Draft Ann Coulter Committee Formed To Urge Her To Run

Then you believe she was elected to produce gridlock and not to pass a legislative agenda.

One of her items on a legislative aganda is not to build a wall.

The second is to check the president at every turn.

The election of 2018 is your reference.
As I have said the Democrats in Congress have no affirmative agenda for America and Democratic voters don't even seem to notice.

That is just your opinion.

The newly elected Democratic pols have quite an elected agenda which includes climate change, taxation and regulation.
Those are only talking points since none of them can be achieved without the approval of the President, and unless the Democrats decide to compromise with the President on border security, the only thing the Democrats will be able to do is talk trash about the President.

You asked what the legislative aganda was and I answered it.
This is not a legislative agenda, but just talking points from the campaign. Obviously, none of this can be passed so long as the Democrats continue to play games about border security so clearly the Democrats are not serious about wanting to pass this legislation, just as they are not serious about wanting to help the dreamers.
Ann Coulter doesn't know what most of us on the right are learning fast --- to be loyal. To stand with Trump and with each other. She's a showboater, wants all the attention on herself --- if that is a "her."
We've all got to be loyal and not nitpick, or we'll lose to the Left.

The thing about Ann Coulter is that when she is on target, she is spot on target. Then a few years ago, I stopped knowing who the heck she was! Then when she supported Trump during the election, I thought she was back, but this shenanigan she is pulling now with calling Trump a wimp and giving Bill Maher fuel for the Left is beyond the pale. You NEVER see this sort of cannibalistic crap with the Left! Now Trump has to fight her? It merely adds to the incessant party disfunctionality of the GOP. She has zig zagged her way into aiding and abetting the other side. She will never run. She will never win. She has no chance. She has gone from at one time being one of my most respected conservative voices into being another shrill bitter idiot like George Will who drinks his own bile fluids for breakfast.
The only thing she has the power to do without the approval of the President is create Congressional gridlock and make it necessary for the President to govern by EO and when necessary declarations of states of emergency.
he can't create laws.... he can't change laws... with executive orders.

He can only work executive orders, within the Laws created by Congress.

And the House, has the power of the Purse

Not true, under a state of emergency the President can do by EO what Congress would otherwise have to do by legislation, so the President can suspend laws or even some Constitutional rights, as Lincoln did and he can promulgate new regulations without the consent of Congress.

Your social studies teacher misinformed you by telling you Congress had the power of the purse. Congress can refuse to appropriate money but the President can can prevent Congress from appropriating any money as we have just seen in the shutdown.
congress can over ride the presidents veto, which is the last hand that can be played.

Trump will go nowhere with his 'manufactured' National emergency powers because there IS NO EMERGENCY.... and will be stopped by the courts via a 'stay' until it works its way through the courts.



noun: emergency; plural noun: emergencies

a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.
The President's power to declare a national emergency is defined by a group of laws passed by Congress in saner times, and under these laws an emergency is anything the President declares to be an emergency as long as he follows certain procedures such as advising Congress of what he is doing and why he is doing it.
okee dokee.... come back and say you 'own me, and I'm your bitch' if it is not stopped by the courts... but my bet, is it will be, immediately ''stayed'.
What do you imagine would be overturned by the courts?
he can't create laws.... he can't change laws... with executive orders.

He can only work executive orders, within the Laws created by Congress.

And the House, has the power of the Purse

Not true, under a state of emergency the President can do by EO what Congress would otherwise have to do by legislation, so the President can suspend laws or even some Constitutional rights, as Lincoln did and he can promulgate new regulations without the consent of Congress.

Your social studies teacher misinformed you by telling you Congress had the power of the purse. Congress can refuse to appropriate money but the President can can prevent Congress from appropriating any money as we have just seen in the shutdown.
congress can over ride the presidents veto, which is the last hand that can be played.

Trump will go nowhere with his 'manufactured' National emergency powers because there IS NO EMERGENCY.... and will be stopped by the courts via a 'stay' until it works its way through the courts.



noun: emergency; plural noun: emergencies

a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.
The President's power to declare a national emergency is defined by a group of laws passed by Congress in saner times, and under these laws an emergency is anything the President declares to be an emergency as long as he follows certain procedures such as advising Congress of what he is doing and why he is doing it.
okee dokee.... come back and say you 'own me, and I'm your bitch' if it is not stopped by the courts... but my bet, is it will be, immediately ''stayed'.
What do you imagine would be overturned by the courts?
I'm not certain... maybe it could come as a suit from land owners? but a veto proof congress could stop it... the House is a given, and the Senate is a possibility.... many republican senators do not want the president to declare such as a national emergency because they believe it is an abuse of power and opens the door for future presidents to claim global warming is a 'National Emergency' and similar things they disagree with....
Not true, under a state of emergency the President can do by EO what Congress would otherwise have to do by legislation, so the President can suspend laws or even some Constitutional rights, as Lincoln did and he can promulgate new regulations without the consent of Congress.

