Driver ran over 11 year ol girl because she was white

Poor, poor white folks is always da victim why did you see all the white victums from dat Civil War?

da black boys would love to have you in prison wid dem...ya get my drift? hehheh
Experienced are you?
I have no doubt you fantasize about it often yet it has absolutely zero correlation to an overly doped up driver hitting a girl and claiming it was because she was white...Do you people always get yer talking points from people on a drug cocktails?

Well, obviously he thought if he said that they would not charge him.
Crazy? yeh but he probably got that idea from watching msnbc, or cbs, or abc maybe even a lil bit of fox.

Ya know the narrative....the evil white people and all dat.
And tht after he admitted he looking for somebody to kill. But since he was black, he only got 19 years. It's a myth that blacks ger harsher sentences than whites, of course, but this is definitely an inappropriate case of leniency..

You have got to be the biggest idiot on this forum if you believe that stupid shit. The US Justice System is the most racist institution this country has damn near ever seen, do you think somebody just made up that the there are 2 Justice systems in this country. Separate and Unequal, have you ever heard that.

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

Or is it because you are able to get a lil white pussy now and then? hehheh
Damn you christians are holy...

A hard dick aint got no conscience boyo hehheh
You have got to be the biggest idiot on this forum if you believe that stupid shit. The US Justice System is the most racist institution this country has damn near ever seen, do you think somebody just made up that the there are 2 Justice systems in this country. Separate and Unequal, have you ever heard that.

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

Abraham Lincoln 'wanted to deport slaves' to new colonies
Yet it was not mandatory to move.

It would have been if Lincoln had lived and put the policy in force...he had the power....dictatorial power.
black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

Abraham Lincoln 'wanted to deport slaves' to new colonies
Yet it was not mandatory to move.

It would have been if Lincoln had lived and put the policy in force...he had the power....dictatorial power.
His dictatorial power ended with the war.
You have got to be the biggest idiot on this forum if you believe that stupid shit. The US Justice System is the most racist institution this country has damn near ever seen, do you think somebody just made up that the there are 2 Justice systems in this country. Separate and Unequal, have you ever heard that.

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

Or is it because you are able to get a lil white pussy now and then? hehheh
Damn you christians are holy...

A hard dick aint got no conscience boyo hehheh
At least the ones where the little head rules the big head...
We have a huge,huge racial problem....I am talking about Negroes of course....and it is only getting worse because no one can deal with it...politicians will not sacrifice their political career trying to help solve the Negro problem

The media continuously makes excuses for their behavior, attempts to cover up their crimes as much as possible and constantly promotes them via their bogus black victim politics....aka always assuming the black guy is the innocent one....outrageous to the extremed...when in most cases ...the vast majority of cases they are the perps...and look how they go after the jews in NYC yet the liberal jews still remain in the democratic party....unfriggin believable.

Get out of here JB Stoner, while idiots like you ate sitting around whining about black folks white collar criminals are stealing everything your dumbass has got. Racist ass clowns like you are a joke, now when someone black commits a crime every black person in America is responsible when someone white commits a crime they are an individual and is no reflection of other white folks. The internet makes cowards like you bold, for the simple fact you can come on here and spew your hate and hide behind a computer screen, but you would never have the balls to say any of it in public.

Go back to afreeka.....why not? You could be a part of the majority then...rarely if ever even see a white person.

I will when you carry your weak ass back to Europe. I got it why don't you go to Siberia it's lily white there, you would love it.

When you are out walking at night and see a black person following you--- do you get nervous like jesse jackson? hehheh

Ask him how he felt when a white man was following him in Selma, AL.

You know better than even I how your brothers be...why deny the truth?

It's cowards like you that deny the truth.
The day of fooling whitey is over....we have the internet now to get the truth...which of course the msm dares not report.

Your truth or propaganda rather comes from Stormfront, Breitfart, etc.

Newsflash....the old Negroe leadership policy of making whitey feel guilty then making him pay is the time Trump finishes his 4th term your ilk will be begging to go back to know its da truth boy.

