Druze teen faces jail over refusing to serve in Israeli army

That's just how little nothing men talk on the computer thinking they are making the viewers think that they are some tough hombres.
I wasn't trying to act tough. I wasn't trying to be nice, either. I'm sick of you derailing threads. And the only reason you do it, is because you don't have the balls to deal with any criticism of Israel, no matter how valid.

I think smart people realize that he is just playing the enemy of my enemy is my friend bit and really couldn't care less about the Arabs.
I've said that many times! I don't give shit about either side. That's why its so funny when you fuckers call me a "jew-hater". I'd have to care, to hate jews, which I don't.

Here is he on a Middle East forum and all he wants to talk about is Israel.
Um, earth to Sally, Israel is in the Middle East.

And of coarse I'm going to talk about Israel, in a thread about an Israeli.

Talk about a vapid point?

I think that tells the readers an awful lot about him.
And your posts tell the readers about you. What do they tell? They tell when I call you names, at least I can explain why?

I wouldn't be surprised if in the bar he hangs out in, he and his friends have some choice derogatory names that they call Arabs.
Have you ever been in a bar? Guys don't talk politics in bars. They talk sports and chicks. That's it.
You compare Israel to Nazis. A very typical tactic used by pro - Palestinian shills like yourself.
When Israel does the same thing the Nazis did, of coarse I'm going to draw a comparison.

How is Israel's demonization of the Palestinian's, any different than the Nazis demonization of the jews?

How is the Nazis desire to have an "Aryian Nation", any different than the Zionists wanting a "Jewish State"?

How is accepted violence against the Palestinian's, any different than the accepted violence against the jews?

How is Israel launching unprovoked attacks against it's neighbors, any different than the Nazis going into Poland?

How is Gaza any different than the Warsaw Getto?​
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

And when you guys think you are making a valid point, you are just exposing you ignorance and stupidity and lack of knowledge about Israel and the Holocaust.
Do you think you could a little more specific there, skippy?
Fuckin skumbag bitch. What are you, 15 years old ??

Keep it up with your childish insults, it just makes it look like your frustrated and that Sally has gotten under your skin. So immature :doubt:
So is constantly hijacking threads and making baseless accusations about others you can't explain.
That's just how little nothing men talk on the computer thinking they are making the viewers think that they are some tough hombres.
I wasn't trying to act tough. I wasn't trying to be nice, either. I'm sick of you derailing threads. And the only reason you do it, is because you don't have the balls to deal with any criticism of Israel, no matter how valid.

I think smart people realize that he is just playing the enemy of my enemy is my friend bit and really couldn't care less about the Arabs.
I've said that many times! I don't give shit about either side. That's why its so funny when you fuckers call me a "jew-hater". I'd have to care, to hate jews, which I don't.

Um, earth to Sally, Israel is in the Middle East.

And of coarse I'm going to talk about Israel, in a thread about an Israeli.

Talk about a vapid point?

I think that tells the readers an awful lot about him.
And your posts tell the readers about you. What do they tell? They tell when I call you names, at least I can explain why?

I wouldn't be surprised if in the bar he hangs out in, he and his friends have some choice derogatory names that they call Arabs.
Have you ever been in a bar? Guys don't talk politics in bars. They talk sports and chicks. That's it.

Let me say once again. When a person on a Middle East forum talks exclusively about the Israel issue and nothing else when so much is happening in other Middle East countries, it tells an awful lot about that poster. Plus, I think the owners of this forum did set up an Israel/Palestine forum to discuss what is happening in that particular region of the Middle East. Of course I have been in a bar when I was younger, but I know that there are rude, crude, vulgar men like you who seem to be unable to express themselves in a civilized way. It is not only me to whom you have expressed yourself like a pig, but to other posters as well. No doubt you can't restrain yourself from talking like that. By now it is part of your nature.
Let me say once again. When a person on a Middle East forum talks exclusively about the Israel issue and nothing else when so much is happening in other Middle East countries, it tells an awful lot about that poster.
And you never discussing Israeli issues, but always trying to change the subject of the thread, say's a lot about you.

Plus, I think the owners of this forum did set up an Israel/Palestine forum to discuss what is happening in that particular region of the Middle East.
That doesn't make it okay for you to derail the topic in the thread OP.

