reaction" is an important part of what I said.
LOL I understand that you are claiming that shock is normal when getting a vaccine.

Have fun, let us know when you get injected

The first time might have been a mistake. Now you are just lying. But that is no surprise to me.
Actually my quote that you said that shock is normal was accurate as you said this.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.
Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote

So really you need not blame me for your forgetfulness, however if it gives you solace and respite to transfer your shortcomings to me, you may continue to do so. Nevertheless the virus is mutating so the vaccine is already useless against the new strain


Yes, I said anaphylactic shock is normal for an allergic reaction. I fully admit that.

As for the mutated strain of covid making the vaccine useless, do you have a link for that?

I have read several articles quoting researchers and doctors saying the mutation will likely not make the vaccine any less effective.
He said so...............

You have any extra meth for sale?

He also said that he will get vaccinated when it is available to him.
Well if it was on TV it's real right?

People like you are comical

What is comical is the fact that you quote his words as evidence, and then claim his other words are part of a vast conspiracy theory.
The only conspiracy is spread by people like you that believe what they see on TV and the internet, instead of thinking for themselves.

No vaccine is needed for an imaginary pandemic. 500,000 Americans died of tobacco issues this year, because there is no vaccine for stupid


I personally know people who died from covid-19. If you want to pretend you know better than the countless scientists, doctors and nurses fighting this pandemic, suit yourself. I'm calling bullshit.
You know no one who died of covid 19, though you may know people who died with it.

You also know people who died of tobacco related cancer, and you know a lot more of them, but for some reason you do not give a shit about them.

So what do you smoke simpleton, I can tell from looking at your mugshot that you are a smoker? 500,000 Americans died from smoking in 2020, are you next

Cigarettes and Death
Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year.1,6 Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause the following:1
  • More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 278,544 deaths annually among men (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 201,773 deaths annually among women (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
Cigarette smoking causes premature death:
  • Life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter than for nonsmokers.1,2
  • Quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from smoking-related disease by about 90%.2
Secondhand Smoke and Death
Exposure to secondhand smoke causes an estimated 41,000 deaths each year among adults in the United States:1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 7,333 annual deaths from lung cancer.1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 33,951 annual deaths from heart disease.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Men
  • Men who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 17 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 23 times.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged men by almost four times.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Women
  • Women who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 12 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 12 times.1
  • Between 1960 and 1990, deaths from lung cancer among women increased by more than 500%.7
  • In 1987, lung cancer surpassed breast cancer to become the leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women.8
  • In 2000, 67,600 women died from lung cancer.8
  • During 2010–2014, almost 282,000 women (56,359 women each year) will die from lung cancer.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged women by almost five times.1

Oh, so now you claim to know who I know and how they died?

The CDC said that only 10,000 people died of covid, the rest died with it. Argue with the CDC not me fool.

What the fools like you miss are the millions of people not wearing mask that are healthier than those who do, so there is no evidence that mask wearing is helping anyone.

But you saw it on TV and you believe like the zombie smoker and nicotine addict that you are

98 Lingering Symptoms Of Covid-19 #HumbleHolisticsDoc - YouTube

And because of that you insist you know the people I know did not die of covid.

Respiratory therapist at Tuscaloosa hospital dies from COVID-19 complications | CBS 42

He was 53 years old and had no underlying conditions. So fuck you and the horse your road in on.

He could have easily had other issues that no one knew about or weren't talking about.

According to his wife and his co-workers at the hospital he had no other issues. If you want to stretch for "maybes", that is up to you. There is absolutely no evidence to support it.
Whose stretching anything?

People drop dead...I mean literally drop dead for no apparent reason...even young people do this at times.....hence the term undiagnosed conditions. DUH!!

But secondly-----------covid has become a propaganda and political tool----people have their own agendas and LIE which means
that perhaps the hospital and wife have an agenda and want to scare people into wearing masks so they chose not to disclose what they know
that COVID is profitable as frick for hospitals so hospitals manipulate and play up COVID so there is motive to claim that this guy died of covid but lie about other conditions.
that people lie about people's medical pre-existing all the time anyway for a variety of reasons
that the wife is probably better off saying that the husband died of covid for life insurance reasons.

And people make up bullshit about people and situation they know nothing about. You seem to have that covered.
We want you to get vaccinated, are you on line now or full of shit?

What you want is of no relevance. The vaccines are going out to those who need them most. I am not one of those.

So have you figured out why you claimed my death is imminent? Or is that just more bullshit?
Again I do support your right to wear three masks and get vaccinated.

Why does this bother you?


First you claimed I didn't know anyone who died of covid.
Then you claimed I smoke.
Then you claimed my death is imminent.
Then you claimed I am bothered by you supporting my wearing 3 masks and getting the vaccine.

And when challenged, you have absolutely no reason for any of those claims. Were you just trolling? Yeah, I can see why you want to ignore me. lol
Again I fully support your right to wear multiple masks and be first on line to get vaccinated.

However are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

So Stanford University says that mask wearing can damage the lungs. However I can not stop you from doing so, the decision is up to you.

Continued dodging of questions.
Are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

I do not want your life threatened, but I can not stop you from doing so as Stanford warned

Are you aware that you have made bogus claims and then refused to answer any questions about them?
Severe Allergy Sufferers Should Not Get Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Yet | PEOPLE.com

LOL so I will never be required to take the phony vaccine because I have severe hayfever


Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine

Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine (nbcnews.com)
The key word here is yet. In the mean time, ass holes like you believe you have the right and freedom to infect and kill others, just to satisfy your own skewed view of the world.

Funny isn't it, how we have laws in this country about people driving drunk, because they are a danger to other drivers and the drunk driver. And yet, no one talks about losing their "freedoms or rights" by making it a law with that kind of activity. Lol! Republicans and their total lack of cognitive abilities has been a blight on this country, and a national security threat. All because of their convenient "freedoms and rights" that are more important than the health and security of others. And to that I say, screw your "freedoms and rights." Those are "freedoms and rights" designed to endanger me and my family.
I wonder if your opinion will change if the vaccine causes you pain and suffering like it did to Hanna Polling

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award - CBS News

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.
In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
"You wonder?" :auiqs.jpg: This coming from the expert void of any real forensic information. Only his own failed off ramp argument concerning an autism vaccine that has zero to do with a coronavirus vaccine. Dude, you are pitiful. You draw your conclusions based on nothing.
Just pointing out that vaccines are actually so lethal that there is an entire court designed to hide their lethality and there is nothing you can do to hide the vaccine court

Federal Vaccine Court Quietly Pays Out Billions - FairWarning

But there was little fanfare when, about the same time, an obscure federal program that compensates victims of vaccine injuries passed a milestone. Payouts by the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP, have now topped $4 billion.
So, the coronavirus vaccine is lethal? Who knew?

You pointed out nothing against the coronavirus vaccine, while being based in nothing. Lol! You are joke.
LOL they have just begun issuing this vaccine and already there are people in the hospital from the VACCINE

I have read of 3 who had allergic reactions. Were there others who were hospitalized?
40 percent of the USA has allergies, so did they test this vaccine properly?

Nope because if they did this would already be known, but hey now we are using live people as lab rats.

Hurry, get your shot

More testing would not have shown that an individual is allergic to what is in the covid vaccine. Other than pure water, every substance on earth can cause an allergic reaction in someone.
I bet you just can't wait to do your lab rat service to the nation.

Your choice, enjoy

Indeed it is my choice to get the vaccine. Enjoy your next case of covid-19. I hope it is as mild as your previous case.
Tell us more about how anaphylactic shock is normal? Do people die from normal situations?

Please point out where I said anaphylactic shock is normal.

I said that it is normal for an allergic reaction. Every person who carries an epi pen because of an allergy to bees, peanuts, or whatever, would go into anaphylactic shock if exposed to the allergen.
Here you go pop, you said that shock is normal.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.

Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote


Reading is not your strong suit, is it?