Newsflash nobody is scared of clowns like you and Trump, mommy and daddy let you on the computer and you are running full throttle. Go finish reading Mein Kampf.
A black guy, Emmanuel Arenda was sentenced to 19 years in prison for throwing a five year old white kid off a balcony in Mall of America. The kid fell 40 ft. and lived but suffered terrible injuries. No indication that Arenda was convicted of a hate crime.

And tht after he admitted he looking for somebody to kill. But since he was black, he only got 19 years. It's a myth that blacks ger harsher sentences than whites, of course, but this is definitely an inappropriate case of leniency..

You have got to be the biggest idiot on this forum if you believe that stupid shit. The US Justice System is the most racist institution this country has damn near ever seen, do you think somebody just made up that the there are 2 Justice systems in this country. Separate and Unequal, have you ever heard that.

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

No more than Europeans returning to Europe.

Or is it because you are able to get a lil white pussy now and then? hehheh

That is what really scares you isn't it.
How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

Abraham Lincoln 'wanted to deport slaves' to new colonies
Yet it was not mandatory to move.

It would have been if Lincoln had lived and put the policy in force...he had the power....dictatorial power.
His dictatorial power ended with the war.

It diminished somewhat....but he had the power to carry out any policy he wanted.
And tht after he admitted he looking for somebody to kill. But since he was black, he only got 19 years. It's a myth that blacks ger harsher sentences than whites, of course, but this is definitely an inappropriate case of leniency..

You have got to be the biggest idiot on this forum if you believe that stupid shit. The US Justice System is the most racist institution this country has damn near ever seen, do you think somebody just made up that the there are 2 Justice systems in this country. Separate and Unequal, have you ever heard that.

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

No more than Europeans returning to Europe.

Or is it because you are able to get a lil white pussy now and then? hehheh

That is what really scares you isn't it.
Getting all that white pussy tells us all how you feel about the black pussy you get. Black guys reek of machismo. But are the biggest pussies around following the Black women who are in political power of any kind in their revenue begathons. Its sad how you lick the chitt out of their azzes. And yet you show your women no respect at all in relationships and they have acted accordingly. Where did their attitude come from? And it hurts them. You beat the chitt out of people but are not men in enough numbers to bring civility to a neighborhood.
And tht after he admitted he looking for somebody to kill. But since he was black, he only got 19 years. It's a myth that blacks ger harsher sentences than whites, of course, but this is definitely an inappropriate case of leniency..

You have got to be the biggest idiot on this forum if you believe that stupid shit. The US Justice System is the most racist institution this country has damn near ever seen, do you think somebody just made up that the there are 2 Justice systems in this country. Separate and Unequal, have you ever heard that.

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

No more than Europeans returning to Europe.

Or is it because you are able to get a lil white pussy now and then? hehheh

That is what really scares you isn't it.

Hookers have to make a living.
You have got to be the biggest idiot on this forum if you believe that stupid shit. The US Justice System is the most racist institution this country has damn near ever seen, do you think somebody just made up that the there are 2 Justice systems in this country. Separate and Unequal, have you ever heard that.

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

No more than Europeans returning to Europe.

Or is it because you are able to get a lil white pussy now and then? hehheh

That is what really scares you isn't it.

Hookers have to make a living.
You have got to be the biggest idiot on this forum if you believe that stupid shit. The US Justice System is the most racist institution this country has damn near ever seen, do you think somebody just made up that the there are 2 Justice systems in this country. Separate and Unequal, have you ever heard that.

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

No more than Europeans returning to Europe.

Or is it because you are able to get a lil white pussy now and then? hehheh

That is what really scares you isn't it.
Getting all that white pussy tells us all how you feel about the black pussy you get. Black guys reek of machismo. But are the biggest pussies around following the Black women who are in political power of any kind in their revenue begathons. Its sad how you lick the chitt out of their azzes. And yet you show your women no respect at all in relationships and they have acted accordingly. Where did their attitude come from? And it hurts them. You beat the chitt out of people but are not men in enough numbers to bring civility to a neighborhood.

Damn the racist are spewing it out deep today.
A black guy, Emmanuel Arenda was sentenced to 19 years in prison for throwing a five year old white kid off a balcony in Mall of America. The kid fell 40 ft. and lived but suffered terrible injuries. No indication that Arenda was convicted of a hate crime.

