'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks


Do the Democrats not "pander" too? Your opinions of libertarians come from stereotypes fed you by both Republicans and Democrats. Telling someone their opinion and vote don't matter because they don't belong to one of the two parties is exactly why I wrote this thread. Your responses are QED, Joe.

No, guy, my opinions of libertarians are kind of like my opinions of gun nuts.

The best argument against them is just letting them talk.
One has to work to support themselves. Voting is supporting a corrupt system and it is entirely voluntary.

The system is only corrupt if the people supporting it are corrupt. It can also be corrupt if the people running it are corrupt. Voting wisely and not blindly could remedy that.

It could remedy the problem, but will not not because both parties are corrupt and both parties control the voting process. It is a big scam.

I am forced to agree.

Do the Democrats not "pander" too? Your opinions of libertarians come from stereotypes fed you by both Republicans and Democrats. Telling someone their opinion and vote don't matter because they don't belong to one of the two parties is exactly why I wrote this thread. Your responses are QED, Joe.

No, guy, my opinions of libertarians are kind of like my opinions of gun nuts.

The best argument against them is just letting them talk.

Yeah, you let them talk because you can't refute them. Nice cop out, mister.

A guy can say he is capable of doing those things, but when he gets in office he never does them. Voting is picking the guy who has the reputation of getting them done, not the one who says he can get them done. Talk is cheap.

People made roads, plowed snow, and derived their own sources of energy without having to get the government involved. Who will do all of these things? The people will, and not necessarily at the behest of an elected official.

Yeah, guy... try building a road without a government grant. You know who gave us an interstate highway system? Eisenhower, after he saw how well the ones the Germans had worked.

Here's the real problem. The GOP with its "Starve the Beast" mentality of making sure no Dressage Horsie is left behind is why our roads are in such shitty shape.

Do the Democrats not "pander" too? Your opinions of libertarians come from stereotypes fed you by both Republicans and Democrats. Telling someone their opinion and vote don't matter because they don't belong to one of the two parties is exactly why I wrote this thread. Your responses are QED, Joe.

No, guy, my opinions of libertarians are kind of like my opinions of gun nuts.

The best argument against them is just letting them talk.

Yeah, you let them talk because you can't refute them. Nice cop out, mister.

No, guy, when they talk, they usually expose themselves as unrealistic and sometimes outright nuts.

One more time. If Libertarianism was the bees knees, why is there not ONE Libertarian Government in the world today.

Well, Somalia maybe..
No, guy, my opinions of libertarians are kind of like my opinions of gun nuts.

The best argument against them is just letting them talk.

Yeah, you let them talk because you can't refute them. Nice cop out, mister.

No, guy, when they talk, they usually expose themselves as unrealistic and sometimes outright nuts.

One more time. If Libertarianism was the bees knees, why is there not ONE Libertarian Government in the world today.

Well, Somalia maybe..

I will take libertarian government over your acceptance of big centralized statist government every time.

And to your question, the answer is easy. The power elite throughout the world dislikes libertarian government for obvious reasons. The fact that you can't see that, reflects poorly on you.
Ty for negging me for my opinion, those things you say do not exist.

LOL, the guy complains that people can't have an opinion anymore, then he negs you for yours! That's pretty fucking LAME!!!!! :lol:

When a guy goes about making inflammatory remarks about the author, not even close to making opinions about the thread, yes he will be negged. Get over it.

Hey, they're leftists. They've spent their whole lives getting "Participation Trophies". Now anything less than a standing ovation for their every breath is the equivalent of a Soviet gulag to them.
LOL, the guy complains that people can't have an opinion anymore, then he negs you for yours! That's pretty fucking LAME!!!!! :lol:

When a guy goes about making inflammatory remarks about the author, not even close to making opinions about the thread, yes he will be negged. Get over it.

Hey, they're leftists. They've spent their whole lives getting "Participation Trophies". Now anything less than a standing ovation for their every breath is the equivalent of a Soviet gulag to them.

you wish.

Add this to the list of concepts that have gone over your head... this makes you the 5th person to prove my point.

Joe you reek of partisanship. According to what you've told me, when you got played by one party, you joined the other, now look at you. You will instantly vilify someone who you disagree with, and when confronted with facts, you counter with talking points. You don't ever stop to consider that you might be on the wrong side of an argument. You simply cannot grasp that you're being used. Has it ever occurred to you that you're letting your thoughts and opinions be dictated by what you perceive as political consensus within your party?

This is one of the main reasons I stopped playing this "Republican vs. Democrat" game. You've been consumed by partisanship and a politically motivated hatred.

And you could have done without cherrypicking my thread, by the way.

Guy, I really was trying to address your points without sludging through another one of your tiresome word clouds.

Again- If you want to be an effective writer, write like you are being paid by the point and penalized by the word.

Now, to your point, I'm really not fond of EITHER Party, and I split my ballot. I usually vote for the person, not the party these days.