I said " Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction". Yes, anaphylactic shock is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. In fact, that is exactly what anaphylactic shock means.

Anaphylactic reaction | definition of anaphylactic reaction by Medical dictionary (thefreedictionary.com)
"anaphylactic shock a serious and profound state of shock brought about by hypersensitivity (anaphylaxis) to an allergen such as a drug, foreign protein, or toxin. Sometimes it occurs upon second injection of a patient with a previously injected serum or protein."
You said that what she experienced is perfectly normal.

I have had vaccines and never went into shock, if I did it would not be normal. So in your opinion shock is normal when getting a vaccine.


You even quoted what I said and still do not understand. I said what she experienced was perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. The "...for an allergic reaction" is an important part of what I said.
LOL I understand that you are claiming that shock is normal when getting a vaccine.

Have fun, let us know when you get injected

The first time might have been a mistake. Now you are just lying. But that is no surprise to me.
Actually my quote that you said that shock is normal was accurate as you said this.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.
Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote

So really you need not blame me for your forgetfulness, however if it gives you solace and respite to transfer your shortcomings to me, you may continue to do so. Nevertheless the virus is mutating so the vaccine is already useless against the new strain


Yes, I said anaphylactic shock is normal for an allergic reaction. I fully admit that.

As for the mutated strain of covid making the vaccine useless, do you have a link for that?

I have read several articles quoting researchers and doctors saying the mutation will likely not make the vaccine any less effective.
Do you really need a link that the flu vaccine that a person gets this year does not work on the new current strain of the flu?

And if I did provide a link would that make it true?

Again travel has been banned from the UK where there is a new strain present, are you actually arguing this?

However everyone does seem to be saying that the covid vaccine will work against the new strains, unfortunately there is no evidence for this nor can there be until the new strains are tested against the vaccine. That said the stock market is falling precipitously on this news as I predicted.

Mutations can also be a good thing as the new strains often are weaker than the previous
He said so...............

You have any extra meth for sale?

He also said that he will get vaccinated when it is available to him.
Well if it was on TV it's real right?

People like you are comical

What is comical is the fact that you quote his words as evidence, and then claim his other words are part of a vast conspiracy theory.
The only conspiracy is spread by people like you that believe what they see on TV and the internet, instead of thinking for themselves.

No vaccine is needed for an imaginary pandemic. 500,000 Americans died of tobacco issues this year, because there is no vaccine for stupid


I personally know people who died from covid-19. If you want to pretend you know better than the countless scientists, doctors and nurses fighting this pandemic, suit yourself. I'm calling bullshit.
You know no one who died of covid 19, though you may know people who died with it.

You also know people who died of tobacco related cancer, and you know a lot more of them, but for some reason you do not give a shit about them.

So what do you smoke simpleton, I can tell from looking at your mugshot that you are a smoker? 500,000 Americans died from smoking in 2020, are you next

Cigarettes and Death
Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year.1,6 Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause the following:1
  • More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 278,544 deaths annually among men (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 201,773 deaths annually among women (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
Cigarette smoking causes premature death:
  • Life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter than for nonsmokers.1,2
  • Quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from smoking-related disease by about 90%.2
Secondhand Smoke and Death
Exposure to secondhand smoke causes an estimated 41,000 deaths each year among adults in the United States:1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 7,333 annual deaths from lung cancer.1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 33,951 annual deaths from heart disease.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Men
  • Men who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 17 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 23 times.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged men by almost four times.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Women
  • Women who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 12 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 12 times.1
  • Between 1960 and 1990, deaths from lung cancer among women increased by more than 500%.7
  • In 1987, lung cancer surpassed breast cancer to become the leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women.8
  • In 2000, 67,600 women died from lung cancer.8
  • During 2010–2014, almost 282,000 women (56,359 women each year) will die from lung cancer.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged women by almost five times.1

Oh, so now you claim to know who I know and how they died?

The CDC said that only 10,000 people died of covid, the rest died with it. Argue with the CDC not me fool.

What the fools like you miss are the millions of people not wearing mask that are healthier than those who do, so there is no evidence that mask wearing is helping anyone.

But you saw it on TV and you believe like the zombie smoker and nicotine addict that you are

98 Lingering Symptoms Of Covid-19 #HumbleHolisticsDoc - YouTube

And because of that you insist you know the people I know did not die of covid.

Respiratory therapist at Tuscaloosa hospital dies from COVID-19 complications | CBS 42

He was 53 years old and had no underlying conditions. So fuck you and the horse your road in on.

He could have easily had other issues that no one knew about or weren't talking about.

According to his wife and his co-workers at the hospital he had no other issues. If you want to stretch for "maybes", that is up to you. There is absolutely no evidence to support it.
Whose stretching anything?

People drop dead...I mean literally drop dead for no apparent reason...even young people do this at times.....hence the term undiagnosed conditions. DUH!!

But secondly-----------covid has become a propaganda and political tool----people have their own agendas and LIE which means
that perhaps the hospital and wife have an agenda and want to scare people into wearing masks so they chose not to disclose what they know
that COVID is profitable as frick for hospitals so hospitals manipulate and play up COVID so there is motive to claim that this guy died of covid but lie about other conditions.
that people lie about people's medical pre-existing all the time anyway for a variety of reasons
that the wife is probably better off saying that the husband died of covid for life insurance reasons.

And people make up bullshit about people and situation they know nothing about. You seem to have that covered.
We want you to get vaccinated, are you on line now or full of shit?

What you want is of no relevance. The vaccines are going out to those who need them most. I am not one of those.

So have you figured out why you claimed my death is imminent? Or is that just more bullshit?
Again I do support your right to wear three masks and get vaccinated.

Why does this bother you?


First you claimed I didn't know anyone who died of covid.
Then you claimed I smoke.
Then you claimed my death is imminent.
Then you claimed I am bothered by you supporting my wearing 3 masks and getting the vaccine.

And when challenged, you have absolutely no reason for any of those claims. Were you just trolling? Yeah, I can see why you want to ignore me. lol
Again I fully support your right to wear multiple masks and be first on line to get vaccinated.

However are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

So Stanford University says that mask wearing can damage the lungs. However I can not stop you from doing so, the decision is up to you.

Continued dodging of questions.
Are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

I do not want your life threatened, but I can not stop you from doing so as Stanford warned

Are you aware that you have made bogus claims and then refused to answer any questions about them?
Severe Allergy Sufferers Should Not Get Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Yet | PEOPLE.com

LOL so I will never be required to take the phony vaccine because I have severe hayfever


Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine

Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine (nbcnews.com)
The key word here is yet. In the mean time, ass holes like you believe you have the right and freedom to infect and kill others, just to satisfy your own skewed view of the world.

Funny isn't it, how we have laws in this country about people driving drunk, because they are a danger to other drivers and the drunk driver. And yet, no one talks about losing their "freedoms or rights" by making it a law with that kind of activity. Lol! Republicans and their total lack of cognitive abilities has been a blight on this country, and a national security threat. All because of their convenient "freedoms and rights" that are more important than the health and security of others. And to that I say, screw your "freedoms and rights." Those are "freedoms and rights" designed to endanger me and my family.
I wonder if your opinion will change if the vaccine causes you pain and suffering like it did to Hanna Polling

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award - CBS News

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.
In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
"You wonder?" :auiqs.jpg: This coming from the expert void of any real forensic information. Only his own failed off ramp argument concerning an autism vaccine that has zero to do with a coronavirus vaccine. Dude, you are pitiful. You draw your conclusions based on nothing.
Just pointing out that vaccines are actually so lethal that there is an entire court designed to hide their lethality and there is nothing you can do to hide the vaccine court

Federal Vaccine Court Quietly Pays Out Billions - FairWarning

But there was little fanfare when, about the same time, an obscure federal program that compensates victims of vaccine injuries passed a milestone. Payouts by the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP, have now topped $4 billion.
So, the coronavirus vaccine is lethal? Who knew?

