Druze teen faces jail over refusing to serve in Israeli army

You don't like my posts exposing my " hate " for Christians, yet you don't mind this which never has anything to do with any thread that's up. That is because you're a Hypocrite. Is exposing the truth " hate?" I guess to you it is.... I forgot.... You're a lawyer.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the most respected and influential rabbi in israel, recently deceased, 800,000 attended his funeral.

"Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. With gentiles, God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

Anti-semitism and anti-judaism in the Roman Catholic Church

Christianity exposing their HATE for Jews. Don't like the truth? ( As a lawyer you wouldn't) Too bad!

During the 1st and 2nd century CE:
Circa 30 CE, the primitive Christian movement was one of about two dozen different Jewish religious/political movements, along with the Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Zealots, followers of John the Baptist, etc. The immediate followers of Jeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ) looked upon themselves as a reform movement within Judaism. Confrontation between the early Christians and various Jewish groups are recorded in the Christian Scriptures (aka New Testament). There are references to instances of persecution of Jewish Christians and Pauline Christians by Jewish groups. The Gospels, particularly the Gospel of John, contains many passages in which the authors condemn "the Jews" as sons of Satan and accuse them of murdering Jesus.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Blaming me for what the Church said?

Antisemitism in History: From the Early Church to 1400

Same here :cuckoo:

Mein Kampf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am responsible for " Hate Speech" according to you even though this exists.. Forgot ... You're a lawyer

Regarding the Israeli, what exactly am I " jealous" about? You talk about love lacking in me? That's like the pot calling the kettle black. I'm not full of Hate and Venom unlike you.

Your words " Refusing to kill for Zionists" would also refer to any agression started by Arab Countries with Israel defending herself. That is how much hate you have which is why I don't care about the Palestinians. I feel about them the way you feel about the Jews.

All you post are from hate sites and propaganda sites that expose your own Hate.

And every word you write is a hate filled Zionist lie.

I want nothing to do with your Hate fest, people like you will die ensconed in their own hate. The more you spew it, the more hate filled you become.

And you simply refuse to address the thread topic.

The threat is addressing the beautiful and courageous acts of a young Druze Israeli who refuses to kill for Israel.

God does not call us to kill for Him, only Satanic filled Nations like Israel and Satanic filled souls do that.

And I follow Jesus and His words that appear in The Christian Gospels.

The words of Jesus appear in The Gospels, and nothing you say early Christians said or did change any of that.

I guess then that there are many people in the Muslim world who follow that little old Devil because they are busy killing people in the name of their religion. I wonder if it bothers Mrs. Sherri to see pictures of Gays swinging in the breeze at the end of a noose in Iran just because they are Gays. Did Satan tell the Iranians to kill the Gays, Mrs. Sherri? Did Satan tell the Iranians to kill Christians and Bahai's and to imprison Iranian American pastors who follow the Gospels like you say you do?

Who told the US to start a war in Iraq and cause over 1 million Iraqis to die?

No comparison with US killings and the killings of any other Nation.

We win the killing award.

Our Nation has a very close and special and intimate relationship with Satan.

But sometimes individuals do not go along with the killing agenda, they refuse to kill, like that young Druse Israeli discussed in the article in the OP.

People like that Druse Israeli who refuses to kill for Zionists, those are my heros, not the baby killers, they are a dime a dozen.
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I guess then that there are many people in the Muslim world who follow that little old Devil because they are busy killing people in the name of their religion. I wonder if it bothers Mrs. Sherri to see pictures of Gays swinging in the breeze at the end of a noose in Iran just because they are Gays. Did Satan tell the Iranians to kill the Gays, Mrs. Sherri? Did Satan tell the Iranians to kill Christians and Bahai's and to imprison Iranian American pastors who follow the Gospels like you say you do?
At least in Iran, they're charged with a crime.

In Israel, they lock'em up without charges and hold them indefinitely.
The thread topic is an Israeli Druze who refuses to kill for Zionists.

What a brave and courageous and righteous and beautiful person he is!

Certainly, his choice was not the one you chose.

I expect you are jealous of him and the love in him lacking in you.

And you respond to his inspiring acts by posting rantings from a hate site about Catholics.

You refuse to discuss the thread topic and your choice of posts exposes your Hate for Christians.

That is all I read from your post.

You don't like my posts exposing my " hate " for Christians, yet you don't mind this which never has anything to do with any thread that's up. That is because you're a Hypocrite. Is exposing the truth " hate?" I guess to you it is.... I forgot.... You're a lawyer.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the most respected and influential rabbi in israel, recently deceased, 800,000 attended his funeral.

"Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. With gentiles, God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

Anti-semitism and anti-judaism in the Roman Catholic Church

Christianity exposing their HATE for Jews. Don't like the truth? ( As a lawyer you wouldn't) Too bad!

