Dr. Fauci Threatened President Trump With ‘Surprise Outbreak’ In 2017

Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.
Why didn’t you warn him, dumbass?
Because you were busy obsessing with impeachment like all democrats?
Refer to post #17 dumbass.
Lots of people made general warnings about pandemics for years. The overprescribing of antibiotics has been a fear for decades, for example. What is happening now is relevant. Obama didn’t warn about Wuhan. You and the current dems didn’t. The only one who did anything was trump. Dems revise history incessantly, even if it’s only months old. Like no one will research it? Duh.
Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.
Why didn’t you warn him, dumbass?
Because you were busy obsessing with impeachment like all democrats?
Refer to post #17 dumbass.
BTW, jerk, trump followed Obama’s advice but China denied entry. Trump closed off travel from China and you and your dem sheep called it racist and xenophobic. Can’t have it both ways, phony.

Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.
Why didn’t you warn him, dumbass?
Because you were busy obsessing with impeachment like all democrats?
Refer to post #17 dumbass.
BTW, jerk, trump followed Obama’s advice but China denied entry. Trump closed off travel from China and you and your dem sheep called it racist and xenophobic. Can’t have it both ways, phony.
You & Trump are vying fucks.

Biden was speaking at a rally the same day Trump announced his travel restrictions. Biden's comments had nothing to do with Trump's ban because he likely did not know about it yet.

Trumps was called a racist due to his other actions of banning immigrants from "shit hole" countries.

Tpu asdsf=
Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.
Why didn’t you warn him, dumbass?
Because you were busy obsessing with impeachment like all democrats?
Refer to post #17 dumbass.
BTW, jerk, trump followed Obama’s advice but China denied entry. Trump closed off travel from China and you and your dem sheep called it racist and xenophobic. Can’t have it both ways, phony.
You & Trump are vying fucks.

Biden was speaking at a rally the same day Trump announced his travel restrictions. Biden's comments had nothing to do with Trump's ban because he likely did not know about it yet.

Trumps was called a racist due to his other actions of banning immigrants from "shit hole" countries.

Tpu asdsf=

Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.
Why didn’t you warn him, dumbass?
Because you were busy obsessing with impeachment like all democrats?
Refer to post #17 dumbass.
BTW, jerk, trump followed Obama’s advice but China denied entry. Trump closed off travel from China and you and your dem sheep called it racist and xenophobic. Can’t have it both ways, phony.
You & Trump are vying fucks.

Biden was speaking at a rally the same day Trump announced his travel restrictions. Biden's comments had nothing to do with Trump's ban because he likely did not know about it yet.

Trumps was called a racist due to his other actions of banning immigrants from "shit hole" countries.

Fox Fucking News? Really?

I understand that you are dumber than shit but Biden's speech was written long before your Fat Ass Buddy announced his fake china ban.

The truth is that you will never find any quote from Biden saying that about Trump's travel "ban". NEVER.

Trump was called racist and xenophobic long before the china travel "ban:" announcement.

If you couldn't lie you'd be on e silent SOB.
Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.
Why didn’t you warn him, dumbass?
Because you were busy obsessing with impeachment like all democrats?
Refer to post #17 dumbass.
Lots of people made general warnings about pandemics for years. The overprescribing of antibiotics has been a fear for decades, for example. What is happening now is relevant. Obama didn’t warn about Wuhan. You and the current dems didn’t. The only one who did anything was trump. Dems revise history incessantly, even if it’s only months old. Like no one will research it? Duh.
Obama isnt president.
Its Trump's responsibility since the past 3 1/2 years.
Trump was warned at least 10 times, starting in January. But just did rallys and golf.
If Trump had acted just one week earlier, 60 percent of deaths would have been avoided.
so we have..
Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.
Why didn’t you warn him, dumbass?
Because you were busy obsessing with impeachment like all democrats?
Refer to post #17 dumbass.
Lots of people made general warnings about pandemics for years. The overprescribing of antibiotics has been a fear for decades, for example. What is happening now is relevant. Obama didn’t warn about Wuhan. You and the current dems didn’t. The only one who did anything was trump. Dems revise history incessantly, even if it’s only months old. Like no one will research it? Duh.
Obama isnt president.
Its Trump's responsibility since the past 3 1/2 years.
Trump was warned at least 10 times, starting in January. But just did rallys and golf.
If Trump had acted just one week earlier, 60 percent of deaths would have been avoided.
so we have..
Obama was potus at the time he made his alleged warning. It’s on Obama.
Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.
Why didn’t you warn him, dumbass?
Because you were busy obsessing with impeachment like all democrats?
Refer to post #17 dumbass.
Lots of people made general warnings about pandemics for years. The overprescribing of antibiotics has been a fear for decades, for example. What is happening now is relevant. Obama didn’t warn about Wuhan. You and the current dems didn’t. The only one who did anything was trump. Dems revise history incessantly, even if it’s only months old. Like no one will research it? Duh.
Obama isnt president.
Its Trump's responsibility since the past 3 1/2 years.
Trump was warned at least 10 times, starting in January. But just did rallys and golf.
If Trump had acted just one week earlier, 60 percent of deaths would have been avoided.
so we have..
Obama was potus at the time he made his alleged warning. It’s on Obama.
Funding was blocked by republican congress.
Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.

62 countries are suing stupid ass
Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.
Why didn’t you warn him, dumbass?
Because you were busy obsessing with impeachment like all democrats?

Trump ignored the warnings.

Just like Bush ignored the warnings for a terrorist attack.

When you elect a business cheat & fraud like Trump, you get the need to impeach him. Don't blame Democrats because your fat asssed buddy got caught bribing a foreign leader for personal gain.