You pointed out nothing against the coronavirus vaccine, while being based in nothing. Lol! You are joke.
LOL they have just begun issuing this vaccine and already there are people in the hospital from the VACCINE

I have read of 3 who had allergic reactions. Were there others who were hospitalized?
40 percent of the USA has allergies, so did they test this vaccine properly?

Nope because if they did this would already be known, but hey now we are using live people as lab rats.

Hurry, get your shot

More testing would not have shown that an individual is allergic to what is in the covid vaccine. Other than pure water, every substance on earth can cause an allergic reaction in someone.
I bet you just can't wait to do your lab rat service to the nation.

Your choice, enjoy

Indeed it is my choice to get the vaccine. Enjoy your next case of covid-19. I hope it is as mild as your previous case.
Tell us more about how anaphylactic shock is normal? Do people die from normal situations?

Please point out where I said anaphylactic shock is normal.

I said that it is normal for an allergic reaction. Every person who carries an epi pen because of an allergy to bees, peanuts, or whatever, would go into anaphylactic shock if exposed to the allergen.
Here you go pop, you said that shock is normal.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.

Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote


Reading is not your strong suit, is it?

I said " Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction". Yes, anaphylactic shock is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. In fact, that is exactly what anaphylactic shock means.

Anaphylactic reaction | definition of anaphylactic reaction by Medical dictionary (thefreedictionary.com)
"anaphylactic shock a serious and profound state of shock brought about by hypersensitivity (anaphylaxis) to an allergen such as a drug, foreign protein, or toxin. Sometimes it occurs upon second injection of a patient with a previously injected serum or protein."
You said that what she experienced is perfectly normal.

I have had vaccines and never went into shock, if I did it would not be normal. So in your opinion shock is normal when getting a vaccine.


You even quoted what I said and still do not understand. I said what she experienced was perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. The "...for an allergic reaction" is an important part of what I said.
LOL I understand that you are claiming that shock is normal when getting a vaccine.

Have fun, let us know when you get injected

The first time might have been a mistake. Now you are just lying. But that is no surprise to me.
Actually my quote that you said that shock is normal was accurate as you said this.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.
Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote

So really you need not blame me for your forgetfulness, however if it gives you solace and respite to transfer your shortcomings to me, you may continue to do so. Nevertheless the virus is mutating so the vaccine is already useless against the new strain


Yes, I said anaphylactic shock is normal for an allergic reaction. I fully admit that.

As for the mutated strain of covid making the vaccine useless, do you have a link for that?

I have read several articles quoting researchers and doctors saying the mutation will likely not make the vaccine any less effective.
Do you really need a link that the flu vaccine that a person gets this year does not work on the new current strain of the flu?

And if I did provide a link would that make it true?

Again travel has been banned from the UK where there is a new strain present, are you actually arguing this?

However everyone does seem to be saying that the covid vaccine will work against the new strains, unfortunately there is no evidence for this nor can there be until the new strains are tested against the vaccine. That said the stock market is falling precipitously on this news as I predicted.

Mutations can also be a good thing as the new strains often are weaker than the previous

Actually, I need a link for your claim that the vaccine will not work against a mutated covid virus.

The medical researchers and doctors are saying they doubt the virus will change enough to render the vaccine obsolete.

Also, the covid-19 virus has been shown to mutate very slowly, unlike the influenza virus.
He said so...............

You have any extra meth for sale?

He also said that he will get vaccinated when it is available to him.
Well if it was on TV it's real right?

People like you are comical

What is comical is the fact that you quote his words as evidence, and then claim his other words are part of a vast conspiracy theory.
The only conspiracy is spread by people like you that believe what they see on TV and the internet, instead of thinking for themselves.

No vaccine is needed for an imaginary pandemic. 500,000 Americans died of tobacco issues this year, because there is no vaccine for stupid


I personally know people who died from covid-19. If you want to pretend you know better than the countless scientists, doctors and nurses fighting this pandemic, suit yourself. I'm calling bullshit.
You know no one who died of covid 19, though you may know people who died with it.

You also know people who died of tobacco related cancer, and you know a lot more of them, but for some reason you do not give a shit about them.

So what do you smoke simpleton, I can tell from looking at your mugshot that you are a smoker? 500,000 Americans died from smoking in 2020, are you next

Cigarettes and Death
Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year.1,6 Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause the following:1
  • More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 278,544 deaths annually among men (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 201,773 deaths annually among women (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
Cigarette smoking causes premature death:
  • Life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter than for nonsmokers.1,2
  • Quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from smoking-related disease by about 90%.2
Secondhand Smoke and Death
Exposure to secondhand smoke causes an estimated 41,000 deaths each year among adults in the United States:1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 7,333 annual deaths from lung cancer.1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 33,951 annual deaths from heart disease.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Men
  • Men who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 17 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 23 times.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged men by almost four times.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Women
  • Women who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 12 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 12 times.1
  • Between 1960 and 1990, deaths from lung cancer among women increased by more than 500%.7
  • In 1987, lung cancer surpassed breast cancer to become the leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women.8
  • In 2000, 67,600 women died from lung cancer.8
  • During 2010–2014, almost 282,000 women (56,359 women each year) will die from lung cancer.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged women by almost five times.1

Oh, so now you claim to know who I know and how they died?

The CDC said that only 10,000 people died of covid, the rest died with it. Argue with the CDC not me fool.

What the fools like you miss are the millions of people not wearing mask that are healthier than those who do, so there is no evidence that mask wearing is helping anyone.

But you saw it on TV and you believe like the zombie smoker and nicotine addict that you are

98 Lingering Symptoms Of Covid-19 #HumbleHolisticsDoc - YouTube

And because of that you insist you know the people I know did not die of covid.

Respiratory therapist at Tuscaloosa hospital dies from COVID-19 complications | CBS 42

He was 53 years old and had no underlying conditions. So fuck you and the horse your road in on.

He could have easily had other issues that no one knew about or weren't talking about.

According to his wife and his co-workers at the hospital he had no other issues. If you want to stretch for "maybes", that is up to you. There is absolutely no evidence to support it.
Whose stretching anything?

People drop dead...I mean literally drop dead for no apparent reason...even young people do this at times.....hence the term undiagnosed conditions. DUH!!

But secondly-----------covid has become a propaganda and political tool----people have their own agendas and LIE which means
that perhaps the hospital and wife have an agenda and want to scare people into wearing masks so they chose not to disclose what they know
that COVID is profitable as frick for hospitals so hospitals manipulate and play up COVID so there is motive to claim that this guy died of covid but lie about other conditions.
that people lie about people's medical pre-existing all the time anyway for a variety of reasons
that the wife is probably better off saying that the husband died of covid for life insurance reasons.

And people make up bullshit about people and situation they know nothing about. You seem to have that covered.
We want you to get vaccinated, are you on line now or full of shit?

What you want is of no relevance. The vaccines are going out to those who need them most. I am not one of those.

So have you figured out why you claimed my death is imminent? Or is that just more bullshit?
Again I do support your right to wear three masks and get vaccinated.

Why does this bother you?


First you claimed I didn't know anyone who died of covid.
Then you claimed I smoke.
Then you claimed my death is imminent.
Then you claimed I am bothered by you supporting my wearing 3 masks and getting the vaccine.

And when challenged, you have absolutely no reason for any of those claims. Were you just trolling? Yeah, I can see why you want to ignore me. lol
Again I fully support your right to wear multiple masks and be first on line to get vaccinated.

However are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

So Stanford University says that mask wearing can damage the lungs. However I can not stop you from doing so, the decision is up to you.

Continued dodging of questions.
Are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

I do not want your life threatened, but I can not stop you from doing so as Stanford warned

Are you aware that you have made bogus claims and then refused to answer any questions about them?
Severe Allergy Sufferers Should Not Get Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Yet | PEOPLE.com

LOL so I will never be required to take the phony vaccine because I have severe hayfever


Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine

Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine (nbcnews.com)
The key word here is yet. In the mean time, ass holes like you believe you have the right and freedom to infect and kill others, just to satisfy your own skewed view of the world.

