Dreamer Arrested After Speaking To Media Will Be Deported Without Hearing, Attorney Says

Sympathy - YES. Does she still need to follow the rules - YES. I know people who leave the country when they don't want to because their Visas expire. If you make one exception then you have to make an exception for everybody.
Maybe so. It was kind of a shock to learn that there is such a fee involved in retaining DACA status, that's all.
Sympathy - YES. Does she still need to follow the rules - YES. I know people who leave the country when they don't want to because their Visas expire. If you make one exception then you have to make an exception for everybody.
Maybe so. It was kind of a shock to learn that there is such a fee involved in retaining DACA status, that's all.

We've spent a lot of time on this…Lets cut to the chase, do you think we are taking advantage of them?
Sympathy - YES. Does she still need to follow the rules - YES. I know people who leave the country when they don't want to because their Visas expire. If you make one exception then you have to make an exception for everybody.
Maybe so. It was kind of a shock to learn that there is such a fee involved in retaining DACA status, that's all.

We've spent a lot of time on this…Lets cut to the chase, do you think we are taking advantage of them?

No. It cost money to maintain a Visa program and to keep track of everyone. Is $495 the right price? I have no idea. It's expensive, but it doesn't seem completely unreasonable either.
That 22 year old had two years to save up for that. Again, no sympathy.
Once a dreamer, always a dreamer. She didn't take out that visa herself at 7 years old. Still a dreamer. No reason to find excuses to get rid of her.
She entered the country through the VISA waiver program, but that is not why she is being deported. She let her DACA run out.
Individuals who use the visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.
Your words, not mine.
Sorry, I was misunderstanding you! I thought you were blaming the visa on her getting deported.
Yes, the VISA is why she doesn't get a hearing. Rules are rules and I am damn glad they followed them.
No wonder the Obama admin and Trump admin want to keep the Dreamers here. $500 per every two years. That's a tidy sum. $187.5 million a year, to be exact.
I agree. It is actually a paltry sum in the context of the U.S tax revenue. She should not be given a reprieve on the basis of making some money off of her. That would be immoral.
New Sheriff in town. It's no longer business as usual. Democrats really were so arrogant on this one. They truly believed they were above the law. Holding a public press conference? Really? The ultimate arrogance. Looks like it backfired on em bigtime.
Notice how they switched from violent felons to anyone who is brown if they can create a reason?
Notice how they switched from violent felons to anyone who is brown if they can create a reason?

Well, doing a public conference was rubbing their noses in it. Crazy Democrat arrogance. There is a new Sheriff in town. Her lawyers should have acknowledged that. They showed no respect.
This clearly is a attempt to intimidate anyone who speaks out. I pray that a federal judge will stop the Gestapo from succeeding. Trump has decided to continue the Dreamer program however his Gestapo and Nazi supporters did not get the message.
This clearly is a attempt to intimidate anyone who speaks out. I pray that a federal judge will stop the Gestapo from succeeding. Trump has decided to continue the Dreamer program however his Gestapo and Nazi supporters did not get the message.

What part of Mexico are you from?
You illegal?
You a first generation legal?
That 22 year old had two years to save up for that. Again, no sympathy.
Once a dreamer, always a dreamer. She didn't take out that visa herself at 7 years old. Still a dreamer. No reason to find excuses to get rid of her.
She entered the country through the VISA waiver program, but that is not why she is being deported. She let her DACA run out.
Individuals who use the visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.
Your words, not mine.
Sorry, I was misunderstanding you! I thought you were blaming the visa on her getting deported.
Yes, the VISA is why she doesn't get a hearing. Rules are rules and I am damn glad they followed them.
No wonder the Obama admin and Trump admin want to keep the Dreamers here. $500 per every two years. That's a tidy sum. $187.5 million a year, to be exact.

And unconstitutional, a president can't unilaterally establish a revenue generating program, that is reserved to the House. Of course the dear leader never concerned himself with the Constitution.
Dreamer Arrested After Speaking To Media Will Be Deported Without Hearing, Attorney Says

The California greedy public school system is crying because attendance and enrollment is down among the dreamers....They are going home where they belong. Maybe now Californians can get their state back.....
Try entering North Korea illegally and face 15 years hard labor (and they mean hard). If Hussein had enforced the freaking federal law it would have been much easier.
This clearly is a attempt to intimidate anyone who speaks out. I pray that a federal judge will stop the Gestapo from succeeding. Trump has decided to continue the Dreamer program however his Gestapo and Nazi supporters did not get the message.

No judge has anything to say about it, they are following the LAW.
This clearly is a attempt to intimidate anyone who speaks out. I pray that a federal judge will stop the Gestapo from succeeding. Trump has decided to continue the Dreamer program however his Gestapo and Nazi supporters did not get the message.

No judge has anything to say about it, they are following the LAW.

That is what you say. The fact that ICE initially said her status would be clarified does suggest a judge has the power to review this decision.
She entered the country through the VISA waiver program, but that is not why she is being deported. She let her DACA run out.
Individuals who use the visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.
Your words, not mine.
Sorry, I was misunderstanding you! I thought you were blaming the visa on her getting deported.
Yes, the VISA is why she doesn't get a hearing. Rules are rules and I am damn glad they followed them.
No wonder the Obama admin and Trump admin want to keep the Dreamers here. $500 per every two years. That's a tidy sum. $187.5 million a year, to be exact.

21 dollars a month to live in the US. I'd say that's a pretty good deal.

maybe we're just trying to teach them budgeting......
Well, when you put it like that....maybe they SHOULD have taught them budgeting. But it's still a whopping amount of money to scalp from people for the privilege of being in legal limbo.

It's their choice, they can always go home.

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