Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

Mebbe I read your post wrong, Lonestar. I thought you referred to Obama, because he is black. If not, my apologies.

No problem it was a simple misunderstanding. I guess you realized I was speaking about Bass, Obama deserves some amount of respect simply because of the office he holds, but Bass deserves my disdain.

I don't like Obama's policies and the direction he's wanting to take this country, he has repeatedly lied to us and is doing his best to destroy this nation. He has divided this country in ways that no other president has done. For the life of me I cannot see how anyone can support him.

I support the President. He is holding to his campaign promises. He is a good man, intelligent, speaks well, is well respected in the world. He wants the best for our country.

I like you Sky Dancer. But honestly, IMO, This post only works if it is accompanied by a laugh track. Obama is the worst president we've ever had in office.
Spoonman, Obama is so much better in so many ways than Reagan or Bush the Younger. You are so foolish on this one.
Spoonman, being racialist as you are is simply unAmerican. What American values to you support?

There gors the Lib with the unAmerican comments again. What does the Liberal Hanbook have a list of stock questions you slapnutz ask? You're like a bunch of Moonies. Reprogramed zombies.
Saying that word is so disgusting to me I cringe. I even cringe when I see it posted.

Wondering though how do you treat someone like a n*****??
I work with a bunch of black guys. That's all I hear all day long, ****** this, ****** that. I have to hear it easily 50 times a day.

Which is NOT a license for you to do the same thing, is it now?

If I hear a bunch of Russians, Irish, Germans, Poles, Italians, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Swedes, French, etc., use some of the foulest racial insults towards each other, I sure as hell don't walk up and join in....unless I like getting a beating.

Here's the upshot.....DON'T get between families and brothers when they are fighting, being mean or insulting each other unless you are VERY close to that family. Laura's bullshit about letting others joke about the womans race as some sort of ass backwards acceptance haze is just that...bullshit. She got called on it, and the sponsors didn't take kindly to her boorish attitude. That's life.

Sure it is. And I do it all the time. Don't like it? Too bad. I don't really care.
Spoonman, you are not a conservative any more than I am a lib. You are a far right reactionary loon who is going to have his bubble popped this November. Yes, racialism is unAmerican, and every centrist and conservative does know that. You are such a sad little spoon.
Spoonman, you are not a conservative any more than I am a lib. You are a far right reactionary loon who is going to have his bubble popped this November. Yes, racialism is unAmerican, and every centrist and conservative does know that. You are such a sad little spoon.

No, I agree with the Counts assesment. The libs majority will be cut. Lunatic left ideals will at least be curtailed. In the meantime the failures of Obama's first two years will start coming home to roost. Stimulus money starts to tun out. All the jobs he's been floating with tax payer dollars run out of funding. Unemployment rises. Obama's smoke screen is going to come back to bite his black ass. He just fronted another $24 billion as a stopgap to keep teachers employed through the elections. More smoke. Wher does the funding come from after that? The dems are going to have to own up to failure after failure. 2012 will wipe them out completely.
Tell me that in November as we blow another chance and the Dems remain in the majority because of dumbos like you.
I think the democrats will remain in power, but only by a slim margine. It will be to their detriment because they really do not any solutions. This will only allow the Republicans to sit back and point more fingers and say I told you so. The Democrats came into office amid tremendous fanfare and failed to deliver. I had great hopes for Obama because he had the potential to unit and introduce change. He has let me down on every front. He has let down the millions who believed in him. Obama was marketed perfectly and that put him in an ideal position to harvest public support for his agenda. But he allowed politics as usual, forgotten promises, reversals of agenda, and partisan politics to tarnish his image.

The economy will get worse again. Unemployment will continue to rise. Funding for the Healthcare bill will start to hit home and people will realize it is not what they bargained for. The Democrats will be forced to raise taxes for the uncontrolled spending spree they have embarked on with out a firm understanding of how it would all play out. They threw their chips all in on a bluff and now it is being called.
This is where it's at. This is exactly the path we will head down.
Just like 1936 if the GOP doesn't come up with something positive, and nothing like that is happening.
That's what I thought.

Wiki answers is left wing? How so?

Put your thinking cap on. Are right wing nuts going to make a list of Obama's accomplishments?

I never said it was left wing, however it's not a reliable source. One example is that Gitmo is still open for business and wikianswers claimed it was a promise kept. And I'm sure if I took the time I could shoot down many more of the supposed accomplishments. I mean do you honestly think that banning offhsore drilling which is killing jobs is an accomplishment?

It is a promise kept. They don't know what the hell to do with the prisoners they have. They need to transfer them to other facility.
Just like 1936 if the GOP doesn't come up with something positive, and nothing like that is happening.

Only totally different. FDR had a war raging around him where he could actually sell weapons, equipment and ammunition to other nations. Now it's all a drain on us. The fact that you would even compare 1936 to today shows how completely out of touch with reality you are.
Wiki answers is left wing? How so?

Put your thinking cap on. Are right wing nuts going to make a list of Obama's accomplishments?

