'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

Hmmm, lets see how I can put this succinctly, if I can:

I refused to be led by the hand. Instead of succumbing to all the propaganda I heard from the left or right wing pundits, I began living a fact based existence. Reality isn't something that comes from the mouths of men in suits and ties. It can't be dictated. I sought objectivity. I accepted the fact that not all facts conform to the left or right wing paradigm. Reality has no bias.

I dropped the two party system cold turkey. After the 2012 election, I chose not to be a pawn anymore. I wanted my mind back. I wanted to think freely and learn freely, without the constraints of having my world interpreted through red or blue tint. I grew tired of the partisanship in politics. A friend of mine in Wisconsin whom I've known since 2007 can be credited with encouraging me to think for myself, he himself is a libertarian and went through a similar change.

It was so bad at one point, I hung on every word Glenn Beck had to say. I reacted hostilely to differing points of view. Beck is a wise man, but sometimes he is a bit paranoid and eccentric. I learned not to worship at the feet of my favorite guy. I began understanding that it simply doesn't pay to idolize political figures, politicians or presidents.

All it boils down to is determination. Seek out the reality of things, even if it doesn't jive with the party you support. Don't take everything you hear for granted, research, fact check, double check. It never hurts to dig for facts or look behind someone to see if they are genuine. Above everything else, seek absolute truth and settle for no substitute. Research the claims people make, don't be afraid to call them out if they are wrong. Employ logical reasoning, don't run from a challenge.

Honesty and integrity is key. If you want to be taken seriously (yes it's a bit cliche) you have to be honest and consistent. Take this forum for example: I thrive on making factual arguments, I try not to make anecdotal arguments, while trying to employ logic and corroborating evidence. The reason my responses are so long winded is because I take the time to think out my replies, I do research, if the facts don't back my claim, I avoid making it. As you have no doubt witnessed firsthand, admitting when you're wrong helps you to learn. I assimilate superior points of view to my own and adopt them.

Don't be afraid to call other members of your party out for being dishonest or disingenuous. As with with thanatos, Katz, Deltex, bigreb and others, I wasn't afraid to go head to head with them. If you want a good example of that, look for my responses in the Nelson Mandela threads to other conservatives on this board.

You mean I have not been leading a fact-based existence all these years? How do I go about that fact checking....and going behind someone to see if they are being genuine? I can never tell.

Man, this all seems so time consuming and requires so much attention to detail. How can I ever find the time needed? I want to be taken seriously too! I am going to try going head to head with someone who I normally align with also, too. Lets see if they can deal with that!

Try it, moron. You're just as bad as TK.

Huh? I don't understand. :(
You mean I have not been leading a fact-based existence all these years? How do I go about that fact checking....and going behind someone to see if they are being genuine? I can never tell.

Man, this all seems so time consuming and requires so much attention to detail. How can I ever find the time needed? I want to be taken seriously too! I am going to try going head to head with someone who I normally align with also, too. Lets see if they can deal with that!

Try it, moron. You're just as bad as TK.

Huh? I don't understand. :(

Neither does he.

Ever. So good luck with that.
No, guy, my opinions of libertarians are kind of like my opinions of gun nuts.

The best argument against them is just letting them talk.

Yeah, you let them talk because you can't refute them. Nice cop out, mister.

Nobody can refute you. I've noticed that as well.

Even when they do refute you? You claim that they failed. Like the arrogant thing. Nobody can prove you're arrogant, so you're not.


You can stop calling me arrogant now. Frankly, you've been quite confrontational with me lately. And why did you feel the need to lash out at LL? Hmm? LL has a genuine curiosity, are you going to begrudge him/her of that? Does that kind of behavior not prove the point of my thread? Whats worse than suppressing thought is suppressing natural curiosity.

I've done nothing to you. I've frankly done nothing to provoke you. But in my world, the burden of proof lies with the accuser. You can keep calling me arrogant, but unless you have evidence, it is nothing more than mundane and childish name calling.

If I'm arrogant. Prove it. I implore you.
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Did they teach you to be a dishonest f***?

tapatalk post

Uh... no. Your brutish ripostes tell me everything I need to know. You are an automaton. Programmed partisan to the core. Good day sir.

I am not lying about who I am so I can sabotage a primary. Your as bad as Fakie

tapatalk post

That sir crossed a line. I don't make a habit of sabotaging free thought, as both parties have done. Would I lie about being a libertarian given how poorly they're viewed? Sorry bub, until you get to know me, you aren't allowed to judge me.

Help us out here.

What can we do to abandon our sheepish ways like you have? In a matter of a few years, you have shed yourself of the "party at all costs" mentality and become a truly independent thinker. While you were once a staight up GOP stooge....you are now a man who beats to his own drum. Very admirable.

What steps did you take to bring about that change? Can you articulate them? Can you credit anyone or any thing with encouraging this growth? The rest of us would like to see if we can benefit in a similar manner.

Hmmm, lets see how I can put this succinctly, if I can:

I refused to be led by the hand. Instead of succumbing to all the propaganda I heard from the left or right wing pundits, I began living a fact based existence. Reality isn't something that comes from the mouths of men in suits and ties. It can't be dictated. I sought objectivity. I accepted the fact that not all facts conform to the left or right wing paradigm. Reality has no bias.

I dropped the two party system cold turkey. After the 2012 election, I chose not to be a pawn anymore. I wanted my mind back. I wanted to think freely and learn freely, without the constraints of having my world interpreted through red or blue tint. I grew tired of the partisanship in politics. A friend of mine in Wisconsin whom I've known since 2007 can be credited with encouraging me to think for myself, he himself is a libertarian and went through a similar change.

