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Dubya: "Clear evidence Russians meddled' in election.."

President Trump is only a bane to butthurt, leftard fabian socialists such as yourself. I certainly have very few complaints.

yes, well, when you have teh support of the Batshit crazy demographic, that's kind of worrisome.

The fact that the deep state has been exposed for illegally spying on him by lying to the FISA courts certainly has exposed these cockroaches for what they are.

Okay, except that's what FISA courts are there for, to make sure we can keep an eye on traitors like Carter Page.

I don't blame you for being pissed since you are a leftard commie. These are dark days with more to come.

Oh, I agree, with the Stock Market Crashing, we are in for some dark days... and then people will start paying attention.

Shit man, you missed your calling. You should have been a comedian. Let's talk about "batshit crazy demographic". It isn't we Trump-supporters, Republicans, and conservatives who are foaming at the mouth, screaming at the sky, and walking around with pussy-shaped hats on our heads. Even when the Chocolate Marxist was in office, you didn't see us doing stupid and unhinged shit like that, did you?

As for FISA courts, we all know what they're intended purpose is. Unfortunately it was you Dumbocrats who abused and corrupted their power to be used as a tool to attempt to unseat a standing President. You people have committed the biggest scandal since Watergate. Actually, what you people have done makes Watergate look like a dime-store break-in.
President Trump is only a bane to butthurt, leftard fabian socialists such as yourself. I certainly have very few complaints.

yes, well, when you have teh support of the Batshit crazy demographic, that's kind of worrisome.

The fact that the deep state has been exposed for illegally spying on him by lying to the FISA courts certainly has exposed these cockroaches for what they are.

Okay, except that's what FISA courts are there for, to make sure we can keep an eye on traitors like Carter Page.

I don't blame you for being pissed since you are a leftard commie. These are dark days with more to come.

Oh, I agree, with the Stock Market Crashing, we are in for some dark days... and then people will start paying attention.

"Okay, except that's what FISA courts are there for, to make sure we can keep an eye on traitors like Carter Page"

ROTFLMAO! Carter Page had cooperated with the FBI concerning his trip to Russia. They based their FISA warrants on that phony dossier of Christopher Steele that ended up being fired by the FBI as an informant because he lied about releasing details to the media like Yahoo news. They used Carter Page (that had already been cleared) to go back every 90 days for a FISA warrant.

"Oh, I agree, with the Stock Market Crashing, we are in for some dark days... and then people will start paying attention."

Really? The Stock Market bubble has been artificially created and it all goes back to the QE program where the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank "bought up" debt from a checkbook(with nothing in it) and put it on the tab of the chattel.I have been warning that a crash was coming for three years. Fortunately, we have someone that I believe can navigate the rough terrain that is on the horizon.
President Trump is only a bane to butthurt, leftard fabian socialists such as yourself. I certainly have very few complaints.

yes, well, when you have teh support of the Batshit crazy demographic, that's kind of worrisome.

The fact that the deep state has been exposed for illegally spying on him by lying to the FISA courts certainly has exposed these cockroaches for what they are.

Okay, except that's what FISA courts are there for, to make sure we can keep an eye on traitors like Carter Page.

I don't blame you for being pissed since you are a leftard commie. These are dark days with more to come.

Oh, I agree, with the Stock Market Crashing, we are in for some dark days... and then people will start paying attention.

"Okay, except that's what FISA courts are there for, to make sure we can keep an eye on traitors like Carter Page"

ROTFLMAO! Carter Page had cooperated with the FBI concerning his trip to Russia. They based their FISA warrants on that phony dossier of Christopher Steele that ended up being fired by the FBI as an informant because he lied about releasing details to the media like Yahoo news. They used Carter Page (that had already been cleared) to go back every 90 days for a FISA warrant.

"Oh, I agree, with the Stock Market Crashing, we are in for some dark days... and then people will start paying attention."

Really? The Stock Market bubble has been artificially created and it all goes back to the QE program where the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank "bought up" debt from a checkbook(with nothing in it) and put it on the tab of the chattel.I have been warning that a crash was coming for three years. Fortunately, we have someone that I believe can navigate the rough terrain that is on the horizon.

the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank


"bought up" debt from a checkbook(with nothing in it)

Yup. Central banks can create money out of thin air.

and put it on the tab of the chattel.

