Drone patrol instead of a wall?

If instead of building a wall, a fleet of drones were sent to the border with darts coated with thorazine, to tranquilize trespassers so the Border Patrol could come over later pick them up and cart them back across the border, would libs object to the plan?

Drones can be used, but will they please leftards?
I don't know about arming the drones since they can just track illegal crossers until they can be picked up. Putting a loudspeaker on the drones might be more effective and humane to discourage crossers. Sounds better and cheaper than a $25 B wall. In fact they've been used since the 1970's.
Pick them up and house them and...
Let me guess.

1. All of you just became aware of southern border when Trump got elected??

2. Non of you are not aware that drones was used but failed tremendously.

Drones on the Border: Efficacy and Privacy Implications

Although drones have been widely used in foreign battlefields, they have failed to help CBP apprehend illegal border crossers and seize drugs. Drones have led to only 0.5 percent of apprehensions at a cost of $32,000 per arrest.
Drones will work as well as more boots on the ground

Still a wall may be needed

Put up a 20 foot wall around the whitehouse and cut the electricity

Kill two birds with one stone
If instead of building a wall, a fleet of drones were sent to the border with darts coated with thorazine, to tranquilize trespassers so the Border Patrol could come over later pick them up and cart them back across the border, would libs object to the plan?

Drones can be used, but will they please leftards?

Talk about the best way to do the job, has been used by the vile filthy Left as a tactic to avoid doing ANYTHING for generations.

So, not more talk.

As soon as we get the check from Mexico sonny

The lib wants to wait. What a shocker.

You forgot to claim to be for border security.

Just following what your messiah said....he wasn’t lying; was he?
No, what if the individual has an allergic reaction and dies?

You can see MSM going full mental nutter over it...
Drones can be easily grounded by a corrupt Democrat President.
A wall eliminates the possibility that some POS like Obama just grounds everything periodically so he can get a 100,000 fresh voters into, say, Texas to help win elections.
They know this which is why they oppose anything they cannot easily undo when they get the White House. Democrats don't have OUR best interest at heart. They cannot be trusted with political power.
If instead of building a wall, a fleet of drones were sent to the border with darts coated with thorazine, to tranquilize trespassers so the Border Patrol could come over later pick them up and cart them back across the border, would libs object to the plan?

Drones can be used, but will they please leftards?
Moral humans would object to tranquilizing them. It's a lie that dems are against border security. Stop swallowing all of trumps lies. Dems have voted for increased security in Bill's. Dems are simply against the bigoted rhetoric and lies meant to gain support for the symbolic wall. If that's what the wall is built on, lies and hate, it will be torn down in a generation.

Dems would probably support more technology including drones. It would be far cheaper and more effective. An un surveilled wall would be ineffective.
If instead of building a wall, a fleet of drones were sent to the border with darts coated with thorazine, to tranquilize trespassers so the Border Patrol could come over later pick them up and cart them back across the border, would libs object to the plan?

Drones can be used, but will they please leftards?
They can buy the drones from RadioShack...
If instead of building a wall, a fleet of drones were sent to the border with darts coated with thorazine, to tranquilize trespassers so the Border Patrol could come over later pick them up and cart them back across the border, would libs object to the plan?

Drones can be used, but will they please leftards?
They already use them to track traffic on the highways so...
If instead of building a wall, a fleet of drones were sent to the border with darts coated with thorazine, to tranquilize trespassers so the Border Patrol could come over later pick them up and cart them back across the border, would libs object to the plan?

Drones can be used, but will they please leftards?
Moral humans would object to tranquilizing them. It's a lie that dems are against border security. Stop swallowing all of trumps lies. Dems have voted for increased security in Bill's. Dems are simply against the bigoted rhetoric and lies meant to gain support for the symbolic wall. If that's what the wall is built on, lies and hate, it will be torn down in a generation.

Dems would probably support more technology including drones. It would be far cheaper and more effective. An un surveilled wall would be ineffective.

What's "immoral" about tranquilizing people? We do it all the time in this country, tranquilizers used to be the #1 best sellers at the pharmacy before opioids took over the lead
If instead of building a wall, a fleet of drones were sent to the border with darts coated with thorazine, to tranquilize trespassers so the Border Patrol could come over later pick them up and cart them back across the border, would libs object to the plan?

Drones can be used, but will they please leftards?

Talk about the best way to do the job, has been used by the vile filthy Left as a tactic to avoid doing ANYTHING for generations.

So, not more talk.

As soon as we get the check from Mexico sonny

The lib wants to wait. What a shocker.

You forgot to claim to be for border security.

Just following what your messiah said....he wasn’t lying; was he?

1. Your rationalization for inaction is irrelevant noise from your face hole.

2. Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of government. ONly an enemy of that community could be against that.
If instead of building a wall, a fleet of drones were sent to the border with darts coated with thorazine, to tranquilize trespassers so the Border Patrol could come over later pick them up and cart them back across the border, would libs object to the plan?

Drones can be used, but will they please leftards?

Talk about the best way to do the job, has been used by the vile filthy Left as a tactic to avoid doing ANYTHING for generations.

So, not more talk.

As soon as we get the check from Mexico sonny

The lib wants to wait. What a shocker.

You forgot to claim to be for border security.

Just following what your messiah said....he wasn’t lying; was he?

1. Your rationalization for inaction is irrelevant noise from your face hole.

2. Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of government. ONly an enemy of that community could be against that.

He said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. As soon as they do, then we can build it. He's the one holding up the show; not me sonny boy.
Unless he was lying...was he?
Talk about the best way to do the job, has been used by the vile filthy Left as a tactic to avoid doing ANYTHING for generations.

So, not more talk.

As soon as we get the check from Mexico sonny

The lib wants to wait. What a shocker.

You forgot to claim to be for border security.

Just following what your messiah said....he wasn’t lying; was he?

1. Your rationalization for inaction is irrelevant noise from your face hole.

2. Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of government. ONly an enemy of that community could be against that.

He said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. As soon as they do, then we can build it. He's the one holding up the show; not me sonny boy.
Unless he was lying...was he?

1. Your rationalization for inaction is irrelevant noise from your face hole.

2. Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of government. ONly an enemy of that community could be against that.
As soon as we get the check from Mexico sonny

The lib wants to wait. What a shocker.

You forgot to claim to be for border security.

Just following what your messiah said....he wasn’t lying; was he?

1. Your rationalization for inaction is irrelevant noise from your face hole.

2. Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of government. ONly an enemy of that community could be against that.

1. Your rationalization for inaction is irrelevant noise from your face hole.

2. Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of government. ONly an enemy of that community could be against that.

I like how your cut and pasted your typo as well. Boy; you are dumb.
I keep my door at home locked, not wide open.

And its not because I am concerned about getting robbed, murdered to death or subjected to ass rapery by gay thugs.

I have an appropriate firearm in my nightstand, if someone wanted to give me trouble like that , good luck to them.

However, what I am concerned about is bums coming in uninvited just to chill. That's the real peril, why I keep the doors locked. These people aren't going to kill me, but they would create a real hassle if they were just allowed to come in unimpeded.

Most illegals coming into the country aren't terrorists and MS 13's, and aren't seeking to anally violate our people.

But they are still a bother, and to not have a wall still subjects Americans to hassle.

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