Of course I have been in a bar when I was younger, but I know that there are rude, crude, vulgar men like you who seem to be unable to express themselves in a civilized way. It is not only me to whom you have expressed yourself like a pig, but to other posters as well. No doubt you can't restrain yourself from talking like that. By now it is part of your nature.
You don't think making baseless accusations about others, is not "rude, crude and vulgar"? Making character assassinations, smear campaigns, personal attacks and ad hominems, are not "rude, crude and vulgar"? Always blaming someone else for the things you do, is not "rude, crude and vulgar"?

Let me tell you something, twisted sister, when I start talking like that, it's after reading several bullshit posts on your part and it's just my way of getting fed up with your crap! I can't stand people who think they're holier than thou. Never admitting fault, for anything you do. You people make me sick!
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You compare Israel to Nazis. A very typical tactic used by pro - Palestinian shills like yourself.
When Israel does the same thing the Nazis did, of coarse I'm going to draw a comparison.

How is Israel's demonization of the Palestinian's, any different than the Nazis demonization of the jews?

How is the Nazis desire to have an "Aryian Nation", any different than the Zionists wanting a "Jewish State"?

How is accepted violence against the Palestinian's, any different than the accepted violence against the jews?

How is Israel launching unprovoked attacks against it's neighbors, any different than the Nazis going into Poland?

How is Gaza any different than the Warsaw Getto?​
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

And when you guys think you are making a valid point, you are just exposing you ignorance and stupidity and lack of knowledge about Israel and the Holocaust.
Do you think you could a little more specific there, skippy?

Thank you Loiney, for once again proving my point. You know nothing about the Holocaust !
You're just another Palestinian supporting parrot who repeats the same shit :Zionists are Nazis !!"

If you can;t figure out the differences in the examples you displayed, then you shouldn't compare Zionists to Nazis.

How is Israel's demonization of the Palestinian's, any different than the Nazis demonization of the jews?
Palestinians demonize themselves. Hitler hated the Jews simply because they were Jews. Palestinians even live and work and Israel.

How is the Nazis desire to have an "Aryian Nation", any different than the Zionists wanting a "Jewish State"?

Theres nothing wrong with wanting a Jewish state. There is no other in the world, and the Jews have a tiny piece of land. But even with a Jewish state, there are Christians, Muslims and Jews living in it, and you have Arabs working in the government and the army, in high position

How is accepted violence against the Palestinian's, any different than the accepted violence against the jews?

You have it the other way around. It;s the Palestinians who are violent and Israel who always retaliates. You've been reading too much from IfOnlyAmericansKnew.org. :lol:
Either way, not even close to the same way Jews were treated in Europe by the Nazis. Where the fuck do you get your knowledge about the Holocaust ???

How is Israel launching unprovoked attacks against it's neighbors, any different than the Nazis going into Poland?

Israel attacks it's neighbours?? You mean they attack their weapons before they reach Hamas or Hezbollah. Unless they are in a war. again, there is absolutely no comparison at all.

How is Gaza any different than the Warsaw Getto?

This one does not warrant an answer. Wow . Just wow. You can't be serious ??
Did you hear that Loinboy? That was the sound of your credibility jumping out the window. You now have none. You are in SherriMunnerlyn territory.
Thank you Loiney, for once again proving my point. You know nothing about the Holocaust !
I wasn't commenting on the Holocaust.

You're just another Palestinian supporting parrot who repeats the same shit :Zionists are Nazis !!"
And you've said that about a dozen times!

If you can;t figure out the differences in the examples you displayed, then you shouldn't compare Zionists to Nazis.
There are no differences, it's basically the same thing.

Palestinians demonize themselves.
How convenient.

Hitler hated the Jews simply because they were Jews.
And you hate the Pals because they're there.

Palestinians even live and work and Israel.
And they're treated like 2nd class citizens with a different set of laws.

Theres nothing wrong with wanting a Jewish state. There is no other in the world, and the Jews have a tiny piece of land. But even with a Jewish state, there are Christians, Muslims and Jews living in it, and you have Arabs working in the government and the army, in high position
Yeah, 70,000 of them are getting their homes bulldozed down to the ground in the Negrev desert.

That's some kind of life you're bragging about.

You have it the other way around. It;s the Palestinians who are violent and Israel who always retaliates.
Wrong. I told you, the occupation started 37 years before the rockets, so no, I don't have it the other way around.

