Druze teen faces jail over refusing to serve in Israeli army

Adelson-Backed Group Surveys Israeli-Americans on Level of Loyalty to Israel, Then Censors Survey Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????

"I’m also curious about the reason the pollsters wanted to ask Israeli-Americans what impact they believe American Jews and American Jewish organizations have on American policy.* Note they didn’t ask “American policy toward Israel.”* Instead, they asked the far more general, even vague question about Jewish impact on overall U.S. policies.* If this were David Duke or a white supremacist site, this question would be flagged as outright anti-Semitism, which is why it makes me terribly uncomfortable."

Those are comments about one survey by a pro Israeli group, that was censored by the organization conducting the survey, they did not like the answers they were getting to their own survey or how it was perceived by the American public.

Adelson-Backed Group Surveys Israeli-Americans on Level of Loyalty to Israel, Then Censors Survey

Oct 28th, 2013

"An L.A. based pro-Israel group, the Israeli-American Council*(IAC), with the financial support of Sheldon Adelson, has compiled a survey measuring the level of loyalty of Israeli-Americans to Israel and America.* The survey was disseminated to tens of thousands of Israelis living in the U.S., with the collaboration of the Israeli embassy and consulates, which used their e-mail lists to distribute it.* The IAC appears to have pretensions of becoming an Israeli-American version of Aipac."

Adelson-Backed Group Surveys Israeli-Americans on Level of Loyalty to Israel, Then Censors Survey Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????

I would think, Mrs. Sherri, that you would be more interested in surveying the level of loyalty the ex Iranians living here in America have to their old country and what they think of the current regime in Iran. I am willing to bet that you will find more ex Iranians living in the U.S. than you will find ex-Israelis. And these ex-Israelis have no fear of going back to Israel for a visit while many of the ex-Iranians fear going back.
Adelson-Backed Group Surveys Israeli-Americans on Level of Loyalty to Israel, Then Censors Survey Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????

"I’m also curious about the reason the pollsters wanted to ask Israeli-Americans what impact they believe American Jews and American Jewish organizations have on American policy.* Note they didn’t ask “American policy toward Israel.”* Instead, they asked the far more general, even vague question about Jewish impact on overall U.S. policies.* If this were David Duke or a white supremacist site, this question would be flagged as outright anti-Semitism, which is why it makes me terribly uncomfortable."

Those are comments about one survey by a pro Israeli group, that was censored by the organization conducting the survey, they did not like the answers they were getting to their own survey or how it was perceived by the American public.

Adelson-Backed Group Surveys Israeli-Americans on Level of Loyalty to Israel, Then Censors Survey

Oct 28th, 2013

"An L.A. based pro-Israel group, the Israeli-American Council*(IAC), with the financial support of Sheldon Adelson, has compiled a survey measuring the level of loyalty of Israeli-Americans to Israel and America.* The survey was disseminated to tens of thousands of Israelis living in the U.S., with the collaboration of the Israeli embassy and consulates, which used their e-mail lists to distribute it.* The IAC appears to have pretensions of becoming an Israeli-American version of Aipac."

Adelson-Backed Group Surveys Israeli-Americans on Level of Loyalty to Israel, Then Censors Survey Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????

I would think, Mrs. Sherri, that you would be more interested in surveying the level of loyalty the ex Iranians living here in America have to their old country and what they think of the current regime in Iran. I am willing to bet that you will find more ex Iranians living in the U.S. than you will find ex-Israelis. And these ex-Israelis have no fear of going back to Israel for a visit while many of the ex-Iranians fear going back.

Most Iranians, like Israelis in the US , actually have dual citizenship.

Many have Iranian passports and travel freely to Iran.

I actually presently have personal knowledge of only one Iranian American who cannot freely return to Iran, he is a man who converted to Christianity from Islam and was granted Asylum. He left his wife or ex wife and two children in Iran, he could not return to even see his kid's married.
Intelligence Report, Winter 2006, Issue Number: 124

Radical Traditionalist Catholics Spew Anti-Semitic Hate, Commit Violence Against Jews

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Two Treatises

by Heidi Beirich

A pair of recent books attack the Vatican and its current policies form the core of radical traditionalist teachings.


