Druze teen faces jail over refusing to serve in Israeli army

Does anyone here even give a fuck what Sherri posts anymore ?

The woman has no credibility, but it makes me laugh that she thinks she does !

IMO Sherri, in her sometimes clumsy yet inimitable fashion, scores point after point against her opponents because she posts facts, evidence and links while the opps are satisfied calling her a jew hating muzzie or nazi. Do you really think that plays well anywhere else except tel aviv and new york?

You will never see that because zionists are compromised beyond redemption. And it's why the world hates you. You are completely incapable of reasonable self analysis and therefore improvement.

Does anyone sane actually cares that Dhimmi Alfalfa hates the Zionists.? The word Zionist is now being used by anti-Semites insead of using Jew.
Does anyone here even give a fuck what Sherri posts anymore ?

The woman has no credibility, but it makes me laugh that she thinks she does !

IMO Sherri, in her sometimes clumsy yet inimitable fashion, scores point after point against her opponents because she posts facts, evidence and links while the opps are satisfied calling her a jew hating muzzie or nazi. Do you really think that plays well anywhere else except tel aviv and new york?

You will never see that because zionists are compromised beyond redemption. And it's why the world hates you. You are completely incapable of reasonable self analysis and therefore improvement.

Does anyone sane actually cares that Dhimmi Alfalfa hates the Zionists.? The word Zionist is now being used by anti-Semites insead of using Jew.

The word Zionist is used because the unlawful practices in Palestine in Israel's Apartheid and Occupation are being carried out by Zionists.

Zionism is the Evil that came with land stealing foreigners and colonist settlers to invade Palestine.

But we all know the days of Zionism in Palestine are numbered, thank God for that, a God who always ultimately sees Injustices like genocidal Zionist practices in Palestine come to an end!
Does anyone here even give a fuck what Sherri posts anymore ?

The woman has no credibility, but it makes me laugh that she thinks she does !

IMO Sherri, in her sometimes clumsy yet inimitable fashion, scores point after point against her opponents because she posts facts, evidence and links while the opps are satisfied calling her a jew hating muzzie or nazi. Do you really think that plays well anywhere else except tel aviv and new york?

You will never see that because zionists are compromised beyond redemption. And it's why the world hates you. You are completely incapable of reasonable self analysis and therefore improvement.

Does anyone sane actually cares that Dhimmi Alfalfa hates the Zionists.? The word Zionist is now being used by anti-Semites insead of using Jew.

No, in fact it's you and others who keep trying to make others out to be jew hating anti semites when in fact they just disagree with the policies of the state of israel and zionism.
Does anyone sane actually cares that Dhimmi Alfalfa hates the Zionists.? The word Zionist is now being used by anti-Semites insead of using Jew.
Wrong. Zionism is the biggest threat to jews on planet earth.

Zionists use Judaism like a whore uses a tampon.
Intelligence Report, Winter 2006, Issue Number: 124

Radical Traditionalist Catholics Spew Anti-Semitic Hate, Commit Violence Against Jews

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Two Treatises

by Heidi Beirich

A pair of recent books attack the Vatican and its current policies form the core of radical traditionalist teachings.


Catholics and Conspiracies

by Heidi Beirich

The Roman Catholic Church has always been an attractive target for conspiracy theorists, due in large part to its elaborate and sometimes mysterious-seeming rituals, its associations with secret societies like the Knights Templar and the Rosicrucians, and even its sometimes defensive reaction to scandals like the revelations of recent years about child-molesting priests.


Radical Powerhouse

by Heidi Beirich

The Society of St. Pius X, which has chapels and schools across the United States, remains a font of anti-Semitic propaganda.


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By Heidi Beirich, Intelligence Project Director

"Fucking Jews!"

So began Mel Gibson's now infamous anti-Semitic rant to Los Angeles sheriff's deputies who pulled him over on suspicion of drunken driving last July. "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," the world-famous movie actor continued, before asking his arresting officer: "Are you a Jew?"