Your social studies teacher misinformed you by telling you Congress had the power of the purse. Congress can refuse to appropriate money but the President can can prevent Congress from appropriating any money as we have just seen in the shutdown.
congress can over ride the presidents veto, which is the last hand that can be played.

Trump will go nowhere with his 'manufactured' National emergency powers because there IS NO EMERGENCY.... and will be stopped by the courts via a 'stay' until it works its way through the courts.



noun: emergency; plural noun: emergencies

a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.
The President's power to declare a national emergency is defined by a group of laws passed by Congress in saner times, and under these laws an emergency is anything the President declares to be an emergency as long as he follows certain procedures such as advising Congress of what he is doing and why he is doing it.
okee dokee.... come back and say you 'own me, and I'm your bitch' if it is not stopped by the courts... but my bet, is it will be, immediately ''stayed'.
What do you imagine would be overturned by the courts?
I'm not certain... maybe it could come as a suit from land owners? but a veto proof congress could stop it... the House is a given, and the Senate is a possibility.... many republican senators do not want the president to declare such as a national emergency because they believe it is an abuse of power and opens the door for future presidents to claim global warming is a 'National Emergency' and similar things they disagree with....
You talk as if this is an unusual thing. National states of emergency have been declared over 500 times since the beginning of the republic and 58 times since the current legislation was passed in 1979. 31 of these states of emergency are still in effect.

"Congress has delegated at least 136 distinct statutory emergency powers to the President upon the declaration of an emergency, with only 13 of these requiring a declaration from Congress.[15]

Emergency presidential powers are dramatic, and have ranged from suspending all laws regulating chemical and biological weapons, including the ban on human testing (50 U.S.C. § 1515, 1969); to suspending any Clean Air Act implementation plan or excess emissions penalty upon petition of a state governor (42 U.S.C. (f) § 7410 (f) 1977); to authorizing and constructing military construction projects (10 U.S.C. (a) § 2808 (a), 1982) using any existing defense appropriations for such military constructions ($10.4 billion in FY2018[16]); to drafting any retired Coast Guard officers (14 U.S.C. § 331, 1963) or enlisted members (14 U.S.C. § 359, 1949) into active duty."

National Emergencies Act - Wikipedia

You may not be aware of how common declarations of national emergencies are, but members of Congress are, or should be, so it is nonsense to talk about Trump's state of emergency setting a precedent. As for trying to rescind the laws giving the President the power to declare a state of emergency, it is doubtful the Democrats could scramble two thirds of the House to back that effort and certainly they couldn't find the votes in the Senate.
the beginning of our downfall is when we lose hope, when we lose our identity. we are one white american family. we have more in common than what separates us!
Ann Coulter doesn't know what most of us on the right are learning fast --- to be loyal. To stand with Trump and with each other. She's a showboater, wants all the attention on herself --- if that is a "her."

We've all got to be loyal and not nitpick, or we'll lose to the Left.

Screw her... fair-weather female .... Maybe.

One of her items on a legislative aganda is not to build a wall.

The second is to check the president at every turn.

The election of 2018 is your reference.
As I have said the Democrats in Congress have no affirmative agenda for America and Democratic voters don't even seem to notice.

That is just your opinion.

The newly elected Democratic pols have quite an elected agenda which includes climate change, taxation and regulation.
Those are only talking points since none of them can be achieved without the approval of the President, and unless the Democrats decide to compromise with the President on border security, the only thing the Democrats will be able to do is talk trash about the President.

You asked what the legislative aganda was and I answered it.
This is not a legislative agenda, but just talking points from the campaign. Obviously, none of this can be passed so long as the Democrats continue to play games about border security so clearly the Democrats are not serious about wanting to pass this legislation, just as they are not serious about wanting to help the dreamers.

Isn't that what you said about the shut down? That the Democrats would have to cave because all they have is the House. And yet they got everything Pelosi wanted.

I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you.
Ann Coulter would make a great bar tender in a lesbian bar but she aint presidential material.

She really needs to put some meat on those wormy bones; prolly between her legs too.
As I have said the Democrats in Congress have no affirmative agenda for America and Democratic voters don't even seem to notice.

That is just your opinion.