Funny isn't it, how we have laws in this country about people driving drunk, because they are a danger to other drivers and the drunk driver. And yet, no one talks about losing their "freedoms or rights" by making it a law with that kind of activity. Lol! Republicans and their total lack of cognitive abilities has been a blight on this country, and a national security threat. All because of their convenient "freedoms and rights" that are more important than the health and security of others. And to that I say, screw your "freedoms and rights." Those are "freedoms and rights" designed to endanger me and my family.
I wonder if your opinion will change if the vaccine causes you pain and suffering like it did to Hanna Polling

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award - CBS News

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.
In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
"You wonder?" :auiqs.jpg: This coming from the expert void of any real forensic information. Only his own failed off ramp argument concerning an autism vaccine that has zero to do with a coronavirus vaccine. Dude, you are pitiful. You draw your conclusions based on nothing.
Just pointing out that vaccines are actually so lethal that there is an entire court designed to hide their lethality and there is nothing you can do to hide the vaccine court

Federal Vaccine Court Quietly Pays Out Billions - FairWarning

But there was little fanfare when, about the same time, an obscure federal program that compensates victims of vaccine injuries passed a milestone. Payouts by the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP, have now topped $4 billion.
So, the coronavirus vaccine is lethal? Who knew?

You pointed out nothing against the coronavirus vaccine, while being based in nothing. Lol! You are joke.
LOL they have just begun issuing this vaccine and already there are people in the hospital from the VACCINE

I have read of 3 who had allergic reactions. Were there others who were hospitalized?
40 percent of the USA has allergies, so did they test this vaccine properly?

Nope because if they did this would already be known, but hey now we are using live people as lab rats.

Hurry, get your shot

More testing would not have shown that an individual is allergic to what is in the covid vaccine. Other than pure water, every substance on earth can cause an allergic reaction in someone.
I bet you just can't wait to do your lab rat service to the nation.

Your choice, enjoy

Indeed it is my choice to get the vaccine. Enjoy your next case of covid-19. I hope it is as mild as your previous case.
Tell us more about how anaphylactic shock is normal? Do people die from normal situations?

Please point out where I said anaphylactic shock is normal.

I said that it is normal for an allergic reaction. Every person who carries an epi pen because of an allergy to bees, peanuts, or whatever, would go into anaphylactic shock if exposed to the allergen.
Here you go pop, you said that shock is normal.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.

Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote


Reading is not your strong suit, is it?

I said " Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction". Yes, anaphylactic shock is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. In fact, that is exactly what anaphylactic shock means.

Anaphylactic reaction | definition of anaphylactic reaction by Medical dictionary (thefreedictionary.com)
"anaphylactic shock a serious and profound state of shock brought about by hypersensitivity (anaphylaxis) to an allergen such as a drug, foreign protein, or toxin. Sometimes it occurs upon second injection of a patient with a previously injected serum or protein."
You said that what she experienced is perfectly normal.

I have had vaccines and never went into shock, if I did it would not be normal. So in your opinion shock is normal when getting a vaccine.


You even quoted what I said and still do not understand. I said what she experienced was perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. The "...for an allergic reaction" is an important part of what I said.
LOL I understand that you are claiming that shock is normal when getting a vaccine.

Have fun, let us know when you get injected

The first time might have been a mistake. Now you are just lying. But that is no surprise to me.
Actually my quote that you said that shock is normal was accurate as you said this.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.
Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote

So really you need not blame me for your forgetfulness, however if it gives you solace and respite to transfer your shortcomings to me, you may continue to do so. Nevertheless the virus is mutating so the vaccine is already useless against the new strain


Yes, I said anaphylactic shock is normal for an allergic reaction. I fully admit that.

As for the mutated strain of covid making the vaccine useless, do you have a link for that?

I have read several articles quoting researchers and doctors saying the mutation will likely not make the vaccine any less effective.
Do you really need a link that the flu vaccine that a person gets this year does not work on the new current strain of the flu?

And if I did provide a link would that make it true?

Again travel has been banned from the UK where there is a new strain present, are you actually arguing this?

However everyone does seem to be saying that the covid vaccine will work against the new strains, unfortunately there is no evidence for this nor can there be until the new strains are tested against the vaccine. That said the stock market is falling precipitously on this news as I predicted.

Mutations can also be a good thing as the new strains often are weaker than the previous

Actually, I need a link for your claim that the vaccine will not work against a mutated covid virus.

The medical researchers and doctors are saying they doubt the virus will change enough to render the vaccine obsolete.

Also, the covid-19 virus has been shown to mutate very slowly, unlike the influenza virus.
Look pop there can be no data that the vaccine will not work against the mutated virus until the new strain is isolated and tested against the vaccine. However if you want to assume that the vaccine will protect against the new strains and put peoples lives in danger, you are free to do so, but why do you want to put people at risk?
He said so...............

You have any extra meth for sale?

He also said that he will get vaccinated when it is available to him.
Well if it was on TV it's real right?

People like you are comical

What is comical is the fact that you quote his words as evidence, and then claim his other words are part of a vast conspiracy theory.
The only conspiracy is spread by people like you that believe what they see on TV and the internet, instead of thinking for themselves.

No vaccine is needed for an imaginary pandemic. 500,000 Americans died of tobacco issues this year, because there is no vaccine for stupid


I personally know people who died from covid-19. If you want to pretend you know better than the countless scientists, doctors and nurses fighting this pandemic, suit yourself. I'm calling bullshit.
You know no one who died of covid 19, though you may know people who died with it.

You also know people who died of tobacco related cancer, and you know a lot more of them, but for some reason you do not give a shit about them.

So what do you smoke simpleton, I can tell from looking at your mugshot that you are a smoker? 500,000 Americans died from smoking in 2020, are you next

Cigarettes and Death
Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year.1,6 Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause the following:1
  • More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 278,544 deaths annually among men (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 201,773 deaths annually among women (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
Cigarette smoking causes premature death:
  • Life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter than for nonsmokers.1,2
  • Quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from smoking-related disease by about 90%.2
Secondhand Smoke and Death
Exposure to secondhand smoke causes an estimated 41,000 deaths each year among adults in the United States:1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 7,333 annual deaths from lung cancer.1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 33,951 annual deaths from heart disease.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Men
  • Men who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 17 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 23 times.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged men by almost four times.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Women
  • Women who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 12 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 12 times.1
  • Between 1960 and 1990, deaths from lung cancer among women increased by more than 500%.7
  • In 1987, lung cancer surpassed breast cancer to become the leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women.8
  • In 2000, 67,600 women died from lung cancer.8
  • During 2010–2014, almost 282,000 women (56,359 women each year) will die from lung cancer.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged women by almost five times.1

Oh, so now you claim to know who I know and how they died?

The CDC said that only 10,000 people died of covid, the rest died with it. Argue with the CDC not me fool.

What the fools like you miss are the millions of people not wearing mask that are healthier than those who do, so there is no evidence that mask wearing is helping anyone.

But you saw it on TV and you believe like the zombie smoker and nicotine addict that you are

98 Lingering Symptoms Of Covid-19 #HumbleHolisticsDoc - YouTube

And because of that you insist you know the people I know did not die of covid.

Respiratory therapist at Tuscaloosa hospital dies from COVID-19 complications | CBS 42

He was 53 years old and had no underlying conditions. So fuck you and the horse your road in on.

He could have easily had other issues that no one knew about or weren't talking about.

According to his wife and his co-workers at the hospital he had no other issues. If you want to stretch for "maybes", that is up to you. There is absolutely no evidence to support it.
Whose stretching anything?

People drop dead...I mean literally drop dead for no apparent reason...even young people do this at times.....hence the term undiagnosed conditions. DUH!!

