Drone patrol instead of a wall?

If instead of building a wall, a fleet of drones were sent to the border with darts coated with thorazine, to tranquilize trespassers so the Border Patrol could come over later pick them up and cart them back across the border, would libs object to the plan?

Drones can be used, but will they please leftards?
I don't know about arming the drones since they can just track illegal crossers until they can be picked up. Putting a loudspeaker on the drones might be more effective and humane to discourage crossers. Sounds better and cheaper than a $25 B wall. In fact they've been used since the 1970's.

Tranquilizing trespassers makes them easier to pick up and a lot less likely to escape the dragnet.
How long will it be before they dart a family picnic?

Since the US is used to catch and release, why do we even bother detecting them in order to detain them so that we can just release them again?

No, the issue it stopping them from coming in the first place, which only a wall will do.

Besides, the army of NSA drones are dedicated to watching law abiding American citizens. Any other use would be racist.
Since the US is used to catch and release, why do we even bother detecting them in order to detain them so that we can just release them again?

No, the issue it stopping them from coming in the first place, which only a wall will do.
Seems like a wall is a hammer while successful illegal border crossings are an increasingly smaller and smaller gnat. Seems like a better use of the money would be elsewhere or better yet send some of those billions and maybe some troops to Central America to assist those countries in fighting crime and poverty. That will help keep immigrants in their own country and be more in keeping with America's traditions.

But illegal border crossings represent a relatively small share of the number of people who enter the country, legally or otherwise, in any given year, according to the Department of Homeland Security's data.

A September 2017 Office of Immigration Statistics data brief estimated that in fiscal year 2016, the latest year for which complete data is available, there were 170,000 successful illegal border crossings occurring outside of authorized ports of entry. That's down roughly 90 percent since 2000, and it's about one-seventh of the roughly 1.2 million immigrants who obtained lawful permanent resident status via a green card, according to the Department of Homeland Security.​

Since the US is used to catch and release, why do we even bother detecting them in order to detain them so that we can just release them again?

No, the issue it stopping them from coming in the first place, which only a wall will do.
Seems like a wall is a hammer while successful illegal border crossings are an increasingly smaller and smaller gnat. Seems like a better use of the money would be elsewhere or better yet send some of those billions and maybe some troops to Central America to assist those countries in fighting crime and poverty. That will help keep immigrants in their own country and be more in keeping with America's traditions.

But illegal border crossings represent a relatively small share of the number of people who enter the country, legally or otherwise, in any given year, according to the Department of Homeland Security's data.

A September 2017 Office of Immigration Statistics data brief estimated that in fiscal year 2016, the latest year for which complete data is available, there were 170,000 successful illegal border crossings occurring outside of authorized ports of entry. That's down roughly 90 percent since 2000, and it's about one-seventh of the roughly 1.2 million immigrants who obtained lawful permanent resident status via a green card, according to the Department of Homeland Security.​

You realize that there are millions already here who must be sent back home to the families they left behind.
We need the wall to make sure they don’t come back again.
You realize that there are millions already here who must be sent back home to the families they left behind.
We need the wall to make sure they don’t come back again.[/QUOTE]
Is that your gut talking or your brain? Wikipedia has a different (and well foot-noted) view:

Research shows that illegal immigrants increase the size of the U.S. economy, contribute to economic growth, enhance the welfare of natives, contribute more in tax revenue than they collect, reduce American firms' incentives to offshore jobs and import foreign-produced goods, and benefit consumers by reducing the prices of goods and services.[3][4][5][6][7] Economists estimate that legalization of the illegal immigrant population would increase the immigrants' earnings and consumption considerably, and increase U.S. gross domestic product.[8][9][10][11] There is scholarly consensus that illegal immigrants commit less crime than natives.[12][13] Sanctuary cities – which adopt policies designed to avoid prosecuting people solely for being in the country illegally – have no statistically meaningful impact on crime, and may reduce the crime rate.[14][15] Research suggests that immigration enforcement has no impact on crime rates.[16][17][14]
You realize that there are millions already here who must be sent back home to the families they left behind.
We need the wall to make sure they don’t come back again.
Is that your gut talking or your brain? Wikipedia has a different (and well foot-noted) view:

Research shows that illegal immigrants increase the size of the U.S. economy, contribute to economic growth, enhance the welfare of natives, contribute more in tax revenue than they collect, reduce American firms' incentives to offshore jobs and import foreign-produced goods, and benefit consumers by reducing the prices of goods and services.[3][4][5][6][7] Economists estimate that legalization of the illegal immigrant population would increase the immigrants' earnings and consumption considerably, and increase U.S. gross domestic product.[8][9][10][11] There is scholarly consensus that illegal immigrants commit less crime than natives.[12][13] Sanctuary cities – which adopt policies designed to avoid prosecuting people solely for being in the country illegally – have no statistically meaningful impact on crime, and may reduce the crime rate.[14][15] Research suggests that immigration enforcement has no impact on crime rates.[16][17][14][/QUOTE]
Key word...Illegals.
Slave Labor is Good for Whitey.
Slave Labor undercuts minorities and helps to sustain inter-generational welfare.
Key word...Illegals.
Slave Labor is Good for Whitey.
Slave Labor undercuts minorities and helps to sustain inter-generational welfare.
Got any numbers to back this up?