Huh? Borrowing puts it on the tab, the Fed doesn't borrow to buy debt. As you know.
GW always was a moron. I only voted for him twice to keep bigger morons out of office. So given this startling revelation, will the left suddenly declare GW a "hero" and start singing his praises?

"Former President George W. Bush appeared to take aim at President Trump on Thursday when he said at an economic summit in the Middle East that there was "pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled" in the 2016 U.S. president election.,,

...While Bush did not directly name Trump, his comments did appear to target him. Trump has consistently disputed allegations of Russian interference in the election or that members of his campaign team in any way "colluded" with Moscow."

George W. Bush: 'Clear evidence Russians meddled' in election
.Look, Bush got outraged at Trump trouncing his brother Jeb in the campaign, so he is just another angry loser like the rest of them. Not a credible witness at all this W feller.
Shit man, you missed your calling. You should have been a comedian. Let's talk about "batshit crazy demographic". It isn't we Trump-supporters, Republicans, and conservatives who are foaming at the mouth, screaming at the sky, and walking around with pussy-shaped hats on our heads. Even when the Chocolate Marxist was in office, you didn't see us doing stupid and unhinged shit like that, did you?

Actually, you guys did a lot of unhinged shit when Obama was in office. Wearing 18th century hats and running around with guns was pretty unhinged.


As for FISA courts, we all know what they're intended purpose is. Unfortunately it was you Dumbocrats who abused and corrupted their power to be used as a tool to attempt to unseat a standing President.

Except he wasn't the "Standing President" when the warrants were applied for, and the person who was the subject of the warrant, Carter Page, was no longer working for Trump and was being investigated for activities he engaged in before Trump employed him.

You people have committed the biggest scandal since Watergate. Actually, what you people have done makes Watergate look like a dime-store break-in.

So the FBI doing it's job is a "scandal"? Really?
ROTFLMAO! Carter Page had cooperated with the FBI concerning his trip to Russia. They based their FISA warrants on that phony dossier of Christopher Steele that ended up being fired by the FBI as an informant because he lied about releasing details to the media like Yahoo news. They used Carter Page (that had already been cleared) to go back every 90 days for a FISA warrant.

Except Carter Page still hasn't been "cleared", he's under indictment now.

Really? The Stock Market bubble has been artificially created and it all goes back to the QE program where the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank "bought up" debt from a checkbook(with nothing in it) and put it on the tab of the chattel.I have been warning that a crash was coming for three years. Fortunately, we have someone that I believe can navigate the rough terrain that is on the horizon.

Guy, your side was claiming the bubble was the "Trump Bump", until it blew up.

Yeah, I'm sure he can navigate the rough terrain, like he did with Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump University, Trump Casinos, Trump Steaks... oh, no, wait. All those business ventures failed miserably, didn't they?
ROTFLMAO! Carter Page had cooperated with the FBI concerning his trip to Russia. They based their FISA warrants on that phony dossier of Christopher Steele that ended up being fired by the FBI as an informant because he lied about releasing details to the media like Yahoo news. They used Carter Page (that had already been cleared) to go back every 90 days for a FISA warrant.

Except Carter Page still hasn't been "cleared", he's under indictment now.

Really? The Stock Market bubble has been artificially created and it all goes back to the QE program where the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank "bought up" debt from a checkbook(with nothing in it) and put it on the tab of the chattel.I have been warning that a crash was coming for three years. Fortunately, we have someone that I believe can navigate the rough terrain that is on the horizon.

Guy, your side was claiming the bubble was the "Trump Bump", until it blew up.

Yeah, I'm sure he can navigate the rough terrain, like he did with Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump University, Trump Casinos, Trump Steaks... oh, no, wait. All those business ventures failed miserably, didn't they?

LOL! Carter Page was cleared a LOOOONG time ago and there is no pending indictment. His alleged collusion with Russian operatives was the reason for the FISA warrants...along with a debunked dossier funded by the Hillary campaign and deep state operatives that had a lot to worry about should she not be able to cheat her way into the WH.
LOL! Carter Page was cleared a LOOOONG time ago and there is no pending indictment. His alleged collusion with Russian operatives was the reason for the FISA warrants...along with a debunked dossier funded by the Hillary campaign and deep state operatives that had a lot to worry about should she not be able to cheat her way into the WH.

Okay, you keep going on with the crazy conspiracy theories, when trump is frog marched out of the White House by Mueller.... that'll make you totally nuts.
GW always was a moron. I only voted for him twice to keep bigger morons out of office. So given this startling revelation, will the left suddenly declare GW a "hero" and start singing his praises?