But secondly-----------covid has become a propaganda and political tool----people have their own agendas and LIE which means
that perhaps the hospital and wife have an agenda and want to scare people into wearing masks so they chose not to disclose what they know
that COVID is profitable as frick for hospitals so hospitals manipulate and play up COVID so there is motive to claim that this guy died of covid but lie about other conditions.
that people lie about people's medical pre-existing all the time anyway for a variety of reasons
that the wife is probably better off saying that the husband died of covid for life insurance reasons.

And people make up bullshit about people and situation they know nothing about. You seem to have that covered.
We want you to get vaccinated, are you on line now or full of shit?

What you want is of no relevance. The vaccines are going out to those who need them most. I am not one of those.

So have you figured out why you claimed my death is imminent? Or is that just more bullshit?
Again I do support your right to wear three masks and get vaccinated.

Why does this bother you?


First you claimed I didn't know anyone who died of covid.
Then you claimed I smoke.
Then you claimed my death is imminent.
Then you claimed I am bothered by you supporting my wearing 3 masks and getting the vaccine.

And when challenged, you have absolutely no reason for any of those claims. Were you just trolling? Yeah, I can see why you want to ignore me. lol
Again I fully support your right to wear multiple masks and be first on line to get vaccinated.

However are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

So Stanford University says that mask wearing can damage the lungs. However I can not stop you from doing so, the decision is up to you.

Continued dodging of questions.
Are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

I do not want your life threatened, but I can not stop you from doing so as Stanford warned

Are you aware that you have made bogus claims and then refused to answer any questions about them?
Severe Allergy Sufferers Should Not Get Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Yet | PEOPLE.com

LOL so I will never be required to take the phony vaccine because I have severe hayfever


Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine

Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine (nbcnews.com)
The key word here is yet. In the mean time, ass holes like you believe you have the right and freedom to infect and kill others, just to satisfy your own skewed view of the world.

Funny isn't it, how we have laws in this country about people driving drunk, because they are a danger to other drivers and the drunk driver. And yet, no one talks about losing their "freedoms or rights" by making it a law with that kind of activity. Lol! Republicans and their total lack of cognitive abilities has been a blight on this country, and a national security threat. All because of their convenient "freedoms and rights" that are more important than the health and security of others. And to that I say, screw your "freedoms and rights." Those are "freedoms and rights" designed to endanger me and my family.
I wonder if your opinion will change if the vaccine causes you pain and suffering like it did to Hanna Polling

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award - CBS News

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.
In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
"You wonder?" :auiqs.jpg: This coming from the expert void of any real forensic information. Only his own failed off ramp argument concerning an autism vaccine that has zero to do with a coronavirus vaccine. Dude, you are pitiful. You draw your conclusions based on nothing.
Just pointing out that vaccines are actually so lethal that there is an entire court designed to hide their lethality and there is nothing you can do to hide the vaccine court

Federal Vaccine Court Quietly Pays Out Billions - FairWarning

But there was little fanfare when, about the same time, an obscure federal program that compensates victims of vaccine injuries passed a milestone. Payouts by the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP, have now topped $4 billion.
So, the coronavirus vaccine is lethal? Who knew?

You pointed out nothing against the coronavirus vaccine, while being based in nothing. Lol! You are joke.
LOL they have just begun issuing this vaccine and already there are people in the hospital from the VACCINE

I have read of 3 who had allergic reactions. Were there others who were hospitalized?
40 percent of the USA has allergies, so did they test this vaccine properly?

Nope because if they did this would already be known, but hey now we are using live people as lab rats.

Hurry, get your shot

More testing would not have shown that an individual is allergic to what is in the covid vaccine. Other than pure water, every substance on earth can cause an allergic reaction in someone.
I bet you just can't wait to do your lab rat service to the nation.

Your choice, enjoy

Indeed it is my choice to get the vaccine. Enjoy your next case of covid-19. I hope it is as mild as your previous case.
Tell us more about how anaphylactic shock is normal? Do people die from normal situations?

Please point out where I said anaphylactic shock is normal.

I said that it is normal for an allergic reaction. Every person who carries an epi pen because of an allergy to bees, peanuts, or whatever, would go into anaphylactic shock if exposed to the allergen.
Here you go pop, you said that shock is normal.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.

Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote


Reading is not your strong suit, is it?

I said " Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction". Yes, anaphylactic shock is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. In fact, that is exactly what anaphylactic shock means.

Anaphylactic reaction | definition of anaphylactic reaction by Medical dictionary (thefreedictionary.com)
"anaphylactic shock a serious and profound state of shock brought about by hypersensitivity (anaphylaxis) to an allergen such as a drug, foreign protein, or toxin. Sometimes it occurs upon second injection of a patient with a previously injected serum or protein."
You said that what she experienced is perfectly normal.

I have had vaccines and never went into shock, if I did it would not be normal. So in your opinion shock is normal when getting a vaccine.


You even quoted what I said and still do not understand. I said what she experienced was perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. The "...for an allergic reaction" is an important part of what I said.
LOL I understand that you are claiming that shock is normal when getting a vaccine.

Have fun, let us know when you get injected

The first time might have been a mistake. Now you are just lying. But that is no surprise to me.
Actually my quote that you said that shock is normal was accurate as you said this.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.
Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote

So really you need not blame me for your forgetfulness, however if it gives you solace and respite to transfer your shortcomings to me, you may continue to do so. Nevertheless the virus is mutating so the vaccine is already useless against the new strain


Yes, I said anaphylactic shock is normal for an allergic reaction. I fully admit that.

As for the mutated strain of covid making the vaccine useless, do you have a link for that?

I have read several articles quoting researchers and doctors saying the mutation will likely not make the vaccine any less effective.
Do you really need a link that the flu vaccine that a person gets this year does not work on the new current strain of the flu?

And if I did provide a link would that make it true?

Again travel has been banned from the UK where there is a new strain present, are you actually arguing this?

However everyone does seem to be saying that the covid vaccine will work against the new strains, unfortunately there is no evidence for this nor can there be until the new strains are tested against the vaccine. That said the stock market is falling precipitously on this news as I predicted.

Mutations can also be a good thing as the new strains often are weaker than the previous

Actually, I need a link for your claim that the vaccine will not work against a mutated covid virus.

The medical researchers and doctors are saying they doubt the virus will change enough to render the vaccine obsolete.

Also, the covid-19 virus has been shown to mutate very slowly, unlike the influenza virus.
Look pop there can be no data that the vaccine will not work against the mutated virus until the new strain is isolated and tested against the vaccine. However if you want to assume that the vaccine will protect against the new strains and put peoples lives in danger, you are free to do so, but why do you want to put people at risk?

How am I putting people's lives at risk?
He said so...............

You have any extra meth for sale?

He also said that he will get vaccinated when it is available to him.
Well if it was on TV it's real right?

People like you are comical

What is comical is the fact that you quote his words as evidence, and then claim his other words are part of a vast conspiracy theory.
The only conspiracy is spread by people like you that believe what they see on TV and the internet, instead of thinking for themselves.

No vaccine is needed for an imaginary pandemic. 500,000 Americans died of tobacco issues this year, because there is no vaccine for stupid


I personally know people who died from covid-19. If you want to pretend you know better than the countless scientists, doctors and nurses fighting this pandemic, suit yourself. I'm calling bullshit.
You know no one who died of covid 19, though you may know people who died with it.

You also know people who died of tobacco related cancer, and you know a lot more of them, but for some reason you do not give a shit about them.