I never said it was left wing, however it's not a reliable source. One example is that Gitmo is still open for business and wikianswers claimed it was a promise kept. And I'm sure if I took the time I could shoot down many more of the supposed accomplishments. I mean do you honestly think that banning offhsore drilling which is killing jobs is an accomplishment?

It is a promise kept. They don't know what the hell to do with the prisoners they have. They need to transfer them to other facility.

He pledged to close Gitmo, it's not closed. So how the hell can you say it's a promise kept and at the same time acknowledge that it's still open? :cuckoo:

Status unchanged for Gitmo detainee, despite pledges

Exclusive: Obama's pledge to close down Guantanamo is 'not even close'

Oh and nice dodge on my question about the drilling ban.
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I never said it was left wing, however it's not a reliable source. One example is that Gitmo is still open for business and wikianswers claimed it was a promise kept. And I'm sure if I took the time I could shoot down many more of the supposed accomplishments. I mean do you honestly think that banning offhsore drilling which is killing jobs is an accomplishment?

It is a promise kept. They don't know what the hell to do with the prisoners they have. They need to transfer them to other facility.

He pledged to close Gitmo, it's not closed. So how the hell can you say it's a promise kept and at the same time acknowledge that it's still open? :cuckoo:

Status unchanged for Gitmo detainee, despite pledges

Exclusive: Obama's pledge to close down Guantanamo is 'not even close'

Oh and nice dodge on my question about the drilling ban.

He's working on it. He's pledged to close it and he will.

I'm not dodging your question about the drilling ban, I have no personal opinon about it.
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I never said it was left wing, however it's not a reliable source. One example is that Gitmo is still open for business and wikianswers claimed it was a promise kept. And I'm sure if I took the time I could shoot down many more of the supposed accomplishments. I mean do you honestly think that banning offhsore drilling which is killing jobs is an accomplishment?

It is a promise kept. They don't know what the hell to do with the prisoners they have. They need to transfer them to other facility.

He pledged to close Gitmo, it's not closed. So how the hell can you say it's a promise kept and at the same time acknowledge that it's still open? :cuckoo:

Status unchanged for Gitmo detainee, despite pledges

Exclusive: Obama's pledge to close down Guantanamo is 'not even close'

Oh and nice dodge on my question about the drilling ban.

It's called spin.
It is a promise kept. They don't know what the hell to do with the prisoners they have. They need to transfer them to other facility.

He pledged to close Gitmo, it's not closed. So how the hell can you say it's a promise kept and at the same time acknowledge that it's still open? :cuckoo:

Status unchanged for Gitmo detainee, despite pledges

Exclusive: Obama's pledge to close down Guantanamo is 'not even close'

Oh and nice dodge on my question about the drilling ban.

He's working on it. He's pledged to close it and he will.

I'm not dodging your question about the drilling ban, I have no personal opinon about it.

Fimally you admit it's not a kept promise. That wasn't that hard, now was it?

You noted the drilling ban as an accomplishment. So tell me what exactly did he accomplish other than killing jobs?
He pledged to close Gitmo, it's not closed. So how the hell can you say it's a promise kept and at the same time acknowledge that it's still open? :cuckoo:

Status unchanged for Gitmo detainee, despite pledges

Exclusive: Obama's pledge to close down Guantanamo is 'not even close'

Oh and nice dodge on my question about the drilling ban.

He's working on it. He's pledged to close it and he will.

I'm not dodging your question about the drilling ban, I have no personal opinon about it.

Fimally you admit it's not a kept promise. That wasn't that hard, now was it?

You noted the drilling ban as an accomplishment. So tell me what exactly did he accomplish other than killing jobs?

Actually the drilling ban wasn't accomplished and is off the table now.
Just like 1936 if the GOP doesn't come up with something positive, and nothing like that is happening.

Only totally different. FDR had a war raging around him where he could actually sell weapons, equipment and ammunition to other nations. Now it's all a drain on us. The fact that you would even compare 1936 to today shows how completely out of touch with reality you are.

War? Italy in Ethiopia? Don't tell me that is what you are referring to? :eusa_eh: And you are ignoring the GOP has nothing positive to offer in the way of leaders, platforms, and apologies.
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He's working on it. He's pledged to close it and he will.

I'm not dodging your question about the drilling ban, I have no personal opinon about it.

Fimally you admit it's not a kept promise. That wasn't that hard, now was it?

You noted the drilling ban as an accomplishment. So tell me what exactly did he accomplish other than killing jobs?

Actually the drilling ban wasn't accomplished and is off the table now.

I beg to differ, I'm in the oil industry and I can tell you that the moratorium is very much in place. The White House may end the ban earlier than the NOV. 30th deadline but I haven't heard anything concrete as of late. So where are you getting your news?
Yep, Lonestar, I bet the long hours as you fill up vehicles at the filling station gives you the opportunity to do some quality thinking.
Yep, Lonestar, I bet the long hours as you fill up vehicles at the filling station gives you the opportunity to do some quality thinking.

There are no full service stations in Texas, you have to fill your own tank. And please fill up often, it keeps me in business.

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