After his tirade made international news, Gibson promptly disappeared into an addiction clinic. He left behind a statement, released through a spokesman, begging the Jewish community for forgiveness and suggesting that booze was to blame. He was, he wrote, "in the process of understanding where those vicious words came from during that drunken display." But their origin is easy enough to pinpoint -- the extremist Catholic beliefs Gibson learned at the knees of his anti-Semitic father.

Gibson's dad, Hutton Gibson, is an important player in the shadowy world of radical traditionalist Catholicism, also known as "integrism" or Catholic separatism. This religious subculture's teachings have little in common with the modern Roman Catholic Church and its universalistic theology. Hutton Gibson, for one, is a well-known Holocaust denier who believes the Second Vatican Council reforms of the 1960s, which made the church vastly more tolerant of other faiths, were the result of "a Masonic plot backed by the Jews." He is particularly incensed by the council's historic declaration, "Nostra Aetate," which condemned "all hatreds, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism leveled at any time or from any source against the Jews." In Gibson's world, the Second Vatican Council's liberalizing reforms are rejected and anti-Semitic teachings and conspiracy theories are heartily embraced.

Radical Traditionalist Catholics Spew Anti-Semitic Hate, Commit Violence Against Jews | Southern Poverty Law Center

And what does your Zionist hate of Catholics have to do with the thread topic?

This Druze Israeli who refuses to kill for Zionists is not a Catholic.
IMO Sherri, in her sometimes clumsy yet inimitable fashion, scores point after point against her opponents because she posts facts, evidence and links while the opps are satisfied calling her a jew hating muzzie or nazi. Do you really think that plays well anywhere else except tel aviv and new york?

You will never see that because zionists are compromised beyond redemption. And it's why the world hates you. You are completely incapable of reasonable self analysis and therefore improvement.

Does anyone sane actually cares that Dhimmi Alfalfa hates the Zionists.? The word Zionist is now being used by anti-Semites insead of using Jew.

No, in fact it's you and others who keep trying to make others out to be jew hating anti semites when in fact they just disagree with the policies of the state of israel and zionism.

Did you or did you not make this comment :

Jews are the new Nazis
Does anyone sane actually cares that Dhimmi Alfalfa hates the Zionists.? The word Zionist is now being used by anti-Semites insead of using Jew.

No, in fact it's you and others who keep trying to make others out to be jew hating anti semites when in fact they just disagree with the policies of the state of israel and zionism.

Did you or did you not make this comment :

Jews are the new Nazis

Ya. It should have read "zionists are the new nazis".
Does anyone sane actually cares that Dhimmi Alfalfa hates the Zionists.? The word Zionist is now being used by anti-Semites insead of using Jew.
Wrong. Zionism is the biggest threat to jews on planet earth.

Zionists use Judaism like a whore uses a tampon


Another stupid comment from Loinboy !

Keep em coming :)

He is just showing the readers how vulgar and crude he is, and this is probably the way he also talks in real life. Makes him feel like a tough guy. He seems to forget that there are millions and millions of Christians in the U.S. who stick up for Israel. Moreover, do you really think that he cares about the Palestinians? He makes me think of the Irish kids coming hom from Blessed Sacrament Parochial School singing On Monday we go to school. On Tuesday we beat up the Jews.
No, in fact it's you and others who keep trying to make others out to be jew hating anti semites when in fact they just disagree with the policies of the state of israel and zionism.

Did you or did you not make this comment :

Jews are the new Nazis

Ya. It should have read "zionists are the new nazis".

Isn't it great what they learn to say from the hate sites? People like Dhimmi Alfalfa say that all the time while overlooking all the killings going on in the Middle East countries. You can see why a lot of the Nazis fled to the Middle East countries after WWII. They found people simpatico with their thinking about the Jews. Alfalfa would have been perfect company for them.
Did you or did you not make this comment :

Jews are the new Nazis

Ya. It should have read "zionists are the new nazis".

Isn't it great what they learn to say from the hate sites? People like Dhimmi Alfalfa say that all the time while overlooking all the killings going on in the Middle East countries. You can see why a lot of the Nazis fled to the Middle East countries after WWII. They found people simpatico with their thinking about the Jews. Alfalfa would have been perfect company for them.

