Dreamer Arrested After Speaking To Media Will Be Deported Without Hearing, Attorney Says

Dreamer Arrested After Speaking To Media Will Be Deported Without Hearing, Attorney Says
Daniela Vargas, who came to the U.S. from Argentina when she was 7 years old, previously had a work permit and deportation reprieve under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. Her DACA status expired last November, and because she was saving money for the renewal — which costs $495 — her new application wasn’t received until Feb. 10.
On Wednesday, a spokesman for ICE said Vargas would go through court proceedings to determine whether she is eligible for some type of relief, adding that the agency would take no further action until those proceedings were completed.
But Abby Peterson, Vargas’ attorney, said ICE agents told her on Thursday that they would instead pursue immediate deportation without a court hearing or bond because Vargas entered the country through the visa waiver program, which allows certain foreign nationals to enter the U.S. for under 90 days without a visa. (Argentina was previously part of the program, although it no longer is.) Individuals who use the
visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.

Should have kept your shit in line. No sympathy :bye1:
I despise illegal aliens. But this girl, she took my heart away. She gets to stay. I'm fickle like that.
Dreamer Arrested After Speaking To Media Will Be Deported Without Hearing, Attorney Says
Daniela Vargas, who came to the U.S. from Argentina when she was 7 years old, previously had a work permit and deportation reprieve under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. Her DACA status expired last November, and because she was saving money for the renewal — which costs $495 — her new application wasn’t received until Feb. 10.
On Wednesday, a spokesman for ICE said Vargas would go through court proceedings to determine whether she is eligible for some type of relief, adding that the agency would take no further action until those proceedings were completed.
But Abby Peterson, Vargas’ attorney, said ICE agents told her on Thursday that they would instead pursue immediate deportation without a court hearing or bond because Vargas entered the country through the visa waiver program, which allows certain foreign nationals to enter the U.S. for under 90 days without a visa. (Argentina was previously part of the program, although it no longer is.) Individuals who use the
visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.

Should have kept your shit in line. No sympathy :bye1:
$495 is a lot, you gotta admit. Once a Dreamer, always a Dreamer. I don't see why they're splitting hairs on this.
Sympathy, yes.
That 22 year old had two years to save up for that. Again, no sympathy.
Once a dreamer, always a dreamer. She didn't take out that visa herself at 7 years old. Still a dreamer. No reason to find excuses to get rid of her.
She was here illegally....now she's gone home where she is safer and with her family.....
Dreamer Arrested After Speaking To Media Will Be Deported Without Hearing, Attorney Says
Daniela Vargas, who came to the U.S. from Argentina when she was 7 years old, previously had a work permit and deportation reprieve under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. Her DACA status expired last November, and because she was saving money for the renewal — which costs $495 — her new application wasn’t received until Feb. 10.
On Wednesday, a spokesman for ICE said Vargas would go through court proceedings to determine whether she is eligible for some type of relief, adding that the agency would take no further action until those proceedings were completed.
But Abby Peterson, Vargas’ attorney, said ICE agents told her on Thursday that they would instead pursue immediate deportation without a court hearing or bond because Vargas entered the country through the visa waiver program, which allows certain foreign nationals to enter the U.S. for under 90 days without a visa. (Argentina was previously part of the program, although it no longer is.) Individuals who use the
visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.

Should have kept your shit in line. No sympathy :bye1:
I despise illegal aliens. But this girl, she took my heart away. She gets to stay. I'm fickle like that.
Leave no criminals here....
OldLady Here is info on what argentina does
Temporary Residence Visa
What were you saying bout $$$? ;)
$200 euros a year, which amounts to $211 p/year. That's $73 p/yr cheaper than the US. The other $100 euros is paid by the consulate. Unless I'm reading it wrong.
"to be paid to the consulate"
Okay, so Argentina is an even bigger scalper. I still think it's a racket.

Not to mention, that doesn't even include being found illegally there. They would probably just ship your ass back. We are extremely lax with immigration compared to most countries. I don't even think a a legal immigrant can buy property in mexico.. Natural born citizens only. (I think its mexico)

They changed that, you can own property in Mexico, but not within 50 miles of the Coasts.
Notice how they switched from violent felons to anyone who is brown if they can create a reason?

There is no reason to need to come up with a reason...I'll never understand what it is about the word "ILLEGAL" that some illiterates can't understand.

The part where you say they are violent then swap it out for anything illegal.