During the 1st and 2nd century CE:
Circa 30 CE, the primitive Christian movement was one of about two dozen different Jewish religious/political movements, along with the Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Zealots, followers of John the Baptist, etc. The immediate followers of Jeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ) looked upon themselves as a reform movement within Judaism. Confrontation between the early Christians and various Jewish groups are recorded in the Christian Scriptures (aka New Testament). There are references to instances of persecution of Jewish Christians and Pauline Christians by Jewish groups. The Gospels, particularly the Gospel of John, contains many passages in which the authors condemn "the Jews" as sons of Satan and accuse them of murdering Jesus.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Blaming me for what the Church said?

Antisemitism in History: From the Early Church to 1400

Same here :cuckoo:

Mein Kampf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am responsible for " Hate Speech" according to you even though this exists.. Forgot ... You're a lawyer

Regarding the Israeli, what exactly am I " jealous" about? You talk about love lacking in me? That's like the pot calling the kettle black. I'm not full of Hate and Venom unlike you.

Your words " Refusing to kill for Zionists" would also refer to any agression started by Arab Countries with Israel defending herself. That is how much hate you have which is why I don't care about the Palestinians. I feel about them the way you feel about the Jews.

All you post are from hate sites and propaganda sites that expose your own Hate.

And every word you write is a hate filled Zionist lie.

I want nothing to do with your Hate fest, people like you will die ensconed in their own hate. The more you spew it, the more hate filled you become.

And you simply refuse to address the thread topic.

The threat is addressing the beautiful and courageous acts of a young Druze Israeli who refuses to kill for Israel.

God does not call us to kill for Him, only Satanic filled Nations like Israel and Satanic filled souls do that.

And I follow Jesus and His words that appear in The Christian Gospels.

The words of Jesus appear in The Gospels, and nothing you say early Christians said or did change any of that.

Radical Traditionalist Catholics Spew Anti-Semitic Hate, Commit Violence Against Jews | Southern Poverty Law Center

This is a lie? I'm making it up? You are the one full of Hate with your Bigotry, and Double Standard Tell me what I " lied " about. " jesus" told you not to condemn Muslims who enslave or Kill Christians? Satan will be happy to hear that. It is where you will end up. :lol:
I guess then that there are many people in the Muslim world who follow that little old Devil because they are busy killing people in the name of their religion. I wonder if it bothers Mrs. Sherri to see pictures of Gays swinging in the breeze at the end of a noose in Iran just because they are Gays. Did Satan tell the Iranians to kill the Gays, Mrs. Sherri? Did Satan tell the Iranians to kill Christians and Bahai's and to imprison Iranian American pastors who follow the Gospels like you say you do?[

/quote]At least in Iran, they're charged with a crime.

In Israel, they lock'em up without charges and hold them indefinitely.

I guess Billy is unaware about the young Bahai's women and how they are raped the night before they are killed because Mohammed said never to kill a virgin. Can you imagine the fear these young women have knowing they are going to be killed and then having to endure the guards raping them before their murders.

It's really amazing how many potential dhimms are on this forum that they don't even care what happens to the Christians.

More beatings for American pastor in Iran

Iran: Farshid Fathi tells of mental torture in prison | Christian News on Christian Today
This is a lie? I'm making it up? You are the one full of Hate with your Bigotry, and Double Standard Tell me what I " lied " about. " jesus" told you not to condemn Muslims who enslave or Kill Christians? Satan will be happy to hear that. It is where you will end up. :lol:
After all the fucking shit your country has done, you're no one to be talking about "enslaving" and "killing" of others.
I guess Billy is unaware about the young Bahai's women and how they are raped the night before they are killed because Mohammed said never to kill a virgin. Can you imagine the fear these young women have knowing they are going to be killed and then having to endure the guards raping them before their murders.

It's really amazing how many potential dhimms are on this forum that they don't even care what happens to the Christians.

More beatings for American pastor in Iran

Iran: Farshid Fathi tells of mental torture in prison | Christian News on Christian Today
I want to know why you keep trying to hijack the thread into a different subject?

Why can't you address the topic in the OP or the point I was making?
I guess Billy is unaware about the young Bahai's women and how they are raped the night before they are killed because Mohammed said never to kill a virgin. Can you imagine the fear these young women have knowing they are going to be killed and then having to endure the guards raping them before their murders.

It's really amazing how many potential dhimms are on this forum that they don't even care what happens to the Christians.

More beatings for American pastor in Iran

Iran: Farshid Fathi tells of mental torture in prison | Christian News on Christian Today
I want to know why you keep trying to hijack the thread into a different subject?

Why can't you address the topic in the OP or the point I was making?