BTW, do you know how many people have been killed from those rockets? 26. That's total deaths since 2001. Twenty-fucking-six! You talk as though those rockets have wiped out half the population. They only wiped out 26.

Write it down for future reference.

You've been reading too much from IfOnlyAmericansKnew.org. :lol:
Never been there.

Either way, not even close to the same way Jews were treated in Europe by the Nazis.
That's what you claim, it's not what you've proven.

Where the fuck do you get your knowledge about the Holocaust ???
Where the fuck do you get your comprehension skills?

I wasn't talking about the Holocaust.

Israel attacks it's neighbours??
Yes, it attacks its neighbors. It just got done with air strikes in Syria. Syria didn't attack them. Now they're talking about attacking Iran. Iran hasn't attacked them. In '67, their tanks rolled into Egypt. Egypt hadn't attacked them. So yeah, asshole, they attack their neighbors.

You mean they attack their weapons before they reach Hamas or Hezbollah.
You're just making up excuses.

Unless they are in a war. again, there is absolutely no comparison at all.
That's because you don't have the balls to deal with it.

This one does not warrant an answer. Wow . Just wow. You can't be serious ??
Did you hear that Loinboy? That was the sound of your credibility jumping out the window. You now have none. You are in SherriMunnerlyn territory.
Now you're just avoiding the issue, because you don't have a valid argument.
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Thank you Loiney, for once again proving my point. You know nothing about the Holocaust !
I wasn't commenting on the Holocaust.

You're just another Palestinian supporting parrot who repeats the same shit :Zionists are Nazis !!"
And you've said that about a dozen times!

There are no differences, it's basically the same thing.

How convenient.

And you hate the Pals because they're there.

And they're treated like 2nd class citizens with a different set of laws.

Yeah, 70,000 of them are getting their homes bulldozed down to the ground in the Negrev desert.

That's some kind of life you're bragging about.

Wrong. I told you, the occupation started 37 years before the rockets, so no, I don't have it the other way around.

BTW, do you know how many people have been killed from those rockets? 26. That's total deaths since 2001. Twenty-fucking-six! You talk as though those rockets have wiped out half the population. They only wiped out 26.

Write it down for future reference.

Never been there.

That's what you claim, it's not what you've proven.

Where the fuck do you get your comprehension skills?

I wasn't talking about the Holocaust.

Yes, it attacks its neighbors. It just got done with air strikes in Syria. Syria didn't attack them. Now they're talking about attacking Iran. Iran hasn't attacked them. In '67, their tanks rolled into Egypt. Egypt hadn't attacked them. So yeah, asshole, they attack their neighbors.

You're just making up excuses.

Unless they are in a war. again, there is absolutely no comparison at all.
That's because you don't have the balls to deal with it.

This one does not warrant an answer. Wow . Just wow. You can't be serious ??
Did you hear that Loinboy? That was the sound of your credibility jumping out the window. You now have none. You are in SherriMunnerlyn territory.
Now you're just avoiding the issue, because you don't have a valid argument.

No valid answer ? I just ansered all your stupid questions

I left out the last one because like I said, it doesn't warrant an answer.
You asked what the difference is between Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto...

You can read about the Warsaw Ghetto all over the internet. The horendous conditions, people dying on the streets, rampant disease, almost no food,

You should be ashamed of yourself to compare the two. You disgust me
BTW, the Palestinians are quarantined in Gaza because they present a threat to its neighbours. Why do you think that even Egypt closed its border with Gaza??? Palestinians who try to leave Gaza are up to no good, that's why.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of Palestinians in Gaza who pose no threat at all to anyone, but because of those who do, they are suffering.

What threat did the Jews pose ? Why were they out in Ghetto's? Simply because they were Jews
Let me say once again. When a person on a Middle East forum talks exclusively about the Israel issue and nothing else when so much is happening in other Middle East countries, it tells an awful lot about that poster.
And you never discussing Israeli issues, but always trying to change the subject of the thread, say's a lot about you.

Plus, I think the owners of this forum did set up an Israel/Palestine forum to discuss what is happening in that particular region of the Middle East.
That doesn't make it okay for you to derail the topic in the thread OP.

