Dr. John Clausen talking about the myth of harmful climate change

Notice the green crops behind the farmer? Seems he forgot to fill his reservoir.
Mortgage lenders don't hold on to it, they sell the mortgage. Someone else, most likely a pension fund will end up holding the bag
Casual borrowers do not understand the mortgage market at all. Along with a pension fund, there are others who want to purchase good mortgages.
Punishing poorer families
Not really. It allows some poorer families to own a home because they are higher risk and for a higher fee, the lender puts some trust in them.
Deniers are unaware they are being exploited.

Pretend you are a Martian just arrived from Mars and are studying the Earth and its inhabitants. You learn everything there is to learn about manmade global warming. Would you not suspect that the people in charge of the oil industries might do something to try to slow down the world moving away from their product? Isn't that what anyone in almost any sort of business facing such a situation would do?
Woah, oil is your lifeline. Why cut out your heart? Manmade climate is a myth. Even manmade weather is a myth. If man could make climate, he would green the deserts soon.
Deniers are unaware they are being exploited.

Pretend you are a Martian just arrived from Mars and are studying the Earth and its inhabitants. You learn everything there is to learn about manmade global warming. Would you not suspect that the people in charge of the oil industries might do something to try to slow down the world moving away from their product? Isn't that what anyone in almost any sort of business facing such a situation would do?
Better not make it Mars since it is pretty much barren and has almost no climate.
Return to the days of no petroleum being used. What was then used? Coal and whale oil. Millions of whales were put to death to give humans the oil.

Petroleum saved the whales. Petroleum is why the earth is not still covered in poverty. Even coal could not do it alone. Cars do not burn coal.
Think as you fly how great it is you are not bound to earth as a fox is. You of all animals can fly up to very high altitudes and move at supersonic speeds.
What a miracle oil was found.
Better not make it Mars since it is pretty much barren and has almost no climate.
Return to the days of no petroleum being used. What was then used? Coal and whale oil. Millions of whales were put to death to give humans the oil.

Petroleum saved the whales. Petroleum is why the earth is not still covered in poverty. Even coal could not do it alone. Cars do not burn coal.
Think as you fly how great it is you are not bound to earth as a fox is. You of all animals can fly up to very high altitudes and move at supersonic speeds.
What a miracle oil was found.
They’d rather all be dead with no life here

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