It was a ridiculous article to even post in the first place given that people are punished in other countries because of refusing to serve in the military. Do you think that many young men who refused to serve in the Vietnam War ran up to Canada because they just wanted a change of scenery? Naturally, Billy had nothing to say about those held in Iranian prisons and the treatment they receive. He apparently is just more interested in what is happening in Israel and nothing else.
I guess Billy is unaware about the young Bahai's women and how they are raped the night before they are killed because Mohammed said never to kill a virgin. Can you imagine the fear these young women have knowing they are going to be killed and then having to endure the guards raping them before their murders.

It's really amazing how many potential dhimms are on this forum that they don't even care what happens to the Christians.

More beatings for American pastor in Iran

Iran: Farshid Fathi tells of mental torture in prison | Christian News on Christian Today
I want to know why you keep trying to hijack the thread into a different subject?

Why can't you address the topic in the OP or the point I was making?

It was a ridiculous article to even post in the first place given that people are punished in other countries because of refusing to serve in the military. Do you think that many young men who refused to serve in the Vietnam War ran up to Canada because they just wanted a change of scenery? Naturally, Billy had nothing to say about those held in Iranian prisons and the treatment they receive. He apparently is just more interested in what is happening in Israel and nothing else.

He asked you a question and I have a " better answer" Ask why they never acknowledge or address a thread where the subject is about Muslims killing other Muslims or Christians. There will not be a response
This is a lie? I'm making it up? You are the one full of Hate with your Bigotry, and Double Standard Tell me what I " lied " about. " jesus" told you not to condemn Muslims who enslave or Kill Christians? Satan will be happy to hear that. It is where you will end up. :lol:
After all the fucking shit your country has done, you're no one to be talking about "enslaving" and "killing" of others.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians

Pakistani textbooks teach Muslims to kill Christians - Atlas Shrugs

Armed Muslims in Nigeria Kill Christians in their Homes - Atlas Shrugs

Comparing Israel to this? ( Obviously just a Few examples) Leave it to a Fucking Pro Palestinian . Of course, there is never condemnation :evil:
This is a lie? I'm making it up? You are the one full of Hate with your Bigotry, and Double Standard Tell me what I " lied " about. " jesus" told you not to condemn Muslims who enslave or Kill Christians? Satan will be happy to hear that. It is where you will end up. :lol:
After all the fucking shit your country has done, you're no one to be talking about "enslaving" and "killing" of others.

Asshole, this is just another comment that proves you know nothing about Israel ,except what you read on your propaganda sites. You don't care about the oppression of people. you just care about bashing Israel, you Propaganda spewing shill
This is a lie? I'm making it up? You are the one full of Hate with your Bigotry, and Double Standard Tell me what I " lied " about. " jesus" told you not to condemn Muslims who enslave or Kill Christians? Satan will be happy to hear that. It is where you will end up. :lol:
After all the fucking shit your country has done, you're no one to be talking about "enslaving" and "killing" of others.

Asshole, this is just another comment that proves you know nothing about Israel ,except what you read on your propaganda sites. You don't care about the oppression of people. you just care about bashing Israel, you Propaganda spewing shill

At least he's not a balled faced liar like you.
After all the fucking shit your country has done, you're no one to be talking about "enslaving" and "killing" of others.

Asshole, this is just another comment that proves you know nothing about Israel ,except what you read on your propaganda sites. You don't care about the oppression of people. you just care about bashing Israel, you Propaganda spewing shill

At least he's not a balled faced liar like you.

It's the Pro Palestinians who lie all the time and show their Bigotry and Racism.

Antisemitism in History: From the Early Church to 1400

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Radical Traditionalist Catholics Spew Anti-Semitic Hate, Commit Violence Against Jews | Southern Poverty Law Center

Some Goyim can dish it out but can't take it :lol:
This is a lie? I'm making it up? You are the one full of Hate with your Bigotry, and Double Standard Tell me what I " lied " about. " jesus" told you not to condemn Muslims who enslave or Kill Christians? Satan will be happy to hear that. It is where you will end up. :lol:
After all the fucking shit your country has done, you're no one to be talking about "enslaving" and "killing" of others.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians

Pakistani textbooks teach Muslims to kill Christians - Atlas Shrugs

Armed Muslims in Nigeria Kill Christians in their Homes - Atlas Shrugs

Comparing Israel to this? ( Obviously just a Few examples) Leave it to a Fucking Pro Palestinian . Of course, there is never condemnation :evil:

You were willing to kill innocents and babies for money; that tells me all I need to ever know about you, that plus the fact you do not acknowledge what you did was wrong. You are disgusting.

And there is no truth in these hate sites you are dragging before us, just lies, lies with absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the thread topic.

I continue to believe you are jealous of this young courageous Druze Israeli who refuses to kill for Zionism.

He has the Integrity you are utterly void and empty of.
After all the fucking shit your country has done, you're no one to be talking about "enslaving" and "killing" of others.

