Dreamer Arrested After Speaking To Media Will Be Deported Without Hearing, Attorney Says

No judge has anything to say about it, they are following the LAW.

That is what you say. The fact that ICE initially said her status would be clarified does suggest a judge has the power to review this decision.

They clarified it, she's got to go and is not entitled to a hearing.

Or political pressure was applied to ICE. ICE is run by politicians. That is why a judge needs to step in.

A judge, "step in" and defend someone who is breaking the law? Now I'm real confused.

She has been here as a Dreamer so she has broken no laws. Since the program has not been repealed, she would be eligible to continue. Didn't you morons say judges had no say about the Trump travel ban.

Democrats should stop showing their ass. They've forgotten one crucial fact. Obama isn't in there anymore. You come out and show your ass in a public press conference, you're going down. The days of allowing brazen flaunting of the law are over. There is a new Sheriff in town. Y'all better come to grips with that.
No judge has anything to say about it, they are following the LAW.

That is what you say. The fact that ICE initially said her status would be clarified does suggest a judge has the power to review this decision.

They clarified it, she's got to go and is not entitled to a hearing.

Or political pressure was applied to ICE. ICE is run by politicians. That is why a judge needs to step in.

A judge, "step in" and defend someone who is breaking the law? Now I'm real confused.

She has been here as a Dreamer so she has broken no laws. Since the program has not been repealed, she would be eligible to continue. Didn't you morons say judges had no say about the Trump travel ban.

She failed to renew, so she had no status.
No judge has anything to say about it, they are following the LAW.

That is what you say. The fact that ICE initially said her status would be clarified does suggest a judge has the power to review this decision.

They clarified it, she's got to go and is not entitled to a hearing.

Or political pressure was applied to ICE. ICE is run by politicians. That is why a judge needs to step in.

A judge, "step in" and defend someone who is breaking the law? Now I'm real confused.

She has been here as a Dreamer so she has broken no laws. Since the program has not been repealed, she would be eligible to continue. Didn't you morons say judges had no say about the Trump travel ban.

What the fuck is this Dreamer shit?
SHE'S AN ILLEGAL whom was granted temporary citizenship and all her lazy broke ass had to do was pay her dues and stay out of trouble. These bottom feeders can't handle even the most basic responsibilities. FUCK Pelosi and her Dreamer bullshit!
Dreamer Arrested After Speaking To Media Will Be Deported Without Hearing, Attorney Says
Daniela Vargas, who came to the U.S. from Argentina when she was 7 years old, previously had a work permit and deportation reprieve under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. Her DACA status expired last November, and because she was saving money for the renewal — which costs $495 — her new application wasn’t received until Feb. 10.
On Wednesday, a spokesman for ICE said Vargas would go through court proceedings to determine whether she is eligible for some type of relief, adding that the agency would take no further action until those proceedings were completed.
But Abby Peterson, Vargas’ attorney, said ICE agents told her on Thursday that they would instead pursue immediate deportation without a court hearing or bond because Vargas entered the country through the visa waiver program, which allows certain foreign nationals to enter the U.S. for under 90 days without a visa. (Argentina was previously part of the program, although it no longer is.) Individuals who use the
visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.

Should have kept your shit in line. No sympathy :bye1:
$495 is a lot, you gotta admit. Once a Dreamer, always a Dreamer. I don't see why they're splitting hairs on this.
Sympathy, yes.
That 22 year old had two years to save up for that. Again, no sympathy.
Once a dreamer, always a dreamer. She didn't take out that visa herself at 7 years old. Still a dreamer. No reason to find excuses to get rid of her.
She was here illegally....now she's gone home where she is safer and with her family.....
I despise illegal immigrants, but I have a heart. I am a softee, I guess. When you hurt the least of us, you hurt us all of us as human beings. Still, no excuse for illegal immigration.
And Some of us are Americans....
Moral to this story... Don't be so arrogant and try to embarrass Immigration Officials. Holding a Public Press Conference is akin to issuing a challenge. And Obama isn't in there anymore. Such brazen arrogance won't be tolerated. The Democrats were called on their bluff. They let this woman down. They should have handled it in a more respectful low-key fashion. Now she's out. Bye bye.

You support political interference? Politics should not be a part of this. This is more akin to terrorism. You don't need a be to be a terrorist. Anyone who placed political pressure on ICE over this needs to be fired.
You mean the law.....
Moral to this story... Don't be so arrogant and try to embarrass Immigration Officials. Holding a Public Press Conference is akin to issuing a challenge. And Obama isn't in there anymore. Such brazen arrogance won't be tolerated. The Democrats were called on their bluff. They let this woman down. They should have handled it in a more respectful low-key fashion. Now she's out. Bye bye.

You support political interference? Politics should not be a part of this. This is more akin to terrorism. You don't need a be to be a terrorist. Anyone who placed political pressure on ICE over this needs to be fired.

Don't break the law and you won't have any problems. We are still a nation of laws. Y'all may not like that, but it is the reality.
Moral to this story... Don't be so arrogant and try to embarrass Immigration Officials. Holding a Public Press Conference is akin to issuing a challenge. And Obama isn't in there anymore. Such brazen arrogance won't be tolerated. The Democrats were called on their bluff. They let this woman down. They should have handled it in a more respectful low-key fashion. Now she's out. Bye bye.

You support political interference? Politics should not be a part of this. This is more akin to terrorism. You don't need a be to be a terrorist. Anyone who placed political pressure on ICE over this needs to be fired.
You mean the law.....

Ha, the poster continues to conveniently ignore the fact this person is in violation of the law. But the Democrats blew it on this one. They showed their ass and got called on it. They didn't serve this woman well at all.
Notice how they switched from violent felons to anyone who is brown if they can create a reason?