Catholics and Conspiracies

by Heidi Beirich

The Roman Catholic Church has always been an attractive target for conspiracy theorists, due in large part to its elaborate and sometimes mysterious-seeming rituals, its associations with secret societies like the Knights Templar and the Rosicrucians, and even its sometimes defensive reaction to scandals like the revelations of recent years about child-molesting priests.


Radical Powerhouse

by Heidi Beirich

The Society of St. Pius X, which has chapels and schools across the United States, remains a font of anti-Semitic propaganda.


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By Heidi Beirich, Intelligence Project Director

"Fucking Jews!"

So began Mel Gibson's now infamous anti-Semitic rant to Los Angeles sheriff's deputies who pulled him over on suspicion of drunken driving last July. "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," the world-famous movie actor continued, before asking his arresting officer: "Are you a Jew?"

After his tirade made international news, Gibson promptly disappeared into an addiction clinic. He left behind a statement, released through a spokesman, begging the Jewish community for forgiveness and suggesting that booze was to blame. He was, he wrote, "in the process of understanding where those vicious words came from during that drunken display." But their origin is easy enough to pinpoint -- the extremist Catholic beliefs Gibson learned at the knees of his anti-Semitic father.

Gibson's dad, Hutton Gibson, is an important player in the shadowy world of radical traditionalist Catholicism, also known as "integrism" or Catholic separatism. This religious subculture's teachings have little in common with the modern Roman Catholic Church and its universalistic theology. Hutton Gibson, for one, is a well-known Holocaust denier who believes the Second Vatican Council reforms of the 1960s, which made the church vastly more tolerant of other faiths, were the result of "a Masonic plot backed by the Jews." He is particularly incensed by the council's historic declaration, "Nostra Aetate," which condemned "all hatreds, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism leveled at any time or from any source against the Jews." In Gibson's world, the Second Vatican Council's liberalizing reforms are rejected and anti-Semitic teachings and conspiracy theories are heartily embraced.

Radical Traditionalist Catholics Spew Anti-Semitic Hate, Commit Violence Against Jews | Southern Poverty Law Center

And what does your Zionist hate of Catholics have to do with the thread topic?

This Druze Israeli who refuses to kill for Zionists is not a Catholic.

" Zionist Hate" ? As a " Christian" you should want to seek the truth . Exactly what did I lie about? I know..... The " truth" only applies to Jews, GOD FORBID it apply to Christians and Muslims . Everyone on this board knows you're a Hypocrite .
Intelligence Report, Winter 2006, Issue Number: 124

Radical Traditionalist Catholics Spew Anti-Semitic Hate, Commit Violence Against Jews

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Two Treatises

by Heidi Beirich

A pair of recent books attack the Vatican and its current policies form the core of radical traditionalist teachings.


Catholics and Conspiracies

by Heidi Beirich

The Roman Catholic Church has always been an attractive target for conspiracy theorists, due in large part to its elaborate and sometimes mysterious-seeming rituals, its associations with secret societies like the Knights Templar and the Rosicrucians, and even its sometimes defensive reaction to scandals like the revelations of recent years about child-molesting priests.


Radical Powerhouse

by Heidi Beirich

The Society of St. Pius X, which has chapels and schools across the United States, remains a font of anti-Semitic propaganda.


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Law Enforcement Resources
Stand Strong against hate


By Heidi Beirich, Intelligence Project Director

"Fucking Jews!"

So began Mel Gibson's now infamous anti-Semitic rant to Los Angeles sheriff's deputies who pulled him over on suspicion of drunken driving last July. "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," the world-famous movie actor continued, before asking his arresting officer: "Are you a Jew?"

After his tirade made international news, Gibson promptly disappeared into an addiction clinic. He left behind a statement, released through a spokesman, begging the Jewish community for forgiveness and suggesting that booze was to blame. He was, he wrote, "in the process of understanding where those vicious words came from during that drunken display." But their origin is easy enough to pinpoint -- the extremist Catholic beliefs Gibson learned at the knees of his anti-Semitic father.

