Draft Ann Coulter Committee Formed To Urge Her To Run

That is just your opinion.

The newly elected Democratic pols have quite an elected agenda which includes climate change, taxation and regulation.
Those are only talking points since none of them can be achieved without the approval of the President, and unless the Democrats decide to compromise with the President on border security, the only thing the Democrats will be able to do is talk trash about the President.

You asked what the legislative aganda was and I answered it.
This is not a legislative agenda, but just talking points from the campaign. Obviously, none of this can be passed so long as the Democrats continue to play games about border security so clearly the Democrats are not serious about wanting to pass this legislation, just as they are not serious about wanting to help the dreamers.

Isn't that what you said about the shut down? That the Democrats would have to cave because all they have is the House. And yet they got everything Pelosi wanted.

I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you.
What Pelosi got was a 20 day deadline to either pass funding for the smart fence or see it go up under a declaration of national emergency. If the Democrats violate the agreement they reached with Congressional Republicans and continue to refuse to negotiate, what Pelosi will have lost is the ability to negotiate for anything else the Democrats might want to see passed.

Clearly you have no understanding how negotiations work. Say for example you're a prisoner in solitary confinement and you say to the guard "Please give me a cigarette". What does the prisoner have to negotiate with? He has nothing to offer the guard. The guard tells him to "Go fuck himself! I'm not giving you anything.". The prisoner replied "If you don't give me a cigarette, I'm going to bash my head against this wall until I concus myself and you're going to spend the rest of the shift calling for medical care for me, and filling out reports of how it happened. Then there's going to be an internal review of whether you were involved". The guard gave the prisoner a cigarette.

Trump has mishandled this entire matter - starting with renegging on his agreement with Mitch McConnell to sign the funding bills. Trump has no arrows left in his quiver. He shot his entire load when he walked out on the first negotiating session with Nancy Pelosi. Trump should never have shut down the government in the first place.

Trump doesn't dare shut down the government again, so that option is gone. Nancy Pelosi has been very clear: there will be no wall. Not now, not in 20 days, not ever. The current border security is working. Money spent on the border should not be spent on walls, but on proven and practical measures to ensure that people aren't dying in border patrol custody. There will be hearings, there will be negotiations, and at the end of the day, both Republicans and Democrats will tell Trump "No Wall!".

Trump also doesn't dare try to defy the will of a united Congress and Senate, and there will be no emergency declaration either. Trump's tiny shrivelled balls are now being held in the custody of Nancy Pelosi, and he if dares go up against her again, she will squeeze them, HARD.
Those are only talking points since none of them can be achieved without the approval of the President, and unless the Democrats decide to compromise with the President on border security, the only thing the Democrats will be able to do is talk trash about the President.

You asked what the legislative aganda was and I answered it.
This is not a legislative agenda, but just talking points from the campaign. Obviously, none of this can be passed so long as the Democrats continue to play games about border security so clearly the Democrats are not serious about wanting to pass this legislation, just as they are not serious about wanting to help the dreamers.

Isn't that what you said about the shut down? That the Democrats would have to cave because all they have is the House. And yet they got everything Pelosi wanted.

I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you.
What Pelosi got was a 20 day deadline to either pass funding for the smart fence or see it go up under a declaration of national emergency. If the Democrats violate the agreement they reached with Congressional Republicans and continue to refuse to negotiate, what Pelosi will have lost is the ability to negotiate for anything else the Democrats might want to see passed.

Clearly you have no understanding how negotiations work. Say for example you're a prisoner in solitary confinement and you say to the guard "Please give me a cigarette". What does the prisoner have to negotiate with? He has nothing to offer the guard. The guard tells him to "Go fuck himself! I'm not giving you anything.". The prisoner replied "If you don't give me a cigarette, I'm going to bash my head against this wall until I concus myself and you're going to spend the rest of the shift calling for medical care for me, and filling out reports of how it happened. Then there's going to be an internal review of whether you were involved". The guard gave the prisoner a cigarette.