Of course I have been in a bar when I was younger, but I know that there are rude, crude, vulgar men like you who seem to be unable to express themselves in a civilized way. It is not only me to whom you have expressed yourself like a pig, but to other posters as well. No doubt you can't restrain yourself from talking like that. By now it is part of your nature.
You don't think making baseless accusations about others, is not "rude, crude and vulgar"? Making character assassinations, smear campaigns, personal attacks and ad hominems, are not "rude, crude and vulgar"? Always blaming someone else for the things you do, is not "rude, crude and vulgar"?

Let me tell you something, twisted sister, when I start talking like that, it's after reading several bullshit posts on your part and it's just my way of getting fed up with your crap! I can't stand people who think they're holier than thou. Never admitting fault, for anything you do. You people make me sick!

Oh, look at Senor Rude, Crude and Vulgar getting on his high horse!!! If "you People" make you sick, how do you think many of the other posters feel about you, and no doubt many of the readers too?. I don't think anyone thinks they are holier than others, but they know how to post without looking like someone who was dragged up from the gutter.
No valid answer ?
That was in reference to the last one.

I just ansered all your stupid questions
Yes you did. And I give you credit for that.

Unlike that large, menstruating whale snatch of a human, hollie, you did answer my questions.

I left out the last one because like I said, it doesn't warrant an answer.
Because you didn't have an argument.

You asked what the difference is between Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto...

You can read about the Warsaw Ghetto all over the internet. The horendous conditions, people dying on the streets, rampant disease, almost no food,
That's Gaza!

You should be ashamed of yourself to compare the two.
Well I'm not.

You disgust me
That's a little harsh.
No valid answer ?
That was in reference to the last one.

I just ansered all your stupid questions
Yes you did. And I give you credit for that.

Unlike that large, menstruating whale snatch of a human, hollie, you did answer my questions.

Because you didn't have an argument.

That's Gaza!

You should be ashamed of yourself to compare the two.
Well I'm not.

You disgust me
That's a little harsh.

Has Loinboy confused this site with his on-line dating service?

He's become quite the stalker.
BTW, the Palestinians are quarantined in Gaza because they present a threat to its neighbours.
Israel shoots at their fishermen and you call them the threat?

Why do you think that even Egypt closed its border with Gaza???
Because Israel told them to.

Palestinians who try to leave Gaza are up to no good, that's why.
Including the children seeking heart surgery?

BTW, Israel has no fucking right in the world stopping anyone from leaving Gaza.

And if you think they do, then fuck you!

Unfortunately, there are plenty of Palestinians in Gaza who pose no threat at all to anyone, but because of those who do, they are suffering.
That's why collective punishment is a war crime Israel is guilty of.

What threat did the Jews pose ? Why were they out in Ghetto's? Simply because they were Jews
WTF are you talking about?
Oh, look at Senor Rude, Crude and Vulgar getting on his high horse!!! If "you People" make you sick, how do you think many of the other posters feel about you, and no doubt many of the readers too?. I don't think anyone thinks they are holier than others, but they know how to post without looking like someone who was dragged up from the gutter.
You sure do act like it, by making condescending value judgments about me and who I am, without explaining the reasons why you came to those conclusions.
Oh, look at Senor Rude, Crude and Vulgar getting on his high horse!!! If "you People" make you sick, how do you think many of the other posters feel about you, and no doubt many of the readers too?. I don't think anyone thinks they are holier than others, but they know how to post without looking like someone who was dragged up from the gutter.
You sure do act like it, by making condescending value judgments about me and who I am, without explaining the reasons why you came to those conclusions.

They're not conclusions, they're tactics.
Oh, look at Senor Rude, Crude and Vulgar getting on his high horse!!! If "you People" make you sick, how do you think many of the other posters feel about you, and no doubt many of the readers too?. I don't think anyone thinks they are holier than others, but they know how to post without looking like someone who was dragged up from the gutter.
You sure do act like it, by making condescending value judgments about me and who I am, without explaining the reasons why you came to those conclusions.

I think many of the posters and other readers can clearly see right through you since it is obvious that on a Middle East forum, you are only concerned with Israel and not what is happening elsewhere in the Middle East. Now try to post without throwing in your usual vulgarities. By the way, as Loinboy, you mentioned that you attended Catholic school so were probably taught by nuns in lower grades. I would think that on a Middle East forum you would not be so obsessed with Israel, but would also concern yourself with what is going on in the other Middle East countries. Can you imagine the fear the nuns in Syria are experiencing right now.

Rebel group in Syria is holding nuns, Arab newspaper reports - latimes.com

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