Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

I work with a bunch of black guys. That's all I hear all day long, ****** this, ****** that. I have to hear it easily 50 times a day.

Which is NOT a license for you to do the same thing, is it now?

If I hear a bunch of Russians, Irish, Germans, Poles, Italians, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Swedes, French, etc., use some of the foulest racial insults towards each other, I sure as hell don't walk up and join in....unless I like getting a beating.

Here's the upshot.....DON'T get between families and brothers when they are fighting, being mean or insulting each other unless you are VERY close to that family. Laura's bullshit about letting others joke about the womans race as some sort of ass backwards acceptance haze is just that...bullshit. She got called on it, and the sponsors didn't take kindly to her boorish attitude. That's life.

Sure it is. And I do it all the time. Don't like it? Too bad. I don't really care.

Your insipid stubborness and avoidance of the points I made does not validate your assertion.

It's not about what YOU care about when you use language that insults others. Obviously, you do this among people who you consider friends or in an environment where you feel safe. I've met jokers like you before......and when they get cute with dropping the N word I give them one warning, as they don't know me. If they do it again, then they get to find out if their health insurance is really up to par.

I'm not unique....many other black folk are the same.....hell, NO rational person accepts an insult to get along/fit in or make abuser feel comfortable.

So again, Laura got nailed for being a callous boor. TFB is she or her supporters don't like it.
Spoonman's lack of rationality on this point clearly delineates the issue: people who use such language, and then defend it, have nothing to add to American society. We simply dismiss them from the classroom, from the work place, from juries, from the society of decent men and women who adhere to Constitutional principles.

The Spoonmans of the world can be ignored and isolated. They eventually will die out and be forgotten.
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There is no excuses for the use of the N word in this day and age.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM8NrGCviN4]YouTube - Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Stories - Rick James Part 2[/ame]
you can't make this stuff up lol

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-19ioGniZ88]YouTube - Japan ****** Family tokyo breakfast[/ame]
Deflect. Rinse. Repeat.
I don't appriciate when Chris Rock says the word, and I don't appriciate when dumbass quitter Laura does either.
It doesn't matter who says it. It's wrong. Period. Kaput. Now stop using other people to excuse your stupid shit.
Deflect. Rinse. Repeat.
I don't appriciate when Chris Rock says the word, and I don't appriciate when dumbass quitter Laura does either.
It doesn't matter who says it. It's wrong. Period. Kaput. Now stop using other people to excuse your stupid shit.

OK, I just say it on my own.
You losers are making me laugh at your immaturity.

Talking like that reveals your lack of character.
You losers are making me laugh at your immaturity.

Talking like that reveals your lack of character.

Sure thing Mr High and Mighty. Get an original troll will you. Hey let me ask you this. When Spoon suggested your daughter might marry a homeboy you were awefully quick to remark that your daughters were grown and securely maried white. A little bit of a parnoid slip there? I think so. Not the reaction of the tollerant man you try to make yourself out to be. Yours was the reaction of a man who was a little too quick to reassure us that would never happen to you. You weren't even going to allow us to suggest that indignation be bestowed upon you. Now Jake, if you are going to run a troll you have to live it and breath it. You have to really understand the charater you are going to portray. You don't. You play a dime store liberal and you do a shitty job at that. You are only here to insight confrontation. To outrage a right wing conservative. But you're transparent. It doesn't work.
Iggy, my man, you live under the bridge with the other trolls.

You out yourself with your choice of language. It reflects what you are: a low character of little self worth. You can change if you want, but I suspect you won't.

Don't ever expect to get a pass on this drivel of you and your pals.
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Iggy, my man, you live under the bridge with the other trolls.

You out yourself with your choice of language. It reflects what you are: a low character of little self worth. You can change if you want, but I suspect you want.

Don't ever expect to get a pass on this drivel of you and your pals.

You're busted dude. Wide open. Tweaking you into exposing yourself was a cakewalk. Now run along. You bore us.
You all exposed yourselves as trolls and racialists, as folks who don't understand what America is all about.

Your certainly have the right to say what you want, and the rest of us have the right to kick your collective ass right up between your shoulders (as we have done) so that you can hear us collectively thumping on it.

Sorry little poseurs.
You all exposed yourselves as trolls and racialists, as folks who don't understand what America is all about.

Your certainly have the right to say what you want, and the rest of us have the right to kick your collective ass right up between your shoulders (as we have done) so that you can hear us collectively thumping on it.

Sorry little poseurs.
deleted Nice ass kicking Jake. You've done nothing.

Because you are a pathetic troll whose been exposed. Bring your minions on. Collectively kick my ass. I'm waiting. Well? Pony up sweetheart. I can see this is going to be a very long wait.
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Your language outs you, Iggy: nothing you can do about that, son. Your type repeatedly have had your ass kicked here and you can't do anything about it.

You are low class who shows his ass. :lol:

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