Trump has mishandled this entire matter - starting with renegging on his agreement with Mitch McConnell to sign the funding bills. Trump has no arrows left in his quiver. He shot his entire load when he walked out on the first negotiating session with Nancy Pelosi. Trump should never have shut down the government in the first place.

Trump doesn't dare shut down the government again, so that option is gone. Nancy Pelosi has been very clear: there will be no wall. Not now, not in 20 days, not ever. The current border security is working. Money spent on the border should not be spent on walls, but on proven and practical measures to ensure that people aren't dying in border patrol custody. There will be hearings, there will be negotiations, and at the end of the day, both Republicans and Democrats will tell Trump "No Wall!".

Trump also doesn't dare try to defy the will of a united Congress and Senate, and there will be no emergency declaration either. Trump's tiny shrivelled balls are now being held in the custody of Nancy Pelosi, and he if dares go up against her again, she will squeeze them, HARD.
Thank you for sharing your wish list with us.
TDS is not exclusive to leftists.

Trump caved. It is what it is. He is not a dictator.
I said from the beginning that not paying federal workers was bullshit and a terrible tactic.

Did you write Nancy about that?

Trump painted himself into an unsustainable position with that move.

Nonsense. The Democrats will continue to play their games. Watch what he does on the 15th. He clearly stated his intent.

If he folds then, you'll have a case.
If it was sustainable he would not have opened the government. That move proves my point.
TDS is not exclusive to leftists.

Trump caved. It is what it is. He is not a dictator.
I said from the beginning that not paying federal workers was bullshit and a terrible tactic.

Did you write Nancy about that?

Trump painted himself into an unsustainable position with that move.

Nonsense. The Democrats will continue to play their games. Watch what he does on the 15th. He clearly stated his intent.

If he folds then, you'll have a case.
If it was sustainable he would not have opened the government. That move proves my point.

That's not even the point. There's no reason to rubber-hose federal employees over the wackiness of a recalcitrant and likely insane opponent.

He has told her what he will do, and set the date. We will see.
TDS is not exclusive to leftists.

Trump caved. It is what it is. He is not a dictator.
I said from the beginning that not paying federal workers was bullshit and a terrible tactic.

Did you write Nancy about that?

Trump painted himself into an unsustainable position with that move.

Nonsense. The Democrats will continue to play their games. Watch what he does on the 15th. He clearly stated his intent.

If he folds then, you'll have a case.
If it was sustainable he would not have opened the government. That move proves my point.
The shutdown was necessary to bring the debate about the border fence front and center and the 20 day reprieve was necessary to make the point there is no other way to build the fence but a declaration of national emergency if the Democrats continue to stonewall negotiations. Polls show that nearly 90% of Republican voters support building the fence, so just as some Republicans in Congress from purple states and districts had begun to waver on their commitment to sustain the the shutdown because of opposition from Democratic voters they would have to court in the next election, they will be wary of alienating Republicans who strongly support the fence. The best political solution for these Republicans is for the President to build the fence under a declaration of national emergency, so they can't be blamed by either side.
As you point out she can talk trash about the President but she cannot push forward any legislative agenda for the nation, so she and the House are irrelevant to the governance of the nation.
But you said she made the house irrelevant. Those rules you now mention were in place before she was born. So, basically, you were talking out of your ass.

But I did mention a few ways that the democrat majority makes the house much more relevant...you glossed right over those
As you point out she can talk trash about the President but she cannot push forward any legislative agenda for the nation, so she and the House are irrelevant to the governance of the nation.
But you said she made the house irrelevant. Those rules you now mention were in place before she was born. So, basically, you were talking out of your ass.

But I did mention a few ways that the democrat majority makes the house much more relevant...you glossed right over those
It only sounds that way to you because your head is lodged so far up your ass. The only thing you mentioned Pelosi will be able to do is convene investigations to provide a venue to talk trash about the President.
TDS is not exclusive to leftists.

Trump caved. It is what it is. He is not a dictator.
I said from the beginning that not paying federal workers was bullshit and a terrible tactic.

Did you write Nancy about that?

Trump painted himself into an unsustainable position with that move.

Nonsense. The Democrats will continue to play their games. Watch what he does on the 15th. He clearly stated his intent.

