
Should we give Dreamers Amnesty for a binding pledge not to sponsor their family into the country?

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What if we allow these 800,000 (approx.) dreamers stay in the US and follow a path to citizenship (they would not be permitted to be citizens right away) but in exchange for this magnanimous gesture, they would have to sign a binding and legal document that forbids them from ever sponsoring any of their family into the country after they achieved their citizenship.
Having achieved this much concession from the Republicans, as soon as it was signed into law the Democrats would begin working on this one, too.

They would start calling the Republicans "heartless" and "racist" and the usual collection of names, smears and insults, and keep at it until the Republicans caved on that one too and granted the Dreamers full citizenship with no restrictions.

Never make a compromise or concession with Democrats. EVER.

It won't last - they'll make sure of that.
they should be given priority to become a legal citizen.
No one has yet explained to me why people who came here illegally should be given a higher priority than foreigners who have obeyed all our laws, filled out all our usual forms, and have waited patiently for years to get a genuine U.S. visa and get in legally.
What I know is this:

  • Average hourly wages rose 69% for Dreamers (meaning more tax revenue for cities, states, and the US)
  • 16% of DACA recipients bought homes and 5% started businesses
  • 69% moved to a better job with better pay.
  • 90% received a driver’s license or state ID for the first time
  • 65% bought their first car
  • At least 72% of the top 25 Fortune 500 companies employ DACA beneficiaries
DACA folks didn't come here of their own volition, but here they have been and here they have lived all their lives. They are for all intents and purposes Americans. It's not as thought they can be anything else, regardless of what their formal citizenship status is, because they don't know any other place. Thus, at this point, the U.S. has invested whatever it spent inculcating, acculturating, educating, etc. DACA people, people who have zero material connection to and founding in whatever nation from which their parents came. As I see it:
  • If we send them packing, those expenditures become money that, in essence, we discard.
  • If we send them packing, the future revenue streams they would produce are also forsaken.
  • If we convert them to citizens, we continue to reap the benefits of the investment this country has made in them.
If DACA people had been wilful adults who snuck into the country, rather than children who merely did what kids do -- follow their parents -- it'd be different. If, as a segment of society, DACA people weren't productive, it'd be different. If we hadn't already invested in these people, it'd be different. But we have made the investment and by and large they are indeed productive and worthwhile contributors to the U.S. economy; thus it's a question of whether we're going to try to maximize our return on that investment or are we not. Insofar as we are always looking to grow GDP not shrink it, I don't see any reason for sending DACA people packing. Give them citizenship and move on to issues that actually matter. In the U.S., a nation of 320M people, all this hoopla about some 800K DACA people, 0.25% of population, just isn't worth it, especially given that such a small segment of the population are projected to produce at least some $430B+ contribution to GDP over the next decade (~$55K/per DACA person per year -- clearly the projection is conservative).

As for that question about DACA people bringing or not bringing their family members to the U.S.....What absurd foolishness. No, they shouldn't agree not to sponsor their family members to come to the U.S. If they have family members who can come here and be productive, we should not welcome or permit the family members to come to the U.S. because they happen to be related to a person who gained citizenship via a DACA path?

Truly, OP-er, do you not see the inanity and irrationality in that line of reasoning? It's the same non-sequitur rationale I might use in saying, "No, Peter, I won't hire your brother, no matter how qualified he is, because you work here."

More regressive propaganda, if dreamers had lived here "all their lives", they'd be citizens wouldn't they? Many came here as teenagers, so cut the lies already.


The propaganda is that there is something wrong with these people.
What if we allow these 800,000 (approx.) dreamers stay in the US and follow a path to citizenship (they would not be permitted to be citizens right away) but in exchange for this magnanimous gesture, they would have to sign a binding and legal document that forbids them from ever sponsoring any of their family into the country after they achieved their citizenship.
Having achieved this much concession from the Republicans, as soon as it was signed into law the Democrats would begin working on this one, too.

They would start calling the Republicans "heartless" and "racist" and the usual collection of names, smears and insults, and keep at it until the Republicans caved on that one too and granted the Dreamers full citizenship with no restrictions.

Never make a compromise or concession with Democrats. EVER.

It won't last - they'll make sure of that.

You only now understand?
  1. 1.
    happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.
    "a progressive decline in popularity"
    synonyms: continuing, continuous, increasing, growing, developing, ongoing, accelerating, escalating; More

  2. 2.
    (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
Progress never ceases. One step at a time.
Progressive: (n) A term hijacked by the left for use in pretending that their chronic lapsing into tired, failed ideologies with the characteristics of socialism, victimhood, and big-govt dependency are somehow a kind of "progress" when they aren't.