My grandfather spoke no English when he arrived here. He would collect scraps from garment factories and sell them as rags. Later he was a delivery man, coal in the winter and ice in the summer. He carried those to 4 and 5-floor, walk up, tenements. He never considered himself a slave.
Key word...Illegals.
Slave Labor is Good for Whitey.
Slave Labor undercuts minorities and helps to sustain inter-generational welfare.
Got any numbers to back this up?

My grandfather spoke no English when he arrived here. He would collect scraps from garment factories and sell them as rags. Later he was a delivery man, coal in the winter and ice in the summer. He carried those to 4 and 5-floor, walk up, tenements. He never considered himself a slave.
Do you live in a cave?
No one who came here spoke English; they learned it.
I meet 2nd and 3rd generation Mexicans who still don’t know English.
Do you live in a cave?
No one who came here spoke English; they learned it.
I meet 2nd and 3rd generation Mexicans who still don’t know English.
I prefer data to anecdotes but since you don't, here's mine: I have met 1st generation Hispanics that do speak English.

Here is what Hispanics say:

Do immigrants have to speak English to say they are part of American society, or not?
Do you live in a cave?
No one who came here spoke English; they learned it.
I meet 2nd and 3rd generation Mexicans who still don’t know English.
I prefer data to anecdotes but since you don't, here's mine: I have met 1st generation Hispanics that do speak English.

Here is what Hispanics say:

Do immigrants have to speak English to say they are part of American society, or not?
You mean the government statistics that stated that Americans are uneducated and we need an endless stream of Indian Business Visas?
I don’t believe most of the agenda driven government numbers.
If instead of building a wall, a fleet of drones were sent to the border with darts coated with thorazine, to tranquilize trespassers so the Border Patrol could come over later pick them up and cart them back across the border, would libs object to the plan?

Drones can be used, but will they please leftards?
Moral humans would object to tranquilizing them. It's a lie that dems are against border security. Stop swallowing all of trumps lies. Dems have voted for increased security in Bill's. Dems are simply against the bigoted rhetoric and lies meant to gain support for the symbolic wall. If that's what the wall is built on, lies and hate, it will be torn down in a generation.

Dems would probably support more technology including drones. It would be far cheaper and more effective. An un surveilled wall would be ineffective.

Increased security in Bill's what? Which Bill are we talking about? Clinton? Gates? Belichick? Bailey?

Try English you libtard!
Do you live in a cave?
No one who came here spoke English; they learned it.
I meet 2nd and 3rd generation Mexicans who still don’t know English.
I prefer data to anecdotes but since you don't, here's mine: I have met 1st generation Hispanics that do speak English.

Here is what Hispanics say:

Do immigrants have to speak English to say they are part of American society, or not?
“I have met”...Wow! You lowered yourself to meet a Hispanic in VA.
I meet them all the time; 90% of them speak Spanish and make $5.00/hour.
I don’t believe most of the agenda driven government numbers.
Because you have your own agenda-driven numbers?
Because you’re full of shit.
You didn’t even provide a Link.
Plus it’s an issue when half of a population is of the opinion that English isn’t important and my tax dollars are used to provide multi-language forms for everything to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
Everywhere I look we’re catering to Spanish.
I don’t see us catering to any other population to the degree that we cater to Spanish speakers.
I don’t believe most of the agenda driven government numbers.
Because you have your own agenda-driven numbers?
Because you’re full of shit.
You didn’t even provide a Link.
Plus it’s an issue when half of a population is of the opinion that English isn’t important and my tax dollars are used to provide multi-language forms for everything to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
Everywhere I look we’re catering to Spanish.
I don’t see us catering to any other population to the degree that we cater to Spanish speakers.
You don't believe the government because of me???? Get a grip.

When my grandparents immigrated they lived in a neighborhood where almost everyone spoke their language. They had their own schools, theaters, and newspapers.

My wife's grandmother came to this country as a young woman. She lived and worked here the rest of her life yet never learned English. She was not Hispanic.

You may not approve but this is how America has always been.
I don’t believe most of the agenda driven government numbers.
Because you have your own agenda-driven numbers?
Because you’re full of shit.
You didn’t even provide a Link.
Plus it’s an issue when half of a population is of the opinion that English isn’t important and my tax dollars are used to provide multi-language forms for everything to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
Everywhere I look we’re catering to Spanish.
I don’t see us catering to any other population to the degree that we cater to Spanish speakers.
You don't believe the government because of me???? Get a grip.

When my grandparents immigrated they lived in a neighborhood where almost everyone spoke their language. They had their own schools, theaters, and newspapers.

My wife's grandmother came to this country as a young woman. She lived and worked here the rest of her life yet never learned English. She was not Hispanic.

You may not approve but this is how America has always been.
I don’t believe the government due to the reason I stated.
You did read my post?
Bill Gates tells Congress that anyone not born in India is a retard and the government starts producing web sites about shortage of Americans with unspecified skills.
Trump exposes the bullshit and suddenly Americans have jobs and the unemployment rate amongst professionals plummets.
So, yes, the government, comprised of human beings, produces doctored stats all the time.
Bill Gates tells Congress that anyone not born in India is a retard and the government starts producing web sites about shortage of Americans with unspecified skills.
Trump exposes the bullshit and suddenly Americans have jobs and the unemployment rate amongst professionals plummets.
So, yes, the government, comprised of human beings, produces doctored stats all the time.
Have you been directly impacted by immigration or are you just a angry, bitter racist?

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