Drug company refuses to help save 7 year old boy

So regulate them. Every economy in the world does. Adam Smith didn't even want them to exist, for good reason.

Yes, we need to regulate them and tax them fairly. Adam smith lived in a time when he didn't have a clue about the advantages of them. The increase in gdp = increase in living standards across the board and innovation is a huge plus! They're little engines of economic growth that in many ways works better then the government. Not to say that government doesn't do a good job in many areas, but can we please stay out of the 18th fucking century?:eusa_silenced:

The entire argument of both extremes kind of fails to consider the past 150 years.


How old are you? 15?

How old are you, 2? Is that how you win a argument when you're losing, asshole?:eek:
wow, attacked by a right wing loon for supporting corporations and business. ;) Weird.
Pay to play my little Nazi. You want the drug, then pay up. A drug company isn't a charity.

heartless money grubbing assholes

Chimerex refuses to allow Josh Hardy, 7, access to life-saving Brincidofovir medicine | Mail Online This would not happen if the CORRECT kind of government controlled things like this...

Fortunately we have caused so much uproar over this he is getting the help he needs.

You fucking moron don't even know the issue here. It's the FDA hasn't approved the drug yet, but they previously were allowed to administer it via compassionate uses. HOWEVER, the government makes that use expense and burdensome. The FDA approval process is long, costly, burdensome, filled without unnecessary red tape, waste and unnecessary delays. If the FDA approved it, this kids would have been able to obtain the drug easily. Since the FDA has not yet, it's costly and burdensome to go the non-approved route.

NEVERTHELESS, the company CEO and executives that made the decision to deny compassionate use because it is too costly is just heartless and well WRONG. Esp in this case. Thank god it went viral and thank god the company is finally doing the right thing!
Pay to play my little Nazi. You want the drug, then pay up. A drug company isn't a charity.

heartless money grubbing assholes

Chimerex refuses to allow Josh Hardy, 7, access to life-saving Brincidofovir medicine | Mail Online This would not happen if the CORRECT kind of government controlled things like this...

Fortunately we have caused so much uproar over this he is getting the help he needs.

You fucking moron don't even know the issue here. It's the FDA hasn't approved the drug yet, but they previously were allowed to administer it via compassionate uses. HOWEVER, the government makes that use expense and burdensome. The FDA approval process is long, costly, burdensome, filled without unnecessary red tape, waste and unnecessary delays. If the FDA approved it, this kids would have been able to obtain the drug easily. Since the FDA has not yet, it's costly and burdensome to go the non-approved route.

NEVERTHELESS, the company CEO and executives that made the decision to deny compassionate use because it is too costly is just heartless and well WRONG. Esp in this case. Thank god it went viral and thank god the company is finally doing the right thing!
Corporations don't have hearts, by law. See Dodge v Ford.
Who can blame all these leftist screamers, for failing to mention that the FDA they put in place, forbade the company from distributing this drug?

Now that a kid acutely needs it, the screamers are insisting it's the drug company's fault he's not getting it... not Big Government's fault, who forbade the company from distributing it.

Can these big-government fantics stoop any lower?

Chimerix board member blames FDA for 7-year-old Josh Hardy?s plight | Fox News

Doctors at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn recommended that Josh be treated with Brincidofovir, but the drug has not yet been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which prevented Josh’s family from gaining access to the medication. Thanks to Chimerix’s reverse decision, Josh received the drug early Wednesday morning.
Looks like it was taken care of by Organizing a Community. Who'da thunk that works?

Yes, we need to regulate them and tax them fairly. Adam smith lived in a time when he didn't have a clue about the advantages of them. The increase in gdp = increase in living standards across the board and innovation is a huge plus! They're little engines of economic growth that in many ways works better then the government. Not to say that government doesn't do a good job in many areas, but can we please stay out of the 18th fucking century?:eusa_silenced:

The entire argument of both extremes kind of fails to consider the past 150 years.


How old are you? 15?

How old are you, 2? Is that how you win a argument when you're losing, asshole?:eek:

Your arguments are invalid.
What's curious is the left insisting that the reason the kid isn't getting the drug is an inability to pay. The real reason is that the drug hasn't been approved and it's illegal to let the child take it.
Its been allowed many times already by the FDA that's just another excuse.
maybe we should take the damn company from them
Sounds good to me.
Drug company: Ailing 7-year-old Josh Hardy will get medicine - CNN.com

So a two year old decision has been reversed a few days after the request was made

Oh the evil corp and horror
It should not have taken that much effort to help a child who needs a medicine for 2 damn weeks. Evil fucking corporations rather make a buck than save a kids life in 2 weeks. Disgusting and that's EXACTLY what capitalism is about.
heartless money grubbing assholes


Chimerix CEO Kenneth Moch says giving Josh the drug would force the company to give it to other patients, draining the firm's cash and delaying the FDA approval process.

So quit being a money grubbing asshole and send Chimerix some money to defray the costs.

It should not have taken that much effort to help a child who needs a medicine for 2 damn weeks. Evil fucking corporations rather make a buck than save a kids life in 2 weeks. Disgusting and that's EXACTLY what capitalism is about.

Ok tough guy. But those who know better feel differently.

... but noted that its safety and effectiveness has not yet been established for use in children...

"St. Jude will continue to pursue state-of-the-art treatment for Josh and all of our patients. We are grateful for the efforts of Chimerix, the FDA and many others who worked to achieve this outcome. We ask that you continue to keep Josh and his family in your thoughts."...

Todd Hardy hailed Moch as a hero....

"He's a super man. He worked diligently on behalf of everybody," Hardy said. "His integrity was unquestioned. He was utterly professional."
Chimerex refuses to allow Josh Hardy, 7, access to life-saving Brincidofovir medicine | Mail Online This would not happen if the CORRECT kind of government controlled things like this...

Fortunately we have caused so much uproar over this he is getting the help he needs.

Chimerex CEO Kenneth Moch told Fox News that the company made the decision two years ago to stop the compassionate use program, saying they 'cannot afford it' anymore.

'As we progressed to larger and more complex safety trials, we made the decision two years ago to stop the program and focus resources on earning FDA approval,' Moch said.

Moch says that saying yes to Josh would mean saying yes to many more patients, draining the company's resources and delaying the time it will take for the drug to progress through the formal studies required before it can be given FDA approval and help many more future patients.

However, the company received $72 million in federal funding to develop Brincidofovir
Read more: Chimerex refuses to allow Josh Hardy, 7, access to life-saving Brincidofovir medicine | Mail Online
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I already gave them money
They shouldn't receive any federal money. Neither should any other economic sector. Be it green energy or pharma., or even agriculture.

Regardless of that, because you elect morons that give it to them, doesn't mean you have claim to lay on their production or products.

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