This is your fault. This is what YOU gave this country, 90,000 dead Americans bercause Trump is so fucking inept. " Oh oh oh it will disappear" " Oh Oh Oh I have it under complete ciontrol"

Just how fuckiong stupid are you people?
Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.
Obama was giving himself credit for the economy before the pandemic so I wonder if he is taking credit for the economic crash? After all, it happened because his administration left our country in a total state of unpreparedness. His administration emboldened Communist China to do whatever they wanted because there were no repercussions from us. That resulted in this act of war against the world. Democrats are unfit to lead.

Three and a half fucking years into the Trump Administration & you losers still blame Obama.

Man the fuck up for a change. Republicans care such panty waisted cowards.
Dr. Fauci Threatened President Trump With ‘Surprise Outbreak’ In 2017

May 14, 2020
A newly resurfaced video showed Dr. Anthony Fauci speaking of an upcoming infectious disease outbreak some three years before the coronavirus outbreak. In January 2017, he claimed the Trump administration would face a “surprise outbreak” of a massive infectious disease.

“There is no question that there will be a challenge for the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,” stated Fauci.​
“There will be a surprise outbreak, and I hope by the end of my very relatively short presentation you will understand why the history of the last 32 years that I’ve been the director of NIAID will tell the next administration there is no doubt they will be faced with challenges,” said the doctor.​
Fauci has continued to face backlash for his stance on keeping the economy locked down.

Tyranny is when the people fear the government. Freedom is when the government fears the people. We will soon learn the future of America. Let us hope freedom wins.

LOL. So now we're so desperate to defend Trump that we resort to calling a warning a threat? Yikes.
I thought you Trump supporters would have gotten the message after Fauci set Rand Paul back on his ass last week.
Fauci said he wasn't the end all and be all, especially when it came to the economy. He's the scientist and doctor that will
always rely on the science to give the facts.

Last I looked it was governors, mayors, and business leaders that took action when your lord and savior was more interested in holding his pep rallies.
They made the decision to close down. They are all supervising the slow process of coming back.
Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.
Obama was giving himself credit for the economy before the pandemic so I wonder if he is taking credit for the economic crash? After all, it happened because his administration left our country in a total state of unpreparedness. His administration emboldened Communist China to do whatever they wanted because there were no repercussions from us. That resulted in this act of war against the world. Democrats are unfit to lead.

Yeah, you'll have to point that particular piece of BS about Obama out for me. It was Trump and his lemmings taking credit for an economic boom that began under Obama (but giving him no credit for). And now that things have gone in the tank and Trump is being exposed for the absolutely incompetent asshat he is, his followers are searching in vain for something that will deflect attention away from his failure. So far, nothing has stuck except with the true believers.
Yeah, Fauci is pretty cozy with China so it stands to reason he would know that they would unleash these kinds of viruses on the world. Fauci, Red China and the WHO are all expendable.
You people are really this fucking stupid.

There have been warnings from most people who work with pandemics.

Tool bad Trump was too God damn stupid to take heed.
Trumpers are honestly friggin insane. This thread is the epitome of stupidity and denial. Calling a warning a threat is as fucked up as one can get.
Exactly right. But it's also right in line with every other nonsensical conspiracy dream up. Long story short -- conservatives don't have full deck to play with.
Yeah, you'll have to point that particular piece of BS about Obama out for me. It was Trump and his lemmings taking credit for an economic boom that began under Obama (but giving him no credit for). And now that things have gone in the tank and Trump is being exposed for the absolutely incompetent asshat he is, his followers are searching in vain for something that will deflect attention away from his failure. So far, nothing has stuck except with the true believers.
Pure bull shit! Spread this post on your flowers.
There was no economic "boom" under Obama. Period. The Obamaaa economy was pedestrian at very best.
You act like people can't read and there is no record of Obamaa's tepid economy.

As far as Trump's economy there has been a world wide pandemic going on, you know.
And the longer people are forced to stay home the more businesses stay shut down and the more
people have no income and the more people are forced to dig into their precious reserves.

The economy has gone "in the tank" for the entire world, if you hadn't noticed. Pre pandemic Trump's
economy was performing quite well.

There are anti Trump posts that are delving in lies and hate and then there is your post that is the epitome
of that style and there isn't one single true thing in it.
Yeah, you'll have to point that particular piece of BS about Obama out for me. It was Trump and his lemmings taking credit for an economic boom that began under Obama (but giving him no credit for). And now that things have gone in the tank and Trump is being exposed for the absolutely incompetent asshat he is, his followers are searching in vain for something that will deflect attention away from his failure. So far, nothing has stuck except with the true believers.
Pure bull shit! Spread this post on your flowers.
There was no economic "boom" under Obama. Period. The Obamaaa economy was pedestrian at very best.
You act like people can't read and there is no record of Obamaa's tepid economy.

As far as Trump's economy there has been a world wide pandemic going on, you know.
And the longer people are forced to stay home the more businesses stay shut down and the more
people have no income and the more people are forced to dig into their precious reserves.

The economy has gone "in the tank" for the entire world, if you hadn't noticed. Pre pandemic Trump's
economy was performing quite well.

There are anti Trump posts that are delving in lies and hate and then there is your post that is the epitome
of that style and there isn't one single true thing in it.
"There was no economic "boom" under Obama. Period."


It just kills rightards that Obama turned the economy around. Yes, moron, there was an economic boom under Obama. From when Bush's Great Recession ended... 15 million jobs added, 83 consecutive months of job growth, full employment, stock market tripled, GDP was higher than it was under Bush or Impeached Trump, inflation remained low, no double dip.

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