If he folds then, you'll have a case.
If it was sustainable he would not have opened the government. That move proves my point.
The shutdown was necessary to bring the debate about the border fence front and center and the 20 day reprieve was necessary to make the point there is no other way to build the fence but a declaration of national emergency if the Democrats continue to stonewall negotiations. Polls show that nearly 90% of Republican voters support building the fence, so just as some Republicans in Congress from purple states and districts had begun to waver on their commitment to sustain the the shutdown because of opposition from Democratic voters they would have to court in the next election, they will be wary of alienating Republicans who strongly support the fence. The best political solution for these Republicans is for the President to build the fence under a declaration of national emergency, so they can't be blamed by either side.
He had two years to bring this debate to the "front"
If this was a REAL national emergency, in his mind, as he claims why the fuck did he wait till it was a guaranteed problem? He could have forced this issue well before the election and made it the focal point of the last election but he didn't. He did make it a nice talking point but he did noth to force the hand of Congress until two years into his presidency. Had he done this BEFORE the election we may very well have had a different outcome.
It seems to me he was more interested in picking a fight with the left, post election, than he was in actually solving this NATIONAL EMERGENCY.
If this is, in his mind, a real national emergency he is only making it worse by not proclaiming it....
As you point out she can talk trash about the President but she cannot push forward any legislative agenda for the nation, so she and the House are irrelevant to the governance of the nation.
But you said she made the house irrelevant. Those rules you now mention were in place before she was born. So, basically, you were talking out of your ass.

But I did mention a few ways that the democrat majority makes the house much more relevant...you glossed right over those
It only sounds that way to you because your head is lodged so far up your ass. The only thing you mentioned Pelosi will be able to do is convene investigations to provide a venue to talk trash about the President.

Talking trash about others is all Trump ever does; he just does his shuck & jive on Twitter
The only thing you mentioned Pelosi will be able to do is convene investigations to provide a venue to talk trash about the President.
No , those are your words. Try to be aware of the the basic principle that you and i are not the same person. That may help prevent these silly errors you make.

The ability to control those investigations very much makes the house very relevant.

Furthermore, they now have subpoena power.

Also, they can force the release of the Mueller report and trump records, like tax returns.

I would say your head's up your ass...but really, it's buried in the sand.
TDS is not exclusive to leftists.

Trump caved. It is what it is. He is not a dictator.
I said from the beginning that not paying federal workers was bullshit and a terrible tactic.

Did you write Nancy about that?

Trump painted himself into an unsustainable position with that move.

Nonsense. The Democrats will continue to play their games. Watch what he does on the 15th. He clearly stated his intent.

If he folds then, you'll have a case.
If it was sustainable he would not have opened the government. That move proves my point.
The shutdown was necessary to bring the debate about the border fence front and center and the 20 day reprieve was necessary to make the point there is no other way to build the fence but a declaration of national emergency if the Democrats continue to stonewall negotiations. Polls show that nearly 90% of Republican voters support building the fence, so just as some Republicans in Congress from purple states and districts had begun to waver on their commitment to sustain the the shutdown because of opposition from Democratic voters they would have to court in the next election, they will be wary of alienating Republicans who strongly support the fence. The best political solution for these Republicans is for the President to build the fence under a declaration of national emergency, so they can't be blamed by either side.
He had two years to bring this debate to the "front"
If this was a REAL national emergency, in his mind, as he claims why the fuck did he wait till it was a guaranteed problem? He could have forced this issue well before the election and made it the focal point of the last election but he didn't. He did make it a nice talking point but he did noth to force the hand of Congress until two years into his presidency. Had he done this BEFORE the election we may very well have had a different outcome.
It seems to me he was more interested in picking a fight with the left, post election, than he was in actually solving this NATIONAL EMERGENCY.
If this is, in his mind, a real national emergency he is only making it worse by not proclaiming it....
He never had two years in which to pass funding for the border fence since it would have required 60 votes in the Senate to get it passed and the Republicans never had 60 votes. The President didn't wait until now to bring this issue front and center. In his 2018 SOTU address, one of the first issues he brought up was his offer to provide paths to citizenship for the "dreamers" and an additional 1,000,000 illegals with special circumstances in exchange for funding for the fence, but the Democrats and most of the MSM ignored this offer and ignored the Democrats lack of response and then when some months later Schumer falsely claimed he had made that offer to the President and the President had declined, the MSM played up Schumer's false statement as if it were true.