Unfortunately, the GOP keeps putting crazy people on the ballot, making it harder to vote for them.

But like it or not, Democrat and Republican ARE the ONLY games in town. I've seen dozens of "Third Parties" and they are fly by night operators that aren't around for long or just last forever at the fringe. The pragmatic thing is, one of these parties is going to win, and I have to make a decision about which one is going to get me most of the things I wanted.

In 2008, I voted for McCain, even though I was so over the GOP. But he had experience, Obama didn't.

In 2012, I voted for Obama because Romney was an evil Mormon douchebag.

The lessor of two evils...

Your first problem is that you vote. Why vote for a corrupt system?

What do you accomplish by NOT participating in the system until it's absolutely perfect (which it never will be as long as there are people involved)?

Your first problem is that you vote. Why vote for a corrupt system?

Same reason I WORK. It's a corrupt system, too, but things have to get done.

Romney would have been, in my opinion, a horrible president. The guy totally lacked compassion for "gentiles" (this is what Mormons call the rest of us when no one is listening).

Obama, I think, is a weak leader, but his heart is in the right place, mostly.

One has to work to support themselves. Voting is supporting a corrupt system and it is entirely voluntary.

While opting to sit on the sidelines and feel smug and superior can ALSO be seen as supporting a corrupt system, by way of doing nothing to change it. "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".
When a guy goes about making inflammatory remarks about the author, not even close to making opinions about the thread, yes he will be negged. Get over it.

Hey, they're leftists. They've spent their whole lives getting "Participation Trophies". Now anything less than a standing ovation for their every breath is the equivalent of a Soviet gulag to them.

you wish.

Brilliant riposte. I am left speechless by your stunning wit. :lol:
Same reason I WORK. It's a corrupt system, too, but things have to get done.

Romney would have been, in my opinion, a horrible president. The guy totally lacked compassion for "gentiles" (this is what Mormons call the rest of us when no one is listening).

Obama, I think, is a weak leader, but his heart is in the right place, mostly.

One has to work to support themselves. Voting is supporting a corrupt system and it is entirely voluntary.

While opting to sit on the sidelines and feel smug and superior can ALSO be seen as supporting a corrupt system, by way of doing nothing to change it. "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".

Not smug...but saddened.

Voting does not change anything. This is certainly evident based on recent history.
One has to work to support themselves. Voting is supporting a corrupt system and it is entirely voluntary.

While opting to sit on the sidelines and feel smug and superior can ALSO be seen as supporting a corrupt system, by way of doing nothing to change it. "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".

Not smug...but saddened.

Voting does not change anything. This is certainly evident based on recent history.

I think I understand where you are coming from.

It is like does your vote really count if you live in a solid blue state and vote republican or if you live in a solid red state and vote Democrat.

Although I do think the broader point may be that no matter who you vote for, not much changes.

I went back and watched the Reagan/Carter debates before the 2012 elections and seen that we are still in the same place as we were then with same problems. Not much has changed in the last 30+ years.

I think I can understand, but I have always seen things that way when it comes to Washington, on the local level I have seen plenty of changes some good some bad. I do know (at least in my area) voting the right people does make a huge difference, maybe not so much in Washington.

Help us out here.

What can we do to abandon our sheepish ways like you have? In a matter of a few years, you have shed yourself of the "party at all costs" mentality and become a truly independent thinker. While you were once a staight up GOP stooge....you are now a man who beats to his own drum. Very admirable.

What steps did you take to bring about that change? Can you articulate them? Can you credit anyone or any thing with encouraging this growth? The rest of us would like to see if we can benefit in a similar manner.

Hmmm, lets see how I can put this succinctly, if I can:

I refused to be led by the hand. Instead of succumbing to all the propaganda I heard from the left or right wing pundits, I began living a fact based existence. Reality isn't something that comes from the mouths of men in suits and ties. It can't be dictated. I sought objectivity. I accepted the fact that not all facts conform to the left or right wing paradigm. Reality has no bias.

I dropped the two party system cold turkey. After the 2012 election, I chose not to be a pawn anymore. I wanted my mind back. I wanted to think freely and learn freely, without the constraints of having my world interpreted through red or blue tint. I grew tired of the partisanship in politics. A friend of mine in Wisconsin whom I've known since 2007 can be credited with encouraging me to think for myself, he himself is a libertarian and went through a similar change.

It was so bad at one point, I hung on every word Glenn Beck had to say. I reacted hostilely to differing points of view. Beck is a wise man, but sometimes he is a bit paranoid and eccentric. I learned not to worship at the feet of my favorite guy. I began understanding that it simply doesn't pay to idolize political figures, politicians or presidents.