The implications I've heard from the Trump Admin is that they will begin the eradication of illegals STARTING WITH criminals / offenders. Now, if you think that means they'll overlook the others along the way and pretend they have a legal right to be here you're plain crazy. That's what that administration did under that soft spoken scrawny black dude with the oversized ears and un-American name.
Dreamer Arrested After Speaking To Media Will Be Deported Without Hearing, Attorney Says
Daniela Vargas, who came to the U.S. from Argentina when she was 7 years old, previously had a work permit and deportation reprieve under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. Her DACA status expired last November, and because she was saving money for the renewal — which costs $495 — her new application wasn’t received until Feb. 10.
On Wednesday, a spokesman for ICE said Vargas would go through court proceedings to determine whether she is eligible for some type of relief, adding that the agency would take no further action until those proceedings were completed.
But Abby Peterson, Vargas’ attorney, said ICE agents told her on Thursday that they would instead pursue immediate deportation without a court hearing or bond because Vargas entered the country through the visa waiver program, which allows certain foreign nationals to enter the U.S. for under 90 days without a visa. (Argentina was previously part of the program, although it no longer is.) Individuals who use the
visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.

Should have kept your shit in line. No sympathy :bye1:
I despise illegal aliens. But this girl, she took my heart away. She gets to stay. I'm fickle like that.

I think if the Democrats had kept it low-key, things would have gone differently. But they instead chose to rub Immigration Authority's noses in it. Very arrogant. A Public Press Conference wasn't the right way to go.

It was like issuing a dare. And the Authorities decided to call the Democrat bluff. The Democrats and her lawyers failed her. And now she has to go. We are a nation of laws. It is what it is.
This clearly is a attempt to intimidate anyone who speaks out. I pray that a federal judge will stop the Gestapo from succeeding. Trump has decided to continue the Dreamer program however his Gestapo and Nazi supporters did not get the message.

No judge has anything to say about it, they are following the LAW.

That is what you say. The fact that ICE initially said her status would be clarified does suggest a judge has the power to review this decision.

They clarified it, she's got to go and is not entitled to a hearing.
Notice how they switched from violent felons to anyone who is brown if they can create a reason?

There is no reason to need to come up with a reason...I'll never understand what it is about the word "ILLEGAL" that some illiterates can't understand.

The part where you say they are violent then swap it out for anything illegal.

He said the violent ones were the priority, he didn't say he was going to give all the rest a pass.
This clearly is a attempt to intimidate anyone who speaks out. I pray that a federal judge will stop the Gestapo from succeeding. Trump has decided to continue the Dreamer program however his Gestapo and Nazi supporters did not get the message.

No judge has anything to say about it, they are following the LAW.

That is what you say. The fact that ICE initially said her status would be clarified does suggest a judge has the power to review this decision.

They clarified it, she's got to go and is not entitled to a hearing.

Or political pressure was applied to ICE. ICE is run by politicians. That is why a judge needs to step in.
Notice how they switched from violent felons to anyone who is brown if they can create a reason?

There is no reason to need to come up with a reason...I'll never understand what it is about the word "ILLEGAL" that some illiterates can't understand.

The part where you say they are violent then swap it out for anything illegal.

He said the violent ones were the priority, he didn't say he was going to give all the rest a pass.

Spot On. The violent IIlegals are definitely going. There is a new Sheriff in town. But that doesn't mean he's given the rest a pass. Don't break our laws, and you won't have any problems. We are a nation of laws. It is what it is.
This clearly is a attempt to intimidate anyone who speaks out. I pray that a federal judge will stop the Gestapo from succeeding. Trump has decided to continue the Dreamer program however his Gestapo and Nazi supporters did not get the message.

No judge has anything to say about it, they are following the LAW.

That is what you say. The fact that ICE initially said her status would be clarified does suggest a judge has the power to review this decision.

They clarified it, she's got to go and is not entitled to a hearing.

Or political pressure was applied to ICE. ICE is run by politicians. That is why a judge needs to step in.

ICE was told to enforce the law, that is not political pressure, it's their JOB.
Dreamer Arrested After Speaking To Media Will Be Deported Without Hearing, Attorney Says
Daniela Vargas, who came to the U.S. from Argentina when she was 7 years old, previously had a work permit and deportation reprieve under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. Her DACA status expired last November, and because she was saving money for the renewal — which costs $495 — her new application wasn’t received until Feb. 10.
On Wednesday, a spokesman for ICE said Vargas would go through court proceedings to determine whether she is eligible for some type of relief, adding that the agency would take no further action until those proceedings were completed.
But Abby Peterson, Vargas’ attorney, said ICE agents told her on Thursday that they would instead pursue immediate deportation without a court hearing or bond because Vargas entered the country through the visa waiver program, which allows certain foreign nationals to enter the U.S. for under 90 days without a visa. (Argentina was previously part of the program, although it no longer is.) Individuals who use the
visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.

