Druze teen faces jail over refusing to serve in Israeli army

Barely 50% of americans believe israel anymore, expect more white Americans like me to come along. I give the israeli hegemony in the US 10 more years at most. Once that number goes negative, who will israel call on to provide air cover for their atrocities?

And to turn it all around all you have to do is start acting like humans again.

BTW - As much as it pains me to say so, I got hillary at 8 to 3 for the white house in 2016. That ain't going to do you much good. Imagine 11 more years of a dem WH.

Alfalfa, could you give us a legitimate site where 50% of Americans don't believe Israel anymore. It would be much appreciated. I think the readers will see what a find Dhimmi Alfalfa is becoming. He has nothing to say about those murdering people in the name of their religion to start acting human and have tolerance for the religious beliefs of others.

How about I prove israel ranks above only iran, pali and NK among like 40 countries?

I want you to prove that "barely 50% of Americans don't believe Israel anymore."
Because Pro Palestinians have a Double Standard. Whenever a thread is introduced about the atrocities in Muslim Countries they are ignored. Get it? Of course not :cuckoo:
The "Israel loves Iran" thread I created, was ignored just as well.

Apparently, you're only interested in posting in "hate muslim" threads?
Yes, we all saw that chart.

We get it, most countries don't see Israel in a positive way.

Did you tell Sally? Because she's under the impression israel is universally loved.

No, did you ?

Consider the source . He can't stand it because Israel exists :lol:

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Antisemitism in History: From the Early Church to 1400


Some Goys like to Dish it out but can't take it :lol:
Because Pro Palestinians have a Double Standard. Whenever a thread is introduced about the atrocities in Muslim Countries they are ignored. Get it? Of course not :cuckoo:
The "Israel loves Iran" thread I created, was ignored just as well.

Apparently, you're only interested in posting in "hate muslim" threads?

It was ignored because it was pointless and absurd.
Intelligence Report, Winter 2006, Issue Number: 124

Radical Traditionalist Catholics Spew Anti-Semitic Hate, Commit Violence Against Jews

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Two Treatises

by Heidi Beirich

A pair of recent books attack the Vatican and its current policies form the core of radical traditionalist teachings.


Catholics and Conspiracies

by Heidi Beirich

The Roman Catholic Church has always been an attractive target for conspiracy theorists, due in large part to its elaborate and sometimes mysterious-seeming rituals, its associations with secret societies like the Knights Templar and the Rosicrucians, and even its sometimes defensive reaction to scandals like the revelations of recent years about child-molesting priests.


Radical Powerhouse

by Heidi Beirich

The Society of St. Pius X, which has chapels and schools across the United States, remains a font of anti-Semitic propaganda.


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By Heidi Beirich, Intelligence Project Director

"Fucking Jews!"

So began Mel Gibson's now infamous anti-Semitic rant to Los Angeles sheriff's deputies who pulled him over on suspicion of drunken driving last July. "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," the world-famous movie actor continued, before asking his arresting officer: "Are you a Jew?"

After his tirade made international news, Gibson promptly disappeared into an addiction clinic. He left behind a statement, released through a spokesman, begging the Jewish community for forgiveness and suggesting that booze was to blame. He was, he wrote, "in the process of understanding where those vicious words came from during that drunken display." But their origin is easy enough to pinpoint -- the extremist Catholic beliefs Gibson learned at the knees of his anti-Semitic father.

Gibson's dad, Hutton Gibson, is an important player in the shadowy world of radical traditionalist Catholicism, also known as "integrism" or Catholic separatism. This religious subculture's teachings have little in common with the modern Roman Catholic Church and its universalistic theology. Hutton Gibson, for one, is a well-known Holocaust denier who believes the Second Vatican Council reforms of the 1960s, which made the church vastly more tolerant of other faiths, were the result of "a Masonic plot backed by the Jews." He is particularly incensed by the council's historic declaration, "Nostra Aetate," which condemned "all hatreds, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism leveled at any time or from any source against the Jews." In Gibson's world, the Second Vatican Council's liberalizing reforms are rejected and anti-Semitic teachings and conspiracy theories are heartily embraced.

Radical Traditionalist Catholics Spew Anti-Semitic Hate, Commit Violence Against Jews | Southern Poverty Law Center
Does anyone here even give a fuck what Sherri posts anymore ?

The woman has no credibility, but it makes me laugh that she thinks she does !
Does anyone here even give a fuck what Sherri posts anymore ?

The woman has no credibility, but it makes me laugh that she thinks she does !

IMO Sherri, in her sometimes clumsy yet inimitable fashion, scores point after point against her opponents because she posts facts, evidence and links while the opps are satisfied calling her a jew hating muzzie or nazi. Do you really think that plays well anywhere else except tel aviv and new york?

You will never see that because zionists are compromised beyond redemption. And it's why the world hates you. You are completely incapable of reasonable self analysis and therefore improvement.
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Does anyone here even give a fuck what Sherri posts anymore ?

The woman has no credibility, but it makes me laugh that she thinks she does !

IMO Sherri, in her sometimes clumsy yet inimitable fashion, scores point after point against her opponents because she posts facts, evidence and links while the opps are satisfied calling her a jew hating muzzie or nazi. Do you really think that plays well anywhere else except tel aviv and new york?

You will never see that because zionists are compromised beyond redemption. And it's why the world hates you. You are completely incapable of reasonable self analysis and therefore improvement.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The funniest part was when you said she scored point after point !

If only you joined this forum a year ago, then you would have seen more disgusting posts and threads of hers !

However, I'm not surprised that you agree with her. Shows what kind of a piece of shit you are Alfie. It really does. She's the most hated poster here.

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