Gibson's dad, Hutton Gibson, is an important player in the shadowy world of radical traditionalist Catholicism, also known as "integrism" or Catholic separatism. This religious subculture's teachings have little in common with the modern Roman Catholic Church and its universalistic theology. Hutton Gibson, for one, is a well-known Holocaust denier who believes the Second Vatican Council reforms of the 1960s, which made the church vastly more tolerant of other faiths, were the result of "a Masonic plot backed by the Jews." He is particularly incensed by the council's historic declaration, "Nostra Aetate," which condemned "all hatreds, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism leveled at any time or from any source against the Jews." In Gibson's world, the Second Vatican Council's liberalizing reforms are rejected and anti-Semitic teachings and conspiracy theories are heartily embraced.

Radical Traditionalist Catholics Spew Anti-Semitic Hate, Commit Violence Against Jews | Southern Poverty Law Center

And what does your Zionist hate of Catholics have to do with the thread topic?

This Druze Israeli who refuses to kill for Zionists is not a Catholic.

" Zionist Hate" ? As a " Christian" you should want to seek the truth . Exactly what did I lie about? I know..... The " truth" only applies to Jews, GOD FORBID it apply to Christians and Muslims . Everyone on this board knows you're a Hypocrite .

The thread topic is an Israeli Druze who refuses to kill for Zionists.

What a brave and courageous and righteous and beautiful person he is!

Certainly, his choice was not the one you chose.

I expect you are jealous of him and the love in him lacking in you.

And you respond to his inspiring acts by posting rantings from a hate site about Catholics.

You refuse to discuss the thread topic and your choice of posts exposes your Hate for Christians.

That is all I read from your post.
Last edited:
There are all kinds of sufferings for Christ.

Mel Gibson suffered for Christ simply seeking to tell the full story of Jesus crucifixion.

And I would not be surprised if I were to learn one day that the stand this young man in the OP is taking is for Christ/God too.


Roger Ebert February 24, 2004**Movie rated 4 stars, this is highest rating

"If ever there was a film with the correct title, that film is*Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ." Although the word*passion*has become mixed up with romance, its Latin origins refer to suffering and pain; later Christian theology broadened that to include Christ's love for mankind, which made him willing to suffer and die for us."

"It is clear that Mel Gibson wanted to make graphic and inescapable the price that Jesus paid (as Christians believe) when he died for our sins.*"

The Passion of the Christ Movie Review (2004) | Roger Ebert
Last edited:
There are all kinds of sufferings for Christ.

Mel Gibson suffered for Christ simply seeking to tell the full story of Jesus crucifixion.

And I would not be surprised if I were to learn one day that the stand this young man in the OP is taking is for Christ/God to.


Roger Ebert February 24, 2004**Movie rated 4 stars, this is highest rating

"If ever there was a film with the correct title, that film is*Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ." Although the word*passion*has become mixed up with romance, its Latin origins refer to suffering and pain; later Christian theology broadened that to include Christ's love for mankind, which made him willing to suffer and die for us."

"It is clear that Mel Gibson wanted to make graphic and inescapable the price that Jesus paid (as Christians believe) when he died for our sins.*"

The Passion of the Christ Movie Review (2004) | Roger Ebert

Didn't you just give shit to veteran for being off topic :lol: :lol:
And what does your Zionist hate of Catholics have to do with the thread topic?

This Druze Israeli who refuses to kill for Zionists is not a Catholic.

" Zionist Hate" ? As a " Christian" you should want to seek the truth . Exactly what did I lie about? I know..... The " truth" only applies to Jews, GOD FORBID it apply to Christians and Muslims . Everyone on this board knows you're a Hypocrite .

The thread topic is an Israeli Druze who refuses to kill for Zionists.

What a brave and courageous and righteous and beautiful person he is!

Certainly, his choice was not the one you chose.

I expect you are jealous of him and the love in him lacking in you.

