Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Republicans have destroyed Big Labor to build a subservient workforce that accepts poor treatment from employers

Big Labor is hardly "destroyed", in fact they are very powerful. The labor bosses live high on the hog.

In actuality, its the unions who keep the employees subservient.

They rule over the staff with an iron fist.
They are weaker than they have been in the last 80 years
Republicans have destroyed collective bargaining and are further weakening labor regulations

Big Labor got B. Hussein O elected through their incredible muscle. A few years ago, they successfully even struck Fast Food joints nationwide and were able to implement their wills.
Now you are just making shit up again

Did you already forget the 8 years of Obamunism that Big Labor rallied for, and delivered to we, the People?

And did you also forget the huge Fast Food strikes beginning in 2012, where Big Labor forced Mickey D's and other restauranteurs to force wages up?
Show me
Big Labor is hardly "destroyed", in fact they are very powerful. The labor bosses live high on the hog.

In actuality, its the unions who keep the employees subservient.

They rule over the staff with an iron fist.
They are weaker than they have been in the last 80 years
Republicans have destroyed collective bargaining and are further weakening labor regulations

Big Labor got B. Hussein O elected through their incredible muscle. A few years ago, they successfully even struck Fast Food joints nationwide and were able to implement their wills.
Now you are just making shit up again

Did you already forget the 8 years of Obamunism that Big Labor rallied for, and delivered to we, the People?

And did you also forget the huge Fast Food strikes beginning in 2012, where Big Labor forced Mickey D's and other restauranteurs to force wages up?
Show me
Fast food workers strike for $15 minimum wage

Huge disruptive strike which has forced up the price of big macs and other cuisine
When FDR created the Fair Employment Practice Committee to address the rampant discrimination against blacks in employment -- why are blacks maligned for supporting that??

When FDR signed the GI Bill...why are blacks maligned for supporting that??

Just pointing out that the timing does not match the normal lib narrative.

Note my completely lack of maligning blacks, you raving loon.
Cool...now tell me what conservatives were there marching along side of King down in Selma

Conservatives are smart, we don't march and throw tantrums, we actually get shit done, like laws and stuff
Lots of conservatives supported the Civil Rights laws in the 40s and 50s, even the 64 bill, most were REPUBLICANS

Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a Percentage Than Democrats Did’

IT has been this way, in fact the republicans never voted for jim crow laws. The whole premise of you democrats is the big switch lie...which I have destroyed in these forums.....because it's a HUGE lie.
Can you name a Conservative who marched with Civil Rights protesters?

This was a North/South issue not a partisan political issue

and of which party were: Strom Thurman, George Wallace, Bull Connor, Lester Maddox, Bill KKK Byrd? they were all dems, sorry if those facts upset you but they are facts.

another fact, there was a huge KKK contingent in Illinois and there were slaves in most of the northern and western states, it was not a north/south issue, it was a states rights issue created by slave owning democrats and ended by a republican named Lincoln.

A pretty good article on why the south turned from being democrat to republican. It's always a hoot to see today's republicans trying to pretend they're the same type of decent individuals who stood up for minorities and their voting rights. They're not and if MLK were alive today he would be leading marches against the likes of trump and mcconnel. Anyway, check out the link.
Why Did The South Turn Republican?
Republicans have destroyed Big Labor to build a subservient workforce that accepts poor treatment from employers

Big Labor is hardly "destroyed", in fact they are very powerful. The labor bosses live high on the hog.

In actuality, its the unions who keep the employees subservient.

They rule over the staff with an iron fist.
They are weaker than they have been in the last 80 years
Republicans have destroyed collective bargaining and are further weakening labor regulations

Big Labor got B. Hussein O elected through their incredible muscle. A few years ago, they successfully even struck Fast Food joints nationwide and were able to implement their wills.
Now you are just making shit up again

Did you already forget the 8 years of Obamunism that Big Labor rallied for, and delivered to we, the People?

And did you also forget the huge Fast Food strikes beginning in 2012, where Big Labor forced Mickey D's and other restauranteurs to force wages up?
Probably not correct, since there are less then 15 million union member in the United States, and I doubt that most of McDonalds employees are union members. Big Labor as you like to whine about is weaker now than at anytime since I have been alive. I have never been a "Supply Side Economics" supporter and have not been in a Union since 1976, but I think labor deserves a seat at the table, and the Right wing whine like babies at harm they did not suffer, ignoring advancements to society, safety, insurance for the masses, that have benefited this country during my life, while GDP has continued to increase and wages have all but stagnated.
They are weaker than they have been in the last 80 years
Republicans have destroyed collective bargaining and are further weakening labor regulations

Big Labor got B. Hussein O elected through their incredible muscle. A few years ago, they successfully even struck Fast Food joints nationwide and were able to implement their wills.
Now you are just making shit up again

Did you already forget the 8 years of Obamunism that Big Labor rallied for, and delivered to we, the People?