There is no reason to need to come up with a reason...I'll never understand what it is about the word "ILLEGAL" that some illiterates can't understand.

The part where you say they are violent then swap it out for anything illegal.

He said the violent ones were the priority, he didn't say he was going to give all the rest a pass.

And this case shows priorites aren't there.
Notice how they switched from violent felons to anyone who is brown if they can create a reason?

There is no reason to need to come up with a reason...I'll never understand what it is about the word "ILLEGAL" that some illiterates can't understand.

The part where you say they are violent then swap it out for anything illegal.

He said the violent ones were the priority, he didn't say he was going to give all the rest a pass.

And this case shows priorites aren't there.

You just proved you have no idea what priorities mean. We expend more resources going after the high priority people, it doesn't mean you ignore lower priority people when they present themselves. See post #79, that guy had valid deportation orders your dear leader ignored. That's not going to happen anymore.
That 22 year old had two years to save up for that. Again, no sympathy.
Once a dreamer, always a dreamer. She didn't take out that visa herself at 7 years old. Still a dreamer. No reason to find excuses to get rid of her.
She entered the country through the VISA waiver program, but that is not why she is being deported. She let her DACA run out.
Individuals who use the visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.
Your words, not mine.
Sorry, I was misunderstanding you! I thought you were blaming the visa on her getting deported.
Yes, the VISA is why she doesn't get a hearing. Rules are rules and I am damn glad they followed them.
No wonder the Obama admin and Trump admin want to keep the Dreamers here. $500 per every two years. That's a tidy sum. $187.5 million a year, to be exact.

Chicken feed.

My school district in FL had a budget of $6 billion per year.
She entered the country through the VISA waiver program, but that is not why she is being deported. She let her DACA run out.
Individuals who use the visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.
Your words, not mine.
Sorry, I was misunderstanding you! I thought you were blaming the visa on her getting deported.
Yes, the VISA is why she doesn't get a hearing. Rules are rules and I am damn glad they followed them.
No wonder the Obama admin and Trump admin want to keep the Dreamers here. $500 per every two years. That's a tidy sum. $187.5 million a year, to be exact.

21 dollars a month to live in the US. I'd say that's a pretty good deal.

maybe we're just trying to teach them budgeting......
Well, when you put it like that....maybe they SHOULD have taught them budgeting. But it's still a whopping amount of money to scalp from people for the privilege of being in legal limbo.

That's less than my cell phone bill!
No judge has anything to say about it, they are following the LAW.

That is what you say. The fact that ICE initially said her status would be clarified does suggest a judge has the power to review this decision.

They clarified it, she's got to go and is not entitled to a hearing.

Or political pressure was applied to ICE. ICE is run by politicians. That is why a judge needs to step in.

A judge, "step in" and defend someone who is breaking the law? Now I'm real confused.

She has been here as a Dreamer so she has broken no laws. Since the program has not been repealed, she would be eligible to continue. Didn't you morons say judges had no say about the Trump travel ban.

She is here illegally. That means she committed a crime.
That is what you say. The fact that ICE initially said her status would be clarified does suggest a judge has the power to review this decision.

They clarified it, she's got to go and is not entitled to a hearing.

Or political pressure was applied to ICE. ICE is run by politicians. That is why a judge needs to step in.

A judge, "step in" and defend someone who is breaking the law? Now I'm real confused.

She has been here as a Dreamer so she has broken no laws. Since the program has not been repealed, she would be eligible to continue. Didn't you morons say judges had no say about the Trump travel ban.

She is here illegally. That means she committed a crime.

She is not here illegally. She was brought here as a child. She has not been convicted of anything.
If I came out in public as a murderer, I'd expect to be arrested. If an illegal immigrant comes out in public as an illegal immigrant, they should be deported.

If you were a citizen of another country you would be entitled to a hearing before you were sent back. She is not illegal as she has been here under the DREAM Act. If she is eligible then she should continue under it. It is still a active program under Trump. Maybe you should be arrested.
If I came out in public as a murderer, I'd expect to be arrested. If an illegal immigrant comes out in public as an illegal immigrant, they should be deported.

If you were a citizen of another country you would be entitled to a hearing before you were sent back. She is not illegal as she has been here under the DREAM Act. If she is eligible then she should continue under it. It is still a active program under Trump. Maybe you should be arrested.

Mexico tortures migrants – and citizens – in effort to slow Central American surge

Also, I never said anything about deporting her. I said the father could bring her with him if he wanted to do so.
If I came out in public as a murderer, I'd expect to be arrested. If an illegal immigrant comes out in public as an illegal immigrant, they should be deported.

If you were a citizen of another country you would be entitled to a hearing before you were sent back. She is not illegal as she has been here under the DREAM Act. If she is eligible then she should continue under it. It is still a active program under Trump. Maybe you should be arrested.

Mexico tortures migrants – and citizens – in effort to slow Central American surge

Also, I never said anything about deporting her. I said the father could bring her with him if he wanted to do so.

You clearly meant her unless you had a attack of conscience which is impossible for a Trump supporter.
Our country... not yours.

Too bad... so sad... don't let the door hit you in the ass, on the way out.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Oh, never mind. I thought I was responding to the thread about the dad getting arrested while taking his kid to school. I take back what I said. I have no sympathy for this "Dreamer." The whole Dreamer thing is bullshit anyway. It's not a law passed by Congress.

It is still a active program as Trump does not want to contest it. There is considerable support in Congress for it. It likely would be a part of ant comprehensive reform that Trump is talking about.

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