The Left hijacked the term when they came to realize the previous term they had hijacked ("liberalism") was no longer believed by most people, who realized the leftists were merely despots in sheeps' clothing with pretty-sounding but inaccurate titles. A new term was needed to conceal what they arer really doing, so "Progressive" was adopted.
Dreamers are illegals We have too many friggin illegals already. Piss on them. The only reason the filthy Liberals want them in this country is that they are potential Democrat voters. Terrible reason to screw this up even more than it already is.

They are potential Democratic voters because of assholes like you. Hispanics should be an ideal Republican constituency, but people like you have made sure they are not
No one votes anymore?

The American people certainly elected a President that ran on a platform to stop illegal immigration.

The stupid filthy ass "Dreamer" program was an illegal attempt by that asshole Obama to legitimize a million frigging illegals in the anticipation they would be future Democrat voters and that is despicable.
They can't vote, dreamers have different driver's licences that prevent such.


It's laughable that you would believe those who are illegal would abide by what is printed on a piece of plastic. :cuckoo: :lol:

What's to say that if they can't vote in one state that they wouldn't go to another state that has No ID requirement to vote?
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No one votes anymore?

The American people certainly elected a President that ran on a platform to stop illegal immigration.

The stupid filthy ass "Dreamer" program was an illegal attempt by that asshole Obama to legitimize a million frigging illegals in the anticipation they would be future Democrat voters and that is despicable.
They can't vote, dreamers have different driver's licences that prevent such.


It's laughable that you would believe those who are illegal would abide by what is printed on a piece of plastic. :cuckoo: :lol:

What's to say that if they can't vote in one state that they wouldn't go to another state that has No ID requirement to vote?
one.....out of whites, blacks, asian and hispanic citizens, the least likely voters are...Hispanic...the group that has the lowest percentage voting, are Hispanic...

illegal Hispanics have few roll models to even inspire them to even want to vote... Dreamers will definitely not vote....if they do, it's a felony and they will be deported....and they have no desire to be shipped back to their country of birth by committing a crime...
Dreamers are illegals We have too many friggin illegals already. Piss on them. The only reason the filthy Liberals want them in this country is that they are potential Democrat voters. Terrible reason to screw this up even more than it already is.

They are potential Democratic voters because of assholes like you. Hispanics should be an ideal Republican constituency, but people like you have made sure they are not

You filthy Democrats hated the legal Hispanic Cuban refugees that typically didn't vote for Democrats so you can take you hypocrisy and shove it up your Libtard ass. Any Black that isn't on the Democrat Welfare Plantation is considered an Uncle Tom by you assholes.

Democrats would never get more than about 25% of the vote if it wasn't for the Welfare Queens and Illegals and that is why that asshole Obama wanted to illegally import and legitimize a million of the little fuckers. The Dreamer program was a racist attempt to change voting demographics and that is why it is so despicable. the last thing we need in this country are more greedy little assholes voting for Liberals in order to get free stuff. That has already fucked up our country big time.
No one votes anymore?

The American people certainly elected a President that ran on a platform to stop illegal immigration.

The stupid filthy ass "Dreamer" program was an illegal attempt by that asshole Obama to legitimize a million frigging illegals in the anticipation they would be future Democrat voters and that is despicable.
They can't vote, dreamers have different driver's licences that prevent such.


It's laughable that you would believe those who are illegal would abide by what is printed on a piece of plastic. :cuckoo: :lol:

What's to say that if they can't vote in one state that they wouldn't go to another state that has No ID requirement to vote?

Isn't it just coincidental that the state with the most illegals that hated Trump and had the most lax voter ID law also had the highest percentage vote against Trump? The same despicable state that is now making the whole state a "sanctuary" for those assholes in violation of the Federal trespassing laws? Amazing, isn't it?
Dreamers are illegals We have too many friggin illegals already. Piss on them. The only reason the filthy Liberals want them in this country is that they are potential Democrat voters. Terrible reason to screw this up even more than it already is.


loudly declare that you are Republican, wholeheartedly support Dreamers, and maybe they will vote Republican.
they should be given priority to become a legal citizen.
No one has yet explained to me why people who came here illegally should be given a higher priority than foreigners who have obeyed all our laws, filled out all our usual forms, and have waited patiently for years to get a genuine U.S. visa and get in legally.

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