Drought damage homes

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
This drought has cost billions in agriculteral damage, and now another billion dollars to private homes.

U.S. drought adds up to costly fixes as basements, foundations crack | Nation/World | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Home repair businesses, especially those specializing in repairs to basements and foundations, can barely keep up with demand. Drought-related home damage is reported in 40 of the 48 contiguous states, and experts say damage to homes could exceed $1 billion.

Dan Jaggers, a board member of the Basement Health Association, a Dayton, Ohio-based trade group for basement and foundation repair businesses, said this year's drought is probably the worst for homes since the late 1950s. Houses in the central U.S. -- from Louisiana up through the Dakotas -- are getting the worst of it, but significant damage is being reported all across the country, he said.
Drought in Texas...
The New Dust Bowl
September 2012 - Texans have endured dry days before. They’ve seen lakes vanish and rangeland wither. But the drought of 2011 was gut-kicking even by Texas standards.
He’s seen it all before. Back in the Dust Bowl days he watched in awe as dark clouds of topsoil swallowed up the family ranch. That was in the mid-1930s, when Bill Tullos was just a boy. He still lives on the ranch outside San Angelo, Texas, and that memory is still vivid. “Day turned to night,” he recalls. It was even worse in the 1950s. The rains didn’t come. Grazing lands withered. Water holes dried up. “We said, Well, it will rain tomorrow,” Tullos says. “We waited seven years before it finally broke.”

Last year he saw the signs once more. “Normally May and June are our rainy months, and we just weren’t getting any rain,” he says. So he started selling his animals at the local auction house. First the cattle, then the sheep and goats. “The 1950s nearly broke me. This time I was determined it wasn’t going to happen to me.” By the end of 2011 Tullos was down to 300 goats on his 8,000-acre spread. The man who had seen it all—taking over the family business at 16 after his father died—was calling it quits. “It was nearly heartbreaking, it sure was,” he says.


All across West Texas, men and women accustomed to toughing it out were nearing their breaking point. Those who managed to hang on were spending a fortune on feed and hay for livestock or on water to irrigate dusty fields. The air was so hot and dry, much of the water sprayed on the soil evaporated before it could soak in. “They just couldn’t keep up,” Buzz Cooper says of the cotton farmers near Lubbock who normally bring their crops to his gin. In May two-thirds of the nearby fields were bare ground.

By September Texas had suffered the driest 12 months in its history. Farmers across the state lost more than eight billion dollars. In West Texas, where people are used to hardship, the drought caused some to question whether their way of life was even possible anymore. Although the winter at last brought some nourishing rain, they still faced a long road back to good times.

Extreme Weather - Sidebar: The New Dust Bowl - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine
Maybe it's... Could it be...No it must be... Yes it is... Definitely man made Global Warming.
Severe droughts in Spain, Australia, Mexico and the US, and with increasing severity and frequency.

I posted on another thread that parts of Australia have had 10 droughts in the past 15 years - up from an average of around 1 per decade going back 40 or 50 years.

And still not a single Climate Sceptic will discuss the issue at all. They just spam the thread and run away when the facts start appearing.
Severe droughts in Spain, Australia, Mexico and the US, and with increasing severity and frequency.

I posted on another thread that parts of Australia have had 10 droughts in the past 15 years - up from an average of around 1 per decade going back 40 or 50 years.

And still not a single Climate Sceptic will discuss the issue at all. They just spam the thread and run away when the facts start appearing.

What facts? Our planet historically goes through climate changes long before man was around. Like the Ice Age happened because Dinosaurs had a heavy handed carbon footprint... Ridiculous.
Tjvh -

It isn't ridiculous if you look at the facts - but you won't, will you?

This is something you could quickly get up to speed on and thus understand - but I don't think you have those balls, myself.

And that really is all it comes down to.
Severe droughts in Spain, Australia, Mexico and the US, and with increasing severity and frequency.

I posted on another thread that parts of Australia have had 10 droughts in the past 15 years - up from an average of around 1 per decade going back 40 or 50 years.

And still not a single Climate Sceptic will discuss the issue at all. They just spam the thread and run away when the facts start appearing.

The droughts are cyclical. I posted numerous links proving that you are wrong. You just choose to ignore them all.
Katz -

Post them here and I'd be very interested to see them. I would think mot of us interested in the topic would be interested if they are from a reliable source.

That certainly is not what I've been reading recently!
Do any of us here ever remember another drought that went from Maine to California and from Canada to Mexico?

I can't remember that ever happening before.

Droughts happen, that is true.

When was the last time one happened on this scale?

The period of drought that happened during the dust bowl period of the 30s wasn't from sea to shining sea, I can tell you that.
Every time the frequency of extreme weather over the last decade is brought up, the denialists inevitably point out a single event of equal magnitude, failing completely to note that it is the frequency of severe events that we are speaking of.

And soon, like our summer in March this year, I think will will be seeing more events which have no historic precident.
Tjvh -

It isn't ridiculous if you look at the facts - but you won't, will you?

This is something you could quickly get up to speed on and thus understand - but I don't think you have those balls, myself.

And that really is all it comes down to.

but I don't think you have those balls, myself. Translation: Liberals get downright mean and nasty whenever you try to question their ridiculously flawed Ideologies... Their Science is based on historical data which only scratches the surface of eons of Earth's naturally occurring Climate change, and generous Government Grants. Nobody argues that Earth didn't undergo an Ice Age... Where did man's carbon emissions lead to that? The idea that humans can alter Climate by simple actions is astoundingly ridiculous. Mother Nature has her own ways of eradicating life from this planet, and when she decides it's time, all the Scientists alive aren't going to save you. You idiots can claim Climate Change is caused by Coal or someone running their lawnmower, but the fact remains... You don't have enough years of data to prove your assertions. Scientists who claim man is responsible for changing climate will show us a graph in one hand, and hide an open hand receiving Grant money in another. When Political agenda's, Scientists, and money get thrown together... Rational thinking excludes itself from the mix. Sorry if I'm not buying into what you are selling.
Former “alarmist” scientist says Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) based in false science « Hot Air
The Weakness of the AGW Theory | Climate Change Sanity
Oh boy, here we go again. Another "it's all a government scheme" without any explanation of why the government would do that scheme.

The facts of AGW have been confirmed by scientists from every country and political system in the world.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

The physics of AGW has been understood since 1858 when Tyndall mapped the absorption spectra of GHGs. In 1896, Svante Arrhenius first quantified the affects of the increasing CO2 in the atmosphere. That you apparently don't know that the physics of GHG warming of the atmosphere indicates that you have done little research and are flapping yap through a megaphone of ignorance.

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