Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Happy birthday to Dr King

MLK did some good for the country, his message was correct and Blblical.

But to claim that he saved the country is really streching it.

If MLK had not stood in the path of armed retalliation for the abuses of Jim Crow what would have happened to this country?

They blew up a black church...lets go burn some white churches
They hung an innocent black man.....lets go hang some white men
That all white jury just let off those murderers.....lets go get them
You refuse to serve blacks?....lets see if you still have a restaurant tomorrow

A lot of that kind of thing happened BECAUSE of MLK. Not saying it is ever right when either side does it. But King did cause a lot of violence even though he preached against it.

I lived through that period. It was a bad time in the USA, King helped with his message of non-violence, but he did not save the country.

Please...shut the fuck up with that stupidity.
MLK caused nothing, he never committed a violent act against those that were murdering, raping, beating and blowing up children.

If my response to an individual that wants the right to vote, stay at a hotel of their choice and not be treated as a third rate non-citizen is to murder and kill, then those actions are mine and mine alone.

Yeah he saved this country. Had he not their would be continual violence, retribution and domestic terrorism in the streets.
Black people has enough of the treatment Jim Crow and segregation handed to them, too many whites wanted a South Africa.
That wasn't going to happen.
MLK did some good for the country, his message was correct and Blblical.

But to claim that he saved the country is really streching it.

If MLK had not stood in the path of armed retalliation for the abuses of Jim Crow what would have happened to this country?

They blew up a black church...lets go burn some white churches
They hung an innocent black man.....lets go hang some white men
That all white jury just let off those murderers.....lets go get them
You refuse to serve blacks?....lets see if you still have a restaurant tomorrow

A lot of that kind of thing happened BECAUSE of MLK. Not saying it is ever right when either side does it. But King did cause a lot of violence even though he preached against it.

I lived through that period. It was a bad time in the USA, King helped with his message of non-violence, but he did not save the country.

Please...shut the fuck up with that stupidity.
MLK caused nothing, he never committed a violent act against those that were murdering, raping, beating and blowing up children.

If my response to an individual that wants the right to vote, stay at a hotel of their choice and not be treated as a third rate non-citizen is to murder and kill, then those actions are mine and mine alone.

Yeah he saved this country. Had he not their would be continual violence, retribution and domestic terrorism in the streets.
Black people has enough of the treatment Jim Crow and segregation handed to them, too many whites wanted a South Africa.
That wasn't going to happen.

Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot
IMHO: There is absolutely no doubt in mind mind that the United States made monumental progress toward "All Men are Created Equal" and "Liberty and Justice for All" thanks to Martin Luther King.

We are far closer to realizing the goals of our founding fathers thanks to him.
MLK did some good for the country, his message was correct and Blblical.

But to claim that he saved the country is really streching it.

If MLK had not stood in the path of armed retalliation for the abuses of Jim Crow what would have happened to this country?

They blew up a black church...lets go burn some white churches
They hung an innocent black man.....lets go hang some white men
That all white jury just let off those murderers.....lets go get them
You refuse to serve blacks?....lets see if you still have a restaurant tomorrow

A lot of that kind of thing happened BECAUSE of MLK. Not saying it is ever right when either side does it. But King did cause a lot of violence even though he preached against it.

I lived through that period. It was a bad time in the USA, King helped with his message of non-violence, but he did not save the country.

Please...shut the fuck up with that stupidity.
MLK caused nothing, he never committed a violent act against those that were murdering, raping, beating and blowing up children.

If my response to an individual that wants the right to vote, stay at a hotel of their choice and not be treated as a third rate non-citizen is to murder and kill, then those actions are mine and mine alone.

Yeah he saved this country. Had he not their would be continual violence, retribution and domestic terrorism in the streets.
Black people has enough of the treatment Jim Crow and segregation handed to them, too many whites wanted a South Africa.
That wasn't going to happen.

Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot

MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.
MLK did some good for the country, his message was correct and Blblical.

But to claim that he saved the country is really streching it.

If MLK had not stood in the path of armed retalliation for the abuses of Jim Crow what would have happened to this country?

They blew up a black church...lets go burn some white churches
They hung an innocent black man.....lets go hang some white men
That all white jury just let off those murderers.....lets go get them
You refuse to serve blacks?....lets see if you still have a restaurant tomorrow

A lot of that kind of thing happened BECAUSE of MLK. Not saying it is ever right when either side does it. But King did cause a lot of violence even though he preached against it.

I lived through that period. It was a bad time in the USA, King helped with his message of non-violence, but he did not save the country.

Please...shut the fuck up with that stupidity.
MLK caused nothing, he never committed a violent act against those that were murdering, raping, beating and blowing up children.

If my response to an individual that wants the right to vote, stay at a hotel of their choice and not be treated as a third rate non-citizen is to murder and kill, then those actions are mine and mine alone.

Yeah he saved this country. Had he not their would be continual violence, retribution and domestic terrorism in the streets.
Black people has enough of the treatment Jim Crow and segregation handed to them, too many whites wanted a South Africa.
That wasn't going to happen.

Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot

MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.

Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama
Could integration have happened peacefully and naturally? We will never know. But having lived through that, I think it could have.

For gawdssake...it was a hundred years after slavery was abolished...

Peacefully and naturally my ass.

It was happening, I was there, in the south at that time. Sure there were assholes on both sides, but the majority were seeing that segregation and discrimination were wrong. The civil rights act was passed by open minded republicans and democrats in spite of racist democrats who tried to fillibuster it.
If MLK had not stood in the path of armed retalliation for the abuses of Jim Crow what would have happened to this country?

They blew up a black church...lets go burn some white churches
They hung an innocent black man.....lets go hang some white men
That all white jury just let off those murderers.....lets go get them
You refuse to serve blacks?....lets see if you still have a restaurant tomorrow

A lot of that kind of thing happened BECAUSE of MLK. Not saying it is ever right when either side does it. But King did cause a lot of violence even though he preached against it.

I lived through that period. It was a bad time in the USA, King helped with his message of non-violence, but he did not save the country.

Please...shut the fuck up with that stupidity.
MLK caused nothing, he never committed a violent act against those that were murdering, raping, beating and blowing up children.

If my response to an individual that wants the right to vote, stay at a hotel of their choice and not be treated as a third rate non-citizen is to murder and kill, then those actions are mine and mine alone.

Yeah he saved this country. Had he not their would be continual violence, retribution and domestic terrorism in the streets.
Black people has enough of the treatment Jim Crow and segregation handed to them, too many whites wanted a South Africa.
That wasn't going to happen.

Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot

MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.

Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama

He would have been happy with a black president, not the half black socialist incompetent that is obama.
If MLK had not stood in the path of armed retalliation for the abuses of Jim Crow what would have happened to this country?

They blew up a black church...lets go burn some white churches
They hung an innocent black man.....lets go hang some white men
That all white jury just let off those murderers.....lets go get them
You refuse to serve blacks?....lets see if you still have a restaurant tomorrow

A lot of that kind of thing happened BECAUSE of MLK. Not saying it is ever right when either side does it. But King did cause a lot of violence even though he preached against it.

I lived through that period. It was a bad time in the USA, King helped with his message of non-violence, but he did not save the country.

Please...shut the fuck up with that stupidity.
MLK caused nothing, he never committed a violent act against those that were murdering, raping, beating and blowing up children.

If my response to an individual that wants the right to vote, stay at a hotel of their choice and not be treated as a third rate non-citizen is to murder and kill, then those actions are mine and mine alone.

Yeah he saved this country. Had he not their would be continual violence, retribution and domestic terrorism in the streets.
Black people has enough of the treatment Jim Crow and segregation handed to them, too many whites wanted a South Africa.
That wasn't going to happen.

Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot

MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.

Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama

and for the record. obama is half white, half black arab-----------he is NOT an african american.
A lot of that kind of thing happened BECAUSE of MLK. Not saying it is ever right when either side does it. But King did cause a lot of violence even though he preached against it.

I lived through that period. It was a bad time in the USA, King helped with his message of non-violence, but he did not save the country.

Please...shut the fuck up with that stupidity.
MLK caused nothing, he never committed a violent act against those that were murdering, raping, beating and blowing up children.

If my response to an individual that wants the right to vote, stay at a hotel of their choice and not be treated as a third rate non-citizen is to murder and kill, then those actions are mine and mine alone.

Yeah he saved this country. Had he not their would be continual violence, retribution and domestic terrorism in the streets.
Black people has enough of the treatment Jim Crow and segregation handed to them, too many whites wanted a South Africa.
That wasn't going to happen.

Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot

MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.

Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama

He would have been happy with a black president, not the half black socialist incompetent that is obama.

Lets see...

A black President, black senators, congressmen, supreme court justices
Black astronauts, baseball managers, doctors, lawyers
Higher percentages of black mangers and blacks in skilled positions
Blacks openly attending white universities
Interracial marriage accepted

I think he would be quite pleased
Could integration have happened peacefully and naturally? We will never know. But having lived through that, I think it could have.

For gawdssake...it was a hundred years after slavery was abolished...

Peacefully and naturally my ass.

It was happening, I was there, in the south at that time. Sure there were assholes on both sides, but the majority were seeing that segregation and discrimination were wrong....
How many more decades do you think it would have taken to "peacefully and naturally" end segregation and Jim Crow laws?
A lot of that kind of thing happened BECAUSE of MLK. Not saying it is ever right when either side does it. But King did cause a lot of violence even though he preached against it.

I lived through that period. It was a bad time in the USA, King helped with his message of non-violence, but he did not save the country.

Please...shut the fuck up with that stupidity.
MLK caused nothing, he never committed a violent act against those that were murdering, raping, beating and blowing up children.

If my response to an individual that wants the right to vote, stay at a hotel of their choice and not be treated as a third rate non-citizen is to murder and kill, then those actions are mine and mine alone.

Yeah he saved this country. Had he not their would be continual violence, retribution and domestic terrorism in the streets.
Black people has enough of the treatment Jim Crow and segregation handed to them, too many whites wanted a South Africa.
That wasn't going to happen.

Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot

MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.

Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama

and for the record. obama is half white, half black arab-----------he is NOT an african american.

For the record, almost every black american has some white in their bloodline
A lot of that kind of thing happened BECAUSE of MLK. Not saying it is ever right when either side does it. But King did cause a lot of violence even though he preached against it.

I lived through that period. It was a bad time in the USA, King helped with his message of non-violence, but he did not save the country.

Please...shut the fuck up with that stupidity.
MLK caused nothing, he never committed a violent act against those that were murdering, raping, beating and blowing up children.

If my response to an individual that wants the right to vote, stay at a hotel of their choice and not be treated as a third rate non-citizen is to murder and kill, then those actions are mine and mine alone.

Yeah he saved this country. Had he not their would be continual violence, retribution and domestic terrorism in the streets.
Black people has enough of the treatment Jim Crow and segregation handed to them, too many whites wanted a South Africa.
That wasn't going to happen.

Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot

MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.

Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama

and for the record. obama is half white, half black arab-----------he is NOT an african american.
Your buddy Rush Limbaugh refers to him as a "Halfrican."
Please...shut the fuck up with that stupidity.
MLK caused nothing, he never committed a violent act against those that were murdering, raping, beating and blowing up children.

If my response to an individual that wants the right to vote, stay at a hotel of their choice and not be treated as a third rate non-citizen is to murder and kill, then those actions are mine and mine alone.

Yeah he saved this country. Had he not their would be continual violence, retribution and domestic terrorism in the streets.
Black people has enough of the treatment Jim Crow and segregation handed to them, too many whites wanted a South Africa.
That wasn't going to happen.

Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot

MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.

Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama

and for the record. obama is half white, half black arab-----------he is NOT an african american.
Your buddy Rush Limbaugh refers to him as a "Halfrican."

The insistence of these racists in reminding us that President Obama is half white is laughable

A half white Obama would have beed forced to ride in the back of the bus, would have had his voting rights restricted, couldn't eat in restaurants or stayed in public hotels.....

He would not be allowed to drink from white water fountains half the time

Dr King put an end to that
Please...shut the fuck up with that stupidity.
MLK caused nothing, he never committed a violent act against those that were murdering, raping, beating and blowing up children.

If my response to an individual that wants the right to vote, stay at a hotel of their choice and not be treated as a third rate non-citizen is to murder and kill, then those actions are mine and mine alone.

Yeah he saved this country. Had he not their would be continual violence, retribution and domestic terrorism in the streets.
Black people has enough of the treatment Jim Crow and segregation handed to them, too many whites wanted a South Africa.
That wasn't going to happen.

Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot

MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.

Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama

He would have been happy with a black president, not the half black socialist incompetent that is obama.

Lets see...

A black President, black senators, congressmen, supreme court justices
Black astronauts, baseball managers, doctors, lawyers
Higher percentages of black mangers and blacks in skilled positions
Blacks openly attending white universities
Interracial marriage accepted

I think he would be quite pleased

everyone should be pleased with that kind of progress. What exactly is your point?

are you trying to equate obama and King? if so, you are totally full of shit because obama is not worthy to wipe the red clay off King's shoes.
Please...shut the fuck up with that stupidity.
MLK caused nothing, he never committed a violent act against those that were murdering, raping, beating and blowing up children.

If my response to an individual that wants the right to vote, stay at a hotel of their choice and not be treated as a third rate non-citizen is to murder and kill, then those actions are mine and mine alone.

Yeah he saved this country. Had he not their would be continual violence, retribution and domestic terrorism in the streets.
Black people has enough of the treatment Jim Crow and segregation handed to them, too many whites wanted a South Africa.
That wasn't going to happen.

Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot

MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.

Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama

and for the record. obama is half white, half black arab-----------he is NOT an african american.
Your buddy Rush Limbaugh refers to him as a "Halfrican."

if the shoe fits--------------------------------
Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot

MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.

Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama

and for the record. obama is half white, half black arab-----------he is NOT an african american.
Your buddy Rush Limbaugh refers to him as a "Halfrican."

The insistence of these racists in reminding us that President Obama is half white is laughable

A half white Obama would have beed forced to ride in the back of the bus, would have had his voting rights restricted, couldn't eat in restaurants or stayed in public hotels.....

He would not be allowed to drink from white water fountains half the time

Dr King put an end to that

none of those things happened to obama. he was raised in hawaii and indonesia, smoked pot, loafed around, and tried to look cool.

King did not put an end to those things, the civil rights act of 1965 did, and it was passed by republicans in spite of democrat fillibusters.
Could integration have happened peacefully and naturally? We will never know. But having lived through that, I think it could have.

For gawdssake...it was a hundred years after slavery was abolished...

Peacefully and naturally my ass.

It was happening, I was there, in the south at that time. Sure there were assholes on both sides, but the majority were seeing that segregation and discrimination were wrong....
How many more decades do you think it would have taken to "peacefully and naturally" end segregation and Jim Crow laws?

realistically it might have taken another 10 years. But we will never know will we?

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