And you respond to his inspiring acts by posting rantings from a hate site about Catholics.

You refuse to discuss the thread topic and your choice of posts exposes your Hate for Christians.

That is all I read from your post.

You don't like my posts exposing my " hate " for Christians, yet you don't mind this which never has anything to do with any thread that's up. That is because you're a Hypocrite. Is exposing the truth " hate?" I guess to you it is.... I forgot.... You're a lawyer.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the most respected and influential rabbi in israel, recently deceased, 800,000 attended his funeral.

"Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. With gentiles, God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

Anti-semitism and anti-judaism in the Roman Catholic Church

Christianity exposing their HATE for Jews. Don't like the truth? ( As a lawyer you wouldn't) Too bad!

During the 1st and 2nd century CE:
Circa 30 CE, the primitive Christian movement was one of about two dozen different Jewish religious/political movements, along with the Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Zealots, followers of John the Baptist, etc. The immediate followers of Jeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ) looked upon themselves as a reform movement within Judaism. Confrontation between the early Christians and various Jewish groups are recorded in the Christian Scriptures (aka New Testament). There are references to instances of persecution of Jewish Christians and Pauline Christians by Jewish groups. The Gospels, particularly the Gospel of John, contains many passages in which the authors condemn "the Jews" as sons of Satan and accuse them of murdering Jesus.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Blaming me for what the Church said?

Antisemitism in History: From the Early Church to 1400

Same here :cuckoo:

Mein Kampf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am responsible for " Hate Speech" according to you even though this exists.. Forgot ... You're a lawyer

Regarding the Israeli, what exactly am I " jealous" about? You talk about love lacking in me? That's like the pot calling the kettle black. I'm not full of Hate and Venom unlike you.

Your words " Refusing to kill for Zionists" would also refer to any agression started by Arab Countries with Israel defending herself. That is how much hate you have which is why I don't care about the Palestinians. I feel about them the way you feel about the Jews.
Luther wrote that Jewish homes and temples should be burnt to the ground and Jews should be hung from trees.

And he actually founded a Protestant sect.

Your point, Proud?
Luther wrote that Jewish homes and temples should be burnt to the ground and Jews should be hung from trees.

And he actually founded a Protestant sect.

Your point, Proud?

My point is that this poster does not object to the below being in every post regardless of the subject yet when I give it back she objects and calls it hateful even though my threads are based on fact !

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the most respected and influential rabbi in israel, recently deceased, 800,000 attended his funeral.

"Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. With gentiles, God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

She is Hateful, Bigoted, Racist, and Hypocritical . Doesn't like it when it's given back ! :smiliehug:
And what does your Zionist hate of Catholics have to do with the thread topic?

This Druze Israeli who refuses to kill for Zionists is not a Catholic.

" Zionist Hate" ? As a " Christian" you should want to seek the truth . Exactly what did I lie about? I know..... The " truth" only applies to Jews, GOD FORBID it apply to Christians and Muslims . Everyone on this board knows you're a Hypocrite .

The thread topic is an Israeli Druze who refuses to kill for Zionists.

What a brave and courageous and righteous and beautiful person he is!

Certainly, his choice was not the one you chose.

I expect you are jealous of him and the love in him lacking in you.

And you respond to his inspiring acts by posting rantings from a hate site about Catholics.

You refuse to discuss the thread topic and your choice of posts exposes your Hate for Christians.

That is all I read from your post.

Mrs. Sherri, no one is jealous of this person. However, I think the posters and other readers are smart enough to realize that in every military in the world there are people who refuse to serve. Would you even have bothered to put up an article about someone who refused to serve in the Iranian or Egyptian Army? Of course you would not have because it didn't have anything to do with the Israelis. See how far some go to avoid military service.

18 Aug 1905 - SELF-MUTILATION. TO AVOID MILITARY SERVICE.trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/44414505
One thousand two hundred Russia". soldiers-aro under medical jtreatment, at Harbin for cutting off itha¿ firs«, fingers of their right hands to avoid .military service
" Zionist Hate" ? As a " Christian" you should want to seek the truth . Exactly what did I lie about? I know..... The " truth" only applies to Jews, GOD FORBID it apply to Christians and Muslims . Everyone on this board knows you're a Hypocrite .