"Former President George W. Bush appeared to take aim at President Trump on Thursday when he said at an economic summit in the Middle East that there was "pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled" in the 2016 U.S. president election.,,

...While Bush did not directly name Trump, his comments did appear to target him. Trump has consistently disputed allegations of Russian interference in the election or that members of his campaign team in any way "colluded" with Moscow."

George W. Bush: 'Clear evidence Russians meddled' in election

I am no fan of GW, that is for sure. But I read the article you linked, and it appears to me the reporter SPUN the remarks. How do we know from that article, that GW wasn't referring to the dossier?
LOL! Carter Page was cleared a LOOOONG time ago and there is no pending indictment. His alleged collusion with Russian operatives was the reason for the FISA warrants...along with a debunked dossier funded by the Hillary campaign and deep state operatives that had a lot to worry about should she not be able to cheat her way into the WH.

Okay, you keep going on with the crazy conspiracy theories, when trump is frog marched out of the White House by Mueller.... that'll make you totally nuts.

LMAO!!!!! Joe, the ones that are going to be "perp walked" are those like Comey, McCabe, Warner, the Hildebeast, and Barrypuppet and other deep state actors involved in the most traitorous act ever put on this country. It totally astounds me that you believe that the only "conspiracy" ever to happen is that President Trump conspired with the ROOSKIES to steal the election from the Hildebeast when it's actually the opposite. Keep living in denial while those of us that don't have our heads up our ass will deal in reality.
GW always was a moron. I only voted for him twice to keep bigger morons out of office. So given this startling revelation, will the left suddenly declare GW a "hero" and start singing his praises?

"Former President George W. Bush appeared to take aim at President Trump on Thursday when he said at an economic summit in the Middle East that there was "pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled" in the 2016 U.S. president election.,,

...While Bush did not directly name Trump, his comments did appear to target him. Trump has consistently disputed allegations of Russian interference in the election or that members of his campaign team in any way "colluded" with Moscow."

George W. Bush: 'Clear evidence Russians meddled' in election

Bush, our intelligence agencies, Trump's CIA director and others agree Russia interfered in our elections.
Should W. swing? Fuckin' aye right he should!

Expand government 3x? Fuck You!

Never forget the $4.26 Gas.

No one was on the road them days. Thanks, W.

I'd like to string that bitch up.
GW always was a moron. I only voted for him twice to keep bigger morons out of office. So given this startling revelation, will the left suddenly declare GW a "hero" and start singing his praises?

"Former President George W. Bush appeared to take aim at President Trump on Thursday when he said at an economic summit in the Middle East that there was "pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled" in the 2016 U.S. president election.,,

...While Bush did not directly name Trump, his comments did appear to target him. Trump has consistently disputed allegations of Russian interference in the election or that members of his campaign team in any way "colluded" with Moscow."

George W. Bush: 'Clear evidence Russians meddled' in election

Bush, our intelligence agencies, Trump's CIA director and others agree Russia interfered in our elections.

So they "interfered". They always have and so have we. But tell me: How did Russia change one single person's vote? How many people who had their minds set on voting for Hillary, decided to vote for Trump on the basis of something Russia did or said?

I don't know about you, but my mind was made up far in advance of the election.
GW always was a moron. I only voted for him twice to keep bigger morons out of office. So given this startling revelation, will the left suddenly declare GW a "hero" and start singing his praises?

"Former President George W. Bush appeared to take aim at President Trump on Thursday when he said at an economic summit in the Middle East that there was "pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled" in the 2016 U.S. president election.,,

...While Bush did not directly name Trump, his comments did appear to target him. Trump has consistently disputed allegations of Russian interference in the election or that members of his campaign team in any way "colluded" with Moscow."

George W. Bush: 'Clear evidence Russians meddled' in election

Bush, our intelligence agencies, Trump's CIA director and others agree Russia interfered in our elections.

So they "interfered". They always have and so have we. But tell me: How did Russia change one single person's vote? How many people who had their minds set on voting for Hillary, decided to vote for Trump on the basis of something Russia did or said?

I don't know about you, but my mind was made up far in advance of the election.
US officials confirm "small number" of votes hacked.
And DHS cyberchief says russia successfully penetrated.
But it could be that russia's social media campaign had more influence, along with wikileaks involvement.

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