All it boils down to is determination. Seek out the reality of things, even if it doesn't jive with the party you support. Don't take everything you hear for granted, research, fact check, double check. It never hurts to dig for facts or look behind someone to see if they are genuine. Above everything else, seek absolute truth and settle for no substitute. Research the claims people make, don't be afraid to call them out if they are wrong. Employ logical reasoning, don't run from a challenge.

Honesty and integrity is key. If you want to be taken seriously (yes it's a bit cliche) you have to be honest and consistent. Take this forum for example: I thrive on making factual arguments, I try not to make anecdotal arguments, while trying to employ logic and corroborating evidence. The reason my responses are so long winded is because I take the time to think out my replies, I do research, if the facts don't back my claim, I avoid making it. As you have no doubt witnessed firsthand, admitting when you're wrong helps you to learn. I assimilate superior points of view to my own and adopt them.

Don't be afraid to call other members of your party out for being dishonest or disingenuous. As with with thanatos, Katz, Deltex, bigreb and others, I wasn't afraid to go head to head with them. If you want a good example of that, look for my responses in the Nelson Mandela threads to other conservatives on this board.

You mean I have not been leading a fact-based existence all these years? How do I go about that fact checking....and going behind someone to see if they are being genuine? I can never tell.

Man, this all seems so time consuming and requires so much attention to detail. How can I ever find the time needed? I want to be taken seriously too! I am going to try going head to head with someone who I normally align with also, too. Lets see if they can deal with that!
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Do the Democrats not "pander" too? Your opinions of libertarians come from stereotypes fed you by both Republicans and Democrats. Telling someone their opinion and vote don't matter because they don't belong to one of the two parties is exactly why I wrote this thread. Your responses are QED, Joe.

No, guy, my opinions of libertarians are kind of like my opinions of gun nuts.

The best argument against them is just letting them talk.

Yeah, you let them talk because you can't refute them. Nice cop out, mister.

Nobody can refute you. I've noticed that as well.

Even when they do refute you? You claim that they failed. Like the arrogant thing. Nobody can prove you're arrogant, so you're not.


Help us out here.

What can we do to abandon our sheepish ways like you have? In a matter of a few years, you have shed yourself of the "party at all costs" mentality and become a truly independent thinker. While you were once a staight up GOP stooge....you are now a man who beats to his own drum. Very admirable.

What steps did you take to bring about that change? Can you articulate them? Can you credit anyone or any thing with encouraging this growth? The rest of us would like to see if we can benefit in a similar manner.

Hmmm, lets see how I can put this succinctly, if I can:

I refused to be led by the hand. Instead of succumbing to all the propaganda I heard from the left or right wing pundits, I began living a fact based existence. Reality isn't something that comes from the mouths of men in suits and ties. It can't be dictated. I sought objectivity. I accepted the fact that not all facts conform to the left or right wing paradigm. Reality has no bias.

I dropped the two party system cold turkey. After the 2012 election, I chose not to be a pawn anymore. I wanted my mind back. I wanted to think freely and learn freely, without the constraints of having my world interpreted through red or blue tint. I grew tired of the partisanship in politics. A friend of mine in Wisconsin whom I've known since 2007 can be credited with encouraging me to think for myself, he himself is a libertarian and went through a similar change.

It was so bad at one point, I hung on every word Glenn Beck had to say. I reacted hostilely to differing points of view. Beck is a wise man, but sometimes he is a bit paranoid and eccentric. I learned not to worship at the feet of my favorite guy. I began understanding that it simply doesn't pay to idolize political figures, politicians or presidents.

All it boils down to is determination. Seek out the reality of things, even if it doesn't jive with the party you support. Don't take everything you hear for granted, research, fact check, double check. It never hurts to dig for facts or look behind someone to see if they are genuine. Above everything else, seek absolute truth and settle for no substitute. Research the claims people make, don't be afraid to call them out if they are wrong. Employ logical reasoning, don't run from a challenge.

Honesty and integrity is key. If you want to be taken seriously (yes it's a bit cliche) you have to be honest and consistent. Take this forum for example: I thrive on making factual arguments, I try not to make anecdotal arguments, while trying to employ logic and corroborating evidence. The reason my responses are so long winded is because I take the time to think out my replies, I do research, if the facts don't back my claim, I avoid making it. As you have no doubt witnessed firsthand, admitting when you're wrong helps you to learn. I assimilate superior points of view to my own and adopt them.

Don't be afraid to call other members of your party out for being dishonest or disingenuous. As with with thanatos, Katz, Deltex, bigreb and others, I wasn't afraid to go head to head with them. If you want a good example of that, look for my responses in the Nelson Mandela threads to other conservatives on this board.

You mean I have not been leading a fact-based existence all these years? How do I go about that fact checking....and going behind someone to see if they are being genuine? I can never tell.

Man, this all seems so time consuming and requires so much attention to detail. How can I ever find the time needed? I want to be taken seriously too! I am going to try going head to head with someone who I normally align with also, too. Lets see if they can deal with that!

Try it, moron. You're just as bad as TK.

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