The thread topic is an Israeli Druze who refuses to kill for Zionists.

What a brave and courageous and righteous and beautiful person he is!

Certainly, his choice was not the one you chose.

I expect you are jealous of him and the love in him lacking in you.

And you respond to his inspiring acts by posting rantings from a hate site about Catholics.

You refuse to discuss the thread topic and your choice of posts exposes your Hate for Christians.

That is all I read from your post.

You don't like my posts exposing my " hate " for Christians, yet you don't mind this which never has anything to do with any thread that's up. That is because you're a Hypocrite. Is exposing the truth " hate?" I guess to you it is.... I forgot.... You're a lawyer.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the most respected and influential rabbi in israel, recently deceased, 800,000 attended his funeral.

"Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. With gentiles, God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

Anti-semitism and anti-judaism in the Roman Catholic Church

Christianity exposing their HATE for Jews. Don't like the truth? ( As a lawyer you wouldn't) Too bad!

During the 1st and 2nd century CE:
Circa 30 CE, the primitive Christian movement was one of about two dozen different Jewish religious/political movements, along with the Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Zealots, followers of John the Baptist, etc. The immediate followers of Jeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ) looked upon themselves as a reform movement within Judaism. Confrontation between the early Christians and various Jewish groups are recorded in the Christian Scriptures (aka New Testament). There are references to instances of persecution of Jewish Christians and Pauline Christians by Jewish groups. The Gospels, particularly the Gospel of John, contains many passages in which the authors condemn "the Jews" as sons of Satan and accuse them of murdering Jesus.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Blaming me for what the Church said?

Antisemitism in History: From the Early Church to 1400

Same here :cuckoo:

Mein Kampf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am responsible for " Hate Speech" according to you even though this exists.. Forgot ... You're a lawyer

Regarding the Israeli, what exactly am I " jealous" about? You talk about love lacking in me? That's like the pot calling the kettle black. I'm not full of Hate and Venom unlike you.

Your words " Refusing to kill for Zionists" would also refer to any agression started by Arab Countries with Israel defending herself. That is how much hate you have which is why I don't care about the Palestinians. I feel about them the way you feel about the Jews.

All you post are from hate sites and propaganda sites that expose your own Hate.

And every word you write is a hate filled Zionist lie.

I want nothing to do with your Hate fest, people like you will die ensconed in their own hate. The more you spew it, the more hate filled you become.

And you simply refuse to address the thread topic.

The threat is addressing the beautiful and courageous acts of a young Druze Israeli who refuses to kill for Israel.

God does not call us to kill for Him, only Satanic filled Nations like Israel and Satanic filled souls do that.

And I follow Jesus and His words that appear in The Christian Gospels.

The words of Jesus appear in The Gospels, and nothing you say early Christians said or did change any of that.
Last edited:
The thread topic is an Israeli Druze who refuses to kill for Zionists.

What a brave and courageous and righteous and beautiful person he is!

Certainly, his choice was not the one you chose.

I expect you are jealous of him and the love in him lacking in you.

And you respond to his inspiring acts by posting rantings from a hate site about Catholics.

You refuse to discuss the thread topic and your choice of posts exposes your Hate for Christians.

That is all I read from your post.

You don't like my posts exposing my " hate " for Christians, yet you don't mind this which never has anything to do with any thread that's up. That is because you're a Hypocrite. Is exposing the truth " hate?" I guess to you it is.... I forgot.... You're a lawyer.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the most respected and influential rabbi in israel, recently deceased, 800,000 attended his funeral.

"Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. With gentiles, God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

Anti-semitism and anti-judaism in the Roman Catholic Church

Christianity exposing their HATE for Jews. Don't like the truth? ( As a lawyer you wouldn't) Too bad!