So what do you smoke simpleton, I can tell from looking at your mugshot that you are a smoker? 500,000 Americans died from smoking in 2020, are you next

Cigarettes and Death
Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year.1,6 Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause the following:1
  • More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 278,544 deaths annually among men (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 201,773 deaths annually among women (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
Cigarette smoking causes premature death:
  • Life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter than for nonsmokers.1,2
  • Quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from smoking-related disease by about 90%.2
Secondhand Smoke and Death
Exposure to secondhand smoke causes an estimated 41,000 deaths each year among adults in the United States:1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 7,333 annual deaths from lung cancer.1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 33,951 annual deaths from heart disease.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Men
  • Men who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 17 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 23 times.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged men by almost four times.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Women
  • Women who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 12 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 12 times.1
  • Between 1960 and 1990, deaths from lung cancer among women increased by more than 500%.7
  • In 1987, lung cancer surpassed breast cancer to become the leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women.8
  • In 2000, 67,600 women died from lung cancer.8
  • During 2010–2014, almost 282,000 women (56,359 women each year) will die from lung cancer.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged women by almost five times.1

Oh, so now you claim to know who I know and how they died?

The CDC said that only 10,000 people died of covid, the rest died with it. Argue with the CDC not me fool.

What the fools like you miss are the millions of people not wearing mask that are healthier than those who do, so there is no evidence that mask wearing is helping anyone.

But you saw it on TV and you believe like the zombie smoker and nicotine addict that you are

98 Lingering Symptoms Of Covid-19 #HumbleHolisticsDoc - YouTube

And because of that you insist you know the people I know did not die of covid.

Respiratory therapist at Tuscaloosa hospital dies from COVID-19 complications | CBS 42

He was 53 years old and had no underlying conditions. So fuck you and the horse your road in on.

He could have easily had other issues that no one knew about or weren't talking about.

According to his wife and his co-workers at the hospital he had no other issues. If you want to stretch for "maybes", that is up to you. There is absolutely no evidence to support it.
Whose stretching anything?

People drop dead...I mean literally drop dead for no apparent reason...even young people do this at times.....hence the term undiagnosed conditions. DUH!!

But secondly-----------covid has become a propaganda and political tool----people have their own agendas and LIE which means
that perhaps the hospital and wife have an agenda and want to scare people into wearing masks so they chose not to disclose what they know
that COVID is profitable as frick for hospitals so hospitals manipulate and play up COVID so there is motive to claim that this guy died of covid but lie about other conditions.
that people lie about people's medical pre-existing all the time anyway for a variety of reasons
that the wife is probably better off saying that the husband died of covid for life insurance reasons.

And people make up bullshit about people and situation they know nothing about. You seem to have that covered.
We want you to get vaccinated, are you on line now or full of shit?

What you want is of no relevance. The vaccines are going out to those who need them most. I am not one of those.

So have you figured out why you claimed my death is imminent? Or is that just more bullshit?
Again I do support your right to wear three masks and get vaccinated.

Why does this bother you?


First you claimed I didn't know anyone who died of covid.
Then you claimed I smoke.
Then you claimed my death is imminent.
Then you claimed I am bothered by you supporting my wearing 3 masks and getting the vaccine.

And when challenged, you have absolutely no reason for any of those claims. Were you just trolling? Yeah, I can see why you want to ignore me. lol
Again I fully support your right to wear multiple masks and be first on line to get vaccinated.

However are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

So Stanford University says that mask wearing can damage the lungs. However I can not stop you from doing so, the decision is up to you.

Continued dodging of questions.
Are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

I do not want your life threatened, but I can not stop you from doing so as Stanford warned

Are you aware that you have made bogus claims and then refused to answer any questions about them?
Severe Allergy Sufferers Should Not Get Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Yet | PEOPLE.com

LOL so I will never be required to take the phony vaccine because I have severe hayfever


Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine

Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine (nbcnews.com)
The key word here is yet. In the mean time, ass holes like you believe you have the right and freedom to infect and kill others, just to satisfy your own skewed view of the world.

Funny isn't it, how we have laws in this country about people driving drunk, because they are a danger to other drivers and the drunk driver. And yet, no one talks about losing their "freedoms or rights" by making it a law with that kind of activity. Lol! Republicans and their total lack of cognitive abilities has been a blight on this country, and a national security threat. All because of their convenient "freedoms and rights" that are more important than the health and security of others. And to that I say, screw your "freedoms and rights." Those are "freedoms and rights" designed to endanger me and my family.
I wonder if your opinion will change if the vaccine causes you pain and suffering like it did to Hanna Polling

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award - CBS News

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.
In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
"You wonder?" :auiqs.jpg: This coming from the expert void of any real forensic information. Only his own failed off ramp argument concerning an autism vaccine that has zero to do with a coronavirus vaccine. Dude, you are pitiful. You draw your conclusions based on nothing.
Just pointing out that vaccines are actually so lethal that there is an entire court designed to hide their lethality and there is nothing you can do to hide the vaccine court

Federal Vaccine Court Quietly Pays Out Billions - FairWarning

But there was little fanfare when, about the same time, an obscure federal program that compensates victims of vaccine injuries passed a milestone. Payouts by the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP, have now topped $4 billion.
So, the coronavirus vaccine is lethal? Who knew?

You pointed out nothing against the coronavirus vaccine, while being based in nothing. Lol! You are joke.
LOL they have just begun issuing this vaccine and already there are people in the hospital from the VACCINE

I have read of 3 who had allergic reactions. Were there others who were hospitalized?
40 percent of the USA has allergies, so did they test this vaccine properly?

Nope because if they did this would already be known, but hey now we are using live people as lab rats.

Hurry, get your shot

More testing would not have shown that an individual is allergic to what is in the covid vaccine. Other than pure water, every substance on earth can cause an allergic reaction in someone.
I bet you just can't wait to do your lab rat service to the nation.

Your choice, enjoy

Indeed it is my choice to get the vaccine. Enjoy your next case of covid-19. I hope it is as mild as your previous case.
Tell us more about how anaphylactic shock is normal? Do people die from normal situations?

Please point out where I said anaphylactic shock is normal.

I said that it is normal for an allergic reaction. Every person who carries an epi pen because of an allergy to bees, peanuts, or whatever, would go into anaphylactic shock if exposed to the allergen.
Here you go pop, you said that shock is normal.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.

Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote


Reading is not your strong suit, is it?

I said " Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction". Yes, anaphylactic shock is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. In fact, that is exactly what anaphylactic shock means.

Anaphylactic reaction | definition of anaphylactic reaction by Medical dictionary (thefreedictionary.com)
"anaphylactic shock a serious and profound state of shock brought about by hypersensitivity (anaphylaxis) to an allergen such as a drug, foreign protein, or toxin. Sometimes it occurs upon second injection of a patient with a previously injected serum or protein."
You said that what she experienced is perfectly normal.

I have had vaccines and never went into shock, if I did it would not be normal. So in your opinion shock is normal when getting a vaccine.


You even quoted what I said and still do not understand. I said what she experienced was perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. The "...for an allergic reaction" is an important part of what I said.
LOL I understand that you are claiming that shock is normal when getting a vaccine.

Have fun, let us know when you get injected

The first time might have been a mistake. Now you are just lying. But that is no surprise to me.
Actually my quote that you said that shock is normal was accurate as you said this.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.
Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote

So really you need not blame me for your forgetfulness, however if it gives you solace and respite to transfer your shortcomings to me, you may continue to do so. Nevertheless the virus is mutating so the vaccine is already useless against the new strain


Yes, I said anaphylactic shock is normal for an allergic reaction. I fully admit that.

As for the mutated strain of covid making the vaccine useless, do you have a link for that?

I have read several articles quoting researchers and doctors saying the mutation will likely not make the vaccine any less effective.
Do you really need a link that the flu vaccine that a person gets this year does not work on the new current strain of the flu?

And if I did provide a link would that make it true?

Again travel has been banned from the UK where there is a new strain present, are you actually arguing this?

However everyone does seem to be saying that the covid vaccine will work against the new strains, unfortunately there is no evidence for this nor can there be until the new strains are tested against the vaccine. That said the stock market is falling precipitously on this news as I predicted.

