Driver ran over 11 year ol girl because she was white

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

Abraham Lincoln 'wanted to deport slaves' to new colonies
Yet it was not mandatory to move.

It was mandatory to shove them into 'contraband camps' or forced to work govt plantations, though, and they weren't allowed to flee north. Lincoln certainly wanted to make being sent back look like a great deal. Some 600,000-700,000 of them died there ... how many soldiers died on both sides, again? ....
I didn't count did you?
Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

No more than Europeans returning to Europe.

Or is it because you are able to get a lil white pussy now and then? hehheh

That is what really scares you isn't it.
Getting all that white pussy tells us all how you feel about the black pussy you get. Black guys reek of machismo. But are the biggest pussies around following the Black women who are in political power of any kind in their revenue begathons. Its sad how you lick the chitt out of their azzes. And yet you show your women no respect at all in relationships and they have acted accordingly. Where did their attitude come from? And it hurts them. You beat the chitt out of people but are not men in enough numbers to bring civility to a neighborhood.

Damn the racist are spewing it out deep today.

Yes, you gimps are shoveling all right; too bad it's the same thing you whine about every day all day. But don't worry, even though blacks report faggot and bi-faggot sexual relations at 2.5 times the rates of whites, that still gives you a about a 1 in 3 chance of landing a white sugar daddy, so don't despair, just keep cruisng the bath houses and parks.

DH sounds like you are coming out the closet.
You didn't see the pass he just made?
More Democrat Neggra racial hate. This is where all those jungle monkeys are getting their hate.

Former Democratic Congressional Candidate Saira Rao Says She Hates White People And America

Former Democratic Congressional Candidate Saira Rao Says She Hates White People And America

A former Democratic congressional candidate attacked white people and the American flag in a series of angry tweets Sunday.

Saira Rao, who ran for Congress in Colorado’s first district last year, blamed white people for making her life “miserable,” and said that she can’t stand the sight of the American flag.

Then we have Crooked Hillary that loved the filthy bitch.

You have got to be the biggest idiot on this forum if you believe that stupid shit. The US Justice System is the most racist institution this country has damn near ever seen, do you think somebody just made up that the there are 2 Justice systems in this country. Separate and Unequal, have you ever heard that.

black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

When Jefferson et al sent freed slaves back to Africa, they set themselves up as .... drum roll please ... slave plantation owners. Blacks aren't against slavery, they love it, and the whiners like Suprbadbooger and IM2stupid actually pine to be made slaves again.

Well Dickarohead, try bringing it back.

Now you even want white people to do that for you; you're too lazy, and it's not like white people need slaves any more, most never owned any anyway, so you'll just have to try and make yourselves useful again.
Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

No more than Europeans returning to Europe.

Or is it because you are able to get a lil white pussy now and then? hehheh

That is what really scares you isn't it.
Getting all that white pussy tells us all how you feel about the black pussy you get. Black guys reek of machismo. But are the biggest pussies around following the Black women who are in political power of any kind in their revenue begathons. Its sad how you lick the chitt out of their azzes. And yet you show your women no respect at all in relationships and they have acted accordingly. Where did their attitude come from? And it hurts them. You beat the chitt out of people but are not men in enough numbers to bring civility to a neighborhood.

Damn the racist are spewing it out deep today.

Yes, you gimps are shoveling all right; too bad it's the same thing you whine about every day all day. But don't worry, even though blacks report faggot and bi-faggot sexual relations at 2.5 times the rates of whites, that still gives you a about a 1 in 3 chance of landing a white sugar daddy, so don't despair, just keep cruisng the bath houses and parks.

DH sounds like you are coming out the closet.

I'm sure you hope you have a chance at blowing me, but you're stuck with moonglow.
No more than Europeans returning to Europe.

That is what really scares you isn't it.
Getting all that white pussy tells us all how you feel about the black pussy you get. Black guys reek of machismo. But are the biggest pussies around following the Black women who are in political power of any kind in their revenue begathons. Its sad how you lick the chitt out of their azzes. And yet you show your women no respect at all in relationships and they have acted accordingly. Where did their attitude come from? And it hurts them. You beat the chitt out of people but are not men in enough numbers to bring civility to a neighborhood.

Damn the racist are spewing it out deep today.