And tht after he admitted he looking for somebody to kill. But since he was black, he only got 19 years. It's a myth that blacks ger harsher sentences than whites, of course, but this is definitely an inappropriate case of leniency..

You have got to be the biggest idiot on this forum if you believe that stupid shit. The US Justice System is the most racist institution this country has damn near ever seen, do you think somebody just made up that the there are 2 Justice systems in this country. Separate and Unequal, have you ever heard that.

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

When Jefferson et al sent freed slaves back to Africa, they set themselves up as .... drum roll please ... slave plantation owners. Blacks aren't against slavery, they love it, and the whiners like Suprbadbooger and IM2stupid actually pine to be made slaves again.
black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

No more than Europeans returning to Europe.

Or is it because you are able to get a lil white pussy now and then? hehheh

That is what really scares you isn't it.
Getting all that white pussy tells us all how you feel about the black pussy you get. Black guys reek of machismo. But are the biggest pussies around following the Black women who are in political power of any kind in their revenue begathons. Its sad how you lick the chitt out of their azzes. And yet you show your women no respect at all in relationships and they have acted accordingly. Where did their attitude come from? And it hurts them. You beat the chitt out of people but are not men in enough numbers to bring civility to a neighborhood.

Damn the racist are spewing it out deep today.

Yes, you gimps are shoveling all right; too bad it's the same thing you whine about every day all day. But don't worry, even though blacks report faggot and bi-faggot sexual relations at 2.5 times the rates of whites, that still gives you a about a 1 in 3 chance of landing a white sugar daddy, so don't despair, just keep cruisng the bath houses and parks.
You have got to be the biggest idiot on this forum if you believe that stupid shit. The US Justice System is the most racist institution this country has damn near ever seen, do you think somebody just made up that the there are 2 Justice systems in this country. Separate and Unequal, have you ever heard that.

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

Abraham Lincoln 'wanted to deport slaves' to new colonies
Yet it was not mandatory to move.

It was mandatory to shove them into 'contraband camps' or forced to work govt plantations, though, and they weren't allowed to flee north. Lincoln certainly wanted to make being sent back look like a great deal. Some 600,000-700,000 of them died there ... how many soldiers died on both sides, again? ....
And tht after he admitted he looking for somebody to kill. But since he was black, he only got 19 years. It's a myth that blacks ger harsher sentences than whites, of course, but this is definitely an inappropriate case of leniency..

You have got to be the biggest idiot on this forum if you believe that stupid shit. The US Justice System is the most racist institution this country has damn near ever seen, do you think somebody just made up that the there are 2 Justice systems in this country. Separate and Unequal, have you ever heard that.

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

When Jefferson et al sent freed slaves back to Africa, they set themselves up as .... drum roll please ... slave plantation owners. Blacks aren't against slavery, they love it, and the whiners like Suprbadbooger and IM2stupid actually pine to be made slaves again.

Well Dickarohead, try bringing it back.
Driver Ran Over 11-Year-Old Girl “Because She Was White” – Police
An 11-year-old girl is recovering from severe injuries after a man intentionally hit her with his car because she is white, according to police.

This is the mental illness of the left MSM has created just look what the assholes onn here say LOL.......

We need to bring back public hangings for idiots like this. Consider it a late term abortion or just thinning the herd. I'm sick of this crap.
How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

No more than Europeans returning to Europe.

Or is it because you are able to get a lil white pussy now and then? hehheh

That is what really scares you isn't it.
Getting all that white pussy tells us all how you feel about the black pussy you get. Black guys reek of machismo. But are the biggest pussies around following the Black women who are in political power of any kind in their revenue begathons. Its sad how you lick the chitt out of their azzes. And yet you show your women no respect at all in relationships and they have acted accordingly. Where did their attitude come from? And it hurts them. You beat the chitt out of people but are not men in enough numbers to bring civility to a neighborhood.

Damn the racist are spewing it out deep today.

Yes, you gimps are shoveling all right; too bad it's the same thing you whine about every day all day. But don't worry, even though blacks report faggot and bi-faggot sexual relations at 2.5 times the rates of whites, that still gives you a about a 1 in 3 chance of landing a white sugar daddy, so don't despair, just keep cruisng the bath houses and parks.

DH sounds like you are coming out the closet.

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