During the 1st and 2nd century CE:
Circa 30 CE, the primitive Christian movement was one of about two dozen different Jewish religious/political movements, along with the Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Zealots, followers of John the Baptist, etc. The immediate followers of Jeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ) looked upon themselves as a reform movement within Judaism. Confrontation between the early Christians and various Jewish groups are recorded in the Christian Scriptures (aka New Testament). There are references to instances of persecution of Jewish Christians and Pauline Christians by Jewish groups. The Gospels, particularly the Gospel of John, contains many passages in which the authors condemn "the Jews" as sons of Satan and accuse them of murdering Jesus.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Blaming me for what the Church said?

Antisemitism in History: From the Early Church to 1400

Same here :cuckoo:

Mein Kampf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am responsible for " Hate Speech" according to you even though this exists.. Forgot ... You're a lawyer

Regarding the Israeli, what exactly am I " jealous" about? You talk about love lacking in me? That's like the pot calling the kettle black. I'm not full of Hate and Venom unlike you.

Your words " Refusing to kill for Zionists" would also refer to any agression started by Arab Countries with Israel defending herself. That is how much hate you have which is why I don't care about the Palestinians. I feel about them the way you feel about the Jews.

All you post are from hate sites and propaganda sites that expose your own Hate.

And every word you write is a hate filled Zionist lie.

I want nothing to do with your Hate fest, people like you will die ensconed in their own hate. The more you spew it, the more hate filled you become.

And you simply refuse to address the thread topic.

The threat is addressing the beautiful and courageous acts of a young Druze Israeli who refuses to kill for Israel.

God does not call us to kill for Him, only Satanic filled Nations like Israel and Satanic filled souls do that.

And I follow Jesus and His words that appear in The Christian Gospels.

The words of Jesus appear in The Gospels, and nothing you say early Christians said or did change any of that.

I guess then that there are many people in the Muslim world who follow that little old Devil because they are busy killing people in the name of their religion. I wonder if it bothers Mrs. Sherri to see pictures of Gays swinging in the breeze at the end of a noose in Iran just because they are Gays. Did Satan tell the Iranians to kill the Gays, Mrs. Sherri? Did Satan tell the Iranians to kill Christians and Bahai's and to imprison Iranian American pastors who follow the Gospels like you say you do?
I guess then that there are many people in the Muslim world who follow that little old Devil because they are busy killing people in the name of their religion. I wonder if it bothers Mrs. Sherri to see pictures of Gays swinging in the breeze at the end of a noose in Iran just because they are Gays. Did Satan tell the Iranians to kill the Gays, Mrs. Sherri? Did Satan tell the Iranians to kill Christians and Bahai's and to imprison Iranian American pastors who follow the Gospels like you say you do?
You always got to change the subject, because your too big a coward to discuss Israeli atrocities.
Silly-Sally never stays on the OP's topic and loves to derail threads.

And her posts are full of, "what about this, and what about that" and "why don't you look it up" or "maybe you should go there and ask".

I bet Sally's lack of 'focus' is the subject of much laughter at her senior citizens center. ..... :lol: :lol:
Silly-Sally never stays on the OP's topic and loves to derail threads.

And her posts are full of, "what about this, and what about that" and "why don't you look it up" or "maybe you should go there and ask".

I bet Sally's lack of 'focus' is the subject of much laughter at her senior citizens center. ..... :lol: :lol:

And I see a ridiculous fellow Muslim always trying to stick up for another Muslim. Are you actually telling us that there are no other men this world, even in the Muslim world, who have refused to serve? Or is it that because you like to see derogatory articles about Israel and no one should make any comment? Would you, yourself, have brought up an article if someone refused to serve on the police force in Saudi Arabia because he didn't want to enforce the morality laws? You know that you wouldn't have because Muslims are not allowed to say anything bad against other Muslims.
Silly-Sally never stays on the OP's topic and loves to derail threads.

And her posts are full of, "what about this, and what about that" and "why don't you look it up" or "maybe you should go there and ask".

