DRUDGE REPORT news to make rational folks cringe. GOP is worthless

What a bunch of clowns. They just want to be able to say either:

- Obama cut military funding
- Obama spent like a drunk soccer mom

By ceding power, and thus, ceding THEIR responsibility to govern, they act like cowards. No wonder most of America decided the GOP is not fit to govern. THey are now saying so themselves.

So the GOP plans on "winning" through quitting...... A tactic obviously taken from the Sarah Palin playbook.

If the GOP would just be rational about compromise instead of trying every trick they can think of to get their way, they wouldn't be considered laughingstock today.

Who are you kidding?? obama hasn't even bothered to come to the table to discuss ANYTHING.....and you want to point fingers at the pubs and blame them for not being "rational"??? At least they show up at the bargaining table, which is more than I can say for the idiot in the WH. The pubs are generally worthless, agreed...but the dems are just as bad, if not worse. The only thing they have going for them is a compliant media. Without that, they are toast.
Congress cannot give away any of its constitutional powers. If you want to change the constitution, you have to amend it.
What a bunch of clowns. They just want to be able to say either:

- Obama cut military funding
- Obama spent like a drunk soccer mom

By ceding power, and thus, ceding THEIR responsibility to govern, they act like cowards. No wonder most of America decided the GOP is not fit to govern. THey are now saying so themselves.

So the GOP plans on "winning" through quitting...... A tactic obviously taken from the Sarah Palin playbook.

If the GOP would just be rational about compromise instead of trying every trick they can think of to get their way, they wouldn't be considered laughingstock today.

Who are you kidding?? obama hasn't even bothered to come to the table to discuss ANYTHING.....and you want to point fingers at the pubs and blame them for not being "rational"??? At least they show up at the bargaining table, which is more than I can say for the idiot in the WH. The pubs are generally worthless, agreed...but the dems are just as bad, if not worse. The only thing they have going for them is a compliant media. Without that, they are toast.

What an incredibly short-term memory you have. Don't you remember McConnell making it quite clear that compromise was not in the Reps vocabulary from the beginning of Obama's first term? The Dems were forced to work around that obstacle. You'll agree that pretty much nothing has gotten done for the last two years since the Reps took over the House.

If Republicans all of a sudden want to compromise (if that's what you call quitting) now that Obama is essentially telling them to shove it, then it's obvious they have either A) just taken a large dose of their own medicine or more than likely B) they're just up to their usual slimy tricks.

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