The border fence has been front and center on the President's agenda and on the Republican agenda since day one of the Trump administration, but the Republicans never had the 60 votes necessary to overcome Democratic opposition to the fence, so the election didn't make it a problem but what it did was make any chance the problem could be solved by ordinary negotiations with Democrats and that meant drastic measures were now necessary to get the fence built. The first drastic measure was the shutdown, and the second drastic measure is the WH preparation to build the fence under a declaration of national emergency.

The shutdown has not been a failure. In the last week, Steny Hoyer, the House majority leader, said a fence was not immoral as Pelosi had claimed and that a fence must be part of border security, again contradicting Pelosi, but the government must first reopen to get negotiations going, and Jim Clyburn, the House majority whip, said pretty much the same thing. Of the three top Democrats in the House, only Pelosi is opposed to the fence now. The deal under which the government shutdown was ended for 20 days is that Congress authorize a joint commission to debate funding for the fence and issue a joint resolution recommending a compromise solution with the clear understanding that if the compromise were not satisfactory to the President the shutdown would resume and the President would proceed to build the fence under a declaration of national emergency.

It's fine for Ann Coulter to muse about what she would do if she were president, but in the face of Democratic opposition without 60 votes in the Senate, ther would be nothing she could have done.
As you point out she can talk trash about the President but she cannot push forward any legislative agenda for the nation, so she and the House are irrelevant to the governance of the nation.
But you said she made the house irrelevant. Those rules you now mention were in place before she was born. So, basically, you were talking out of your ass.

But I did mention a few ways that the democrat majority makes the house much more relevant...you glossed right over those
It only sounds that way to you because your head is lodged so far up your ass. The only thing you mentioned Pelosi will be able to do is convene investigations to provide a venue to talk trash about the President.

Talking trash about others is all Trump ever does; he just does his shuck & jive on Twitter
Of course that's not true. President Trump has created a robust economy by passing tax reform legislation and reworking our trade agreements and imposing tariffs to protect American jobs.
The only thing you mentioned Pelosi will be able to do is convene investigations to provide a venue to talk trash about the President.
No , those are your words. Try to be aware of the the basic principle that you and i are not the same person. That may help prevent these silly errors you make.

The ability to control those investigations very much makes the house very relevant.

Furthermore, they now have subpoena power.

Also, they can force the release of the Mueller report and trump records, like tax returns.

I would say your head's up your ass...but really, it's buried in the sand.
lol You don't seem to understand you are agreeing with me that the House cannot operate as a legislative body under Democratic leadership, and all they can do is talk trash about the President. That makes the House effectively irrelevant to the governance of the nation.
The only thing you mentioned Pelosi will be able to do is convene investigations to provide a venue to talk trash about the President.
No , those are your words. Try to be aware of the the basic principle that you and i are not the same person. That may help prevent these silly errors you make.

The ability to control those investigations very much makes the house very relevant.

Furthermore, they now have subpoena power.

Also, they can force the release of the Mueller report and trump records, like tax returns.

I would say your head's up your ass...but really, it's buried in the sand.
lol You don't seem to understand you are agreeing with me that the House cannot operate as a legislative body under Democratic leadership, and all they can do is talk trash about the President. That makes the House effectively irrelevant to the governance of the nation.
Can the Senate do anything without the House? NO.....

So that means our Democracy is in utter shambles....

Not a great day in American history.... :( except for the Russians and Chinese and North Koreans and Syrians an etc....
He never had two years in which to pass funding for the border fence since it would have required 60 votes in the Senate to get it passed and the Republicans never had 60 votes.

And he still does not have 60 votes, yet only now is it worth shutting down the government for or declaring a National Emergency...

Not buying his bs on this one.

Imo he is doing this now because he lost the midterms and is trying to energize his base
TDS is not exclusive to leftists.