I bet Sally's lack of 'focus' is the subject of much laughter at her senior citizens center. ..... :lol: :lol:

And I see a ridiculous fellow Muslim always trying to stick up for another Muslim. Are you actually telling us that there are no other men this world, even in the Muslim world, who have refused to serve? Or is it that because you like to see derogatory articles about Israel and no one should make any comment? Would you, yourself, have brought up an article if someone refused to serve on the police force in Saudi Arabia because he didn't want to enforce the morality laws? You know that you wouldn't have because Muslims are not allowed to say anything bad against other Muslims.
.................^^^ Exhibit "A" ..... :lol: :lol:
Druze teen faces jail over refusing to serve in Israeli army

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) --

"The threat of arrest hangs over a Druze teenager from northern Israel after refusing to go against his conscience and serve in Israel's military, Amnesty International said Wednesday."

"I refuse to take an assault rifle and point it at another human being. I abhor this violence and everything connected to violence. I detest and hate all violence," he told Amnesty International."I don't want to be part of the Israeli army because the Israeli government is responsible for the occupation. As an Arab Druze I consider myself part of the Palestinian people - so how can I be part of the army that occupies my people? I won't sell all my beliefs and my identity to anyone."

According to Philip Luther, Middle East and North Africa Director at Amnesty International, Omar Saad should not be imprisoned and if Israeli officials do arrest him, he will be a prisoner of conscience and they will campaign for his immediate release.

Israel is not immune to the dictates of international law, and we see Amnesty once again trying to intervene and do what they can to see Israel abides by her obligations under international law.

Druze teen faces jail over refusing to serve in Israeli army | Maan News Agency

Why is it news?

The law is the law. If I refused to serve I'd be sent to jail, too:eusa_whistle:
Silly-Sally never stays on the OP's topic and loves to derail threads.

And her posts are full of, "what about this, and what about that" and "why don't you look it up" or "maybe you should go there and ask".

I bet Sally's lack of 'focus' is the subject of much laughter at her senior citizens center. ..... :lol: :lol:

And I see a ridiculous fellow Muslim always trying to stick up for another Muslim. Are you actually telling us that there are no other men this world, even in the Muslim world, who have refused to serve? Or is it that because you like to see derogatory articles about Israel and no one should make any comment? Would you, yourself, have brought up an article if someone refused to serve on the police force in Saudi Arabia because he didn't want to enforce the morality laws? You know that you wouldn't have because Muslims are not allowed to say anything bad against other Muslims.
.................^^^ Exhibit "A" ..... :lol: :lol:

Sure looks like Sunni Man doesn't want to tell us if he would post an article telling about Muslims refusing to serve in the military or on the police force in some Muslim country.
And I see a ridiculous fellow Muslim always trying to stick up for another Muslim. Are you actually telling us that there are no other men this world, even in the Muslim world, who have refused to serve? Or is it that because you like to see derogatory articles about Israel and no one should make any comment? Would you, yourself, have brought up an article if someone refused to serve on the police force in Saudi Arabia because he didn't want to enforce the morality laws? You know that you wouldn't have because Muslims are not allowed to say anything bad against other Muslims.
.................^^^ Exhibit "A" ..... :lol: :lol:

Sure looks like Sunni Man doesn't want to tell us if he would post an article telling about Muslims refusing to serve in the military or on the police force in some Muslim country.
..................^^^ Exhibit "B" ..... :lol: :lol:
Luther wrote that Jewish homes and temples should be burnt to the ground and Jews should be hung from trees.

And he actually founded a Protestant sect.

Your point, Proud?

My point is that this poster does not object to the below being in every post regardless of the subject yet when I give it back she objects and calls it hateful even though my threads are based on fact !

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the most respected and influential rabbi in israel, recently deceased, 800,000 attended his funeral.

"Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. With gentiles, God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

She is Hateful, Bigoted, Racist, and Hypocritical . Doesn't like it when it's given back ! :smiliehug:

What your mind cannot seem to do is address the rhread topic.

Nothing in this post has anything to do with the thread.

All addressed is Hate in you.

Do yourself a favor and do something about that!

Your Hate does not hurt me, but it consumes you.

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