Yes, you gimps are shoveling all right; too bad it's the same thing you whine about every day all day. But don't worry, even though blacks report faggot and bi-faggot sexual relations at 2.5 times the rates of whites, that still gives you a about a 1 in 3 chance of landing a white sugar daddy, so don't despair, just keep cruisng the bath houses and parks.

DH sounds like you are coming out the closet.
You didn't see the pass he just made?

He is going to have to get with one of his other butt buddies for that.
No more than Europeans returning to Europe.

That is what really scares you isn't it.
Getting all that white pussy tells us all how you feel about the black pussy you get. Black guys reek of machismo. But are the biggest pussies around following the Black women who are in political power of any kind in their revenue begathons. Its sad how you lick the chitt out of their azzes. And yet you show your women no respect at all in relationships and they have acted accordingly. Where did their attitude come from? And it hurts them. You beat the chitt out of people but are not men in enough numbers to bring civility to a neighborhood.

Damn the racist are spewing it out deep today.

Yes, you gimps are shoveling all right; too bad it's the same thing you whine about every day all day. But don't worry, even though blacks report faggot and bi-faggot sexual relations at 2.5 times the rates of whites, that still gives you a about a 1 in 3 chance of landing a white sugar daddy, so don't despair, just keep cruisng the bath houses and parks.

DH sounds like you are coming out the closet.

I'm sure you hope you have a chance at blowing me, but you're stuck with moonglow.

Sorry DH, I get down with the ladies not the lames.
black racists should go back to afrreeeka if they think it is so bad here....ever heard on one that wanted to go back? hmmmmm i wonder why?

When I become President I will initiate a policy of paying blacks to return to da them one way tickets and dat is dat boyos.

How about we buy one and send your ass back to Europe.

Actually it would be a plus plus for everyone begin set up a big colony in Liberia....recruit via whatever means required to get the best negroes and support them to the fullest extent in Liberia as they develop a modern African state there...might require a lot of highly skilled whites to help them over there. Once it is viewed as successful as in good living conditions, good wages etc. then blacks might be motivated to return.

Folks like you are a joke, you have never accomplished shit in your life you just try to claim the accomplishments of other white folks.

Do you think Africans returning to Africa is a bad idea or do you just want to remain a subserviant class in America the the nation established by whites...for whites?

No more than Europeans returning to Europe.

Or is it because you are able to get a lil white pussy now and then? hehheh

That is what really scares you isn't it.
Getting all that white pussy tells us all how you feel about the black pussy you get. Black guys reek of machismo. But are the biggest pussies around following the Black women who are in political power of any kind in their revenue begathons. Its sad how you lick the chitt out of their azzes. And yet you show your women no respect at all in relationships and they have acted accordingly. Where did their attitude come from? And it hurts them. You beat the chitt out of people but are not men in enough numbers to bring civility to a neighborhood.

Damn the racist are spewing it out deep today.
You spew your truths but can not take truths back. Anyone who has worked in the inner cities knows the games. If you spout on sites like this to get people to spew things for your proof pleasures, then how many years and decades are you going to do it for? How long do you think other people are going to put up with it? I know my lot in life. I am no one special. I know most others are not also no matter their backgrounds. I know bullcrap though. At some point the best of the best has to show up and become industrialists, tech giants, inventors, business moguls and more employing millions of people and millions more. You got my support and most others. You got my taxes and most others. Now pay back the American community instead of whining with men and women who are great at these things. Am I being mean? This is the real bread and butter. Anything with regards to employment in government or monopoly or near the same is half a slice. America is losing its leading edge. I guarantee you will know it when East Asia takes over.
African Blacks owes America for bringing them here. If we hadn't there wouldn't be any heirs demanding repatriation. They'd all be eaten.
Former Democratic Congressional Candidate Saira Rao Says She Hates White People And America.

“After her primary defeat, Rao said that she was ready to ‘give up’ on white people, blaming them for her loss. Before her loss, Rao also wrote an open letter to the Democratic party in the Huffington Post, ripping them for not doing enough to combat racism.”​

The lack of self-awareness is strong in this one.

Utah driver, 19, says he was high when he intentionally hit girl, 11, ‘because she was white’ and told her ‘we all die sometime’ as she lay in the road.

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