Mutations can also be a good thing as the new strains often are weaker than the previous

Actually, I need a link for your claim that the vaccine will not work against a mutated covid virus.

The medical researchers and doctors are saying they doubt the virus will change enough to render the vaccine obsolete.

Also, the covid-19 virus has been shown to mutate very slowly, unlike the influenza virus.
Look pop there can be no data that the vaccine will not work against the mutated virus until the new strain is isolated and tested against the vaccine. However if you want to assume that the vaccine will protect against the new strains and put peoples lives in danger, you are free to do so, but why do you want to put people at risk?

How am I putting people's lives at risk?
Anyone who says that new virus mutations will not be vaccine resistant before the new strains either materialize or are tested against the vaccine is putting peoples lives at risk.

LOL Anthony Fauci put peoples lives at risk when he said that there is no reason to wear a mask, and he did say this clearly. Or was he telling the truth when he said that no mask was needed?

You pick
Anyone who says that new virus mutations will not be vaccine resistant before the new strains either materialize or are tested against the vaccine is putting peoples lives at risk.
One could be reasonably confident if they know where the mutation is and what epitope the vaccine produces an immune response to. If they’re different areas, then you could expect the vaccine to remain effective. But agree no one should be definitive before the real world data comes in.

Just like no one should definitively say the vaccine is no longer effective against the mutated virus.

Which is exactly what you did.
He said so...............

You have any extra meth for sale?

He also said that he will get vaccinated when it is available to him.
Well if it was on TV it's real right?

People like you are comical

What is comical is the fact that you quote his words as evidence, and then claim his other words are part of a vast conspiracy theory.
The only conspiracy is spread by people like you that believe what they see on TV and the internet, instead of thinking for themselves.

No vaccine is needed for an imaginary pandemic. 500,000 Americans died of tobacco issues this year, because there is no vaccine for stupid


I personally know people who died from covid-19. If you want to pretend you know better than the countless scientists, doctors and nurses fighting this pandemic, suit yourself. I'm calling bullshit.
You know no one who died of covid 19, though you may know people who died with it.

You also know people who died of tobacco related cancer, and you know a lot more of them, but for some reason you do not give a shit about them.

So what do you smoke simpleton, I can tell from looking at your mugshot that you are a smoker? 500,000 Americans died from smoking in 2020, are you next

Cigarettes and Death
Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year.1,6 Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause the following:1
  • More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 278,544 deaths annually among men (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  • 201,773 deaths annually among women (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
Cigarette smoking causes premature death:
  • Life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter than for nonsmokers.1,2
  • Quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from smoking-related disease by about 90%.2
Secondhand Smoke and Death
Exposure to secondhand smoke causes an estimated 41,000 deaths each year among adults in the United States:1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 7,333 annual deaths from lung cancer.1
  • Secondhand smoke causes 33,951 annual deaths from heart disease.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Men
  • Men who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 17 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 23 times.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged men by almost four times.1
Increased Risk for Death Among Women
  • Women who smoke increase their risk of dying from bronchitis and emphysema by 12 times; from cancer of the trachea, lung, and bronchus by more than 12 times.1
  • Between 1960 and 1990, deaths from lung cancer among women increased by more than 500%.7
  • In 1987, lung cancer surpassed breast cancer to become the leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women.8
  • In 2000, 67,600 women died from lung cancer.8
  • During 2010–2014, almost 282,000 women (56,359 women each year) will die from lung cancer.1
  • Smoking increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease among middle-aged women by almost five times.1

Oh, so now you claim to know who I know and how they died?

The CDC said that only 10,000 people died of covid, the rest died with it. Argue with the CDC not me fool.

What the fools like you miss are the millions of people not wearing mask that are healthier than those who do, so there is no evidence that mask wearing is helping anyone.

But you saw it on TV and you believe like the zombie smoker and nicotine addict that you are

98 Lingering Symptoms Of Covid-19 #HumbleHolisticsDoc - YouTube

And because of that you insist you know the people I know did not die of covid.

Respiratory therapist at Tuscaloosa hospital dies from COVID-19 complications | CBS 42

He was 53 years old and had no underlying conditions. So fuck you and the horse your road in on.

He could have easily had other issues that no one knew about or weren't talking about.

According to his wife and his co-workers at the hospital he had no other issues. If you want to stretch for "maybes", that is up to you. There is absolutely no evidence to support it.
Whose stretching anything?

People drop dead...I mean literally drop dead for no apparent reason...even young people do this at times.....hence the term undiagnosed conditions. DUH!!

But secondly-----------covid has become a propaganda and political tool----people have their own agendas and LIE which means
that perhaps the hospital and wife have an agenda and want to scare people into wearing masks so they chose not to disclose what they know
that COVID is profitable as frick for hospitals so hospitals manipulate and play up COVID so there is motive to claim that this guy died of covid but lie about other conditions.
that people lie about people's medical pre-existing all the time anyway for a variety of reasons
that the wife is probably better off saying that the husband died of covid for life insurance reasons.

And people make up bullshit about people and situation they know nothing about. You seem to have that covered.
We want you to get vaccinated, are you on line now or full of shit?

What you want is of no relevance. The vaccines are going out to those who need them most. I am not one of those.

So have you figured out why you claimed my death is imminent? Or is that just more bullshit?
Again I do support your right to wear three masks and get vaccinated.

Why does this bother you?


First you claimed I didn't know anyone who died of covid.
Then you claimed I smoke.
Then you claimed my death is imminent.
Then you claimed I am bothered by you supporting my wearing 3 masks and getting the vaccine.

And when challenged, you have absolutely no reason for any of those claims. Were you just trolling? Yeah, I can see why you want to ignore me. lol
Again I fully support your right to wear multiple masks and be first on line to get vaccinated.

However are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

So Stanford University says that mask wearing can damage the lungs. However I can not stop you from doing so, the decision is up to you.

Continued dodging of questions.
Are you aware that mask wearing reduces blood Oxygen levels by 5 to 20 percent says Stanford University?

Stanford researchers reengineer COVID-19 face masks | Stanford News

But in filtering those particles, N95 masks can also make it harder to breathe. Based on literature and confirmed by our measurements, N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 percent to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. For healthy people, these side effects are temporary and usually not an issue. But if you are severely ill and are continuously wearing an N95 mask for several hours at a time, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.

I do not want your life threatened, but I can not stop you from doing so as Stanford warned

Are you aware that you have made bogus claims and then refused to answer any questions about them?
Severe Allergy Sufferers Should Not Get Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Yet | PEOPLE.com

LOL so I will never be required to take the phony vaccine because I have severe hayfever


Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine

Alaska health care worker had severe allergic reaction to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine (nbcnews.com)
The key word here is yet. In the mean time, ass holes like you believe you have the right and freedom to infect and kill others, just to satisfy your own skewed view of the world.

Funny isn't it, how we have laws in this country about people driving drunk, because they are a danger to other drivers and the drunk driver. And yet, no one talks about losing their "freedoms or rights" by making it a law with that kind of activity. Lol! Republicans and their total lack of cognitive abilities has been a blight on this country, and a national security threat. All because of their convenient "freedoms and rights" that are more important than the health and security of others. And to that I say, screw your "freedoms and rights." Those are "freedoms and rights" designed to endanger me and my family.
I wonder if your opinion will change if the vaccine causes you pain and suffering like it did to Hanna Polling

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award - CBS News

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.
In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
"You wonder?" :auiqs.jpg: This coming from the expert void of any real forensic information. Only his own failed off ramp argument concerning an autism vaccine that has zero to do with a coronavirus vaccine. Dude, you are pitiful. You draw your conclusions based on nothing.
Just pointing out that vaccines are actually so lethal that there is an entire court designed to hide their lethality and there is nothing you can do to hide the vaccine court

Federal Vaccine Court Quietly Pays Out Billions - FairWarning

But there was little fanfare when, about the same time, an obscure federal program that compensates victims of vaccine injuries passed a milestone. Payouts by the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP, have now topped $4 billion.
So, the coronavirus vaccine is lethal? Who knew?