Asshole, this is just another comment that proves you know nothing about Israel ,except what you read on your propaganda sites. You don't care about the oppression of people. you just care about bashing Israel, you Propaganda spewing shill

At least he's not a balled faced liar like you.

Alfie the lying PAlestinian supporting Shill calling someone else a liar ??

Now THAT"S funny !
Comparing Israel to this? ( Obviously just a Few examples) Leave it to a Fucking Pro Palestinian . Of course, there is never condemnation :evil:
This is way off topic, so I'm going to make this quick!

In looking at the table in that link you provided, I have two comments that are readily apparent:
  1. Most of the deaths were at the hands of fanatics, militias and terrorists
  2. There was approximately 2500 total deaths spanning over 10 years in multiple country's
In contrast to Israel, over half that total (1400 Palestinian deaths) occurred in just one Israeli campaign (Operation Cast Lead). And what makes it worse, is unlike the terrorists and militias in the African country's, Israel's killing is "state-sanctioned murder". None of those killings in your link, was at the hands of the government.

Now as far as that link goes, I found this little diddy quite interesting...

Throughout Pakistan's history, since its creation in 1947, hate speech against non-Muslims has been a normal phenomenon in Pakistani society.
...because you can say the same thing about the "Jewish State".
Throughout Israel's history, since its creation in 1947, hate speech against non-Jews has been a normal phenomenon in Israeli society.
So we'll call that one a push.

As far as this link goes, it claims 12,000 Christians were killed in Nigeria. But if you go to that table in your first link, it only shows 2500 deaths (total) in all the country's. And when you go to the link, in your link, that supposedly references the Nigerian deaths, it's no where to be found.

Ergo, this last one was bullshit from the get-go.

I'm done!

How about that brave Israeli-Druze, refusing military service?

He's proof that there is such a thing as a "good Israeli".
Asshole, this is just another comment that proves you know nothing about Israel ,except what you read on your propaganda sites. You don't care about the oppression of people. you just care about bashing Israel, you Propaganda spewing shill
How can it possibly be propaganda, when you can't prove anything I said was wrong?
It was a ridiculous article to even post in the first place given that people are punished in other countries because of refusing to serve in the military. Do you think that many young men who refused to serve in the Vietnam War ran up to Canada because they just wanted a change of scenery? Naturally, Billy had nothing to say about those held in Iranian prisons and the treatment they receive. He apparently is just more interested in what is happening in Israel and nothing else.
Then start a thread on that shit, if you want to talk about it.

Stop hijacking and derailing the threads of others, you fucking skumbag bitch!
Asshole, this is just another comment that proves you know nothing about Israel ,except what you read on your propaganda sites. You don't care about the oppression of people. you just care about bashing Israel, you Propaganda spewing shill
How can it possibly be propaganda, when you can't prove anything I said was wrong?

You compare Israel to Nazis. A very typical tactic used by pro - Palestinian shills like yourself.
And when you guys think you are making a valid point, you are just exposing you ignorance and stupidity and lack of knowledge about Israel and the Holocaust.
It was a ridiculous article to even post in the first place given that people are punished in other countries because of refusing to serve in the military. Do you think that many young men who refused to serve in the Vietnam War ran up to Canada because they just wanted a change of scenery? Naturally, Billy had nothing to say about those held in Iranian prisons and the treatment they receive. He apparently is just more interested in what is happening in Israel and nothing else.
Then start a thread on that shit, if you want to talk about it.

Stop hijacking and derailing the threads of others, you fucking skumbag bitch!

Fuckin skumbag bitch. What are you, 15 years old ??

Keep it up with your childish insults, it just makes it look like your frustrated and that Sally has gotten under your skin. So immature :doubt:
It was a ridiculous article to even post in the first place given that people are punished in other countries because of refusing to serve in the military. Do you think that many young men who refused to serve in the Vietnam War ran up to Canada because they just wanted a change of scenery? Naturally, Billy had nothing to say about those held in Iranian prisons and the treatment they receive. He apparently is just more interested in what is happening in Israel and nothing else.
Then start a thread on that shit, if you want to talk about it.

Stop hijacking and derailing the threads of others, you fucking skumbag bitch!

Fuckin skumbag bitch. What are you, 15 years old ??

Keep it up with your childish insults, it just makes it look like your frustrated and that Sally has gotten under your skin. So immature :doubt:

That's just how little nothing men talk on the computer thinking they are making the viewers think that they are some tough hombres. I think smart people realize that he is just playing the enemy of my enemy is my friend bit and really couldn't care less about the Arabs. Here is he on a Middle East forum and all he wants to talk about is Israel. I think that tells the readers an awful lot about him. I wouldn't be surprised if in the bar he hangs out in, he and his friends have some choice derogatory names that they call Arabs.

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