And did you also forget the huge Fast Food strikes beginning in 2012, where Big Labor forced Mickey D's and other restauranteurs to force wages up?
Show me
Fast food workers strike for $15 minimum wage

Huge disruptive strike which has forced up the price of big macs and other cuisine
Didn’t work, did it?
Just pointing out that the timing does not match the normal lib narrative.

Note my completely lack of maligning blacks, you raving loon.
Cool...now tell me what conservatives were there marching along side of King down in Selma

Conservatives are smart, we don't march and throw tantrums, we actually get shit done, like laws and stuff
Lots of conservatives supported the Civil Rights laws in the 40s and 50s, even the 64 bill, most were REPUBLICANS

Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a Percentage Than Democrats Did’

IT has been this way, in fact the republicans never voted for jim crow laws. The whole premise of you democrats is the big switch lie...which I have destroyed in these forums.....because it's a HUGE lie.
Can you name a Conservative who marched with Civil Rights protesters?

This was a North/South issue not a partisan political issue

and of which party were: Strom Thurman, George Wallace, Bull Connor, Lester Maddox, Bill KKK Byrd? they were all dems, sorry if those facts upset you but they are facts.

another fact, there was a huge KKK contingent in Illinois and there were slaves in most of the northern and western states, it was not a north/south issue, it was a states rights issue created by slave owning democrats and ended by a republican named Lincoln.

A pretty good article on why the south turned from being democrat to republican. It's always a hoot to see today's republicans trying to pretend they're the same type of decent individuals who stood up for minorities and their voting rights. They're not and if MLK were alive today he would be leading marches against the likes of trump and mcconnel. Anyway, check out the link.
Why Did The South Turn Republican?
MLK would be fighting for fair wages and redistribution of wealth
Big Labor got B. Hussein O elected through their incredible muscle. A few years ago, they successfully even struck Fast Food joints nationwide and were able to implement their wills.
Now you are just making shit up again

Did you already forget the 8 years of Obamunism that Big Labor rallied for, and delivered to we, the People?

And did you also forget the huge Fast Food strikes beginning in 2012, where Big Labor forced Mickey D's and other restauranteurs to force wages up?
Show me
Fast food workers strike for $15 minimum wage

Huge disruptive strike which has forced up the price of big macs and other cuisine
Didn’t work, did it?

Actually, it did work. Fast food wages have been rising and are at an all time high. Many states have actually hiked their minimum wages to unheard of levels.

Big Labor is putting the screws to the people, very successfully.
Now you are just making shit up again

Did you already forget the 8 years of Obamunism that Big Labor rallied for, and delivered to we, the People?

And did you also forget the huge Fast Food strikes beginning in 2012, where Big Labor forced Mickey D's and other restauranteurs to force wages up?
Show me
Fast food workers strike for $15 minimum wage

Huge disruptive strike which has forced up the price of big macs and other cuisine
Didn’t work, did it?

Actually, it did work. Fast food wages have been rising and are at an all time high. Many states have actually hiked their minimum wages to unheard of levels.

Big Labor is putting the screws to the people, very successfully.
They did it because the Federal Government is incapable of raising minimum wage, not because of any strike
I'm an outsider moved to the US 20 years ago. The whole world knows that an american that leans conservative is more likely to be racist and bigot more than a liberal.
Again I am not saying that all cons are racists or all liberals aren't.
Did you already forget the 8 years of Obamunism that Big Labor rallied for, and delivered to we, the People?

And did you also forget the huge Fast Food strikes beginning in 2012, where Big Labor forced Mickey D's and other restauranteurs to force wages up?
Show me
Fast food workers strike for $15 minimum wage

Huge disruptive strike which has forced up the price of big macs and other cuisine
Didn’t work, did it?

Actually, it did work. Fast food wages have been rising and are at an all time high. Many states have actually hiked their minimum wages to unheard of levels.

Big Labor is putting the screws to the people, very successfully.
They did it because the Federal Government is incapable of raising minimum wage, not because of any strike

Congress has raised the minimum wage in the past, they are certainly capable of it.

Its just that they have chosen not to.
I'm an outsider moved to the US 20 years ago. The whole world knows that an american that leans conservative is more likely to be racist and bigot more than a liberal.
Again I am not saying that all cons are racists or all liberals aren't.
All racists are conservative
Fast food workers strike for $15 minimum wage

Huge disruptive strike which has forced up the price of big macs and other cuisine
Didn’t work, did it?

Actually, it did work. Fast food wages have been rising and are at an all time high. Many states have actually hiked their minimum wages to unheard of levels.

Big Labor is putting the screws to the people, very successfully.
They did it because the Federal Government is incapable of raising minimum wage, not because of any strike

Congress has raised the minimum wage in the past, they are certainly capable of it.

Its just that they have chosen not to.
Over ten years since it was last raised
Republicans will no longer allow increases in minimum wage
Dr King fought for higher wages and wealth inequality

Great man
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are
I went to a MLK "Marade" back in Denver in 1992. And a bunch of white skinheads also marching (no connection to the parade) were almost murdered by MLK marchers... in the spirit of peace, acceptance and brotherhood, not to mention nonviolence...I had an epiphany then.

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