You pointed out nothing against the coronavirus vaccine, while being based in nothing. Lol! You are joke.
LOL they have just begun issuing this vaccine and already there are people in the hospital from the VACCINE

I have read of 3 who had allergic reactions. Were there others who were hospitalized?
40 percent of the USA has allergies, so did they test this vaccine properly?

Nope because if they did this would already be known, but hey now we are using live people as lab rats.

Hurry, get your shot

More testing would not have shown that an individual is allergic to what is in the covid vaccine. Other than pure water, every substance on earth can cause an allergic reaction in someone.
I bet you just can't wait to do your lab rat service to the nation.

Your choice, enjoy

Indeed it is my choice to get the vaccine. Enjoy your next case of covid-19. I hope it is as mild as your previous case.
Tell us more about how anaphylactic shock is normal? Do people die from normal situations?

Please point out where I said anaphylactic shock is normal.

I said that it is normal for an allergic reaction. Every person who carries an epi pen because of an allergy to bees, peanuts, or whatever, would go into anaphylactic shock if exposed to the allergen.
Here you go pop, you said that shock is normal.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.

Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote


Reading is not your strong suit, is it?

I said " Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction". Yes, anaphylactic shock is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. In fact, that is exactly what anaphylactic shock means.

Anaphylactic reaction | definition of anaphylactic reaction by Medical dictionary (thefreedictionary.com)
"anaphylactic shock a serious and profound state of shock brought about by hypersensitivity (anaphylaxis) to an allergen such as a drug, foreign protein, or toxin. Sometimes it occurs upon second injection of a patient with a previously injected serum or protein."
You said that what she experienced is perfectly normal.

I have had vaccines and never went into shock, if I did it would not be normal. So in your opinion shock is normal when getting a vaccine.


You even quoted what I said and still do not understand. I said what she experienced was perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. The "...for an allergic reaction" is an important part of what I said.
LOL I understand that you are claiming that shock is normal when getting a vaccine.

Have fun, let us know when you get injected

The first time might have been a mistake. Now you are just lying. But that is no surprise to me.
Actually my quote that you said that shock is normal was accurate as you said this.

Do you forget things often?

Quote "
Actually, what she experienced is perfectly normal for an allergic reaction. It is called anaphylactic shock. This is why they give you the vaccine in a medical setting and make you wait 30 minutes before you leave. And epi pen is usually enough to solve the problem.
Despite your sensationalistic claims, you neglected to actually read the article you linked. From your link "... her symptoms resolved within moments of receiving epinephrine". " end quote

So really you need not blame me for your forgetfulness, however if it gives you solace and respite to transfer your shortcomings to me, you may continue to do so. Nevertheless the virus is mutating so the vaccine is already useless against the new strain


Yes, I said anaphylactic shock is normal for an allergic reaction. I fully admit that.

As for the mutated strain of covid making the vaccine useless, do you have a link for that?

I have read several articles quoting researchers and doctors saying the mutation will likely not make the vaccine any less effective.
Do you really need a link that the flu vaccine that a person gets this year does not work on the new current strain of the flu?

And if I did provide a link would that make it true?

Again travel has been banned from the UK where there is a new strain present, are you actually arguing this?

However everyone does seem to be saying that the covid vaccine will work against the new strains, unfortunately there is no evidence for this nor can there be until the new strains are tested against the vaccine. That said the stock market is falling precipitously on this news as I predicted.

Mutations can also be a good thing as the new strains often are weaker than the previous

Actually, I need a link for your claim that the vaccine will not work against a mutated covid virus.

The medical researchers and doctors are saying they doubt the virus will change enough to render the vaccine obsolete.

Also, the covid-19 virus has been shown to mutate very slowly, unlike the influenza virus.
Look pop there can be no data that the vaccine will not work against the mutated virus until the new strain is isolated and tested against the vaccine. However if you want to assume that the vaccine will protect against the new strains and put peoples lives in danger, you are free to do so, but why do you want to put people at risk?

How am I putting people's lives at risk?
Anyone who says that new virus mutations will not be vaccine resistant before the new strains either materialize or are tested against the vaccine is putting peoples lives at risk.

LOL Anthony Fauci put peoples lives at risk when he said that there is no reason to wear a mask, and he did say this clearly. Or was he telling the truth when he said that no mask was needed?

You pick

Funny, you think saying it will not be vaccine resistant is risking lives, but claiming that the virus mutation is definitely vaccine resistant is not risking lives. Saying numerous times and in several threads, that the vaccine is bad is not risking lives?

Besides, aren't you the one claiming that since you and your wife had covid, and it wasn't as bad as the flu? But now lives are at risk?
I have read of 3 who had allergic reactions. Were there others who were hospitalized?

Six so far, according to the reporting, for what it's worth. Only one hospitalized, some sort of serious reaction. That's in a quarter million shots so far.
He has not taken the vaccine yet. He is not one of the people who need it right away. He doesn't see covid-19 patients. He doesn't work in places he is likely to be infected, like the White House. He has said that he is eager to take the vaccine.
People complain when politicians take the vaccine ahead of us, then they complain when they dont take the vaccine ahead of us. HILARIOUS!
The medical researchers and doctors are saying they doubt the virus will change enough to render the vaccine obsolete.
Also, the covid-19 virus has been shown to mutate very slowly, unlike the influenza virus.

Yeah, that's what they are saying. Vaccine still good, COVID doesn't mutate too fast, nothing like colds and influenza.
Most diseases don't mutate much. Polio is about the same now as it ever was.

This one is sure acting like the 1918 "flu" (which I am morally SURE was a coronavirus: it acted exactly like this one and not at all like influenza) -- which got worse in August 1918, like this one, and which got much worse in the fall, whatever that means ----- that is, it's hard to pick out whether the mutation in 1918 (there was a big change) made it more lethal, or whether it simply spread much faster, because you'd have increased deaths in both cases.

Which is what is going on here and everywhere, including England. They are saying the mutation is 70% more infective. So holding everything constant, that would mean 70% more hospitalizations and deaths even if it isn't more lethal, do you see?

Meaning the mutated one is right now spreading everywhere that is experiencing a surge --- and that's everywhere. Including the U.S. So I'm thinking they'll take off these panic-induced travel and transport bans soon. England does 50% of all the genetic sequencing of this disease in the world -- so they simply know too much. They found out first about the mutation, and they foolishly told everyone and the whole world is panicking, but there is nothing at all anyone can do about it, except keep moving toward herd immunity naturally or via vaccine. Never diagnose a disease you can't cure, I heard a long time ago. Good advice! The Brits did that, and now they can't have Christmas --- and the stores are stripped with no food right before Dec. 25. Bad move.
Trying to force everyone to hide from what’s in the air is ridiculous

Doubling down on strategies that have already failed us ridiculous

Quoting over 300,000 dead from Covid when it’s actually 18,000 per the CDC is ridiculous

Is there Anything about this hoax that is not ridiculous?
Trying to force everyone to hide from what’s in the air is ridiculous

Doubling down on strategies that have already failed us ridiculous

Quoting over 300,000 dead from Covid when it’s actually 18,000 per the CDC is ridiculous

Is there Anything about this hoax that is not ridiculous?

Just because someone had an underlying condition that makes them more vulnerable to covid, does not mean they did not die from covid. A diabetic that manages their blood sugar did not die from diabetes. Someone with respiratory problem did not die from them.
Trying to force everyone to hide from what’s in the air is ridiculous

Doubling down on strategies that have already failed us ridiculous

Quoting over 300,000 dead from Covid when it’s actually 18,000 per the CDC is ridiculous

Is there Anything about this hoax that is not ridiculous?
I just heard the new strain is far more contagious but much LESS DEADLY.

This sounds like a good thing and the natural evolution of the virus. This will help with herd immunity and will cause the virus to fizzle out

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