It was so bad at one point, I hung on every word Glenn Beck had to say. I reacted hostilely to differing points of view. Beck is a wise man, but sometimes he is a bit paranoid and eccentric. I learned not to worship at the feet of my favorite guy. I began understanding that it simply doesn't pay to idolize political figures, politicians or presidents.

All it boils down to is determination. Seek out the reality of things, even if it doesn't jive with the party you support. Don't take everything you hear for granted, research, fact check, double check. It never hurts to dig for facts or look behind someone to see if they are genuine. Above everything else, seek absolute truth and settle for no substitute. Research the claims people make, don't be afraid to call them out if they are wrong. Employ logical reasoning, don't run from a challenge.

Honesty and integrity is key. If you want to be taken seriously (yes it's a bit cliche) you have to be honest and consistent. Take this forum for example: I thrive on making factual arguments, I try not to make anecdotal arguments, while trying to employ logic and corroborating evidence. The reason my responses are so long winded is because I take the time to think out my replies, I do research, if the facts don't back my claim, I avoid making it. As you have no doubt witnessed firsthand, admitting when you're wrong helps you to learn. I assimilate superior points of view to my own and adopt them.

Don't be afraid to call other members of your party out for being dishonest or disingenuous. As with with thanatos, Katz, Deltex, bigreb and others, I wasn't afraid to go head to head with them. If you want a good example of that, look for my responses in the Nelson Mandela threads to other conservatives on this board.

You mean I have not been leading a fact-based existence all these years? How do I go about that fact checking....and going behind someone to see if they are being genuine? I can never tell.

Man, this all seems so time consuming and requires so much attention to detail. How can I ever find the time needed? I want to be taken seriously too! I am going to try going head to head with someone who I normally align with also, too. Lets see if they can deal with that!


Perhaps we should discuss this in private. You have a natural curiosity that shouldn't be quelled by the selfish intentions of others. PM me.
You mean I have not been leading a fact-based existence all these years? How do I go about that fact checking....and going behind someone to see if they are being genuine? I can never tell.

Man, this all seems so time consuming and requires so much attention to detail. How can I ever find the time needed? I want to be taken seriously too! I am going to try going head to head with someone who I normally align with also, too. Lets see if they can deal with that!

Try it, moron. You're just as bad as TK.

Huh? I don't understand. :(

And don't you think that was a bit excessive, BD? Who are you to tell LL what he can and cannot do with his mind? Who are you to suddenly bully him into relenting when he decides to branch out?

"Try it moron. You're just as bad as TK." Wonderful.

Case in point.
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I apologize LL. I've been in a horrible mood for days. This isn't about you.
Why do I get the feeling that Templar's "disenchantment" with the GOP is rooted in he showed up at a GOP rally, started reading his Ayn Rand nonsense, and the local party regulars, who are mostly just interested in keeping offices like Forest Preserve Board and County Assessor in GOP hands looked at him like he was some kind of mutant?

Sorry, dude, that's politics. You get to make policies by winning elections and holding offices.
I went back and watched the Reagan/Carter debates before the 2012 elections and seen that we are still in the same place as we were then with same problems. Not much has changed in the last 30+ years.

This is interesting, could you expand? When you say "with the same problems", do you mean in terms of what the country is facing or in terms of the behavior of our so-called "leaders"?

On one hand, I guess it would be a little comforting to know that DC is no more dysfunctional than then, but on the other it's hard to see how that could be. All I see, at least for the most part, is a bunch of narcissistic liars running around trying to out-lie each other.

The stars of "Duck Dynasty" might be America's most popular TV family, but that could change very soon — because Phil Robertson has made some seriously divisive anti-gay remarks that have sparked instant backlash.

Speaking with GQ, Robertson lamented that when "everything is blurred on what's right and what's wrong ... sin becomes fine." So just what qualifies as sinful in his book?

"Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there — bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men," he declared.

Phil probably should have cut himself off at this point (considering he's a national TV star), but instead he paraphrased Corinthians. "Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God," he warned. "Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."

What's more, according to him, it's basically incomprehensible. "It seems to me, a vagina — as a man — would be more desirable than a man's anus," he explained. "That's just me. I'm just thinking, 'There's more there! She's got more to offer.' I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It's not logical, my man. It's just not logical."

'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks | Yahoo TV - Yahoo TV

Reading this, I feel this the same kind of drama that some liberal media is known for. Wasn't there outcry from some liberals when Miss California was also asked her honest opinion? In my opinion, GLAAD is becoming the obnoxious drama queen that everyone wants to ignore, and it is hurting the image of homosexuals as a group.
Oh whatever. Did anyone really think they felt otherwise? The show's still plenty entertaining.
Oh whatever. Did anyone really think they felt otherwise? The show's still plenty entertaining.

The show is pretty good.

It's just so stupid how some of these people ask a man what he believes (when they know darn well what he believes) and then when he gives his honest answer they then fly upon him in a wicked rage and try to destroy his livelihood. I don't read the Bible much, but my memory tells me there was a word for people like that in it.

Mr. Robertson has an opinion, and Americans should be allowed to have one without the threat of their livelihoods being ravaged. All for giving an honest opinion when asked.
Oh whatever. Did anyone really think they felt otherwise? The show's still plenty entertaining.

The show is pretty good.

It's just so stupid how some of these people ask a man what he believes (when they know darn well what he believes) and then when he gives his honest answer they then fly upon him in a wicked rage and try to destroy his livelihood. I don't read the Bible much, but my memory tells me there was a word for people like that in it.

Mr. Robertson has an opinion, and Americans should be allowed to have one without the threat of their livelihoods being ravaged. All for giving an honest opinion when asked.

Try that with your wife, boss or anyone in a position of authority.

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