'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

@ #27.

I already quoted that. He's not back-peddling.
remember when people were entitled to their own opinions in America? also kind of strange that the acceptable attitudes are, I don't like your opinion or perspctive on things so I am going to boycott and call for others to boycott your products or services. then in the next breath, you don't like my opinions or perspectives but i am still going to force you to supply your products or services to me. WTF is up with that?
It's more like he is trying to point out that he was once at the bottom and chose Jesus as his savior. Therefore it is possible for others to do so too. There's no endorsement of homosexuality. It's just more of the same "love the sinner, hate the sin" that so many have already said.
Oh whatever. Did anyone really think they felt otherwise? The show's still plenty entertaining.

Yes, I actually watch it every once in a while to see what stupid thing they do next.
Watching you right back pal.
Phil craps bigger than you.
It's a free country. Phil was asked his opinion and he expressed it. Simple.
Go fuck yourselves...........where all you LIBs like it best. Just wash it off afterwards OK?

You seem upset. Didn't say I didn't like the show...I actually do. But if you don't think it's about showcasing some stupid situation (like when they bought a vineyard one week and didn't know what to do with it or when Uncle Si what riding on a quad on the trailer because someone had wicked farts in the RV) then you are not very bright.
remember when people were entitled to their own opinions in America? also kind of strange that the acceptable attitudes are, I don't like your opinion or perspctive on things so I am going to boycott and call for others to boycott your products or services. then in the next breath, you don't like my opinions or perspectives but i am still going to force you to supply your products or services to me. WTF is up with that?

Boycott? One can only buy so many duck callers, you know.
One of the comments in the article rings particularly loud:

Put all religious implications aside and analyze this situation from a logical perspective. People who are against homosexuality have every right to speak their mind about it as much as those who support it. The media and most supporters of the homosexual lifestyle would have you believe that everyone is required to support it and anyone who doesn't is wrong. It is well within the legal rights of those who don't support the LGBT lifestyle to express their opinions. This is a terrible article and is too biased. I don't really watch Duck Dynasty but no one affiliated with the show should have to sever ties with the Robertson family.

This one, too:

Phil is just as entitled to his opinion as is GLAAD. Boy, how I wish we lived in an America where there was freedom of speech. OOPS! Phil isn't forcing his way of thinking on anyone, he is just openly and honestly divulging his interpretation of the Christian Bible on that subject. It is not like he is a government that wants to eradicate homosexuals, or that he even said that he hated them. He said, "Hate the sin, love the sinner." That is Christian. I haven't met too many Christian preachers that say that homosexuality isn't a sin in the Bible.

Could I have your thoughts on these two quotes please?
remember when people were entitled to their own opinions in America? also kind of strange that the acceptable attitudes are, I don't like your opinion or perspctive on things so I am going to boycott and call for others to boycott your products or services. then in the next breath, you don't like my opinions or perspectives but i am still going to force you to supply your products or services to me. WTF is up with that?

Boycott? One can only buy so many duck callers, you know.

Are you drunk already, Bodey?...


How can we as a nation have a bi-line of "All men are created equal" if we restrict the rights of individuals based on color, religion and sexual orientation?
How can we as a nation have a bi-line of "All men are created equal" if we restrict the rights of individuals based on color, religion and sexual orientation?

At what point does this guys opinion restrict the rights of individuals based on anything?

He's saying its wrong and sinful, nothing more.
How can we as a nation have a bi-line of "All men are created equal" if we restrict the rights of individuals based on color, religion and sexual orientation?

At what point does this guys opinion restrict the rights of individuals based on anything?

He's saying its wrong and sinful, nothing more.

I agree.....this should be no big thing....just consider the source, folks.
How can we as a nation have a bi-line of "All men are created equal" if we restrict the rights of individuals based on color, religion and sexual orientation?

At what point does this guys opinion restrict the rights of individuals based on anything?

He's saying its wrong and sinful, nothing more.

it's not the opinion of one man I am talking about.
Of course the hilarious part is thanks to the LIB media the few people who haven't tuned in will. Way to go LIBs. We can always count on you to promote the REPs. Like the morons on MSNBS who run a non-stop "have you watched what happened on Fox last night" infomercial.
How can we as a nation have a bi-line of "All men are created equal" if we restrict the rights of individuals based on color, religion and sexual orientation?

The same way we restrict rights based on mental disease or defect. Sexual orientation is a right but behavior is not and we restrict behavior all the time.
How can we as a nation have a bi-line of "All men are created equal" if we restrict the rights of individuals based on color, religion and sexual orientation?

The same way we restrict rights based on mental disease or defect. Sexual orientation is a right but behavior is not and we restrict behavior all the time.

That is progressive when trying to legislate morality..
As a bisexual I agree our inclination to being overly politically correct has gotten out of hand. Anyone who raises an eyebrow for this sort of thing needs to spend 5 minutes reading around on this website to develop a much-needed thicker skin. :)

If we're going to have a 1st Amendment, some of us need to learn how to say "So what?"

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell

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