Drumpf packed cabinet with peole that want to do away with Social Security


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2015

Trump’s Trojan Horse Attack On Social Security | The Huffington Post


So cons this turd has lied about everything else, any bets on his big lies re Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid?

You older folks, you have enough stuffed under the mattress? Or like everyone else did you pay into Social Security your whole life knowing you had some retirement income waiting at the end?
Great news...

Out of all government programs, I vote this one the worst. Who the hell thought it was a good idea for politicians to spend your retirement savings and then have the children pay for it? Yeah, pretend that it's all there ROFLMAO.

This would be called a scam if anyone else attempted it.
People that want to kill tens of millions of seniors and fuck them out of their hard earned ssi benefits.

What scum....

For what? How will we be better off doing this???? Oh'yess, the rich will be able to use them until the die they die just to stay off the street. Sad.

All awhile our poor homeless population will go up 40 fold.
Democrats have been saying this lie since social security was started. Give it up, kinda like the race card.
People that want to kill tens of millions of seniors and fuck them out of their hard earned ssi benefits.

What scum....

For what? How will we be better off doing this???? Oh'yess, the rich will be able to use them until the die they die just to stay off the street. Sad.

All awhile our poor homeless population will go up 40 fold.

Well Trump needs to find some way to fund his weekend golf trips. He's got to make budget cuts for whats important.
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The current GOP is made up of very wealthy men and women, they see their taxes as a burden to their poor rich lives Why to them money is like a drug ..Always wanting more..They seem to think that a way of life for 4 generations is in need of abandoning, so we shall see a reverse of social welfare, so these good christian drug addicts can make sure the poor stay, poorer..
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Poor white, non-college educated conservative:
"don't worry, trump has a lifeboat for us too..."
Why do douchebag nerds who watch The Young Turks misspell President Trump's name? Do we as American citizens and taxpayers spell Obama Osama? Well, on occasion since they are both Arab, but you get my point. It is faggotry at this point, and schizophrenic denial that The Donald is President.
Why do douchebag nerds who watch The Young Turks misspell President Trump's name? Do we as American citizens and taxpayers spell Obama Osama? Well, on occasion since they are both Arab, but you get my point. It is faggotry at this point, and schizophrenic denial that The Donald is President.
Trumpet sounds better, since he's always tooting his own horn..
Why do douchebag nerds who watch The Young Turks misspell President Trump's name? Do we as American citizens and taxpayers spell Obama Osama? Well, on occasion since they are both Arab, but you get my point. It is faggotry at this point, and schizophrenic denial that The Donald is President.
Sometimes I have trouble fathoming how people could be so stupid to support Trump no matter what he does, yet here you are. I'm sure you've never set foot inside a classroom of higher learning. Not because it is "liberal indoctrination" - oh no - you just tell yourself that's the reason. The truth is that you're too dumb for it. Sadly, there's enough of you who managed to elect Trump to begin with.
Why do douchebag nerds who watch The Young Turks misspell President Trump's name? Do we as American citizens and taxpayers spell Obama Osama? Well, on occasion since they are both Arab, but you get my point. It is faggotry at this point, and schizophrenic denial that The Donald is President.
At present.
Imagine the old folks locking and loading and going on a killing spree if this happened. But since it's the gas bag ultra huffingpuffington post, well, go figure.
The lefties spell like little children because they are children. Daddy is going to take away your cookie is about as deep as it gets for them.
If the GOP tries to fuck the old people out of their SS, they will go down harder than they did with the ACA.
Folks, I love posting truth, but to be honest I enjoy it when I trigger mental cases!
People that want to kill tens of millions of seniors and fuck them out of their hard earned ssi benefits.

What scum....

For what? How will we be better off doing this???? Oh'yess, the rich will be able to use them until the die they die just to stay off the street. Sad.

All awhile our poor homeless population will go up 40 fold.


Notice no answer to whether drumpf lied out his ass, AGAIN, on the campaign trail. Maybe he'll have Sean Spazzer come out and say Social Security is worse than Hitler.

Republicans got a taste of what's going to happen if you start screwing directly with people's lives as with the huge fail of the drumpf/Republican un-healthcare act. Social Security is a Trust Fund, people pay into it every week their entire lives. It isn't just some government program it is money directly from the American people, it's THEIR money. drumpf and his colony of lepers try to take it and I think seniors will get on their rascals and have a million rascal march on Washington. Not to mention everyone else, which is everybody, that has paid tens of thousands of dollars into the Trust Fund already.

This would shape up to be Republican Waterloo.

Trump’s Trojan Horse Attack On Social Security | The Huffington Post


So cons this turd has lied about everything else, any bets on his big lies re Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid?

You older folks, you have enough stuffed under the mattress? Or like everyone else did you pay into Social Security your whole life knowing you had some retirement income waiting at the end?

She is a well-paid shill. What is lost in her diatribe is the reasoning that it is a bad idea. It is, and yet she can't even see it.

"Employee contributions, dedicated to the sole purpose of Social Security, have been part of the program’s fundamental structure from its enactment in 1935."

The irony is that she wants to pay for the program with the exact same type of tax that she is accusing Trump of doing.

Just for clarification. This is a rumor not a fact, a lobbyist not Trump, and we are talking about replacing not eliminating the funding of the program. Again, it is a dumb idea, but this woman can't latch on it.

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