Should have kept your shit in line. No sympathy :bye1:
$495 is a lot, you gotta admit. Once a Dreamer, always a Dreamer. I don't see why they're splitting hairs on this.
Sympathy, yes.
That 22 year old had two years to save up for that. Again, no sympathy.
Once a dreamer, always a dreamer. She didn't take out that visa herself at 7 years old. Still a dreamer. No reason to find excuses to get rid of her.
She was here illegally....now she's gone home where she is safer and with her family.....
I despise illegal immigrants, but I have a heart. I am a softee, I guess. When you hurt the least of us, you hurt us all of us as human beings. Still, no excuse for illegal immigration.
This clearly is a attempt to intimidate anyone who speaks out. I pray that a federal judge will stop the Gestapo from succeeding. Trump has decided to continue the Dreamer program however his Gestapo and Nazi supporters did not get the message.

No judge has anything to say about it, they are following the LAW.

That is what you say. The fact that ICE initially said her status would be clarified does suggest a judge has the power to review this decision.

They clarified it, she's got to go and is not entitled to a hearing.

Or political pressure was applied to ICE. ICE is run by politicians. That is why a judge needs to step in.

A judge, "step in" and defend someone who is breaking the law? Now I'm real confused.
Moral to this story... Don't be so arrogant and try to embarrass Immigration Officials. Holding a Public Press Conference is akin to issuing a challenge. And Obama isn't in there anymore. Such brazen arrogance won't be tolerated. The Democrats were called on their bluff. They let this woman down. They should have handled it in a more respectful low-key fashion. Now she's out. Bye bye.
This clearly is a attempt to intimidate anyone who speaks out. I pray that a federal judge will stop the Gestapo from succeeding. Trump has decided to continue the Dreamer program however his Gestapo and Nazi supporters did not get the message.

No judge has anything to say about it, they are following the LAW.

That is what you say. The fact that ICE initially said her status would be clarified does suggest a judge has the power to review this decision.

They clarified it, she's got to go and is not entitled to a hearing.

Or political pressure was applied to ICE. ICE is run by politicians. That is why a judge needs to step in.

A judge, "step in" and defend someone who is breaking the law? Now I'm real confused.

She has been here as a Dreamer so she has broken no laws. Since the program has not been repealed, she would be eligible to continue. Didn't you morons say judges had no say about the Trump travel ban.
Dreamer Arrested After Speaking To Media Will Be Deported Without Hearing, Attorney Says
Daniela Vargas, who came to the U.S. from Argentina when she was 7 years old, previously had a work permit and deportation reprieve under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. Her DACA status expired last November, and because she was saving money for the renewal — which costs $495 — her new application wasn’t received until Feb. 10.
On Wednesday, a spokesman for ICE said Vargas would go through court proceedings to determine whether she is eligible for some type of relief, adding that the agency would take no further action until those proceedings were completed.
But Abby Peterson, Vargas’ attorney, said ICE agents told her on Thursday that they would instead pursue immediate deportation without a court hearing or bond because Vargas entered the country through the visa waiver program, which allows certain foreign nationals to enter the U.S. for under 90 days without a visa. (Argentina was previously part of the program, although it no longer is.) Individuals who use the
visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.

Should have kept your shit in line. No sympathy :bye1:
$495 is a lot, you gotta admit. Once a Dreamer, always a Dreamer. I don't see why they're splitting hairs on this.
Sympathy, yes.
That 22 year old had two years to save up for that. Again, no sympathy.
Once a dreamer, always a dreamer. She didn't take out that visa herself at 7 years old. Still a dreamer. No reason to find excuses to get rid of her.
She was here illegally....now she's gone home where she is safer and with her family.....
I despise illegal immigrants, but I have a heart. I am a softee, I guess. When you hurt the least of us, you hurt us all of us as human beings. Still, no excuse for illegal immigration.

Shelia Jackass Lee is having a tantrum over a guy that was deported here because he has a citizen wife and two small children. What she neglects to say is he was originally ordered deported in 2006 and failed to report. He was caught again in 2011, well before he had his children, and was given some time to get his affairs in order. Once again he failed to report, they didn't give him a chance to disappear again, he's gone.
Moral to this story... Don't be so arrogant and try to embarrass Immigration Officials. Holding a Public Press Conference is akin to issuing a challenge. And Obama isn't in there anymore. Such brazen arrogance won't be tolerated. The Democrats were called on their bluff. They let this woman down. They should have handled it in a more respectful low-key fashion. Now she's out. Bye bye.

You support political interference? Politics should not be a part of this. This is more akin to terrorism. You don't need a be to be a terrorist. Anyone who placed political pressure on ICE over this needs to be fired.

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