Draft Ann Coulter Committee Formed To Urge Her To Run

TDS is not exclusive to leftists.

Trump caved. It is what it is. He is not a dictator.
I said from the beginning that not paying federal workers was bullshit and a terrible tactic.

Did you write Nancy about that?

Trump painted himself into an unsustainable position with that move.

Nonsense. The Democrats will continue to play their games. Watch what he does on the 15th. He clearly stated his intent.

If he folds then, you'll have a case.
If it was sustainable he would not have opened the government. That move proves my point.
The shutdown was necessary to bring the debate about the border fence front and center and the 20 day reprieve was necessary to make the point there is no other way to build the fence but a declaration of national emergency if the Democrats continue to stonewall negotiations. Polls show that nearly 90% of Republican voters support building the fence, so just as some Republicans in Congress from purple states and districts had begun to waver on their commitment to sustain the the shutdown because of opposition from Democratic voters they would have to court in the next election, they will be wary of alienating Republicans who strongly support the fence. The best political solution for these Republicans is for the President to build the fence under a declaration of national emergency, so they can't be blamed by either side.

Can you post whether or not the 9 republic congressmen whose districts are on the border want the wall?
Irrelevant since this is an issue of national security not a local issue.
"Newt Gingrich claims I'm in "fantasyland" for criticizing the president for breaking his central campaign promise. It has now come to my attention that Trump HAS built the full border wall & it's working BEAUTIFULLY. That is why Trump is sailing to re-election!

Newt’s right -- I’m just selling books. But at least I don’t have to kiss Trump’s ass to do so.

RIDDLE OF THE DAY: How do you break Newt Gingrich’s nose? (ANSWER: Kick Donald Trump in the ass.).

To those who would attack Newt, please remember that just as collusion is not a crime, kissing the emperor’s ass violates no federal law.

Newt seems to believe that you have to run for office to comment on public affairs. The constitution doesn’t just give free speech to disgraced politicians. It also affords speech rights to another category called “citizens.”

Poor Newt. At least Rudy got a job" - Coulter
Somebody apparently had a meeting & said they've gotta neutralize Coulter in order to get the establishment's version of border security.
Trump loves Ann. if you notice he hasn't attacked her as hard as he attacks others. maybe he has something up his sleeve?

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