Trump caved. It is what it is. He is not a dictator.
I said from the beginning that not paying federal workers was bullshit and a terrible tactic.

Did you write Nancy about that?

Trump painted himself into an unsustainable position with that move.

Nonsense. The Democrats will continue to play their games. Watch what he does on the 15th. He clearly stated his intent.

If he folds then, you'll have a case.
If it was sustainable he would not have opened the government. That move proves my point.
The shutdown was necessary to bring the debate about the border fence front and center and the 20 day reprieve was necessary to make the point there is no other way to build the fence but a declaration of national emergency if the Democrats continue to stonewall negotiations. Polls show that nearly 90% of Republican voters support building the fence, so just as some Republicans in Congress from purple states and districts had begun to waver on their commitment to sustain the the shutdown because of opposition from Democratic voters they would have to court in the next election, they will be wary of alienating Republicans who strongly support the fence. The best political solution for these Republicans is for the President to build the fence under a declaration of national emergency, so they can't be blamed by either side.

Can you post whether or not the 9 republic congressmen whose districts are on the border want the wall?
TDS is not exclusive to leftists.

Trump caved. It is what it is. He is not a dictator.
I said from the beginning that not paying federal workers was bullshit and a terrible tactic.

Did you write Nancy about that?

Trump painted himself into an unsustainable position with that move.

Nonsense. The Democrats will continue to play their games. Watch what he does on the 15th. He clearly stated his intent.

If he folds then, you'll have a case.
If it was sustainable he would not have opened the government. That move proves my point.

That's not even the point. There's no reason to rubber-hose federal employees over the wackiness of a recalcitrant and likely insane opponent.

He has told her what he will do, and set the date. We will see.

What Trump does varies with the wind, and who he last talked too. There is no one weaker, less sane, or less reliable than Dumb Donald.

The one thing the does NOT dare do, is to try to claim an emergency if there isn't one.
The only thing you mentioned Pelosi will be able to do is convene investigations to provide a venue to talk trash about the President.
No , those are your words. Try to be aware of the the basic principle that you and i are not the same person. That may help prevent these silly errors you make.

The ability to control those investigations very much makes the house very relevant.

Furthermore, they now have subpoena power.

Also, they can force the release of the Mueller report and trump records, like tax returns.

I would say your head's up your ass...but really, it's buried in the sand.
lol You don't seem to understand you are agreeing with me that the House cannot operate as a legislative body under Democratic leadership, and all they can do is talk trash about the President. That makes the House effectively irrelevant to the governance of the nation.
Can the Senate do anything without the House? NO.....

So that means our Democracy is in utter shambles....

Not a great day in American history.... :( except for the Russians and Chinese and North Koreans and Syrians an etc....
The Senate can help the President appoint federal judges and other federal officials and approve treaties with other countries without the House. For democracy to work, the various parties must agree to negotiate and compromise, and that means no one usually gets everything they want. When the Democrats refused to negotiate or compromise they effectively shut down most of the democratic functions of the federal government. The President has repeatedly made offers to the Democrats to try to resolve the issue of the border fence, but the Democrats have only responded, when they bothered to respond at all, with sound bites and political slogans but without making counter offers, the the issue will have to be resolved by other, non democratic means, namely a declaration of national emergency since the Congress is unable to act effectively on this issue.
He never had two years in which to pass funding for the border fence since it would have required 60 votes in the Senate to get it passed and the Republicans never had 60 votes.

And he still does not have 60 votes, yet only now is it worth shutting down the government for or declaring a National Emergency...

Not buying his bs on this one.

Imo he is doing this now because he lost the midterms and is trying to energize his base
I disagree. Before the election, the Republicans were only a few votes short of 60 in the Senate, so there was a continuing hope that the issue could be resolved democratically, and furthermore, even Republicans in Congress would have objected to the President taking the issue out of their hands by declaring a national emergency, but now that the Republicans have lost the House, it is clear that there is no way to build the fence without a declaration of national emergency and nearly 90% of Republican voters support the fence, there will be less objection among Congressional Republicans to such a declaration.

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