The newly elected Democratic pols have quite an elected agenda which includes climate change, taxation and regulation.
Those are only talking points since none of them can be achieved without the approval of the President, and unless the Democrats decide to compromise with the President on border security, the only thing the Democrats will be able to do is talk trash about the President.

You asked what the legislative aganda was and I answered it.
This is not a legislative agenda, but just talking points from the campaign. Obviously, none of this can be passed so long as the Democrats continue to play games about border security so clearly the Democrats are not serious about wanting to pass this legislation, just as they are not serious about wanting to help the dreamers.

Isn't that what you said about the shut down? That the Democrats would have to cave because all they have is the House. And yet they got everything Pelosi wanted.

I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you.
What Pelosi got was a 20 day deadline to either pass funding for the smart fence or see it go up under a declaration of national emergency. If the Democrats violate the agreement they reached with Congressional Republicans and continue to refuse to negotiate, what Pelosi will have lost is the ability to negotiate for anything else the Democrats might want to see passed.
That is just your opinion.

The newly elected Democratic pols have quite an elected agenda which includes climate change, taxation and regulation.
Those are only talking points since none of them can be achieved without the approval of the President, and unless the Democrats decide to compromise with the President on border security, the only thing the Democrats will be able to do is talk trash about the President.

You asked what the legislative aganda was and I answered it.
This is not a legislative agenda, but just talking points from the campaign. Obviously, none of this can be passed so long as the Democrats continue to play games about border security so clearly the Democrats are not serious about wanting to pass this legislation, just as they are not serious about wanting to help the dreamers.

Isn't that what you said about the shut down? That the Democrats would have to cave because all they have is the House. And yet they got everything Pelosi wanted.

I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you.
What Pelosi got was a 20 day deadline to either pass funding for the smart fence or see it go up under a declaration of national emergency. If the Democrats violate the agreement they reached with Congressional Republicans and continue to refuse to negotiate, what Pelosi will have lost is the ability to negotiate for anything else the Democrats might want to see passed.

Trump will have to resort to his 'emergency' blah blah blah to get what he wants.
He won't be getting it from Pelosi.
Those are only talking points since none of them can be achieved without the approval of the President, and unless the Democrats decide to compromise with the President on border security, the only thing the Democrats will be able to do is talk trash about the President.

You asked what the legislative aganda was and I answered it.
This is not a legislative agenda, but just talking points from the campaign. Obviously, none of this can be passed so long as the Democrats continue to play games about border security so clearly the Democrats are not serious about wanting to pass this legislation, just as they are not serious about wanting to help the dreamers.

Isn't that what you said about the shut down? That the Democrats would have to cave because all they have is the House. And yet they got everything Pelosi wanted.

I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you.
What Pelosi got was a 20 day deadline to either pass funding for the smart fence or see it go up under a declaration of national emergency. If the Democrats violate the agreement they reached with Congressional Republicans and continue to refuse to negotiate, what Pelosi will have lost is the ability to negotiate for anything else the Democrats might want to see passed.

Trump will have to resort to his 'emergency' blah blah blah to get what he wants.
He won't be getting it from Pelosi.

The thing is - he'll get it. :113:
Those are only talking points since none of them can be achieved without the approval of the President, and unless the Democrats decide to compromise with the President on border security, the only thing the Democrats will be able to do is talk trash about the President.

You asked what the legislative aganda was and I answered it.
This is not a legislative agenda, but just talking points from the campaign. Obviously, none of this can be passed so long as the Democrats continue to play games about border security so clearly the Democrats are not serious about wanting to pass this legislation, just as they are not serious about wanting to help the dreamers.

Isn't that what you said about the shut down? That the Democrats would have to cave because all they have is the House. And yet they got everything Pelosi wanted.

I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you.
What Pelosi got was a 20 day deadline to either pass funding for the smart fence or see it go up under a declaration of national emergency. If the Democrats violate the agreement they reached with Congressional Republicans and continue to refuse to negotiate, what Pelosi will have lost is the ability to negotiate for anything else the Democrats might want to see passed.

Trump will have to resort to his 'emergency' blah blah blah to get what he wants.
He won't be getting it from Pelosi.
True and Pelosi will be powerless to do anything but talk trash about the President.
TDS is not exclusive to leftists.

Trump caved. It is what it is. He is not a dictator.
I said from the beginning that not paying federal workers was bullshit and a terrible tactic.

Did you write Nancy about that?

Trump painted himself into an unsustainable position with that move.

Nonsense. The Democrats will continue to play their games. Watch what he does on the 15th. He clearly stated his intent.

If he folds then, you'll have a case.

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