What makes you think I love muzzies?
Ya. It should have read "zionists are the new nazis".

Isn't it great what they learn to say from the hate sites? People like Dhimmi Alfalfa say that all the time while overlooking all the killings going on in the Middle East countries. You can see why a lot of the Nazis fled to the Middle East countries after WWII. They found people simpatico with their thinking about the Jews. Alfalfa would have been perfect company for them.

What makes you think I love muzzies?

Well you certainly sound like you can't wait to be a real dhimmi to them. By the way, I thought you were going to crawl back into the woodwork to get some shut-eye.
Isn't it great what they learn to say from the hate sites? People like Dhimmi Alfalfa say that all the time while overlooking all the killings going on in the Middle East countries. You can see why a lot of the Nazis fled to the Middle East countries after WWII. They found people simpatico with their thinking about the Jews. Alfalfa would have been perfect company for them.

What makes you think I love muzzies?

Well you certainly sound like you can't wait to be a real dhimmi to them. By the way, I thought you were going to crawl back into the woodwork to get some shut-eye.

Dhimmis aren't muzzies. Are they donkeys?
Alfalfa, could you give us a legitimate site where 50% of Americans don't believe Israel anymore. It would be much appreciated. I think the readers will see what a find Dhimmi Alfalfa is becoming. He has nothing to say about those murdering people in the name of their religion to start acting human and have tolerance for the religious beliefs of others.

How about I prove israel ranks above only iran, pali and NK among like 40 countries?

I want you to prove that "barely 50% of Americans don't believe Israel anymore."

We basically only have pro Israeli groups conducting such surveys, so we have no credible surveys on these questions.
What makes you think I love muzzies?

Well you certainly sound like you can't wait to be a real dhimmi to them. By the way, I thought you were going to crawl back into the woodwork to get some shut-eye.

Dhimmis aren't muzzies. Are they donkeys?

Did I say that dhimmis are Muslims? Look up dhimmi in an on-line dictionary. You could also try and find the definition of a Dhimwit, a word coined especially for people like you.
Adelson-Backed Group Surveys Israeli-Americans on Level of Loyalty to Israel, Then Censors Survey Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????

"I’m also curious about the reason the pollsters wanted to ask Israeli-Americans what impact they believe American Jews and American Jewish organizations have on American policy.* Note they didn’t ask “American policy toward Israel.”* Instead, they asked the far more general, even vague question about Jewish impact on overall U.S. policies.* If this were David Duke or a white supremacist site, this question would be flagged as outright anti-Semitism, which is why it makes me terribly uncomfortable."

Those are comments about one survey by a pro Israeli group, that was censored by the organization conducting the survey, they did not like the answers they were getting to their own survey or how it was perceived by the American public.

Adelson-Backed Group Surveys Israeli-Americans on Level of Loyalty to Israel, Then Censors Survey

Oct 28th, 2013

"An L.A. based pro-Israel group, the Israeli-American Council*(IAC), with the financial support of Sheldon Adelson, has compiled a survey measuring the level of loyalty of Israeli-Americans to Israel and America.* The survey was disseminated to tens of thousands of Israelis living in the U.S., with the collaboration of the Israeli embassy and consulates, which used their e-mail lists to distribute it.* The IAC appears to have pretensions of becoming an Israeli-American version of Aipac."

Adelson-Backed Group Surveys Israeli-Americans on Level of Loyalty to Israel, Then Censors Survey Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????
I am not finding what I consider unbiased polls addressing Americans trust of Israel.

But I believe there is overwhelming support by Americans for us getting out of the business of foreign countries and foreign conflicts.

This does not bode well for Israel.

Poll: Most Americans think US tries too hard to solve world's problems

"While many in Israel and the Middle East increasingly lament the U.S.'s declining clout in the region, most Americans are content with the new direction and believe "the U.S. should mind its own business," a new Pew poll of Americans' attitudes shows."

Israel Hayom | Poll: Most Americans think US tries too hard to solve world's problems

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